Not only do we need justice, it's absolutely necessary to our survival or it will send the message that it's okay to murder anyone who they feel like without fear of retribution. Remember the talks of Death Panels under Obama? That's essentially what we had. Patients who weren't vaccinated were treated differently in the hospitals than those who were. They nearly murdered my daughter, but my 37 years of nursing experience kept that from happening. I got her out of there before I would let them carry out their plan, and they weren't happy about it. What was worse is the amount of lies they had put in her chart to try and justify their actions. The Nursing Board in KY is trying to get a bill passed in the legislature granting immunity from criminal action to medical providers. Per the bill- " a health care provider shall
be immune from criminal liability for any harm or damages alleged to arise from
an act or omission relating to the provision of health services". Think they didn't know what they were doing?
You can’t apologize your way out of this! I’ve been disowned by more than 90% of my closest friends and family members because of this Covid-19 bullshit. I couldn’t go to family functions because I’m not vaccinated. They drew the line in the sand, not me! At this point I’m moving on without them. I will never ever forget what they have done to me...
Those deluded are not necessarily mean. Waking up is a process that takes more time, the more censorship, the more trust in authority and the more obedience without questioning.:
• Some have more access to information than others.
• Some love reading, while others hate it.
• Some want raw data to be able to drive their own conclusions, while others were used to social and mainstream media baby food, their entire life.
• Some have better search skills.
• Some understand biosciences better than others.
Those who woke up first are one of a kind.
1. They were immune to high-tech subliminal bombardment: speed-refresh screens, ultrasound, electric pulses, infrared and ultraviolet stroboscopy and other techs.
2. They stood up to the tremendous social, economic, political and spiritual pressure of the mass formation strategies designed by hundreds of the most “clever” social scientists working for governments and Tavistock.
3. They proved to be the best of the human race. They had character to stand their ground and fight for all, when everyone was saving themselves, even if it meant stamping their boots on your face.
Understanding what really happened can help to have more mercy and forgive those deserving to be forgiven. Yet, if we don't stand strong on the 7 conditions for a real apology, prepare for the next phases of their plan.
Apologies? Suing? Nothing seems to be enough. Human justice will never capable of redressing injustice. There’s never enough. Nothing can completely fix the inflicted suffering and death. Those who lost someone they loved are heart broken, or even filled with anger and desire for revenge.
Apart from the FLCCC post-vax protocol, in the vax injured groups in Telegram, there are many doctor-guided science-based alternative treatments with low side effects, which are reported successful. Many live, many reduce disabilities to a more manageable or bearing level but remain handicapped, still, some die.
For those who lost their loved ones, there's no reparation which could fill their wounded hearts, except forgiving those who ask for forgiveness. Otherwise, we carry a heavy burden in our hearts, pierced by the thorn of anger and revenge, every single time we don’t let go. Anger is a heavy chain that prevents your soul to fly free, to be happy. Hating them is hurting you, not them. We need to forgive those who apologize and show repentance. Hate strengthens the demonic powers behind them. Love, weakens the enemy, the real one: Satan. Hate hurts us all. Anger hurts the freedom movement.
Even perfect human justice has always some injustice that can’t be humanly fixed. Our hearts’ desire for perfect justice can only be attained by Divine Justice, karma or whatever you want to call it, in the afterlife.
Science gives reasons for hope. 100% certainty. Everything will be amended, everything will be more than fine: perfect. It’s 100% scientifically proven by dozens of peer-reviewed published papers with Near Death Experiences (NDEs), where people are reanimated after being clinically dead (no heart, no breathing, no brain activity), and come back from the other side to tell us what is waiting for us.
It’s very important that you watch the following videos about the blind seeing for the first time when they are dead. Also, the deaf, listening for the first time! Some, going to perfect bliss in love with their loved ones, while others, going to a hellish experience because they were not capable of forgiving or asking for forgiveness.
After reading this I have reconsidered my stance. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I’m a brain tumor survivor. I had a two inch tumor removed from my brain 4 years ago. By the grace of God I was given a second chance at life and I don’t want to squander it. It took me 28 months of intense physical and occupational therapy to learn how to read, write, talk and walk again. I was doing all of this during the height of the pandemic which made it twice as hard. Thank God I made a complete recovery and I went back to work on September 2021 I have so much to be grateful for. My stubbornness got the best of me… All my best ❤️🧠🙏🌲
And your family still shunned you over the vax? If true, that is heartbreaking. Nothing is unforgivable, that is the message of scripture. I will pray for you I have been through a shunning by my only child it hurts
I love what you have written and will watch the video. You don’t need my story, we have so many. But if God had not intervened I would still be in the grip of the enemy. Serving him as a useful idiot. Sometimes I pray many times a day, in the middle of the night, for the grace to forgive. He always gives it but that does not magically change me into an angel.
So I continue on this journey with Him…and others like you. There are many now.
Leaving my home of 30 years, and ex friends and neighbors don't seem to understand why I wont make small talk with them anymore. If I really told them why (because I think they will die unaturally soon, and because I think they will cave again to more jabs or masks or lockdowns), would they understand? Maybe I should just say it all, anyway. I have given up on them, cannot trust them, do not want to be around them. I am with you Victor.
