The real COVID timeline
The objective evidence proves that the virus wasn’t novel and that the lethal response (lockdowns, haccines, etc.) was prepared years before 2019.
Search engines are detecting “covid-19” years before the PLANdemic, but don’t show the sources. Could you please help with advanced searches by limiting the term (also covid19) to prior years? (add links as comments, think this as a truth wiki)
Patent trail
Wo1993023422A1=methods vaxing Corona Felines #SmithKline Pharna
Wo2002086068A2=SARS CoV 1 UNC Health USA
Wo2005049814A2=Pneumonia Causing Virus France
Wo2005060520A3=antibodies Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
WO2005081716A2=DNA SARS John Hopkins University
Wo2009051837A3=Vax nanotech #MIT & #Harvard
Wo2015143335A1=Chimeric Spike Protein UNC Health
Wo2017044507=MERS-CoV Nanoparticle therapeutics
Wo2017049245A2=Intracellular Triple Helix Moderna
Wo2020060606A1=Crypto mining people @ $MSFT
Wo2022034572A1=POLICY prioritizing jabs Israel
David E. Martin proved that since 1999, 73 patents back that SARS-CoV-2 is not a wild novel virus but a weaponized chimeric lab-created virus.
2008 BioNTech founded (later acquired by Pfizer).
2010 Moderna.
2012 DARPA starts funding mRNA research.
In 2016 the lipid nanoparticles British Columbia University technology, essential for mRNA vaccines, was getting ready for the plandemic. 1
Total Secrecy Orders in Effect
Invention Secrecy Activity reported by the Patent & Trademark Office
FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21
5784 5792 5878 5915 5976
By 2021, there were 6000 suppressed patents by secrecy orders of the ARMY, NAVY, AF, DOE, NSA, DTSA, NASA, DARPA. 2
The virus was going to be released on purpose to force vaccination, a lucrative conspiracy, which despite of the overwhelming evidence it is still not prosecuted under RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act).
Not a novel coronavirus
“enormous number of bacterial and viral pathogens that were being patented through NIH, NIAID USAMRIID, the [US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases] program, and a number of other agencies internationally that collaborated with them. And our concern was that coronavirus was being seen as not only a potential manipulable agent for potential use as a vaccine vector, but it was also very clearly being considered as a biological weapon candidate… in 1999, Anthony Fauci funded research at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, specifically, to create, and you cannot, you cannot help, but, you know, lament what I'm about to read because this comes directly from a patent application filed on April 19th, 2002, and you heard the date correctly, 2002, where the NIAID built an infectious replication defective coronavirus. It was specifically targeted for human lung epithelium. In other words, we made SARS. And we patented it on April 19, 2002 before there was ever any alleged outbreak in Asia, which as you know, followed that by several months. That patent issued as US Patent 7279327, that patent clearly lays out in very specific gene sequencing, the fact that we knew that the ACE receptor, the ACE-2 binding domain, the S-1, spike protein, and other elements of what we have come to know as this scourge pathogen, was not only engineered, but could be synthetically modified in the laboratory, using nothing more than gene sequencing technologies, taking computer code and turning it into a pathogen, or an intermediate of the pathogen, and that technology was funded exclusively in the early days, as a means by which we could actually harness coronavirus as a vector to distribute HIV vaccine.”
April 2003 filing by the US CDC of SARS-Cov-X
“ filing the entire gene sequence on what became SARS coronavirus, which is actually a violation of 35 US Code section 101. You cannot patent a naturally occurring substance. The 35 US Code Section 101 violation was patent number 7220852. Now, that patent also had a series of derivative patents associated with it. These are patent applications that were broken apart, because they were of multiple patentable subject matters. But these include US patent 46592703P, which is actually a very interesting designation, US patent [7776521]. These patents not only covered the gene sequence of SARS coronavirus, but also covered the means of detecting it, using RTPCR. Now the reason why that's problem is, if you actually both own the patent on the gene itself, and you own the patent on its detection, you have a cunning advantage to being able to control 100% of the provenance of not only the virus itself, but also its detection, meaning you have entire scientific and message control. And this patent, sought by the CDC, was allegedly justified by their public relations team, as being sought so that everyone would be free to be able to research coronavirus. The only problem with that statement is it's a lie. And the reason why it's a lie is because the patent office not once, but twice rejected the patent on the gene sequence as un-patentable, because the gene sequence was already in the public domain. In other words, prior to CDCs filing for a patent, the patent office found 99.9% identity with the already existing coronavirus recorded in the public domain, and over the rejection of the patent examiner, and after having to pay an appeal fine in 2006 and 2007, the CDC overrode the patent office's rejection of their patent, and ultimately in 2007, got the patent on SARS coronavirus. So every public statement that CDC has made, that said that this was in the public interest, is falsifiable by their own, paid bribe to the patent office. This is not something subtle, and to make matters worse, they paid an additional fee to keep their application private… if you're trying to make information available for the public research, you would not pay a fee to keep the information private.
