Wonderfully compiled and easy to read. Thank you!

It's lucky for the billionaires that the standard for who decides those that live and those that are killed is based on wealth, because this is one set of ugly motherfuckers. If it was based on looks, they would be the first to go - all of them.

Glad you included warren buffoon. He is the most fake of them all with his claims he's giving away his wealth. He's 92 and worth about $100B. Yeah, what's he waiting for?

Although, oprah's Lahaina compassion act is equally as fake.

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Shallow superficiality is irrelevant...Gather them all up and parachute them onto an Island without any way to leave or contact others to save them. Parachute Supplies onto the Island once per month. Let them eat one another up.

The Demons Wearing Human Being Suits are now exposed more than ever before in their lives. IT IS TIME TO PURSUE, INDICT, TRY BY THE PEOPLE...Not the CORRUPT current Injustice System established by the International Mafia shadowing U.S. Govt. and sentence as REALLY fits CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET. THE ESTABLISHMENT DEMONS ARE THE 'WORTHLESS EATERS' CAUSING AGONY AND SUFFERRING ON THE PLANET; those once murdering the Natives in all lands and their own people, even their own illegitimate children, as well.

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Well, that would be better than "The Reign of Terror". Just saying.

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Why so kind?

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In the 19th century, the US government instituted the practice of a slow gradual program of malnutrition on the Indian reservations to curb populations.

That was one of the primary reasons for gathering the Indians onto controlled lands and denying them the right to hunt on those lands where it was virtually impossible to farm due to poor soil and weather conditions. To control the food the Indians ate. Food supplied exclusively by the US government.

Also why the bison were nearly exterminated. To eliminate the Plains Indians' primary source of protein and other products from the animals they used for survival. I think that's why many wealthy people are fascinated with and want to control bison herds - like billionaire Ted Turner. The bison are a symbol of a successful genocide.

There were compassionate people in Washington, D.C. that, upon learning what the government was doing to the Indians, tried very hard to eliminate this practice of slow controlled starvation. To no avail. Over time the Indians were diminished in health and population and to today have never fully recovered.

The US government learned much from what they did to the Indians and now they are taking what they learned and using it on us.

The only difference between then and now is - We are the Indians.

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This is precisely the case. Good comment thanks. Satan is what we become when we lie to ourselves and each other.

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I believe that's why Jesus hated lying and said so repeatedly. It's the lies we tell ourselves that give evil dominion over us. Also known as hypocrisy.

Thank you for your comment. Very thought provoking to me.

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I will second this. It is very very difficult to NOT lie to ourselves to make us feel better about ourselves. In todays world almost impossible. If you look at the Facebook posts, the christmas newsletters relentlessly cheerful and 'oh every thing is PERFECT here' where in reality there are problems within the person's life, family job etc. But no 'everything is perfect' right up to the suicide or the collapse. I am a relentlessly honest person, hardest on myself and short coming. I admit when I have stepped in it. Do you know how hard it is to do that?!!! No, but if every one was a bit more truthful and lived life a bit more 'privately' and didn't think they were competing with the Jones to be the best and had to out do everyone and be 'perfect', well we would all have fewer people falling for the jabs, the cons etc. The con men are very good at making YOU feel GOOD about what they ask you to do...

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Every time I see someone or some entity polishing the heck out of the "apple", I think that "apple" must be eaten up with rot inside to need that amount of fervent window dressing.

There is an entire subculture of young women who cake on makeup - false eyelashes, the "works" - and a world of tik tok tutorials dedicated to the art in order to make themselves unapproachable. To avoid anyone from even trying to become intimate with them. The theory being - they look good from a distance but are terrifying up close.

I knew a woman who had quit her job at a daycare, a job she loved very much. When I asked her why she had quite she told me a nightmarish story of parents bringing their children to the daycare in soiled diapers with horrible infections, unfed children, bottles delivered with babies with mold growing inside and ones that displayed all the physical and emotional signs of abuse. These same parents would also post multitudes of photos of their "perfect" children and families on Facebook, etc. When she went to her supervisor to tell her what she saw, the supervisor told her to be quiet because "it would damage the reputation" of the daycare. So she quit with great remorse for the children she couldn't help. She told me this kind of "parenting" was much more common than people imagine.