It was a conscious decision that I had to make. One of the toughest decisions I’ve ever had to make. I decided to move on without them for my own well-being and peace of mind. I can only pray for them at this point. Sadly, though they drew the line in the sand, I’m just honoring it.
Now: Well damn, that RFK Jr was right about a lot of things.
The left says: well, he was right, let's vote for him since he'll save the planet from CO2.
The right says: well, let's vote for him because he's going to expose everything and fix everything.
Those who lust after power and control say: do we give one damn about whether a police state comes in through a viral emergency or a climate emergency? No, we do not.
RFK Jr is a climate fanatic. 100%. What emergency measures will a climate fanatic president enact "out of necessity" to save the very planet?
I'll give you a different perspective to think about. Recently there have been 2 mass shootings, one in Nashville which involved a Christian school and killed 3 children and 3 adults, and one this week in Louisville which is my hometown that occurred at a bank and killed 5 people and injured 2 police and 7 other bank employees. Everytime one of these occurs the media focuses on the shooter, the coverage is non-stop, the liberals start screaming about gun control, there will be some candle lighting and crosses, flowers and teddy bears laid outside the place the shooting occurred. Then memorials will be held, funeral services completed and life goes on. But what is the difference if the murder occurs with a gun or a medical treatment that the patient didn't want or even refused, that the person who forced the life ending treatment on the patient knew was sure to cause their death? How is that person any different than the deranged person who walks into a school and opens fire on a bunch of children? The outcome is the same. Except in the case of the school, those families got to have a funeral for their children. In the case of families whose loved ones were murdered in the hospital, early in the pandemic, many were denied the opportunity to even say goodbye or have a proper burial. Murder is murder when you have a drug company who pushed a vaccine that they knew had serious side effects for certain groups of people but withheld the data from the public. Murder is still murder when you have a president who forces people to take a vaccine against their will or give up their income and ability to support their family and that vaccine causes their death. We have to start pushing this narrative that mass murderers aren't just people carrying guns.
I agree 100% , they all should be held accountable and punished per their involvement and level of their contribution .All wealth and profits stripped and given as compensation to all who were impacted by there criminal actions
They most likely murdered most of my family and friends, with their lies.
We need justice.
Not only do we need justice, it's absolutely necessary to our survival or it will send the message that it's okay to murder anyone who they feel like without fear of retribution. Remember the talks of Death Panels under Obama? That's essentially what we had. Patients who weren't vaccinated were treated differently in the hospitals than those who were. They nearly murdered my daughter, but my 37 years of nursing experience kept that from happening. I got her out of there before I would let them carry out their plan, and they weren't happy about it. What was worse is the amount of lies they had put in her chart to try and justify their actions. The Nursing Board in KY is trying to get a bill passed in the legislature granting immunity from criminal action to medical providers. Per the bill- " a health care provider shall
be immune from criminal liability for any harm or damages alleged to arise from
an act or omission relating to the provision of health services". Think they didn't know what they were doing?
I am Canadian. My government wants to suicide us Seriously. MAID in Canada. And they have a death panel that decides.
"Don't want our gene therapy? You are sick. Here is a needle, kill yourself."
- Canadian Government
Murder number one:
You can’t apologize your way out of this! I’ve been disowned by more than 90% of my closest friends and family members because of this Covid-19 bullshit. I couldn’t go to family functions because I’m not vaccinated. They drew the line in the sand, not me! At this point I’m moving on without them. I will never ever forget what they have done to me...
No gain can fix pain.
Those deluded are not necessarily mean. Waking up is a process that takes more time, the more censorship, the more trust in authority and the more obedience without questioning.:
• Some have more access to information than others.
• Some love reading, while others hate it.
• Some want raw data to be able to drive their own conclusions, while others were used to social and mainstream media baby food, their entire life.
• Some have better search skills.
• Some understand biosciences better than others.
Those who woke up first are one of a kind.
1. They were immune to high-tech subliminal bombardment: speed-refresh screens, ultrasound, electric pulses, infrared and ultraviolet stroboscopy and other techs.
2. They stood up to the tremendous social, economic, political and spiritual pressure of the mass formation strategies designed by hundreds of the most “clever” social scientists working for governments and Tavistock.
3. They proved to be the best of the human race. They had character to stand their ground and fight for all, when everyone was saving themselves, even if it meant stamping their boots on your face.
Understanding what really happened can help to have more mercy and forgive those deserving to be forgiven. Yet, if we don't stand strong on the 7 conditions for a real apology, prepare for the next phases of their plan.
Apologies? Suing? Nothing seems to be enough. Human justice will never capable of redressing injustice. There’s never enough. Nothing can completely fix the inflicted suffering and death. Those who lost someone they loved are heart broken, or even filled with anger and desire for revenge.
Apart from the FLCCC post-vax protocol, in the vax injured groups in Telegram, there are many doctor-guided science-based alternative treatments with low side effects, which are reported successful. Many live, many reduce disabilities to a more manageable or bearing level but remain handicapped, still, some die.
