Brock Chisholm, father of the WHO’s global pedophilia
Not a coincidence that Bill Gates was using pedo-pimp Jeffrey Epstein.
Why was a psychiatrist chosen to found and lead the World Health Organization?
Freudian psychiatrist Chisholm “developed his strong Marxist view that children should be raised in an "as intellectually free environment" as possible, independent of the ‘prejudices and biases’ ” of their parents, either political, moral or religious.1
Freud and Chisholm are grand-parents of toddler sex ed (Alfred C. Kinsey is the father of the ideological monster). As most masons, he was a doomster, depopster, social-Darwinist.
He was chosen to:
a) fill all top WHO positions with masons and
b) prepare the health framework for the global legalization of pedophilia, through:
An all-encompassing over-reaching fuzzy definition of health, enabling the WHO’s control on every single human, animal and plant activity.
A definition of mental health free from guilt (allegedly caused by parental, adult and religious guide), which would eventually lead to the destruction of parental authority / parental rights, and turning education into perversion schooling, through a wrong “right” of children’s self-determination and complete autonomy from parents and teachers.
Zero-guilt psychology was the perfect relativistic framework to normalize perversions such as pedophilia, considered just one sexual orientation towards age, among hundreds of others.
Note: guilt is the consequence of violating the moral rules of conscience engraved in every human being even before birth (defense of truth, justice, love and life by not lying, stealing, cheating, revenging, injuring, killing, etc.). The only solution to guilt is repentance: asking for forgiveness, feasible amendment of wrongs and self-determination to avoid repetition, including avoiding occasions nudging to the error.
Like a fever which helps the immune system get rid of a disease, guilt is the first step towards curing self-inflicted wounds, caused by immoral thoughts or actions. Killing or muffling the voice of conscience (guilt), does not heal the wound, which keeps bleeding wide open! Except scruples, denying guilt, does not lead to healing, but to new or deeper wounds by the repetition or worsening of self-injuring behavior, thus worsening mental disorders. Defining “sin” as a wilful thought or conduct violating natural law (universal laws of universal conscience), the solution to guilt isn’t denial of the concept of sin, but avoiding immoral behavior. They want to replace “No sinning, no guilt” with “No ‘sin’, no guilt”. ‘Zero guilt’ psychology is the exact opposite of mental health: mental derangement.2
1946. “Chisholm took his views to the international scene, becoming the Executive Secretary of the Interim Commission of the World Health Organization, based in Geneva, Switzerland. He was one of 16 (masonic) i international experts consulted in drafting the agency's first constitution. The WHO became a permanent UN fixture in April 1948, and Chisholm became the agency's first Director-General on a 46–2 vote until 1953 .
The WHO succeeded the League of Nations' Health Organization. Chisholm defined health for the WHO as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
1946. “Chisholm became an outspoken opponent of patriotism (NATIONalism). It was he, who successfully argued that the organization be called the “World” and not the “InterNATIONAL Health Organization.”3
1947. Context: the (masonic) American Education Fellowship (formerly known as the Progressive Education Association) called for the "establishment of a genuine world order, an order in which national sovereignty is subordinate to world authority…".4
1957. Chisholm served as president of the (masonic) World Federation of Mental Health.
1968. He was one of the signatories of the agreement to convene a convention for drafting a world constitution. As a result, for the first time in human history, a World Constituent Assembly convened to draft and adopt the Constitution for the Federation of Earth.5 The second masonic attempt for a global government after the League of Nations!
Chisholm's (masonic) awards:
1945: Medal of the Pasteur Institute
1950: "World Government News Medal" for his contribution to World Peace.