… if you look at the gene sequence that is filed by CDC in 2003, again in 2005, and then again in 2006, what you find is identity in somewhere between 89-99% of the sequence overlaps that have been identified in what is called the novel subclade of SARS COV-2. What we know is that the core designation of SARS coronavirus, which is actually the clade of the beta coronavirus family, and the subclade that has been called SARS COV-2, have to overlap from a taxonomic point of view. You cannot have SARS designation on a thing without it first being SARS.
Patenting the cure before the disease is discovered
3 days after CDC filed the patent, on the SARS coronavirus in 2003, 3 days later, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, a company that was set up in Maryland (Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, and ultimately Ablynx Pharmaceuticals became rolled into the proprietary holdings of Pfizer, Crucel, and Johnson & Johnson), Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, on the 28th of April, 2003, filed a patent in antiviral agents of treatment and control of infections coronavirus. CDC filed 3 days earlier, and then the treatment was available 3 days later… how would one have a patent on a treatment for a thing that had been invented 3 days earlier?
The problem is, it was issued and published before the CDC patent on coronavirus was actually allowed. So the degree to which the information could have been known by any means other than insider information between those parties is zero. Is not physically possible for you to patent a thing that treats a thing that had not been published, because CDC had paid to keep it secret.”
US patent office defined that gene hacks were not vaccines
“The first vaccine ever patented for coronavirus was actually sought by Pfizer. The application for the first vaccine for coronavirus which was specifically this S Spike protein, so the exact same thing that allegedly, we have rushed into invention,the first application was filed January, 28th, 2000, 21 years ago… US Patent 6372224, which was the spike protein virus vaccine for the canine coronavirus, which is actually one of the multiple forms of coronavirus.”
“When Anthony Fauci, tried desperately to get some of his (HIV) 'synthetic RNA vaccines’ published, he had his own patents rejected by the patent office. And I want to read what the patent office told him when NIAID's own Anthony Fauci thought that he could get an mRNA-like vaccine patented as a vaccine:
‘These arguments are persuasive to the extent that an antigenic peptide stimulates an immune response, that may produce antibodies that bind to a specific peptide or protein, but it is not persuasive in regards to a vaccine. The immune response produced by a vaccine must be more than merely some immune response, but must also be protective, as noted in the previous office action. The art recognizes the term 'vaccine' to be a compound which 'prevents infection'. Applicant has not demonstrated that the instantly claimed vaccine meets even the lower standard set forth in the specification, let alone the standard art definition for being operative in regards, therefore claims 5, 7 and 9 are not operative as the anti-HIV vaccine is not patentable utility.’
So Anthony Fauci himself, was told by the patent office themselves, that what he was proposing as a vaccine, didnt’t meet the patentable standard, the legal standard or the clinical standard.” 3
The hiding of the true origin of the virus, is the most obvious case of propaganda (coordinated disinformation campaign), proving freemasonic collusion between several countries.
“Between 2007 and 2017, the lab had created 8 new chimeric coronaviruses with various receptor binding motifs in spike protein. Such research was still going on in 2019, which was also funded by the US govt. For example, this 2008 paper talks about Manipulation of the coronavirus genome using targeted RNA recombination.
2014. Why would China spend, 58 million dollars on “Batwoman” Shi Zhengli’s project to gather coronavirus from bats and only 42 million in the P4 lab for 300 scientists without training to use it? 4 Why did Shi fear that the virus had escaped from her lab? 5 Obviously they needed first a suitable weaponizable virus to work with.