A Godless world. These are the fruits. The rotten apples polished to perfection.

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I never understood this until these times:


"He will turn the heart of fathers to their sons,

and the heart of sons to their fathers,

Lest I come and strike

the land with utter destruction."

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I’ve been trying to tell people how bad things are for children for the longest time.

I was censored on every single platform.

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I am no biblicist, and so was not aware of Jesus quotes about lying. I have recently published a post here about truthfulness and lying, and a few years back had a website called The Truth Revolution. It is my honest conviction that, if all human beings simply started telling the truth in every dealing with every other human being, after the initial shock which would be considerable, all our problems would dematerialise. Could you give me the references to those quotes please. I do not "believe in" the bible as such, and still less in the way it is interpreted by men, but there is some wisdom within that I am happy to quote when it suits.

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I agree. The bible is a book for history and instruction. Men have changed it so many times to suit themselves it's obviously not what some claim i to be. That being said, I am a follower of Christ and believe in Him with all of me.

His most famous statement in regards to lying is :

John 8:44

King James Version

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Evil is always lying.

As I understand, Jesus saw hypocrites and liars as virtually the same.

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The Bible is our source of truth and how we know that Jesus is the son of God, sent to redeem us from the penalty of sin. It’s much more than history or instruction. Without it we’d still know God exists but we’d be guessing what he expects of us. It makes the only difference between us and pagans. We have the very words of the creator . Never downplay that if you truly believe in Jesus.

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"Without it we’d still know God exists but we’d be guessing what he expects of us."

That's the instruction I spoke of and in no way am I downplaying the importance of these instructions. I only said I don't worship the bible, as it's an inanimate book, but worship the living God Jesus Christ.

We are saying the same thing.

If every word in the bible was from God we would never be able to change it and we have changed the words many times. Though God's Truth is found in its pages despite what man has done. I simply do not worship it and I truly believe in Jesus who I do worship.

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Eckhart Tolle references sayings of Jesus in his book "A New Earth" This may be more for you. Tolle writes about the message of Jesus as we are all one, all connected to each and God, just like many Eastern paths say.

I finished a cover to cover reading of the Bible earlier this year. Took me 10 years! The 4 Gospel books are different to the rest and well worth your time.

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If Tolle references sayings that Jesus is "as we are all one, all connected to each and God," that is not anywhere in the bible. As you said Tolle writes his opinion of Jesus and is similar to many Eastern paths. Tolle does not write the truths of the bible. I am a Christian and know Jesus as my savior and study/read His word, the bible. I can say with confidence that Tolle is not quoting the bible but is giving his opinion.

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Oct 28, 2023
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Dear Eliza, read all your comments. Thank you for following Jesus! Paul teaches that we need love and pray for the conversion of our enemies so we can live in peace.

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Agree 100%. How steeped we are in Hypocrisy. How desperately we have misinterpreted what Jesus taught.

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Yes. It makes me so sad what organized religion has done to most of His teachings. Not that I am an expert or have complete understanding of what He said, but I try. And when I am afforded a glimpse into His true meanings, I am struck with awe and wonder. He is magnificent in all He said and did.

It's wonderful you see it, too. I'm so glad. Thank you, Jesus.

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You mean what THEY did to organized religion.

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What you express is common sense. Sadly lacking in our lives. Thanks to you too. People don’t realise Jesus is our cultural figure of freedom and liberty. He is the true revolutionary - against the evil machine of the system. No one has the courage to question the system.

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"No one has the courage to question the system."

Because they fear the cost. Which is in truth very high. But anything of high value comes at high cost. Though once you pay in full, you realize what a great deal you've made.

What you said - that's exactly why I follow Jesus. There is no finer example of how to live free and die free in this fallen world than how He lived His human life. And I follow Him because He is God.

I try to tell people who are set against Him how to see that their lives benefit every day from His teachings. That without them America would be a very brutal place like other godless nations. Some days I think we are rapidly heading to that exact experience.

I subbed to your stack and read the first article. So thought provoking and interesting. I'm looking forward to reading more.

Thank you.

