1 day FREE movie: WHAT is a WOMAN
This is important: transitioning kids (especially with autism), is part of the freemasonic global government.
Free full movie here:
Twitter agreed to promote the 24 hour free show
Then backed down and classified it as hate speech
Then Elon published it in his twitter for the sake of free speech and because he considers that children shouldn’t be mutilated because of transitioning
Director of censorship resigned
Because of gender ideology, real women are being raped by real men who say they are women: in prisons, in bathrooms, in locker rooms, etc. Even more, in countries with laws extra-penalizing “violence against women”, that case does not qualify because there is no lesbian rape!
EXCLUSIVE: 'We're uncomfortable in our own locker room.' Lia Thomas' UPenn teammate tells how the trans swimmer doesn't always cover up her male genitals when changing and their concerns go ignored by their coach
One of Lia Thomas' teammates tells DailyMail.com they feel uncomfortable sharing a locker room with the transgender UPenn swimmer
'It's definitely awkward because Lia still has male body parts and is still attracted to women,' she said
The swimmer said that multiple teammates have raised their concerns with their coach, trying to get Thomas ousted from the female locker room
'We were basically told that we could not ostracize Lia by not having her in the locker room and that there's nothing we can do about it,' she said
The teammate added that Thomas appears to enjoy all the attention and said it affects the team more than it does her
Thomas previously competed on UPenn men's swim team for three years as Will before transitioning in 2019
Empowerment: Logan Brown: “I’m a pregnant trans man and I do exist. No matter what anyone says, I am literally living proof”. GLAMOUR’s Pride coverstar talks queer love, dealing with transphobia and his journey to parenthood. 1
1 https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/logan-brown-interview-2023
Thank you for sharing this.
I have a 16 year old with Autism, he came home from school and told me he was gender neutral and pansexual. Very lucky for me I was I the process of finding God, and my sixteen year old and I are very close, it was tuff to change his mind at first, but we found God together, and I know for sure that gender transformation will not affect my son. He made some friends during our fight with this thing that were not so lucky! We have decided that public school is not for him, recently I had him take all of the GED pre tests, he passed in the High 90% range. At 16 a teen can obtain there GED and start taking collage courses. I put this out here just in case there are any parents struggling with this same issue, there is a way to fight back. God bless.