Aug 3, 2023Liked by Prof. Fred Nazar

Great Job consolidating in one article many of the crimes of the globalist. Watergate times a million...yet the takeover of America and the world as they push the 'Great' Reset continues. The lies have been exposed but what's the plan to stop the madness? Knowing what happened is just step one...doing something about it must be on the table NOW. Substack articles should now only focus only how to take back all we have lost...the comment section only to tap our collective genius....because genius is our ultimate weapon. (Hint: focusing on Trump as 'savior' is not the answer. He, unlike 25% of the general population, fell for the Plandemic and continues to support the use of the bio weapon. THIS is enough to retire him.)

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There really is no coming back from 2020 or 2022 elections. Everything in this article has been stated elsewhere and no one pays any mind to it. All this is hidden from the general public and as long as the mass media is controlled by the demons on the left this country is as good as dead. Sorry to say but it's a fact, America will not recover from this even if DJT is back in the house.

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What gets me is that there is a simple solution each person’s name next to who or what he voted for when and where If you had a public registrar whith that each person could check it and see if his vote were posted correctly the arguments for the secret vote have been exposed for much worse consequence to what is imagined if your neighbor knew who you voted for ABOLISH the secret voting stand up and take personal responsibility

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Viruses are extracellular debris, the effect not cause of disease.

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Biden may be a White House squatter, but the Democratic primaries were all rigged, too: https://tdmsresearch.com/2016/07/13/democratic-party-table-1-2016-primaries/

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By now this should be referred to as the PLANNED SCAMDEMIC !

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I completely agree with you on the “spirits having a flesh experience” theme. That doesn’t preclude the existence of extraterrestrial beings, however (nor of our fellow animals also having souls and spirits as well, but that’s another discussion).

An open and balanced consideration of mounting possible evidence may help us answer questions that currently confound us.

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You’re just looking for excuses to deny possibilities. I’m not saying “here’s the truth, this is the way it is”. I’m saying there’s possible, credible evidence that must be followed up on, cross-checked, tested, verified by independent sources, compared to known data, and theorized about. But the evidence DOES exist. Dismissing out of hand all the work of credible, sober, mainstream scientists, military people, whistleblowers and highly skilled technical people running detailed investigations at places like SkinWalker Ranch, as well as pursuing Bigfoot and other cryptids,, investigating paranormal activity, and attempting to make sense of many things for which we currently have no rational explanations for, by ruling out the possible, is unprofessional and unscientific. Sad that you apparently earned the title of Doctor without having a thorough understanding of how science works. MD or PhD? Most MD’s I know practice “scientific” medicine but aren’t really educated. Certainly not scientists, and not classically liberal arts educated, more like glorified lab techs. Which may partly explain why they’re so easily bsmboozled by things like the jab propaganda.

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We are living in a Country that is now encased in Fraud and Corruption.

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So, the answer is just “no”? Only that which you believe in is possible, forget any potential evidence to the contrary? Forget about giving ideas an open hearing? I’m not saying it’s true, I’m saying there’s increasing evidence that’s increasingly difficult to explain, so we must give the possibility a hearing. What do you see wrong with that? I’m

Not ruling anything else out, just adding an idea for which solid evidence iappeaes to be mounting. I hope you’re not going to close your mind like so many others do when confronted with credible evidence or testable theories that don’t fit into their current narrative. That’s highly unscientific. BYW, who said abductions or ancountwrs happen only in the USA? I didn’t, because that’s not true.

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