Wonderfully compiled and easy to read. Thank you!

It's lucky for the billionaires that the standard for who decides those that live and those that are killed is based on wealth, because this is one set of ugly motherfuckers. If it was based on looks, they would be the first to go - all of them.

Glad you included warren buffoon. He is the most fake of them all with his claims he's giving away his wealth. He's 92 and worth about $100B. Yeah, what's he waiting for?

Although, oprah's Lahaina compassion act is equally as fake.

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In the 19th century, the US government instituted the practice of a slow gradual program of malnutrition on the Indian reservations to curb populations.

That was one of the primary reasons for gathering the Indians onto controlled lands and denying them the right to hunt on those lands where it was virtually impossible to farm due to poor soil and weather conditions. To control the food the Indians ate. Food supplied exclusively by the US government.

Also why the bison were nearly exterminated. To eliminate the Plains Indians' primary source of protein and other products from the animals they used for survival. I think that's why many wealthy people are fascinated with and want to control bison herds - like billionaire Ted Turner. The bison are a symbol of a successful genocide.

There were compassionate people in Washington, D.C. that, upon learning what the government was doing to the Indians, tried very hard to eliminate this practice of slow controlled starvation. To no avail. Over time the Indians were diminished in health and population and to today have never fully recovered.

The US government learned much from what they did to the Indians and now they are taking what they learned and using it on us.

The only difference between then and now is - We are the Indians.

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These people are corrupted, psychopathic and sick and will use whatever means necessary to achieve complete control. It’s sad to see this history of eugenics on such an elaborate timeframe and continue to this present day. The carbon/climate change PSYOP is obviously a Trojan horse for population reduction and totalitarianism. Thank you for your intensive research professor.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023Liked by Prof. Fred Nazar

I'd also like to draw your attention to this book from 2018 that I recently discovered. This is an important book that describes in great detail how narrative science, social and behavioral science (the mind-farkery science of propaganda/censorship) has been integrated into the natural sciences, climatology and meteorology. In a coordinated attack on the public mind to push the climate fear porn for their population control agenda. Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) has been The Science (TM) of the pandemic: masking, jabbing, lockdowns, vax passports, nudging, manipulation, coercion. In this application of SBS they call it, "The Weather Enterprise" that ”includes the network of government agencies, private-sector companies, and academic institutions that provide weather services to the nation."

You'll even find infamous propaganda specialist Kate Starbird listed in it as a contributor. It further details how they use the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to advance climate fear porn propaganda with health regulatory powers under the auspices of public health. As well as a collection naming of all of the centers of power that are coordinating and collaborating with this massive psychological mind-farkery operation. It's a big, big, big man-caused climate change "enterprise":

Integrating Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2018.



Front Matter (You've gotta check out the names of some of these Boards and Committees that contributed!)


Ch 1 Introduction

Ch 2 The Motivation for Integrating Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise

Ch 3 Assessing the Current State of Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise

Ch 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences for Road Weather Concerns

Ch 5 Research Needs for Improving the Nation’s Weather Readiness and Advancing Fundamental Social and Behavioral Science Knowledge

Ch 6 A Framework to Sustainably Support and Effectively Use Social and Behavioral Science Research in the Weather Enterprise

Ch 7 Summary of Key Findings and Recommendations

Appendix A Examples of Funding for Social and Behavioral Science Activities by NOAA, NSF, DHS1

Appendix B Lessons from SBS Integration into the “Public Health Enterprise”

Appendix C People Who Provided Input to the Committee

Appendix D Committee Biosketches

I've seen no better single resource to putting together their operational plan and strategies in one place than this book. For those who wish to do a very deep dive. A 182-page exercise describing the imposition of stupidity masquerading as intelligence and enlightened thought on an unwitting nation. By reading the plans of our adversaries we become more capable of defeating them. Perhaps you are familiar with it already? Or will be able to derive an experienced-informed analysis of it that others without your education and experience may benefit from? Does this book sound interesting enough to you to explore?

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Fighting For Our Lives Is Not About Money It Is About Researching For Ourselves & Sharing It With Others!

This Is War That Is The Result Of The Love Of Money!

I Personally Do Not Charge For My Research, Writing Or Ministry!

I Have Pledging Shut Off!

That Being Said I Will Help Others In Need Financially When I Can If Necessary!

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Prof. Fred Nazar

My background in Critical Thinking requires I look at both sides... and anything in between ...to flush out all perspectives. To understand where Eugenicists and Pop Control warriors were/are coming from (btw: laying this out doesn't condone the thinking)... at the start of eugenics is a belief that equates humans with the animal kingdom. Animal husbandry is the science of cutting out the bad stock to breed a better stock. They applied this exact logic to humans. "If we prevent the weak (for whatever reason) to breed we will have a stronger, better human 'stock'." MANY people see this logic completely flawed and evil because people are not cows, horses or pigs. Others see humans as a virus on the planet to be sacrificed for all other animals to thrive. Their aim is only to 'save mother earth' for the animal kingdom and humans need to die (except for the elite). In my view the issue is: What is a human? In 2023 the question of 'WHO we are and what are we doing on this planet" hasn't been answered. 'Are we wet computers with no soul or consciousness survival, or are we spirts having a human experience?' Step one is not to mess with humans in profound ways but to understand what it is to be Human.