2015 Dr Shi Zhengli 's research about gain of function of a bat virus
2017 (!) World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS), a joint initiative of the World Bank, UNCTAD, UNSD, the WTO, showed exports of PCR test kits for “COVID-19”
8 Set 2020. World Bank replied that it was a March 2020 recategorization of “Reagents; diagnostic or laboratory reagents on a backing and prepared diagnostic or laboratory reagents whether or not on a backing, other than those of heading no. 3002 or 3006)” which impacted earlier transactions, now re-renamed “medical tests” for transactions before 2020, yet, “the main database retains all of the original technical descriptions/labels that existed before the COVID-19 outbreak.”6
It’s suspicious that the narrative can’t be corroborated, either by WITS or, which coincidentally doesn’t got beyond the date.
European Union
United States
Something strange happened with the tweaking because the numbers don’t match the above original image.
Interestingly, in spite the World Bank replied that COVID test kits were renamed for after 2019, the first page left to track the narrative is dated 5 Sep 2020, not Jan 2020: 7
10 Dec 2018. A paper by scientists from Wuhan Institute of Virology and University of Minnesota in the USA described the objectives of their study on Coronavirus: “In vitro and in vivo characterization of SARSr-CoV spillover risk, coupled with spatial and phylogenetic analyses to identify the regions and viruses of public health concern. We will use S protein sequence data, infectious clone technology, in vitro and in vivo infection experiments and analysis of receptor binding”. 8
It may be noted that “Infectious clone technology” means creating live synthetic viral clones. In vitro means study on micro-organisms done in test tubes, and in vivo means the same study done in lab animals.” 9
All research about snakes being the origin of the epidemic was classified as fake news. 10
Without any scientific evidence, globalist mercenary science (The Lancet11, Science Mag12, Fauci13) and media funnelled the theory of bat-pangolin-human inexplicable jump, while social media (including social science platforms14) blocked as fake the real truth about a “gain-of-function” designed in the Wuhan Institute of Virology P4 Lab15, proven to be a Chinese bio-warfare facility with ties to the highest Chinese authorities, a lab built by the French and funded by the Fauci (USA) military industrial complex 16, the Canadian BSL4 lab17 and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, obsessed with SARS bioweapons. 18
February 2017. Why would freemason-buddy 19 French-premier Bernard Cazeneuve visit the lab invited by lab director Yuan Zhiming? Tourism or planning? A person without any scientific training gains no insight from visiting a lab, especially when they chose what to show and what not.
30 Nov 2017: the Wuhan lab Dr. Zhengli Shi published that bat coronaviruses Rs4841 and Rs4874 could bind to human ACE2 receptors20 (just as SARS-CoV-2).
Jun 2018 US Army MDs assessment of HCQ: “Hydroxychloroquine acts by suppressing Toll-like receptors to trigger important immunomodulatory effects”, which would become important to treat COVID. 21
No one would shoot his own foot, unless having an armoured boot. The fact that there was a cure supports a deliberate release, not a lab leak. Evidence shows that once out, even if it was premature lab leak, it triggered the plans prepared for a deliberately released pandemic. 22
There is unequivocal evidence of collusion between China, WHO and deep state agents like Fauci 23, in allowing the virus to spread outside China (like denying man-man spread, initially saying the virus wasn’t dangerous or closing domestic but allowing international flights) and blocking the information about the cures. 24
Suddenly after one year, in early 2021 the lab origin was un-freezed: did they keep the lid until it blew off? To hide that the “leak” was in fact “dissemination” and that the Chinese Communist Party spread the virus on purpose? 25 Or was it because a high ranking Chinese defector confessed it, and therefore, continuing the charade would discredit mainstream media?
Fauci is so implicated, that under the request of Chinese scientists, the NIH deleted scientific files proving the virus originated prior to the alleged Hunan wet market initial contagion. 26 The NIH answer: an undisclosed scientist supposedly deleted it to repost it later, but that reposting never occurred. The deletion of a file in a NIH scientific repository is unprecedented and it shouldn’t even be possible: in science, traceability is key to credibility, reproducibility and falsifiability. This also questions an accidental lab leak.
