We do have a few ideas at Aristeus.club. Real money is earned. Land being the most valuable resource for individuals... something like Henry George's Land tax to fund government duties should be considered. Truth is knowledge, so we ban liars. We believe that evil hides behind lies and is the source of chaos. Money changers have been liars, and plunderers, since at least the time of Jesus.
I worked for a nonprofit years ago. The board was structured where there was a representative from each sector (federal, provincial, municipal, aboriginal, environmental, professional, industry, etc.). It was a round table, no one was “above” anyone else. The purpose was to provide information from your sector to the group prior to the group debate/discussion on a particular topic. Decisions were made by consensus. Representatives were elected by their particular sectors for a certain period.
I’m wondering if instead of a 2 party system with politicians as our representatives, we elect decision makers based on the field they represent and have expertise and support in. It would be a seat at a round table and they would provide their input on issues from their expertise/sector only.
I think education should be managed by sector too. It should be up to each specific industry to create an educational path/system for their sector only. And it should be free. Each industry should be responsible for their perspective “employees” from school right through to retirement.
We don’t need politicians. We don’t need individual people in positions of power. We need experts in positions that inform the rest of us.
We need to keep things separate and simple at the highest levels. Leave the details to the professionals in their respective fields in their respective communities.
Our taxes shouldn’t be collected into one giant pool. It is too tempting. It should be separated again by sector/industry and managed by sector/industry.
We need to set ourselves up for success, not corruption.
Why can't anyone who wants to chime in be part of the decision-making process? why do we think we need a select group of people to do it? The wisdom of the crowd gives the most accurate solutions it has been found because the extremes cancel each other out leaving the main 80% or so in the vast middle.
1. The "wisdom of the crowd" elected Hitler by majority
2. Some technical or scientific topics are too complex to be understood without reading a bit. Should only be voted by those being tested of having the knowledge? The problem is that this could be used to impose a determined un-objective ideology. E.g. carbon climate change. Two solutions:
1. A person should be able to delegate the vote for a short time or a particular issue where the person doesn't have time to get specialized in that topic. Specialization is unavoidable. I've met very few people proficient in all topics. They are generally polymaths and spend many hours per day reading constantly along decades. The problem with a representative is that votes could be bought, leading to demagogy (populism).
2. Expert panels. But who chooses the experts? Think ICCP! how about random picked? The problem with random is where the picking list could be rigged to achieve a majority. Think last ACPeds.org statement on HPV vaccine. The only way out of this is everything recorded and in the open. And a system to deal with alarms. Thoughts?
My dear, you are a dreamer……you have written a wonderful dream…but human nature will not allow it to become a reality. I don’t mean to hurt your feelings, I know that in your mind this wonderful dream is already on the brink of reality. In my mind this world this world is on the brink of…..something, but not your dream.
Thank you for writing this. Great ideas. My belief is that they can all go into what I describe below. This has long been a passion of mine. I have several different ideas. Today my favorite is as described below. Tomorrow it might be different.
There are no lawmakers. The people make the laws. There is no private vote. I, like all others, can see my vote tabulated and track it through the entire system, which is open source, and completely audible by everybody. I can ask my neighbors how they voted and track their votes too. Attempting to rig the system is a capital offense. The NSA AND INTELLLIGENCE AGENCIES WORK FOR THE PEOPLE, NOT THE ENEMY, ALL THEIR WORK IS PUBLIC DOMAN, AND THEY ARE tasked with ensuring that nobody ever compromises the system. Every law, topic, etc. is above board, with no hidden deals.
To make this work, the public will need to become courageous, moral, egalitarian, and informed. As such, slaving away just to try to pay a mortgage will be outlawed. Every person will be given land as a birthright. The only requirement is that the land be improved using the best practices of permaculture and the person's land continues to improve in creating the most harmonious mutually beneficial part of the planet possible. This is not a free ride for the lazy. It will take hard work from all.
Concentrations of wealth and power are eliminated. It is a capital offense to try to become, plan, or support anything that exerts power over others. Military expenditures are not allowed, and those resources are distributed fairly to the people and the planet in the most optimal ways that the informed, moral, educated, and courageous people decide.
