Summary: when the World Economic Forum censors its own web, it means something is definitely going on.
Warning: the apps haven’t been scientifically tested so far. Readings could be unreliable. If you have access to an oscilloscope and other testing equipment, please corroborate the data and write in comments.
If the data is checked, this could be a method to wake-up those around you:
Ask them to install an ultrasound detector (like the one from Gudkov in Android)
Ask them to explain why our phones seem to constantly be emitting ultrasonic attacks.
UltraSonic attacks?
WEF self-fulfilled prophecy?
7 Nov 2018 the WEF’s annual meeting of the Global Future Councils has a scientist talk about “Mind control using sound waves... How it works”:
“… this technique for altering our brain waves escapes regulation… change the way its citizens think or behave”
“… focus ultrasound waves into a region in the brain so that they all gather in a small spot... given the right set of parameters, this can change the activity of the neurons... kill them. But if you want to selectively promote or block the neuronal activity, you need to fine-tune your ultrasound waves carefully.”
“… ultrasound neuromodulation, which is aimed at controlling neuronal activity... definitely works”
“… the brain is the de facto centre of decision for so many processes, any of them could be targeted.“
“… it's important that the focus of the ultrasound, frequency and amplitude are properly tuned, or the brain can potentially be damaged … our current approach is not that far off from fiddling around with the settings on a radio until we hear the right station.”
“… controlling neurons with these sound waves, as opposed to damaging them. The truth is that we still don’t know how the process works. And if you don’t know how it works, you don’t know how much is ‘too much’.”
“… it can get you addicted, and it can kill you. … it’s difficult to assess what will be acceptable tomorrow that is not today.”
“I can see the day coming where a scientist will be able to control what a person sees in their mind's eye, by sending the right waves to the right place in their brain. My guess is that most objections will be similar to those we hear today about subliminal messages in advertisements, only much more vehement.”
“… a perfect controlling tool with which the ruthless control the weak. This time though, the control would be literal.”
“Some of us (scientists) will go as far as we can get away with.”2
Feb 2022 Engineer Diego Barrientos detected sonic attacks through smartphones3, by using the Android app UltraSound Detector by S. Gudkov (anybody could confirm this in their phones).
29 Mar 2022. The following images, reported by hundreds of users of that app, were screen captured from an Android phone: 4
The first image shows a pulsating pattern and last one, that patterns are artificially arranged along spectrum. Peaks reached 60 dBLSPL. It’s not rare that the attacks are over 50 db.
These measurements could be checked with other apps like Spectroid or Ultrasonic detector by DEJ Technology GmbH. If you find similar or different results, please write in comments below.
Theories explaining ultrasonic attacks:
1. Neuro-modulation
Mass psychosis induction
“Human brain waves occur at very low relative frequencies. If one wishes to interact with human emotions and thoughts with microwaves, then I suspect it would most likely be done with "beat frequencies," or interference patterns between two or more high frequency EM waves.
For example, combine 3,000,000,000 Hz and 3,000,000,050 Hz from two transmitters. The nervous system should have a net 50 Hz signal induced. Much like the binaural beats used in brain hemisphere synchronization, which uses sound from headphones.
An induced 50Hz signal is in the Gamma brain wave range, which would likely stress people out, preventing restful sleep, and eventually ruin human health, given constant exposure. I know stressed out people can become delusional, which may help explain some of the mass formation psychosis.” 1
2. Interaction with micro-routers
They may be a protocol to communicate with the injected routers. They excite graphene particles, causing injuries and powering the routers.
3. Irritating people's minds
If we could hear ultrasound it would be like a constant piercing acute sound: this would drive anyone crazy, permanently irritated, bad temper, lack of sleep, lack of deep sleep, long-term health problems, etc.
4. Female infertility and miscarriages
They may cause female infertility and implantation problems, including ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages?
5. Ultrasound sterilizes men
Two 15- minute treatments with 3 MHz ultrasound at 2.2 W/cm2 through degassed 3% saline water at 37°C. 5 Now 4 minutes every two months is enough. 6 Microwaves and infrared, which were also detected from phones, have a synergistic effect to reduce fertility by heating the testicles. 7
Microwaves and ultrasound enhance ionizing radiation, which was proven to come from satellites, causing hyperthermia of the testes. 8
Seminiferous tubules (tubes of the testis) before (left) and after (right) ultrasound
6. Ultrasound harms the preborn babies
Ultrasound causes harm to the unborn baby in the first trimester.
Ultrasound causes harmful effects on tissue. 9 Biological effects of ultrasound are dose-dependent.