More evidence of lab origin:
Aug 2019 COVID-19 probable date of leak/release
12 Sep 2019 the Chinese government learned about the leak? The military entered the lab at night, replaced leadership, took 22000 samples of coronavirus (never returned), removed mentions to “gain of function” from websites.
12 Sep 2019 Italy: “The earliest sample with evidence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA was from September 12, 2019” 27
18 Sep 2019 "emergency response drill" at China Tianhe Airport about an incoming flight with coronavirus. 28
29 Sep 2019 first unconfirmed case in Wuhan.29
15 Oct 2019 Event 201 simulation exercise, based on responding to an international “coronavirus” pandemic with the “pandemic emergency board… urgently convened by the WEF” for 6 Nov 2019, co-hosted with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security 30, together with , WHO and 15 global business, governments, CIA Avril Haines (what has the CIA got to do with public health?), and public health leaders like George Fu Gao, Director of the Chinese CDC, which was essential for all countries to copy Chinese lockdowns, proving collusion between each nations’ freemasons with the Chinese. 31 It had the purpose of fine tuning the social engineering systems to lead the masses to the vaccine, as the only lead-life-saver, by a “novel coronavirus” to “prepare public and private leaders for pandemic response.” 32
29 Oct 2019 at the Milken Institute “Future of Health Summit”, Fauci sets the goal of a yearly “universal flu vaccine” with a “self assembling nano-particule” for 6 months old children, allegedly due to avoid inprinting (min 48), with Rick Brigh, director of the HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development (BARDA) talking about the need of a fast response to pandemics (min.27), explaining it was the plan of the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation in 2018 (min 30), with 650K flu US deaths per year (min 34), there’s a need for a global owner of the problem/solution (min.36) and for people to be scarred of the flu, like with HIV or cancer. That harmless perception didn’t change even after the 1957 and 1968 pandemics (min. 42). The solution is synthetic-based mRNA vaccines based on a sequence from the outbreak sent to 3D printing spots all over the world, even at your home (min 45) to be administered through a patch, and backed with monoclonal antibodies (min 49). They need a group to take control based on philanthropy and government funding. They need keyplayers to understand that’s there an urgency of people “dying now” (min 57). 33
12 Nov 2019 U.S. Department of Defense issued a “COVID-19 Research” contract in the Ukraine, 3 Months before COVID-19 was known to officially exist: Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. (a construction company!) for Labyrinth Global Health Inc.34
15 Nov 2019 first confirmed 9 cases of COVID-19 in Wuhan. 35
21 Nov 2019 Milan case.36
In many cities (Barcelona37, Buenos Aires38, Florianopolis39, Milan40, etc.) COVID-19 was detected in sewage waters41 at least one month prior to the alleged Dec 2020 wet market spread, but in one study, not before Nov 2019, yet it is a proxy of about 2 weeks earlier than public PCR-case statistics. 42
1 Dec 2019 non-Huanan-Seafood-Market case reported 43 : “the progenitor of currently known SARS-CoV-2 sequences likely contained three mutations relative to the market viruses that made it more similar to SARS-CoV-2’s bat coronavirus relatives.”44
8 Dec 2019 date established by the joint WHO-China report for declaring all previously reported cases as not COVID-19
31 Dec 2019 China informed the WHO, but minimized the threat.
2 Jan 2020 China informed 41 cases: 27 (66%) linked to the wet market. In spite of censored early cases, the epicenter of the wet market still matched that of the P4 lab:45
30 Jan 2020 WHO declared a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC)
6 Feb 2020: China cancelled domestic flights, yet fought against international bans, with the WHO as accomplice. 46
11 Mar 2020, WHO announced the pandemic.
17 Mar 2020, five top virologists publish that “Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.” 47 They had ties with Wellcome Trust, Wuhan lab, EcoHealth Alliance, Francis Collins, Fauci, WHO. 48
On Apr 2020, China prevented the investigation about COVID-19 origins by threatening and then starting a trade war with Australia as economic sanctions.49
Also, China forbid the WHO to send an investigative team, and only allowing it nearly a year later, after tampering with the evidence, deleting records, hiding information and forbidding access to key elements.