This is NOT communism, socialism, or any ism. It is a new system that will be designed by a free, secure, safe, equal, healthy, connected, and well informed public. Beware those who think they know the best design themselves, for Hitler and others were like that. This entire system described here is my best guess. The people will decide for themselves. Eliminate extreme wealth and power over others and distribute what they have stolen from us equitably to all, and provide opportunities for the population to develop morality, courage, freedom, communication skills, etc., and unlock the true positive potential of humanity.
But, first, before any improvements can be made, we must figure out HOW to stop our root cause enemy from continuing to harm humanity and the planet. I hope you will contribute to that in your own best ways.
I agree with your proposals above. And I wrote a system we could begin using right away that supports those concepts. It would remove the need for politicians and courts and everyone could chime in on any subject they chose. The thing is everything must be open like you said, and recorded so we can see people's prior votes, proposal submissions, etc. This is easy to do. I'm glad that someone else can see this. We have the facility now to have a total "selfocracy" where each individual's voice is equally counted in an totally transparent system. I call it the Egalitarian Proposal System. And it can start by the few just choosing to do it that way and as people see how functional it is, they adopt it to at their own behest. https://deniseward.substack.com/p/the-egalitarian-proposal-system
This is a great topic for discussion. Kudos to you. These would be great ideas...if the United States were the size and population of Walnut Grove("Little House on the Prairie"). In short, our government institutions at all levels were designed for the Walnut Groves of the 18th and 19th centuries. They cannot handle the current weight and when they try, they become impersonal bureaucracies ripe for the picking by opportunists.
OTOH, little fiefdoms have their issues as well. Not all were as kind and gentle as the fictional Walnut Grove. Sometimes those with the biggest guns created their rule of law.
Lots to think about here. One idea is to create smaller representative districts. Of course, fashioning new districts is a whole other topic. Also, do we want the House of Representatives to be x times bigger than it is now?
Why do you think we need representatives at all? Isn't that a bit of a relic from the past? The past had different parameters such as the populations were illiterate and information traveled at horse and buggy speed.
We do have a few ideas at Aristeus.club. Real money is earned. Land being the most valuable resource for individuals... something like Henry George's Land tax to fund government duties should be considered. Truth is knowledge, so we ban liars. We believe that evil hides behind lies and is the source of chaos. Money changers have been liars, and plunderers, since at least the time of Jesus.
Your link fails to work!
Sorry about that. I wrote it wrong. Aristaeus.Club
The single most effective way to free the people would be the abolition of political parties.
In Federalist #10, by James Madison, talks about the pitfalls of democracy. It's 2 wolves and a lamb deciding in what to have for dinner.
No. Agitprop tools never have good takes.
I worked for a nonprofit years ago. The board was structured where there was a representative from each sector (federal, provincial, municipal, aboriginal, environmental, professional, industry, etc.). It was a round table, no one was “above” anyone else. The purpose was to provide information from your sector to the group prior to the group debate/discussion on a particular topic. Decisions were made by consensus. Representatives were elected by their particular sectors for a certain period.
I’m wondering if instead of a 2 party system with politicians as our representatives, we elect decision makers based on the field they represent and have expertise and support in. It would be a seat at a round table and they would provide their input on issues from their expertise/sector only.
I think education should be managed by sector too. It should be up to each specific industry to create an educational path/system for their sector only. And it should be free. Each industry should be responsible for their perspective “employees” from school right through to retirement.
We don’t need politicians. We don’t need individual people in positions of power. We need experts in positions that inform the rest of us.
We need to keep things separate and simple at the highest levels. Leave the details to the professionals in their respective fields in their respective communities.
Our taxes shouldn’t be collected into one giant pool. It is too tempting. It should be separated again by sector/industry and managed by sector/industry.
We need to set ourselves up for success, not corruption.
Why can't anyone who wants to chime in be part of the decision-making process? why do we think we need a select group of people to do it? The wisdom of the crowd gives the most accurate solutions it has been found because the extremes cancel each other out leaving the main 80% or so in the vast middle.
1. The "wisdom of the crowd" elected Hitler by majority
2. Some technical or scientific topics are too complex to be understood without reading a bit. Should only be voted by those being tested of having the knowledge? The problem is that this could be used to impose a determined un-objective ideology. E.g. carbon climate change. Two solutions:
1. A person should be able to delegate the vote for a short time or a particular issue where the person doesn't have time to get specialized in that topic. Specialization is unavoidable. I've met very few people proficient in all topics. They are generally polymaths and spend many hours per day reading constantly along decades. The problem with a representative is that votes could be bought, leading to demagogy (populism).
