No Free Speech without Reach
Please, share your censorship experience in the comments section.
No reach? No freedom of speech!
18 Nov 2022. Elon Musk: “New Twitter policy is freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach. Negative/hate tweets will be max deboosted & demonetized, so no ads or other revenue to Twitter. You won’t find the tweet unless you specifically seek it out, which is no different from rest of Internet.”
X doesn’t want freedom of reach: their algorithms automatically shadow-ban anti-narrative content. That means you might be the only one seeing your post and you might never find out why you had so little prints!
A message is like a bird
it dies in a cage!
On the other hand, they push pro-narrative twits on everyone’s feeds, even if untrue.
Suppose you start speaking your voice in a downtown corner but someone puts a dome on you so your voice doesn’t get out. Would that really be freedom of speech, when there’s no freedom of listening?
No free-reach? No free-speech!
Social media has been weaponized to isolate truth and socialize lies. Except maybe Gab, TruthSocial, and few others, social media has been changed into a censorship machine.
The same goes for the comments’ section of dominant media, especially if they use the Facebook plug in. Fortunately, the Disqus plug in isn’t moderated by a central algorithm, but by each website.
There’s no freedom of speech without freedom of reach!
Please share this concept in all platforms as if our lives depended on it, literally!
This is the link to this post:
Consider replying Elon Musk @elonmusk with #FreeReach here:
“Freedom of Reach” law
We need a law to open the digi-cage:
a) Open access: allowing social-media users to simultaneously cross-post in several platforms with only one post, and to build a feed from all the social-media platforms they want. This is extremely important because it deactivates powerful network-externalities pushing people into monopolies: if you can find the same content in every social platform, you lack the incentive to feed only from the largest one, thus saving time and effort! This should allow the smaller players like Gab to compete more fairly with giants like Facebook. Multi-platform data integration is the stone that allows David to beat Golliath!
Phone number portability was developed to guarantee fairer competition. Why don’t we have open access in social media? The large players have powerful corrupting lobbies in Congress!
b) Forbidding moderation, banning and shadow-banning of relevant posting, without proving it is not pertinent, and granting the right to include pertinent links … especially, of comments that allegedly “could potentially endanger the health of other users” (an automatic warning sign is enough!).
It’s more than proven that such an excuse was weaponized to block the dissemination of:
COVID USA origins:
30+ cures to COVID (some known even in January 2020):
Any message against lethal masking, swabbing and the year-tine (quaran-tine but for a year!)
Lethal effects of COVID injections
DNA biohacking through COVID injections (haccines)
Magnetization and Bluetooth Low Energy emissions after injections or swabbing (that’s why spit testing was not authorized)
The law should make clear that, except insults and and derogatory comments, nothing else should be classified as “hate speech”. The concept has been weaponized to include anything (even if truthful) against woke ideologies like gender ideology, identity politics, transectionalism, (un)reproductive “rights”, etc.
The law should also include:
When blocking accounts or posts, burden of proof on the corporation, not the user
Fast case resolution through tight deadlines
The comment stays until the appeal is solved. Likewise for banning accounts.
Appeal escalation outside the corporation, including consumer-protection NGOs and 3 branches of government
Escalated financial punishment to censoring: that money could pay the controlling NGOs.
By the way, we also need laws to allow the inclusion of dissenting science/voices against school and university narratives, especially if government funded!
More ideas? You could share your censorship experience in the comments at bottom.
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Class actions against censorship
I’ve personally experienced censorship from:
Gmail (sometimes, even read-receipt emails don’t bounce back and the person confirms no reception through WhatsApp)
GoogleGroups (many not receiving emails in the list)
Apple’s iCloud (banns emails with blacklisted links to alleging “malware”, which reminds me of my research pdf having been classified as malware by 3 out of 7 virus databases: another weaponization of “malware”)
I can add to those badges of honor, that I’ve been banned from
Quora (4x)
Linkedin (3x)
My anti-narrative posts been blocked or shadow-banned by:
X (will post about the real Elon, soon)
Telegram (beware of the idiotic bots)
Even Substack: a unique woke moderator acting in an official Substack page erased all of my comments!