As a precedent, a lab origin of SARS-CoV-1 is still unrefuted. 50 Like in the batgate, palm civet (Paguma larvata) and the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) were blamed 51, yet nobody could explain how SARS 1 coronavirus gained HIV genomes. 52
Three Nobel prizes declared that SARS-CoV-2 was genetically engineered.
Luc Montagner, awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering HIV, said it is impossible that a coronavirus would gain HIV genetic information. Proven insertion of HIV sequences. 53
21 Apr 2020, a 25000 email hack of WHO, Bill Gates, Wuhan Institute of Virology, CDC, NIH and World Bank, “confirmed that SARS-Co-V-2 was in fact artificially spliced with HIV” in Wuhan. 54
Even a detracting research recognizes “100% match between the insertion 1 and 2 sequences and the HIV sequences were found in 19 entries… detection of completely matched sequences of 1 and 2 insertions… four insertion homolog sequences could (…) be independently found in different HIV-1 genomes”. 55
The Australian vaccine was cancelled due to the unexpected result of HIV false-positive testing after vaccination.
18 Nov 2020, EcoHealth Alliance orchestrated scientists’ statement on natural origin of SARS-CoV-2. 56
13 Feb 2021 A member of the WHO team investigating the origin of COVID, confessed that the team had requested raw patient data on the 174 early cases in Wuhan in December 2019, but was refused and provided only with a summary instead. 57
4 Mar 2021 scientists shared plenty of evidence that the WHO-Chinese study was flawd from inception. 58
30 Mar 2021, WHO in partnership with Chinese government selected scientists, without any verifiable evidence, concluded that a wildlife origin through an intermediate host was the “likely to very likely pathway” for the original transmission into humans, while a lab accident was “extremely unlikely”. 59 Of couse: the original goal of the study was “to identify the zoonotic source of the virus and the route of introduction to the human population, including the possible role of intermediate hosts.” 60 The webpage changed: “This report was updated on 6 April 2021 to remove a working note that was inadvertently included on page 13…” and to correct a surname typo missing a letter “n”. Yet, except for that letter, there was no difference in any of pdfs. Why create a new version just because of a letter?: either it’s a mistake or Internet Archive and other sources changed the original file because that working note was compromising. 61
The very same day, the EU 62, USA, UK and 11 countries expressed concerns about the report. 63 White House Press Secretary said: “The report lacks crucial data, information, and access. It represents a partial and incomplete picture.” and that Chinese authorities “have not been transparent. They have not provided underlying data. That certainly doesn’t qualify as cooperation.” 64
5 Jul 2021, The Lancet, Peter Daszak, Christian Drosten et al. backed the WHO report, a rehash of their unbelievable Feb 2020 statement. 65 Daszak was a member of the WHO expert team visiting Wuhan and had funded the coronavirus research of the P4 Wuhan lab, but this wasn’t considered a conflict of interest.
14 May 2021 Science publishes a letter demanding further investigations because “Only 4 of the 313 pages of the report and its annexes addressed the possibility of a laboratory accident.” 66
10 Sep 2021, it was proven that 26 out of the 27 scientists signing The Lancet letter about natural origin, had failed to disclose that they were associated with the P4 lab of Wuhan. 67
20 Oct 2021: NIH sent a letter to U.S. Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., “EcoHealth failed to report (it) was testing if spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model (just as SARS-CoV-2)... similarity of RaTG13 and BANAL-52 bat coronaviruses to SARS-CoV-2 is close because it overlaps by 96-97%” yet, without providing any evidence, Tabak, Principal Deputy Director, denied any connection with SARS-CoV-2. 68
Richard H. Ebright, a molecular biologist who in March 2021 joined 26 world scientists in calling for a full forensic investigation into the origins of COVID, twitted: “NIH corrects untruthful assertions by NIH Director Collins and NIAID Director Fauci that NIH had not funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan. NIH states that EcoHealth Alliance violated Terms and Conditions of NIH grant AI110964.” 69 “The NIH funded the construction of novel chimeric coronaviruses that combined spike gene of one SARS-related coronavirus with rest of genetic information of another, and that yielded viruses that exhibited 10,000-fold higher viral load and higher pathogenicity in humanized mice.” 70 “How many times can one grantee violate the Terms and Conditions of one NIH grant without being penalized? (Apparently, if the grantee is EcoHealth Alliance, the number is at least four)” 71
24 Feb 2022, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel: COVID-19 “may have been the result of a lab leak”
The evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 being originated by recombination and “gain of function” enhancement as a bioweapon in the P4 Wuhan lab.
