Republic or democracy? Most modern political systems were originally intended as Republics above democracies.
What’s the big difference? In a republic, “states' rights supersede those of the federal government”. The states grant the federal government whatever they wish, but keep to themselves whatever not expressively delegated. In most countries, masons succeeded In stealing from the states to the federal government many powers like certain types of taxes, education, health, security, justice, fiat currency, minting, etc.
Why? The larger the distance to the voter (the master’s eye), the easier Is to corrupt and rig the system. Big Fed equals less freedom, more totalitarianism of the masses: mason mass media moulds the masses to squash local culture and freedom. Democracy becomes a demo-tatorship. That’s exactly how abortion (Roe v. Wade coup) was imposed on anti-abortion states.
The electoral college reflects a republic not a democracy: electors don’t represent the same amount of voters. They represent their states/provinces. The mason plot was to eliminate electoral colleges (as well as military service, small political parties, etc.) and they succeeded in most nations, except the USA … so far, because they keep trying.
Greek democracy involved choosing between candidates selected by chance. In that way, any transectionality would be represented and also, nobody could stay in power alleging being the fittest.
Some would argue that “the people” (hoi polloi in Greek) would be better off choosing among the fittest. Yet, history has proven over and over that, in the end, all systems are rigged for the the most ambitious, aggressive and materialist power-addicts, never the fittest. Why? Because power attracts them like honey to beasts, like light to flies, while it repels the most humble, sincere, generous and fittest. The pinnacle: “the people” voted for Hitler… at least the majority.
That could be one of the reasons why heredary royalty would become a system: accepting an heir to the throne, no matter how unfit, spared bloodshed. Better stand an unfit king for some decades, than ending with a power-grabber standing on a mountain of corpses, soon to be challenged by the next blood thirsty wannabe. At least, the King would treat the kingdom as his possession, therefore trying to keep it more or less safe and prosper, for his own selfish reasons and of the noblemen.
The power game is like the musical chairs game. The higher the position, the more want to compete. Yet competition is never arranged to pick the fittest, but the one who “promises” more rewards/kick-backs to the stakeholders. Democracy is rigged to place puppets of the most powerful stakeholders: puppeticians.
Modern democracy is managed by the powerful, not the people. Democracy is a power-cracy (the power of the powerful, a system to keep the powerful in power, keeping the oppressed in delusion of power:
1. Parties and politicians need campaign money to gain power: the rich, not the people, control the political system. In fact, not even the rich control the system but the powerful freemasons who even take advantage of the system to destroy the rich. Power hates competition. The system is rigged when freemasons print money (both fake paper and virtual) and infiltrate government, especially controlling agencies.
Believe it or not, in some countries, corporations are allowed to “donate”… assuming that philanthropy is the purpose of a for-profit corporation! As if the donors would never impose a return-on-donation.
Even in countries where only people can donate and their names and amounts appear in a public list, it becomes useless when freemasons use their members and minions to channel the donations or the freemason-coopted control agencies overlook plain fraud.
They laugh at our faces. They consider that “we the people” are “we the idiots”. In their social Darwinism, we deserve to be ruled by them, because we let them.
2. Politicians need the media, even more than money. Whoever controls the media controls government. Study after study shows that in the last century the media has become increasingly concentrated, to the point that a dozen people control mainstream media in any particular country. It’s not even a matter of getting richer but about building a tyranny. Proof? Illuminati Jeff Bezos (Amazon) paid 250 million for the Washington Post for no reason.
Interestingly, they usually hide behind a matrix of cross-participations, which is one of the reasons that corporations should be replaced by named owners, or at least, there should be two types of shares, those that have voting power being required to reveal the owner, a human person, and those that share dividends/losses. The people need to know who really owns EVERYTHING.
3. The freemasons decide government spending, thus appropriating trillions of tax dollars. Not counting government debt to their banks, which renegotiate debt by imposing their usury conditions: always rolling interests over interests, never paying capital.
4. The tax system is designed to reduce the proportion of taxable income and assets in favour of the rich, so they can keep their power. For example, inflation is a tax on the poor created by Government (controlling the monetary base). The rich can always avoid it with adjusting assets. The poor don’t even know they are being taxed!
