Continued: if I were their parents I’d be ashamed to see myself as a complete failure. I’m sorry for those who have nothing to do with how terrible their children turned out. I know that we cannot make every aspect perfect for our babies. Yet, we can try as parents to ensure that they are not harmed by the actions of others.
Continued: if I were their parents I’d be ashamed to see myself as a complete failure. I’m sorry for those who have nothing to do with how terrible their children turned out. I know that we cannot make every aspect perfect for our babies. Yet, we can try as parents to ensure that they are not harmed by the actions of others.
Continued: if I were their parents I’d be ashamed to see myself as a complete failure. I’m sorry for those who have nothing to do with how terrible their children turned out. I know that we cannot make every aspect perfect for our babies. Yet, we can try as parents to ensure that they are not harmed by the actions of others.