Great Job consolidating in one article many of the crimes of the globalist. Watergate times a million...yet the takeover of America and the world as they push the 'Great' Reset continues. The lies have been exposed but what's the plan to stop the madness? Knowing what happened is just step one...doing something about it must be on the table NOW. Substack articles should now only focus only how to take back all we have lost...the comment section only to tap our collective genius....because genius is our ultimate weapon. (Hint: focusing on Trump as 'savior' is not the answer. He, unlike 25% of the general population, fell for the Plandemic and continues to support the use of the bio weapon. THIS is enough to retire him.)

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Right on spot! I guess, due to hax rates, its only 10% of the population who's fully awake (depends on the country though, I guess in the developed world, the USA leads the way with France). But many have awakened due to haccination effects ...

Do you have more ideas?:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


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One way to fight back is to abolish the Federal Reserve and put America back on a bimetallic hard money standard. The financialization of our economy by the running up of our trade deficits prior to Nixon taking office, and his subsequent decision to sever the dollar’s formal link to gold in order to support America’s trade deficits and the burgeoning fake economy, paved the way for infinite inflation. An aspect of fake prosperity that followed was unlimited funding for nefarious government intervention in everything.

Keynesian economics is unsustainable. But it paved the way for creating the faux wealth necessary to fund the development of the technologies for “the final solution” to the human bubble it simultaneously created. The ultimate benefit of creating these technologies is that they’re precisely the ones necessary to force transhumanism on us and destroy the natural world at the same time.

Speaking of which, I heard an incredibly interesting interview a year or two ago on TV and I wish very much that I had a reference to it. It was a presentation by a very ordinary upper-middle-aged guy who claimed to be part of a secret military (Air Force, I think, but I don’t remember exactly) program which was generally classified, but as he worked in an odd corner position which was not technically included under the classified designation, he felt he was therefore free to speak of his experiences. He told a very calm and sober story of his long-term relationship (while in the military) with aliens who were very much like ourselves. To the point that the female in charge of her “people” enjoyed looking through the Sears catalog the military provided to the aliens (this all happened a number of years ago). Supposedly they all picked out clothes to wear so they could more easily blend in with us, and one of this guy’s tasks was to do odd jobs for them such as procure the clothing.

One comment that really stood out to me is that most of the aliens (of which there were many species, according to the female), were fascinated by humanity’s fondness for, and close relationships with, other animals. The other extraterrestrial species, she claimed, had long ago lost interest in the other species in their home worlds and exterminated them all. They didn’t understand why humans bond with other creatures, and cared about nature.

I don’t know what to make of this story, however, I think it IS fascinating, in a highly alarming way, that so many of the globalist “elites” are so unconcerned about animal suffering and are so biocidal even as they’re mouthing deep concern for our planet. Not content with just exterminating us, they’ve recently vbegun declaring war on domestic animals, starting with livestock. Now they’re hinting that they’ll be coming for our pets. They hate our gardens and want farmers to grow nothing but gene-altered, vaxx-pumping plants “for better ecological management and enhanced nutrition”. Yet they completely reject regenerative farming, or any attempts by societies to protect nature by integrating it into their communities rather than isolating humans from it.

Now the elites are constantly mounting campaigns to encourage us to fear our own bodies, as well as each other’s bodies and the bodies of every other living being. They want us to believe that every living thing (including ourselves) is nothing but a bag of dirty, dangerous germs out to get us and that only altering “who we are” and merging with machines” can save us. They want us to become alienated from our “selves” on every level. And to say good-bye to every other form of life on this planet as we make our way into their pre-planned utopian hell to serve them for eternity.

Nothing the elites do respects or protects animals or regenerates nature, despite their pious bleating about “saving the planet”. Is it possible that the story about the aliens already being among us and engineering the transformation of us and destruction of our planet, could be true? Was moving from sound money to paper a necessary prerequisite for generating the funding for such a global transition? I’m not one to go for wild tales, but after seeing mounting evidence from programs like SkinWalker Ranch and listening to testimony from people like Bob Lazar and the many otherwise normal individuals claiming to have endured forced contact with aliens, I’m willing to be open-minded about the possibility.

COULD we be dealing with something like the hypothesized human/alien hybrids in the WEF? At least one otherwise ordinary woman has gone on a national TV show investigating alien encounters, and claimed that she was forcibly abducted numerous times to care for hybrid babies that required human touch to thrive. A Japanese scientist recently claimed that he would be able to grow artificial human embryos from stem cells in five years “so gay couples could have “their own” children”. Put this all together- could there be some truth to it? I’m nowhere near being in bed with the likes of George Tsukalos, but neither am I willing to outright reject the growing mountain of seemingly very credible scientific and eyewitness evidence that something very extraordinary may indeed be happening, and it involves agencies and organizations most of us would never think to connect together. Thoughts?

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No aliens, just weather, high tech and/or demonic activity (will soon post about Blue Beam Project):


Abductions? only in the USA? could they just mask mk-ultra kind of experiments?

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I imagine that yes, there are aliens... but my frustration level grows when 'what's up with the aliens' is front and center... I think the real crux of our issues is not knowing who WE are and why WE are here. It's by design that we do not know...and are only left with beliefs. The biggest lie ever told is not 'safe & effective'. We have the ability to prove that we are not just wet computers but spirits having a human experience. I fell down this rabbit hole and after a decade of work and a master's program in Critical & Creative Thinking the 'we can't know how consciousness emerges' is a claim for the past ...and is not true in our time of resuscitation science. rather than demanding the answer to the perennial question...Who the hell are we are what are we doing here? This question must be front and center, the question of aliens need to take the back seat as they try to push out Human 2.0.