Yet, the U.S. intelligence report of August 2021 said that the coronavirus was not a bioweapon. If they said it was weaponized by China, China could have showed it was funded by the USA and/or accused the US of the release.
7 Sep 2021, the Washington Post (bought by globalist Bezos “for no reason”), publishes a ridiculous cover up 72 echoed by global mainstream media. 73
29 Oct 2021, the US intelligence community reaches no conclusion on the origins. Interestingly there is no “community” but a top council where heads are named not based on career track but by politics. Yet, interesting passages could be quoted:
“Four IC elements and the National Intelligence Council assess with low confidence that the initial SARS-CoV-2 infection was most likely caused by natural exposure to an animal infected with it or a close progenitor virus—a virus that probably would be more than 99 percent similar to SARS-CoV-2. …
One IC element assesses with moderate confidence that the first human infection with SARS-CoV-2 most likely was the result of a laboratory-associated incident, probably involving experimentation, animal handling, or sampling by the Wuhan Institute of Virology. These analysts give weight to the inherently risky nature of work on coronaviruses.
The IC—and the global scientific community—lacks clinical samples or a complete understanding of epidemiological data from the earliest COVID-19 cases. If we obtain information on the earliest cases that identified a location of interest or occupational exposure, it may alter our evaluation of hypotheses… Beijing, however, continues to hinder the global investigation, resist sharing information and blame other countries, including the United States.” 74
What does the Chinese Communist Party has to hide?: obviously, it’s not a problem of lack of US “intelligence” but of too obvious counter-intelligence.
14 Feb 2022, ten days before Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, it was known there were bio-labs making bioweapons just as in Wuhan, funded by the US Department of Defense, especially through the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program75, created to decommission Soviet-era chemical and biological weapons: can anybody give a reasonable explanation for that amount of full time labs still working after 35 years of the Soviet meltdown?
“The Russian Defense Ministry said it discovered 30 US-funded military biological laboratories in Ukraine. The United States has spent more than $200 million to develop biological weapons in the facilities in Ukraine, a small part of the global US network of more than 300 similar facilities around the world.” 76
Of course, Avril Haines, director of national intelligence, told the Senate Intelligence Committee that the USA “had provided assistance in the context of biosafety.” Yet, no other country has as many US funded bio labs, least, close to Russia.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) asked her if there was a weapon, pathogen or tool the Russians could seize. She answered: “We have to be concerned in the same way we have to be concerned with the nuclear power plant or other facilities [if] they are seized,” Haines said. “There may be damage done or theft and they may in fact misuse some of the material that’s there that is not intended for weapon purposes but nevertheless could be used in dangerous ways.” 77 Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland said, “Ukraine has biological research facilities which, in fact, we’re now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how we can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach.” 78 So much, for innocent research.
China’s Foreign Affairs Ministry asked for a “full account” of Ukraine’s “biological military activities at home and abroad” while Russia for a UN Security Council meeting on “military biological activities” in the USA. Of course, the dominant media spread the same misinformation propaganda to counter-truth. 79
9 Jun 2022, the Pentagon recognized they funded 46 labs: “The United States has also worked collaboratively to improve Ukraine’s biological safety, security, and disease surveillance for both human and animal health, providing support to 46 peaceful Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and disease diagnostic sites over the last two decades. The collaborative programs have focused on improving public health and agricultural safety measures at the nexus of nonproliferation.” 80
The HIV trail
Fauci owns a patent on SARS-CoV-2 gp120 HIV insertion, which destroys the body’s cancer-killing T cells.81
GP-120 was also found in the mycoplasma associated with Gulfwar Syndrome: prior to that, there was a research program developing those vaccines in Texas.82
The HIV related gain-of-function was first spotted in 2002 with SARS-CoV-1, which was used to start the second info-terrorist attack (800 deaths out of 8000 cases), for the following objectives: to try the first lock-downs (even Churches) and to make billions out of diverting tax payer money to useless-treatment hoarding (Tamiflu) from their own companies and by using the insider information to sell before the crisis and buy cheaper after the scare level was turned down through their media, leaving 50 billion USD of economic damage83.