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I agree. I'm a truther (and an INFJ), so I live by a strict code. Because of this, I have a tight circle, naturally. Speaking of my Lord And Savior, have you ever read Pontius Pilate's report to Tiberius Caesar on Jesus Christ? Finding a good copy is getting harder to come by, with all the censorship and opinionated bots controlling our searches nowadays.

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Of all the versions, this is the most trustworthy

Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Cæsar the emperor, greeting.

Upon Jesus Christ, whose case I had clearly set forth to you in my last, at length by the will of the people a bitter punishment has been inflicted, myself being in a sort unwilling and rather afraid. A man, by Hercules, so pious and strict, no age has ever had nor will have. But wonderful were the efforts of the people themselves, and the unanimity of all the scribes and chief men and elders, to crucify this ambassador of truth, notwithstanding that their own prophets, and after our manner the sibyls, warned them against it: and supernatural signs appeared while he was hanging, and, in the opinion of philosophers, threatened destruction to the whole world. His disciples are flourishing, in their work and the regulation of their lives not belying their master; yea, in his name most beneficent. Had I not been afraid of the rising of a sedition among the people, who were just on the point of breaking out, perhaps this man would still have been alive to us; although, urged more by fidelity to your dignity than induced by my own wishes, I did not according to my strength resist that innocent blood free from the whole charge brought against it, but unjustly, through the malignity of men, should be sold and suffer, yet, as the Scriptures signify, to their own destruction. Farewell. 28th March.

Translated by Alexander Walker. From Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 8. Edited by Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson, and A. Cleveland Coxe. (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1886.) Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight.




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Thank you, Fred. Sincerely.

I'm blown away.

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Researching the letter, found out that Pontius Pilate obeyed evil emperor Caligula's order to commit suicide. Have never heard about that before!

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No, but I'd love to read it. Maybe I can find a copy to read on archive.org.

I'll do some hunting. Thanks for the recommendation.

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Oct 28, 2023
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Satan - is what we ourselves become when we lie to ourselves and to each other. Our real history is yet to be written.

We are all sinners - and to a great degree - because we have been lied to and ourselves continue to lie (out of ignorance) to ourselves and each other.

History is not just some academic exercise - it is the story of how who and what we are.

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Spot on. The genocide of the native population of the US is (one of) the blueprints for the ‘build back better’ genocide agenda. The psychopathic globalists are deliberately contaminating the bodies and minds of those they wish to cull with dangerous injections, GMO ‘phude’, and MSM brainwashing propaganda. It’s modern-day colonialism, rebranded as ‘keeping everyone safe’, but in reality the same old imperialist tricks designed to keep the masters rich and the slaves/serfs poor. The educational system has also been ‘penetrated’ by the WEF, BMGF etc so the masses can’t see what’s going on. Plus TV, fast food, alcohol and drugs are massive distractions.

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You will eat ze bugs and the fake meat and own nothing and be happy.. Yes.

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And "ewe weeow be zee product"..

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It started a long time ago. The method, I mean. The players are different. In war, for instance, this can be accomplished through sanctions. Look what we did to Iraq.

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I always say that- never stay quiet- it's coming to you next!

It was disgusting. Every single one, dead or alive, need consequence and a big ugly stain beside their names. This cannot go on.

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Oct 28, 2023
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We live in a fallen world regardless of political likes. Good vs Evil.

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Oct 28, 2023
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I'm not endorsing republicans or demos. I'm talking a bigger picture than the clowns that like to see their faces on MSM.

Good vs. Evil. Jesus Christ.

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These people are corrupted, psychopathic and sick and will use whatever means necessary to achieve complete control. It’s sad to see this history of eugenics on such an elaborate timeframe and continue to this present day. The carbon/climate change PSYOP is obviously a Trojan horse for population reduction and totalitarianism. Thank you for your intensive research professor.

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As we see, there is one group that needs to be reigned in

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I'd also like to draw your attention to this book from 2018 that I recently discovered. This is an important book that describes in great detail how narrative science, social and behavioral science (the mind-farkery science of propaganda/censorship) has been integrated into the natural sciences, climatology and meteorology. In a coordinated attack on the public mind to push the climate fear porn for their population control agenda. Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) has been The Science (TM) of the pandemic: masking, jabbing, lockdowns, vax passports, nudging, manipulation, coercion. In this application of SBS they call it, "The Weather Enterprise" that ”includes the network of government agencies, private-sector companies, and academic institutions that provide weather services to the nation."