Laws and regulations are designed by the rich for the rich to elude taxes. Why? because puppeticians are part of their class! Not to mention tax “heavens” supported by the super-powers, proving that the rich control their governments, not the people.
5. Think about which percentage of the rich are in jail and which of the poor. The legal system is designed by the powerful for the powerless. Just as with the tax system, only the rich can get their way in the legal maze. Even worse, the judiciary system is being rigged to target the non-conformists to the New World Order. Pastors have gone to jail for quoting the Bible on homosex or opposing the Church lockdowns. Parents have been incarcerated just because they opposed teen abortion, castration/mutilation (“sex change”) and sexual lobotomy by indoctrination (known as Comprehensive Sexuality Education).
6. The unscientific and unmedical tyranny is propelled by Big G, Big Pharma and Big Med, all squeezing the patient to death. The touchstone of democracy is human rights and the cornerstone of human rights is the right to live. Wherever abortion is legal, there is no rule of law, there’s no democracy, just a façade to dupe the gullible, the unfittest, who deserve to be survived by the fittest.
Please add your comment about what needs to be fixed.
My response is that there are no democracies at present.
Admitedly, this is a bald statement, so let me elaborate. This argument raged in the US more than one and a half centuries ago. It was settled to most American critic's satisfaction when Abraham Lincoln provided the lyrical definion of "Government of the people, by the people and for the people". Before the US Constitution was mandated, Thomas Paine also defined democracy in his book "The Rights of Man" also noting that "All authority resides in the people". Among his clauses were "The people shall decide the manner of taxes, how much, and how this shall be dispensed"; and "The aged, destitute, and infirm must be looked after by the government".
Not one element of democracy now exists in any government on Earth. The words of Paine and Lincoln were extinguished from political or constitutional language. Moreover, every single book on the subject of genuine democracy was removed from public libraries by 2003, and burned. Specifically, burned; not given away free like other books. How many people know that? Alert for freedom we are not.
The most recent democracy was a 200 year Chinese-led version on an island where Indonesia presently stands; it was demolished by the Dutch colonists. And to correct one piece of globalist propaganda, the word democracy may well be Greek, but the Greeks never at any stage practiced democracy. For a start, only 19% of Greeks had the vote. Only those whose mother and father were pure Athenian were qualified to vote. Which means that they 'represented' everybody else.
We need to understand that representationalism is not even vaguely related to democracy. Any dictator can claim to represent the people and, in fact, most do, spuriously. The cold reality is that nobody has ever represented anybody else.
Lord Acton summed it all up with "When you elect another person to do your thinking for you; to determine your future for you; you place your personal power in his hands, as do others. This power becomes cumulative and power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely".
For 200 years, a cabal of investment bankers have used their usurous wealth to propagandise the people into rejecting democracy or, at the very least, to be persuaded another system is democracy. A clear example of the falseness of this sleight-of-hand is the term 'majority', then reshaped to 'numerical majority', then defined as 'democrtic majority', then 'democracy'. Let us look objectively at this.
Parliament/Congress has just voted on a measure and the party in power has won with 51% of the vote. This is declared a "democratic majority", but is this an apt description?
What in fact has happend is that 49% oppose the measure, which means that the community is absolutely divided on the issue. In what sane world does one proceed with a measure that half the nation opposes? This is a formula for disaster, not a triumph of consensus.
It gets worse, more sinisterly, the media needs only to sway the vote of the swinging voter; in fact, only that percentage of the swinging voters needed to settle the majority vote. That is clearly media dictatorship. And that presumes the parliamentry vote mirrors the will of the community. This is almost never the case.
In the real world, politicians are feted by lobbyists, praised, made to feel like gods, and persuaded that they are above mere mortals and that ordinary morals and laws do not aply to them. It is only a matter of time before most politicians have been compromised by sexual liaisons that are illegal and videoed. To use the impolite term, blackmailed. This was the function of Ghislaine Maxwell and her equivilent in every country in the world. This is government in the 21st century, and what we are convinced is 'democracy'.
How to repair? Wipe the slate clean and start again, but ensure that the replacement goverment follows policies formulated by the entire well informed community. This means that media also, must represent the needs of the people, so goodbye, Rupert Murdoch, current emperor/dictator.
Yup dumbocracy!