1953: Lasker Award
1957: Honorary President of the World Federalist Movement-Canada
1959: Humanist of the Year (American Humanist Association: “good without a God”)
1967: Companion of the Order of Canada
Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, of the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Public Health Association among others.“ 6
“Finest” quotes
This document is so compromising that it has been hidden, erased from the original DOI location. 7
He expands the line of thought of mason satanist Albert Pike, author of Morals and Dogma:
1945. “To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism and religious dogmas.” 8
Is 5:20 “Woe unto them who call evil good, and good evil …”
1946. … freedom, present in all children and known as innocence, has been destroyed or crippled by local certainties, by gods of local moralities, of local loyalty, of personal salvation (religion)
The reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of the old people, these are the belated objectives … for charting the changes of human behavior.
The only lowest common denominator of all civilizations and the only psychological force capable of producing these perversions is morality, the concept of right and wrong …
In the old Hebrew story God warns the first man and woman to have nothing to do with good and evil. It is interesting to note that as long ago as that, "good" is recognized as just as great a menace as "evil."
We have been very slow to rediscover this truth and to recognize the unnecessary and artificially imposed inferiority, guilt and fear, commonly known as sin, under which we have almost all labored and which produces so much of the social maladjustment and unhappiness in the world. For many generations we have bowed our necks to the yoke of the conviction of sin. We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers, our politicians, our priests, our newspapers and others with a vested interest in controlling us.
Thou shalt become as gods, "knowing good and evil," good and evil with which to keep children under control, with which to prevent free thinking, with which to impose local and familial and national loyalties and with which to blind children to their glorious intellectual heritage. Misguided by authoritarian dogma, bound by exclusive faith, stunted by inculcated loyalty, torn by frantic heresy, bedevilled by insistent schism, drugged by ecstatic experience, confused by conflicting certainty, bewildered by invented mystery, and loaded down by the weight of guilt and fear engendered by its own original promises, the unfortunate human race, deprived by these incubi of its only defences and its only reasons for striving, its reasoning power and its natural capacity to enjoy the satisfaction of its natural urges, struggles along under its ghastly self-imposed burden. The results, the inevitable results, are frustration, inferiority, neurosis and inability to enjoy living, to reason clearly or to make a world fit to live in.
… This can hardly possibly be a useful procedure from a racial point of view unless conceivably it could serve to reduce population pressures in some parts of the world. This end could surely be attained, however, in less painful ways and with better selection (of the fittest races) …
In that journal, another mason commented on Chisholm’s article:
I think that the peoples of the world would be less hesitant to become subjects of a world government eternally vigilant to maintain overwhelming destructive force, ready instantly to use every sanction and to destroy any who would again provoke war, if it were evident to the thoughtful among them that things other-wise were not going to go on much the same way that they have gone on up to' now; if, in other words, it were certain that this mighty garrison state which would exercise sovereignty over every person in the world was to be but a temporary precaution to protect the helpless while men of good will would be working out a fully civilized way of life for the peoples of the earth.
It is from the custodians of knowledge and those skilled in human techniques that the evidence of this benevolent probability must come. 9
1947. “There is an increasing appreciation, that it is necessary for all of us to become world citizens and to sacrifice much of our own national sovereignities.” 10
1948. “… ignore all sectional interests, all local or national loyalties, all matters of personal or individual prestige or advantage … ” 11
1949. “Conscience is what your mother told you before you were six years old.” 12
1954. “The people who have been taught to believe whatever they were told by their parents or their teachers are the people who are the menace to the world.” 13
1957. “No one can think about the future of mankind without recognizing that some kind of world organization, some kind of world government or confederation is both inevitable and desirable.
The health of a human being must take in his ability to function wholly in all circumstances – physical, mental and social. The truly healthy human being can use (..) his social equipment in a way that makes him a valuable member of the human race.”
Note: functioning well means not being affected by all the unreasonable cultural, familial, country, religious, or other spiritual influences and loyalties that distract from the task of being a well-functioning machine part.14
Fast Forward to present
Mason Lawrence Gostin confessed:
“Gates Foundation funding is vital if the WHO is to achieve its ambitious goals of eradicating polio and increasing the world's global health security capacity ... funding, private foundations can deviate from the global health agenda. The WHO should set its own priorities, but it is difficult to do so when funding is earmarked for specific projects chosen by the Gates Foundation ... most WHO funding (around 80%) is earmarked for specific projects, while certain mandatory mandates remain unfulfilled.” 15
It’s not a coincidence that mason Bill Gates was using the services of mason pedo-pimp Jeffrey Epstein.