Pulsed Doppler ultrasound should be used with extreme caution, especially the first weeks, when the baby is forming rapidly, according to the ALARA principle. 10 “First trimester ultrasound is associated with negligible rise in the thermal index. Increased acoustic output levels, as expressed by TI levels, are reached while performing obstetrical Doppler studies: may reach above 1.5 (a known hazard). The mechanical index (MI) indicates the potential for the ultrasound to induce inertial cavitation in tissues.” 11: “the creation of gas bubbles (cavitation) during ultrasound exposure is more likely to occur at lower rather than higher frequencies. Upon collapsing, such bubbles can induce haemorrhage (by the rupture of cells or tissues). Thus, acoustic inertial cavitation secondary to a 220-kHz MRI-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) surgery is a serious safety issue… 220-kHz ultrasound is capable of inducing a thermal lesion in the brain of living swines without hemorrhage. Although the same acoustic energy can induce either a hemorrhage or a thermal lesion…” 12 High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU or MRgFUS) serves for surgery (ablation) 13
Ultrasound causes brain damage even to the point of autism: “exposure to first trimester ultrasound had significantly decreased non-verbal IQ and increased repetitive behaviors relative to male children with ASD”. 14
“The neurons that form the brain are being developed, and they form in one area of the central nervous system and then have to travel to other places: mouse models suggest that, if you heat up the tissue and put pressure on it (while this is happening), they may end up in the wrong place… prolonged sound waves are causing atypical cell division and migration.” 15 FDA approved ultrasound for bone fractures because it increases cell division.” 16
“An Australian study on 1400 pregnant women showed that those who had 5 monthly ultrasound tests, as compared to women who only had one, gave birth lower weight babies, mostly left handed. Canadian Medical Association’s Journal showed that in a study of 72 children with delayed speech disorder, more than 70% of the children were exposed to frequent ultrasounds during pregnancy. A study from Switzerland showed that mice who were exposed to extreme amounts of ultrasound during pregnancy birth mice that acted abnormally, not as explorative as the control group. Once matured they had difficulty in learning patterns, it took them more repetitions of simple tasks to learn that the task was always rewarded.” 17
WHO: “the mean length of infants exposed to Doppler was 0.26 cm shorter… lower intellectual performance scores and an increased risk of subnormal performance… There was a statistically significant association between a higher number of ultrasound exposures (3 + vs. 1) and low birth weight (OR 1.27; 95% CI, 1.02–1.58). Mean length and head circumference… a weak association between exposure to ultrasonography and non-right handedness in boys” (hint for early brain damage). 18 65 studies mean a huge red alert. 19
The WEF announced the ultrasonic attack and then self-censored: this means that they will happen. There are several proven scientific explanations on how they’d be organized.
In this 5th gen war, advance military tech using ultrasound, infrasound, electric fields, EMF, ultraviolet, stroboscopy and subliminal sonic and screen messages could have subdued the masses into compliance.
If they are not happening already, it’s prudent to assume they will occur sooner or later and take precautions.
Ultrasonic pollution or attacks are the most probable cause for the global tinnitus epidemic. LED lamps were detected to emit ultrasounds. LED TVs were detected even when the screen was off.
Change LED, CFLs and fluorescent lights for the good old standard incandescent bulb or at least halogen incandescent. There’s reason they were banned in many countries and it has nothing to do with electric consumption (the CFLs used more glass, i.e. more cradle-tomb energy). There’s a reason the globalists are paying cities and even small towns to change the lighting for LED.
Phase out of incandescent light bulbs
Use ear-plugs and headset audio protection (like when going into an MRI scanner).
Turn off as much as possible (airplane mode doesn’t stop ultrasonic emissions) and charge phones and tablets far from your bed/room.
At night, unplug or, if not possible, at least switch off all electronic devices (TVs) and led lights. Even better: kill everything in the switch box (or just leave the heating if it uses an electric pump).
Plug headphone/earphones in your phone but don’t place them in your ears: some are incapable of generating ultrasounds, and if they are, it’s muffled. You can just cut the wire of an old earphone and use the mini-plug constantly, lifting it only for speaker phone calls or hearing audios. Leave a little ire tail to stick it to the phone case so you don’t lose it when unplugged for listening when you need.
There are several apps to switch from the speakers to the earphones or Bluetooth phones, but none worked without the phone-jack plugged or the Bluetooth working. If you find any with such solution, even rooting, please report in comments.
Avoid earphones but if you can’t, never ever use Bluetooth earphones / airpods, replace the wired earphones by the air tube ones, like the ones from
1 Chris Wyma Apr 13
4 by Prof. Federico Nazar (the latter on 19 Mar)
5 Funded by the Parsemus Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation:
Tsuruta, J.K., Dayton, P.A., Gallippi, C.M. et al. Therapeutic ultrasound as a potential male contraceptive: power, frequency and temperature required to deplete rat testes of meiotic cells and epididymides of sperm determined using a commercially available system. 13 Jul 2011 Reprod Biol Endocrinol 10, 7 (2012).
Fahim, M. S., Fahim, Z., Harman, J., Thompson, I., Montie, J., & Hall, D. G. (1977). Ultrasound as a new method of male contraception. Fertility and sterility, 28(8), 823–831.