You'll even find infamous propaganda specialist Kate Starbird listed in it as a contributor. It further details how they use the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to advance climate fear porn propaganda with health regulatory powers under the auspices of public health. As well as a collection naming of all of the centers of power that are coordinating and collaborating with this massive psychological mind-farkery operation. It's a big, big, big man-caused climate change "enterprise":

Integrating Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2018.



Front Matter (You've gotta check out the names of some of these Boards and Committees that contributed!)


Ch 1 Introduction

Ch 2 The Motivation for Integrating Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise

Ch 3 Assessing the Current State of Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise

Ch 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences for Road Weather Concerns

Ch 5 Research Needs for Improving the Nation’s Weather Readiness and Advancing Fundamental Social and Behavioral Science Knowledge

Ch 6 A Framework to Sustainably Support and Effectively Use Social and Behavioral Science Research in the Weather Enterprise

Ch 7 Summary of Key Findings and Recommendations

Appendix A Examples of Funding for Social and Behavioral Science Activities by NOAA, NSF, DHS1

Appendix B Lessons from SBS Integration into the “Public Health Enterprise”

Appendix C People Who Provided Input to the Committee

Appendix D Committee Biosketches

I've seen no better single resource to putting together their operational plan and strategies in one place than this book. For those who wish to do a very deep dive. A 182-page exercise describing the imposition of stupidity masquerading as intelligence and enlightened thought on an unwitting nation. By reading the plans of our adversaries we become more capable of defeating them. Perhaps you are familiar with it already? Or will be able to derive an experienced-informed analysis of it that others without your education and experience may benefit from? Does this book sound interesting enough to you to explore?

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He'll yeah! I'll look for a pdf. Dr. Malone just co-wrote a book about our current live-drill psy-op, if you're interested.

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He would know, he's a lifer, controlled op DOD perp.

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No Doubt.....

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Many words about the history of Eugenics in the United States and make no mention of Buck v. Bell, the landmark SCOTUS 8-1 decision that said "three generations of imbeciles is enough" to uphold eugenics practices? A decision that was never overturned, only slightly tweaked in Oklahoma v. Skinner, still the law of the land, upheld as recently as the early 2000's. And it's even been cited in many cases that have challenged pandemic mandates, along with Jacobson. Buck v. Bell is also instructive about how law is to treat Newgenics, CRSPR technology, designer babies, etc:

Buck v. Bell: Due Process of Law?

Political Research Quarterly. Berns, W. (1953)


Buck v. Bell was even cited by defendants in the Nuremberg Trials, "you Americans practice eugenics, said it was lawful, what was the big deal with us practicing it in Germany?" The movie Judgement at Nuremberg even contains an emotional scene lifted from the actual trials where the defense counsel for the German jurists recites Buck v. Bell in the trial:


(full, uncut movie, free to view)

A case that influenced and was influenced by the eugenics movement in Nazi Germany:

Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany

Catholic Culture, 2003


A case that gave cover to the many medical professionals who practiced eugenics and supported the rise of the Nazi Party from its earliest days:

Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?

International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, September 22, 2012


And the case offers both a warning and guidance on how we move into Newgenics, transhumanism, all of the latest biotechnology that is altering our genetics:

Buck v. Bell, American Eugenics, and the Bad Man Test:

Putting Limits on Newgenics in the 21st Century

Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, January, 2020


Buck v. Bell, one of the worst SCOTUS decisions of all time, that still stands after a century - unlike Roe v. Wade, another case that was eugenics wrapped in civil rights, recently overturned:


This is a big meaningful addition your presentation of the history of Eugenics that is relevant for our times. Substack allows for the sharing of commenters like myself to build upon your piece, as I've now contributed. I hope you'll include it in your future understanding of the movement and share it with others on your platforms!

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Fighting For Our Lives Is Not About Money It Is About Researching For Ourselves & Sharing It With Others!

This Is War That Is The Result Of The Love Of Money!