We need many class actions against censorship! If you are a class action attorney write to me, I could give you some ideas, like starting with Linkedin, where there’s business and professional damages because of erasing your contacts and business articles without prior warning and back-up.
Thank you, really!
Especially for those that my thanking email never went through!
Paid or not, thank you all for your support, especially prayers!
When the light of love, truth and faith flickers, darkness grows. The unbound evil we are seeing in the physical world is just a reflection a meta-physical battle, the real cause. Let’s pray for all! God will repay prayers 100 to 1.
If you don’t believe in anything, please consider prayers for you as “good vibes” =)
For those with a paid subscription, another “thank you”, from the heart. No matter how small, it means a lot! … and allows me to dedicate more time deepen the research and increase reports (I am about to release several unseen intel… nowhere in the net!)
Homage to founding members
Sarah HVNS
"Thank you! I’m glad to subscribe"
Homage to paid subscribers
Thank you for your financial support and encouraging comments!
"It takes brave men and women to address the issues that the scientific and medical establishment wont. Shame on them all for being complicit in crimes against humanity. God will serve judgement on them. Stay strong - Stay Free "
"I find it alot of truth in what I have been reading. You have peaked my interest and trying to wake the masses myself. I will be documenting and and footnoting all my research so people can go research for themselves. God Bless ya and the work you do. Thank you"
"What I have read and seen so far I hope I can find some solutions and more understanding of a very complex and complicated subject affecting life on earth."
"excellent research"
"I like your empirical approach to arguments. While I am emotional, I don’t like to base my views on emotion, but on evidence-supported emotion. "
"Seeing the post on how people died of the vaccine. Then spillovers on purpose AIDS to Africa. The start of this in 1962. Paperclip after WWII Japan's Bioweapon Scientist (Book) came to the US. Not pessimistic I can now understand how the people after hundreds of years. They only won their freedom because of the first Dark Ages. Your works gives me hope a second one is not required."
"Your work is extremely important! The truth matters! Science matters! Thank you for your reports!"
"Data filled with the facts; articles produced at the right time telling the public the truth regarding a current chaos created by the government and greedy globalists. Thank you."
"Like my Reply comment said, This is the first time I have read comments from someone with what I Discern to have a High degree of Intellect and yet who sees beyond what the physical eyes reveal and truly sees where the "Ordo Ab Chao", Chaos, Lies and Deceptions originate from. Mahalo, Aloha & God Bless, kyle"
Lorraine (RN)
"Knowledge is power and your fact based research is powerful to inform Thank you for investing in our future freedom. "
"you come highly recommended"
Never forget
"The tag line of science vs whore science hopes you are not pulling punches."
Dying on This hill
"We must have science that is not corrupted. Here's my rant about the scientific study that must be done re: consciousness and how it could be done. (The AWARE study I consider a 6th grade science project that I believe was controlled opposition) Start at 6:15 and put speed at 1:25 or 1:50. Wild speculation worth considering."
"Really important that we remove the gangster government and take back our country. Love your work!"
"valuable information and insight"
Thanks also to those not leaving comments in their subscriptions: Debbie, CM, ValueFocused, Quiltlady.
ツ Coffee
Free subscribers: please consider to “Buy me a coffee” once in a while ツ
Freedom of reach IS freedom of speech. It is meaningless to say, Sure! You have freedom of speech! But You get to stand over there in the corner, turn to face it, and whisper really softly. Freedom of speech means the freedom to say what You want in the public square. And if someOne does not want to hear, it is upon Them to go elsewhere.
Recommended Principles for Ethical Sovereigns (article):
I once served on an advisory committee to the Democrat-controlled House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis from which position I repeatedly told the Committee that there was no such crisis. This being contrary to the narrative being pushed by the Democrats on the Committee, they silenced me by engineering my expulsion from my unpaid job as advisor to them.
Terry Oldberg
Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher
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