By the way, all those secret flights to lolita island are never counted in carbon footprint. Do you think that Trump will release the full records considering that hotshots like Bill Clinton are involved?
2That, from the natural perspective. Taking account the supernatural, many mental disorders are misdiagnosis of satanic infestation or even possession. No psychiatrist would be able to treat that, only exorcists. The simplest way to prove demonic attachment is a drop of Catholic or Orthodox holy water (or salt), without the person knowing of it, even if it touches the clothes.
3Farley, John. Brock Chisholm, the World Health Organization, and the Cold War. 2008
7Chisholm, G. Brock. The Reëstablishment of Peacetime Society - The Role of Psychiatry. Feb 1946. The William Alanson White Memorial Lectures, Second Series. Psychiatry, Vol 9 Is 1, 1–36. Online: 11 Nov 2016 3 Aug 2016. Unusually replaced by: 11 Nov 2016
8 Misattributed to the lecture, “The psychiatry of enduring peace and social progress” of Dr. Brock Chisolm. (The William Alanson White memorial lectures). Psychiatry Journal; 1st standard Edition edition, Feb 1946 ASIN: B0007IV8WY
Yet, not found in the Second Series (next footnote), which means it could be in the First Series: “This Is the second series of WUilam Alanson White Memorial Lectures. The first of these two lectures was given ln Washington, D. C., at the Auditorium of the New Interior Department BuUdlng, 23 October (1945). The Honorables, the Secretary of Commerce, the Federal Security Administrator, and the Deputy Director of War Mobilization and Reconversion, participated in panel discussion with Drs. Chisholm, Ross McClure Chapman, Samuel w. HamUton, and Daniel Blain, at the same place the succeeding evening. The second lecture was given In New York City at the Academy of Medicine, 29 October 1945. Honorable Jerome N. Frank, U. S. Clrcult Court of Appeals Judge, spoke ln discussion.”
Interestingly thie First Series have been erased: : “The item you have requested had an error: Item cannot be found. which prevents us from displaying this page. Items may be taken down for various reasons, including by decision of the uploader or due to a violation of our Terms of Use.”
If it’s not there or if it’s being censored in another source, the phrase is a post misattribution, which perfectly summarizes Chisholm’s lecture in the prior footnote:
The News (Frederick, Maryland), 11 July 1975, p13.
The Utah iIndependent. Salt Lake City. 15 Sep 1977 p.10
Epperson, Ralph A. The Unseen Hand - An Introduction To The Conspiratorial View of History (1994) published in 1985. p.370 “In Addition to destroying man’s basic loyalties to family, nation and religion, the nation must be conditioned to the belief that less is better than more.”
Davis, Llewellyn B. "Why So Many Christians Are Going Home to School" 1991, p. 69
9Stack Sullivan, Harry (President of the Washington School of Psychiatry). The Cultural Revolution to End War.
11Chisholm, G. Brock. The future psychiatry. Feb 1948. Psychiatry: journal of the biology and the pathology of interpersonal relations. American Journal of Psychiatry. Vol104, N. 8. 103rd annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association NYC. May 19-23, 1947.
12Dr. Brock Chisholm, quoted in Ladies’ Home Journal, 1949
13Chisholm, G. Brock. Speech, Conference on Education, Asilomar, California, September 11, 1954
14Chisholm, Brock. “Prescription for Survival”, book. 1957.
Farley, John. Brock Chisholm, the World Health Organization, and the Cold War. 2009, University of British Columbia Press ISBN: 9780774858403, 0774858400
15Le Temps 05 May 2021
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Most important: let’s keep praying for each other and the conversion of our enemies!
Isn’t ”Zero-guilt” the essence of psychopathy ?
A FASCINATING read. Thank you.