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An answer to some questions:

Please think this first: “Jesus, if you are the Son of God, I consecrate my heart to your Heart. Please send me the Holy Spirit so I can see Truth and have the courage to repent and follow Him wherever He leads”

Mathematical proof of God’s mind


Scientific proof of God and the soul:


Scientific proof of religion


What do you believe comes after death (Science backs religion)?



Why aren't atheists convinced by miracles which happened, and are scientifically proven?


Which is the true Christianity?


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Thanks for the links...I will check them out. In the meantime I find the quote at the top an assumption that I don't have a belief in God, Jesus ? I happen to...however, this is besides the point. My point is that we can believe that the sun is the center of our solar system but what is required for a truth to be accepted by the whole, to get everyone on the same page so that a truth is fact, is for science to demonstrate why those with the belief happen to be right....or wrong.

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Sadly, because science has been corrupted... we are in a time of chaos re: confirming hypothesis.

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There really is no coming back from 2020 or 2022 elections. Everything in this article has been stated elsewhere and no one pays any mind to it. All this is hidden from the general public and as long as the mass media is controlled by the demons on the left this country is as good as dead. Sorry to say but it's a fact, America will not recover from this even if DJT is back in the house.

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What gets me is that there is a simple solution each person’s name next to who or what he voted for when and where If you had a public registrar whith that each person could check it and see if his vote were posted correctly the arguments for the secret vote have been exposed for much worse consequence to what is imagined if your neighbor knew who you voted for ABOLISH the secret voting stand up and take personal responsibility

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Biden may be a White House squatter, but the Democratic primaries were all rigged, too: https://tdmsresearch.com/2016/07/13/democratic-party-table-1-2016-primaries/

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We are living in a Country that is now encased in Fraud and Corruption.

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By now this should be referred to as the PLANNED SCAMDEMIC !

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Viruses are extracellular debris, the effect not cause of disease.

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Some might be confused with exosomes, but others not. Look the history of the Tobacco plant virus, and how it was isolated, then reinfected and cured

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The history of TMV was written by the victors, virology, big pharma.

I've been my own best proof of the virus theory being fraud. I worked with 10s of thousands of people in their space for over 35 yrs, people claiming to have colds, and the flu, coughing, sneezing in my face and lots of runny noses and never got sick. There are too toxins and chemicals, too many variables to claim it's a virus which makes people sick or cause mosaic dis-ease on plants.


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I completely agree with you on the “spirits having a flesh experience” theme. That doesn’t preclude the existence of extraterrestrial beings, however (nor of our fellow animals also having souls and spirits as well, but that’s another discussion).

An open and balanced consideration of mounting possible evidence may help us answer questions that currently confound us.

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You’re just looking for excuses to deny possibilities. I’m not saying “here’s the truth, this is the way it is”. I’m saying there’s possible, credible evidence that must be followed up on, cross-checked, tested, verified by independent sources, compared to known data, and theorized about. But the evidence DOES exist. Dismissing out of hand all the work of credible, sober, mainstream scientists, military people, whistleblowers and highly skilled technical people running detailed investigations at places like SkinWalker Ranch, as well as pursuing Bigfoot and other cryptids,, investigating paranormal activity, and attempting to make sense of many things for which we currently have no rational explanations for, by ruling out the possible, is unprofessional and unscientific. Sad that you apparently earned the title of Doctor without having a thorough understanding of how science works. MD or PhD? Most MD’s I know practice “scientific” medicine but aren’t really educated. Certainly not scientists, and not classically liberal arts educated, more like glorified lab techs. Which may partly explain why they’re so easily bsmboozled by things like the jab propaganda.

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Never discard reality. Never wrote against that!

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So, the answer is just “no”? Only that which you believe in is possible, forget any potential evidence to the contrary? Forget about giving ideas an open hearing? I’m not saying it’s true, I’m saying there’s increasing evidence that’s increasingly difficult to explain, so we must give the possibility a hearing. What do you see wrong with that? I’m

Not ruling anything else out, just adding an idea for which solid evidence iappeaes to be mounting. I hope you’re not going to close your mind like so many others do when confronted with credible evidence or testable theories that don’t fit into their current narrative. That’s highly unscientific. BYW, who said abductions or ancountwrs happen only in the USA? I didn’t, because that’s not true.

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Also, it's important to have an open mind for deceit: it makes no sense to have aliens fixated with the USA and UK...


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Professor, did you happen to notice who was behind Mr Grosch during the Congressional Hearing? That would be no other than Robert McCollough. One of the architects of the Patriot Act and a NRO employee ! So, prepare oneself for quite the holographic show 🤔 😳

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Who is Robert McCollough?

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Charles McCullough sorry. He helped write the Patriot Act and has been a deep seated minion for the globalists.


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We need ideas to thwart the Scamdemics coming. Really what I learned that made me get red-faced hot was the timeline. That was enough for me. The rest is just a given: Money-Intrigue-levels of control ect.

Unless there is an Alien sitting at the head of the table calling the shots, that is a different thread ( or investigation ). Either way you are both right. Science rarely has the answers/big discoveries because the discoveries in and of themselves are the news. The scientific process is questions and being surprised by the answers it finds.

I will drop willing down alien rabbit holes but the facts remain that these are human beings, just like us, manipulating the fabric of civilization, as it exists, to achieve their goals. We need to take a play out of their playbook and do the same. We can have a beer and theorize which aliens are doing what while we watch our "plan" take back what is ours or better put everything we once lost.

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