Mosinger, M., Imbert, R., & De Bisschop, G. Le role de l'hyperthermie segmentaire en médecine physique; etude comparative des effets dus aux rayons infra-rouges, ondes centimétriques et ultra-sons [Role of segmental hyperthermia in physical medicine; comparative study of the effects due to infrared rays, microwaves and ultrasounds]. 1958 Journal de radiologie, d'electrologie & archives d'electricite medicale, 39(11), 798–803.
7 Fahim, M. S., Fahim, Z., Der, R., Hall, D. G., & Harman, J. Heat in male contraception (hot water 60 degrees C, infrared, microwave, and ultrasound). 1975 Contraception, 11(5), 549–562.
8 Abadir, R., Harman, J., & Fahim, M. Enhancement of ionizing radiation effect on the testes of rats by microwave or ultrasound-induced hyperthermia. 1979 Journal of medicine, 10(1-2), 1–12.
Kandeel, F. R., & Swerdloff, R. S. Role of temperature in regulation of spermatogenesis and the use of heating as a method for contraception. 1988 Fertility and sterility, 49(1), 1–23.
9 Houston, L. E., Odibo, A. O., & Macones, G. A. The safety of obstetrical ultrasound: a review. 2009 Prenatal diagnosis, 29(13), 1204–1212.
10 Salvesen KA, Lees C. Ultrasound is not unsound, but safety is an issue. 2009 Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology : the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 33(5), 502–505.
Merritt CRB, Kremkau FW, Hobbins JC. Diagnostic ultrasound: bioeffects and safety. 1 Sep 1992 Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology Volume2, Issue5 Pages 366-374
11 Charach, R., Abramowicz, J., Shoham-Vardi, I., & Sheiner, E. ["Is it safe for my baby?" acoustic exposure of diagnostic ultrasound] Jul 2011 Harefuah, 150(7), 588–616.
Kurjak A. Are color and pulsed Doppler sonography safe in early pregnancy? Jan 1999 Journal of perinatal medicine, 27(6), 423–430.
Smith, S. F., Miloro, P., Axell, R., Ter Haar, G., & Lees, C. In vitro characterisation of ultrasound-induced heating effects in the mother and fetus: A clinical perspective. May 2021 Ultrasound (Leeds, England), 29(2), 73–82.
Helmy, S., Bader, Y., Koch, M., Tiringer, D., & Kollmann, C. Measurement of Thermal Effects of Doppler Ultrasound: An In Vitro Study. 2015 PloS one, 10(8), e0135717.
12 Xu Z, Carlson C, et al. Intracranial inertial cavitation threshold and thermal ablation lesion creation using MRI-guided 220-kHz focused ultrasound surgery: preclinical investigation. Jan 2015 Journal of neurosurgery, 122(1), 152–161.
13 Clark NA, Mumford SL, et al. Reproductive impact of MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery for fibroids: a systematic review of the evidence. Jun 2014 Current opinion in obstetrics & gynecology, 26(3), 151–161.
Bohlmann MK, Hoellen F, et al. High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablation of Uterine Fibroids - Potential Impact on Fertility and Pregnancy Outcome. 2014 Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 74(2), 139–145.
14 Webb, S. J., Garrison, M. M., Bernier, R., McClintic, A. M., King, B. H., & Mourad, P. D. Severity of ASD symptoms and their correlation with the presence of copy number variations and exposure to first trimester ultrasound. Mar 2017 Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research, 10(3), 472–484.
16 Galkowski V, Petrisor B, et al. Bone stimulation for fracture healing: What's all the fuss? 2009 Indian J Orthop. Apr-Jun; 43(2): 117–120.
18 Torloni, M.R., Vedmedovska, N., et al. Safety of ultrasonography in pregnancy: WHO systematic review of the literature and meta‐analysis. 17 Mar 2009 Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 33.
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Most important: let’s keep praying for each other and the conversion of our enemies!
A few days ago, I was awake by 3 o'clock in the morning reading stuff on the internet, when I noticed a ringing in my ears, more like a faint howling. The sound was coming from outside. I turned off everything and listened to it.
It went on for ◠◡ 10 minutes, then paused for less than a minute, then started again. I recorded it at 88.2 kHz/24bit, capturing quite clearly the moment it stopped. The signal is peaking at 350Hz, not outside the audible spectrum. I used an equalizer to dampen the other noises. I have no idea what purpose this noise may have or who/where/why generates it and it is not very often that I'm awake at that time, but I'll see if it happens again.
Location South London, UK.
Isn’t it fascinating that these scientists seem to know what occurs in the deepest recesses of the brain and yet have no answer to how to cure motor neuron disease, MS, Parkinson’s disease, glioblastoma or Alzheimer’s. I for one think they are full of beans, fakes.