I Personally Do Not Charge For My Research, Writing Or Ministry!

I Have Pledging Shut Off!

That Being Said I Will Help Others In Need Financially When I Can If Necessary!

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What an indictment of the would-be gardeners of humanity who perceive us as weeds that need to be pulled. Ironic that those of us who evaded the "Roundup" vaccine are the more virulent strains of humanity and will likely be more resistant to future attempts to prune us. Money and power are what differentiate them from us. But let's not forget, they're mortal. They're sinful, and for their crimes against humanity should be brought before a jury of their peers and prosecuted. They brandish electric clippers and leaf blowers, mowing us down as if all of humanity is their front yard. They've forgotten what it means to mind your own business. We need a few billionaires who believe in freedom and wildness to step in and say enough is enough and allow the garden to flourish without intervention.

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Love your writing! You surely are a poet! May I quote you in my book or do you prefer anonymity?

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Sure, I would be honored! Thanks.

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One detail: I wouldn't put much faith in the billionaires. They've been scammed and don't even know it. When the digital currency trap gets them, it'll be too late, they'll be powerless... obedient robots under the threat of losing everything with one click.

This is the only way out:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


And this:

How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


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You’re an “Artist with a pen,” and I loved your perspectives! Absolutely all of it. And to think, they are the friggin virus plaguing humanity. Those specialties would surely spoil a world. Not if we don’t keep allowing it.

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Thank you for your encouragement! What I am about to reveal is even more shocking, but it takes a lot of time to find all the supporting evidence. I recommend ditching mainstream browsers, which censor everything important, and use yandex.com, mojeek.com (especially the substack search), and archive.org

Since the 50s, and even before that, many early freedom fighters have been warning the world about this, but their work has been omitted, especially, by many self acclaimed leaders of the "freedom" movement.

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Thanks! I enjoy writing. I guess it comes through in my style.

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My background in Critical Thinking requires I look at both sides... and anything in between ...to flush out all perspectives. To understand where Eugenicists and Pop Control warriors were/are coming from (btw: laying this out doesn't condone the thinking)... at the start of eugenics is a belief that equates humans with the animal kingdom. Animal husbandry is the science of cutting out the bad stock to breed a better stock. They applied this exact logic to humans. "If we prevent the weak (for whatever reason) to breed we will have a stronger, better human 'stock'." MANY people see this logic completely flawed and evil because people are not cows, horses or pigs. Others see humans as a virus on the planet to be sacrificed for all other animals to thrive. Their aim is only to 'save mother earth' for the animal kingdom and humans need to die (except for the elite). In my view the issue is: What is a human? In 2023 the question of 'WHO we are and what are we doing on this planet" hasn't been answered. 'Are we wet computers with no soul or consciousness survival, or are we spirts having a human experience?' Step one is not to mess with humans in profound ways but to understand what it is to be Human.

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The questions have been answered but they are not promoted, yet shadow banned by the system.

Start with this: in near death experiences, the dead, born blind, see in colors for the first time. Likewise the deaff, hear conversations, without brain activity, blood flow, heart beat, breathing. Dead but alive! Eternal life! The body is the vehicle for the eternal soul!

Mathematical proof of God’s mind

Who could have imagined that mathematical images could be so beautiful?:


Scientific proof of God and the soul:


Scientific proof of religion


What do you believe comes after death (Science backs religion)?



Why aren't atheists convinced by miracles which happened, and are scientifically proven?


Which is the true Christianity?


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My synthesis was on NDE's. My hypothesis is that the globalists KNOW we are spirits having a human experience ( I stumbled on the procedure to do the experiment) they just don't want us to know as they rule by fear...virus, virus, virus, russia, russia, russia, climate, climate, climate...

The point of my post above was that in 2023, science not belief, needs to answer the perennial question. My conclusion from the patterned NDE's': DEATH is an acronym. Departing Earth Arriving True Home. Thanks for all the links!

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Critical think on the Khazarian Mafia, the Black Nobility, Freemasons, Cabal, whatever you want to call them to understand what's going on.