For those who lost their loved ones, there's no reparation which could fill their wounded hearts, except forgiving those who ask for forgiveness. Otherwise, we carry a heavy burden in our hearts, pierced by the thorn of anger and revenge, every single time we don’t let go. Anger is a heavy chain that prevents your soul to fly free, to be happy. Hating them is hurting you, not them. We need to forgive those who apologize and show repentance. Hate strengthens the demonic powers behind them. Love, weakens the enemy, the real one: Satan. Hate hurts us all. Anger hurts the freedom movement.
Even perfect human justice has always some injustice that can’t be humanly fixed. Our hearts’ desire for perfect justice can only be attained by Divine Justice, karma or whatever you want to call it, in the afterlife.
Science gives reasons for hope. 100% certainty. Everything will be amended, everything will be more than fine: perfect. It’s 100% scientifically proven by dozens of peer-reviewed published papers with Near Death Experiences (NDEs), where people are reanimated after being clinically dead (no heart, no breathing, no brain activity), and come back from the other side to tell us what is waiting for us.
It’s very important that you watch the following videos about the blind seeing for the first time when they are dead. Also, the deaf, listening for the first time! Some, going to perfect bliss in love with their loved ones, while others, going to a hellish experience because they were not capable of forgiving or asking for forgiveness.
After reading this I have reconsidered my stance. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I’m a brain tumor survivor. I had a two inch tumor removed from my brain 4 years ago. By the grace of God I was given a second chance at life and I don’t want to squander it. It took me 28 months of intense physical and occupational therapy to learn how to read, write, talk and walk again. I was doing all of this during the height of the pandemic which made it twice as hard. Thank God I made a complete recovery and I went back to work on September 2021 I have so much to be grateful for. My stubbornness got the best of me… All my best ❤️🧠🙏🌲
Both of you have just taught me more about love and suffering than I knew and opened my heart to a size I didn’t think it could be. Thank you
And your family still shunned you over the vax? If true, that is heartbreaking. Nothing is unforgivable, that is the message of scripture. I will pray for you I have been through a shunning by my only child it hurts
My prayers are with you and your family Julie
I love what you have written and will watch the video. You don’t need my story, we have so many. But if God had not intervened I would still be in the grip of the enemy. Serving him as a useful idiot. Sometimes I pray many times a day, in the middle of the night, for the grace to forgive. He always gives it but that does not magically change me into an angel.
So I continue on this journey with Him…and others like you. There are many now.
Blessings from Sydney Australia.
Leaving my home of 30 years, and ex friends and neighbors don't seem to understand why I wont make small talk with them anymore. If I really told them why (because I think they will die unaturally soon, and because I think they will cave again to more jabs or masks or lockdowns), would they understand? Maybe I should just say it all, anyway. I have given up on them, cannot trust them, do not want to be around them. I am with you Victor.
It was a conscious decision that I had to make. One of the toughest decisions I’ve ever had to make. I decided to move on without them for my own well-being and peace of mind. I can only pray for them at this point. Sadly, though they drew the line in the sand, I’m just honoring it.
Then: RFK Jr is a crazy nut conspiracy theorist!
Now: Well damn, that RFK Jr was right about a lot of things.
The left says: well, he was right, let's vote for him since he'll save the planet from CO2.
The right says: well, let's vote for him because he's going to expose everything and fix everything.
Those who lust after power and control say: do we give one damn about whether a police state comes in through a viral emergency or a climate emergency? No, we do not.
RFK Jr is a climate fanatic. 100%. What emergency measures will a climate fanatic president enact "out of necessity" to save the very planet?
Loved it! Do you mind if I quote you in my book?
I'll give you a different perspective to think about. Recently there have been 2 mass shootings, one in Nashville which involved a Christian school and killed 3 children and 3 adults, and one this week in Louisville which is my hometown that occurred at a bank and killed 5 people and injured 2 police and 7 other bank employees. Everytime one of these occurs the media focuses on the shooter, the coverage is non-stop, the liberals start screaming about gun control, there will be some candle lighting and crosses, flowers and teddy bears laid outside the place the shooting occurred. Then memorials will be held, funeral services completed and life goes on. But what is the difference if the murder occurs with a gun or a medical treatment that the patient didn't want or even refused, that the person who forced the life ending treatment on the patient knew was sure to cause their death? How is that person any different than the deranged person who walks into a school and opens fire on a bunch of children? The outcome is the same. Except in the case of the school, those families got to have a funeral for their children. In the case of families whose loved ones were murdered in the hospital, early in the pandemic, many were denied the opportunity to even say goodbye or have a proper burial. Murder is murder when you have a drug company who pushed a vaccine that they knew had serious side effects for certain groups of people but withheld the data from the public. Murder is still murder when you have a president who forces people to take a vaccine against their will or give up their income and ability to support their family and that vaccine causes their death. We have to start pushing this narrative that mass murderers aren't just people carrying guns.
I agree 100% , they all should be held accountable and punished per their involvement and level of their contribution .All wealth and profits stripped and given as compensation to all who were impacted by there criminal actions
Where’s the “Scientific American” confession?
Justice. What apology? To whom?