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Good post. Of course it is extermination. So many have already gone willingly. But the globalists - these psychopathic, pedophilic monsters - are in fact nothing but fascist totalitarians. Thugs - for simplicity.

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Wow. This is a super resource. A spotlight.

Many thanks to you for doing this fact gathering.

All these statements and policy positions are as clear as signed confessions. The exterminators are preening in the spotlight.

P.S. Do they want "population control" to seem like a reduction across the board, from every group, somehow fair in its necessity? Actually, we are looking at their eugenics and since they consider themselves the well-bred class, their plan is full of prejudice and bigotry and the extermination of those they classify as "lower" classes and "the inferior".

I really appreciate civilized society, but these eugenicists aren't civilized. They are cold-blooded murderers. We need to use our civilized society to round up these creeps, charge, try, and punish them thoroughly -- making sure they never again have the ability to harm anyone ever again.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Prof. Fred Nazar

Many words about the history of Eugenics in the United States and make no mention of Buck v. Bell, the landmark SCOTUS 8-1 decision that said "three generations of imbeciles is enough" to uphold eugenics practices? A decision that was never overturned, only slightly tweaked in Oklahoma v. Skinner, still the law of the land, upheld as recently as the early 2000's. And it's even been cited in many cases that have challenged pandemic mandates, along with Jacobson. Buck v. Bell is also instructive about how law is to treat Newgenics, CRSPR technology, designer babies, etc:

Buck v. Bell: Due Process of Law?

Political Research Quarterly. Berns, W. (1953)


Buck v. Bell was even cited by defendants in the Nuremberg Trials, "you Americans practice eugenics, said it was lawful, what was the big deal with us practicing it in Germany?" The movie Judgement at Nuremberg even contains an emotional scene lifted from the actual trials where the defense counsel for the German jurists recites Buck v. Bell in the trial:


(full, uncut movie, free to view)

A case that influenced and was influenced by the eugenics movement in Nazi Germany:

Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany

Catholic Culture, 2003


A case that gave cover to the many medical professionals who practiced eugenics and supported the rise of the Nazi Party from its earliest days:

Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?

International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, September 22, 2012


And the case offers both a warning and guidance on how we move into Newgenics, transhumanism, all of the latest biotechnology that is altering our genetics:

Buck v. Bell, American Eugenics, and the Bad Man Test:

Putting Limits on Newgenics in the 21st Century

Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, January, 2020


Buck v. Bell, one of the worst SCOTUS decisions of all time, that still stands after a century - unlike Roe v. Wade, another case that was eugenics wrapped in civil rights, recently overturned:


This is a big meaningful addition your presentation of the history of Eugenics that is relevant for our times. Substack allows for the sharing of commenters like myself to build upon your piece, as I've now contributed. I hope you'll include it in your future understanding of the movement and share it with others on your platforms!

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Mum/Elizabeth Was A Corrupt Druid As Well!




Note The Dragon On The Necklace Of The Witch On The Left!



Charles Formed The WEF In 1971 With Klaus Schwab!


Crowned King Of The World Great Rest King Of The WEF



Will-I-Am Goat Of Mendes



Harry & His Tranny Are Distractions No Doubt

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If we 'depopulate' all of the still-living people (and their disciples) listed in this article, the problem is pretty much solved.

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Prof. Fred Nazar

What an indictment of the would-be gardeners of humanity who perceive us as weeds that need to be pulled. Ironic that those of us who evaded the "Roundup" vaccine are the more virulent strains of humanity and will likely be more resistant to future attempts to prune us. Money and power are what differentiate them from us. But let's not forget, they're mortal. They're sinful, and for their crimes against humanity should be brought before a jury of their peers and prosecuted. They brandish electric clippers and leaf blowers, mowing us down as if all of humanity is their front yard. They've forgotten what it means to mind your own business. We need a few billionaires who believe in freedom and wildness to step in and say enough is enough and allow the garden to flourish without intervention.

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Both Depopulation & Extermination Because They Are Reaching A Point Of No Return!

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Thank you so much for putting it out.

It is very painful read. It is beyond evil.

It is psychopathic, when you think that they have unopposed run of the planet,

dream lives with everything conceivable available to them and yet it is not enough.

Those creatures don't seem to have much in common with the human race.

They consider themselves a group of chosen to rule in perpetuity. There is plenty of room for three times as many people. And, how cunning to pretend they care, to keep us from suspecting what's really going on. Much of of it disguised as philanthropy.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Prof. Fred Nazar

As far as I understand it, Oprah Winfrey cannot be a "mason" since a "mason" is a MAN who belongs to the Fraternity of Freemasonry, the largest and oldest organization for men in the world (etc.). Now, Oprah ain't no pretty lady, but I think she ain't a man... (full disclosure: I ain't no freemason myself and have no dealings with this organization. My musings are for entertainment purposes only!)

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heres another wrinkle to your all encompasing post, SP,




 Official D’FactoGovernments “Extermination"ProgramUsing Tiny Homes?




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