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Well, as psychologist Erik Erikson pointed out, humans are unfinished beings in that it takes a lifetime to become fully human or reach full maturity or self actualization; in that sense Erikson maintained that we are less than the animals which are born with innate systems that determine what they are and how their lives will develop, at least in the natural sense when they are allowed to; supposedly humans also are born with a moral conscience but painfully obvious not as developed equally in all of us or even not at all in some of us; as Mark Twain noted: "man is the only animal that blushes or has need to."

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Or, allowed to learn, grow and thrive. Why are we not teaching? Instead, go out and have all the wild sex you want. Let us rip the child right out of your womb, so we cacan sell it and experiment. There is no thought about developing the human mind- it's about destruction. This is the work of the evil ones who come to steal, kill and destroy anything of God.

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Nothin wrong with a bit of wild sex! I've never considered it a frivolous waste of time either, because I also crammed physical and even intellectual development too!

Well, getting given a proper rough workout... and those times when a woman has told me she was gonna educate me... hey it still counts as learning! :D

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You are playing the Russian roulette: the only lesson you'll learn is that all contraceptive methods fail and that wild sex eventually leads to becoming the parent of an unborn baby, and that the mother, could murder your son with abortion whenever she wants, without you having any say in it. Wild sex leads to wild abortion.

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Wow. This is a super resource. A spotlight.

Many thanks to you for doing this fact gathering.

All these statements and policy positions are as clear as signed confessions. The exterminators are preening in the spotlight.

P.S. Do they want "population control" to seem like a reduction across the board, from every group, somehow fair in its necessity? Actually, we are looking at their eugenics and since they consider themselves the well-bred class, their plan is full of prejudice and bigotry and the extermination of those they classify as "lower" classes and "the inferior".

I really appreciate civilized society, but these eugenicists aren't civilized. They are cold-blooded murderers. We need to use our civilized society to round up these creeps, charge, try, and punish them thoroughly -- making sure they never again have the ability to harm anyone ever again.

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Good post. Of course it is extermination. So many have already gone willingly. But the globalists - these psychopathic, pedophilic monsters - are in fact nothing but fascist totalitarians. Thugs - for simplicity.

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Mum/Elizabeth Was A Corrupt Druid As Well!




Note The Dragon On The Necklace Of The Witch On The Left!



Charles Formed The WEF In 1971 With Klaus Schwab!


Crowned King Of The World Great Rest King Of The WEF



Will-I-Am Goat Of Mendes



Harry & His Tranny Are Distractions No Doubt

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If we 'depopulate' all of the still-living people (and their disciples) listed in this article, the problem is pretty much solved.

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Definitely Extermination or Genocide are the correct definitions for what they are doing.

We definitely need to stop using their deceptive terms. 'Depopulation' implies some altruism, some notion of 'saving the planet' when in fact the sole agenda is genocide; the destruction of humanity, God's creation; and 'transhumanism', the abomination of humanity, from the 'image of God, into the image of Satan.

The same can be said of abortion. It has nothing to do with a woman's right to bear a child or not. Except by force, a woman always has that right. The real agenda of abortion is again genocide; the destruction of the most innocent of God's creation!

When we finally open our eyes to who these monsters really are who have been enacting this agenda, all of it will be crystal clear.

People had better get on the right side of this as Satan is now preparing to take a lot of people with him into his domain; all who joined him, complied and are complicit.

"For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him."

John 3:16

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heres another wrinkle to your all encompasing post, SP,




 Official D’FactoGovernments “Extermination"ProgramUsing Tiny Homes?




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Notice how small the windows in the units are? No one could climb out of them in case of an emergency.

Yeah, trust and obey...

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Both Depopulation & Extermination Because They Are Reaching A Point Of No Return!

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Dear Prof. Nazar,

Your article was spot on in that it showed that the eugenic/malthusian agenda is wide-ranging and has been going for a long, long time. I wanted to let you know about my research on Marie Stopes' Mothers' Clinic at hallidaysutherland.com

I began researching because Stopes sued my grandfather, Dr. Halliday Sutherland, for libel when he accused her of "exposing the poor to experiment." The story is summarised on this brief YouTube video: https://youtu.be/88rkKUdoFbI (2 min 30 secs).

Keep sharing the truth!

Kind regards,

Mark H. Sutherland

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