2. Expert panels. But who chooses the experts? Think ICCP! how about random picked? The problem with random is where the picking list could be rigged to achieve a majority. Think last ACPeds.org statement on HPV vaccine. The only way out of this is everything recorded and in the open. And a system to deal with alarms. Thoughts?
My dear, you are a dreamer……you have written a wonderful dream…but human nature will not allow it to become a reality. I don’t mean to hurt your feelings, I know that in your mind this wonderful dream is already on the brink of reality. In my mind this world this world is on the brink of…..something, but not your dream.
Direct democracy isn't a dream but a historical fact from ancient Greece, and somewhat still working in Switzerland!
Irrelevant semantic masterbation.
Thank you for writing this. Great ideas. My belief is that they can all go into what I describe below. This has long been a passion of mine. I have several different ideas. Today my favorite is as described below. Tomorrow it might be different.
There are no lawmakers. The people make the laws. There is no private vote. I, like all others, can see my vote tabulated and track it through the entire system, which is open source, and completely audible by everybody. I can ask my neighbors how they voted and track their votes too. Attempting to rig the system is a capital offense. The NSA AND INTELLLIGENCE AGENCIES WORK FOR THE PEOPLE, NOT THE ENEMY, ALL THEIR WORK IS PUBLIC DOMAN, AND THEY ARE tasked with ensuring that nobody ever compromises the system. Every law, topic, etc. is above board, with no hidden deals.
To make this work, the public will need to become courageous, moral, egalitarian, and informed. As such, slaving away just to try to pay a mortgage will be outlawed. Every person will be given land as a birthright. The only requirement is that the land be improved using the best practices of permaculture and the person's land continues to improve in creating the most harmonious mutually beneficial part of the planet possible. This is not a free ride for the lazy. It will take hard work from all.
Concentrations of wealth and power are eliminated. It is a capital offense to try to become, plan, or support anything that exerts power over others. Military expenditures are not allowed, and those resources are distributed fairly to the people and the planet in the most optimal ways that the informed, moral, educated, and courageous people decide.
This is NOT communism, socialism, or any ism. It is a new system that will be designed by a free, secure, safe, equal, healthy, connected, and well informed public. Beware those who think they know the best design themselves, for Hitler and others were like that. This entire system described here is my best guess. The people will decide for themselves. Eliminate extreme wealth and power over others and distribute what they have stolen from us equitably to all, and provide opportunities for the population to develop morality, courage, freedom, communication skills, etc., and unlock the true positive potential of humanity.
But, first, before any improvements can be made, we must figure out HOW to stop our root cause enemy from continuing to harm humanity and the planet. I hope you will contribute to that in your own best ways.
Thank you.
I agree with your proposals above. And I wrote a system we could begin using right away that supports those concepts. It would remove the need for politicians and courts and everyone could chime in on any subject they chose. The thing is everything must be open like you said, and recorded so we can see people's prior votes, proposal submissions, etc. This is easy to do. I'm glad that someone else can see this. We have the facility now to have a total "selfocracy" where each individual's voice is equally counted in an totally transparent system. I call it the Egalitarian Proposal System. And it can start by the few just choosing to do it that way and as people see how functional it is, they adopt it to at their own behest. https://deniseward.substack.com/p/the-egalitarian-proposal-system
This is a great topic for discussion. Kudos to you. These would be great ideas...if the United States were the size and population of Walnut Grove("Little House on the Prairie"). In short, our government institutions at all levels were designed for the Walnut Groves of the 18th and 19th centuries. They cannot handle the current weight and when they try, they become impersonal bureaucracies ripe for the picking by opportunists.
OTOH, little fiefdoms have their issues as well. Not all were as kind and gentle as the fictional Walnut Grove. Sometimes those with the biggest guns created their rule of law.
Lots to think about here. One idea is to create smaller representative districts. Of course, fashioning new districts is a whole other topic. Also, do we want the House of Representatives to be x times bigger than it is now?
Why do you think we need representatives at all? Isn't that a bit of a relic from the past? The past had different parameters such as the populations were illiterate and information traveled at horse and buggy speed.
See www.thirty-thousand.org, and www.tacticalcivics.com (more of a spiritual base, but very similar).