George Watts v DOD case dismissed by federal court claiming "sovereign immunity".
The court ruled that the government is above the law and can kill you or your child by lying and forcing injections of poison on them under fake pretenses of a "public health crisis".
This Court just ruled that if the Defense Secretary (or any other political position to the level of Secretary) could poison millions (for example in the water reservoir under a false pretext) and not be prosecuted because of "sovereign immunity". Wait! they are already doing it with water fluoridation !
Are we helpless slaves against our masters that we are "allowed" to vote every 2 or 4 years?
It's time to think out of the box (i.e. slave cage, the most terrible one, a self-accepted mental cage).
My comment to the article analyzing the case: -
The court ruling is available here. It’s 2 pages long.
First, I would like to state that my heart breaks for the Watts family. I cannot imagine the pain they have been going through. I hope that you will join me in praying for them, for solace and comfort in their unfathomable grief.
I have written about this case previously. The family of George…
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