Then MERS had an HIV insertion.
The cancer trail
“The present study for the first time reported a very important mutation in the Spike (S) proteins of BB coronavirus. By this mutation, 2019-nCoV acquired a cleavage site for furin enzyme, which is not present in the S proteins of all other BB coronavirus (e.g. SARS coronavirus) except the Mouse Hepatitis coronavirus (MHV). This mutation may increase the efficiency of virus infection into cells, making 2019-nCoV has significantly stronger transmissibility than SARS coronavirus.” 84
“2019-nCoV Spike protein shares … 35% aa identity with MERS-CoV Spike protein the region surrounding the furin cleavage sequence motif…”85
COVID-19 has a unique furin cleavage site in the spike protein, which:
Is the key for SARS-CoV-2 being very so contagious
SARS-CoV-1 lacked it despite being designed
MERS-CoV had it, proving it was designed
All other coronavirus lack it
Was the most important reason to accuse of the gain-of-function lab origin since 2019
4 Feb 2016 Moderna patented a cancer related gene (MSH3), known to affect how damaged human cells repair themselves.
7 Mar 2017 the patent was approved
A small DNA chunk of the cleavage matches a sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic.
Moderna filed the patent in February 2016 as part of its cancer research division, records show. The patented sequence is part of
There’s 1 in 3 trillion chance Moderna's sequence randomly appeared through natural evolution.
Also, "mRNA coding for mutant versions of CYP19A1 and CDKN1B in smaller amounts" in Moderna.86
It’s clear the virus was designed for humans: "In his in silico analysis, Lyons-Weiler compared all antigenic SARSCoV-2 protein epitopes flagged in the SVMTriP database ( and searched the p-BLAST database ( for homology between those epitopes and endogenous human proteins. Of the 37 SARS-CoV-2 proteins analyzed, 29 had antigenic regions. All but one of these 29 had homology with human proteins (putative self-antigens) and were predicted to be autoreactogenic."87
Follow the money, as usual
Dr. Peter Daszak of Fauci-funded EcoHealth Alliance (which funded the Wuhan lab), the leader of the lying article in The Lancet about the natural origin of the virus, stated, prior to the pandemic ( 2016 ! ): “until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs (medical countermeasures) such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process.” 88
That same year, 2016, the FBI was investigating the Wuhan lab’s funding by Fauci-Daszak: “The records reveal several indications of gain-of-function research, as well as failures to comply with reporting regulations, including a May 9, 2016, email marked ‘High’ importance, in which NIH official Carine Normil notes Peter Daszak’s failure to file a progress report on EcoHealth’s bat coronavirus research.” 89 Of course, the deep state buried it, costing the world the COVID-19 crisis, which was necessary to oust Trump, among other objectives.
11 Jan 2017, just 9 days prior to the inauguration of Trump’s presidency, globalist Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said there was 'no doubt' Trump would be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency: ”There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases. … (The) Trump administration will not only be challenged by ongoing global health threats such as influenza and HIV, but also a surprise disease outbreak. … We will definitely get surprised in the next few years.” 90
In 2019 Bill Gates said "NEXT YEAR" vaccine stocks would be “one of the best buys”: the 3.1 million shares of BioNTech that Gates bought in Sept 2019 for $18.10/share. That $55 million investment was worth $1.7 billion by Aug 2021. 91
28-29 Oct 2019, The Milken Institute hosted “The Future of Health Summit”, which “brought together thought leaders and decision-makers to confront some of the world’s most significant health challenges by matching human, financial, and educational resources with the most innovative and impactful ideas.”The focal point of this panel discussion was, “the need for more funding for research, better collaboration between the private and government sectors, advances in technology in flu research and the goal of a universal flu vaccine.”
Anthony Fauci lamented that bringing in a new type of vaccine, like an mRNA vaccine, would take at least a decade “if everything goes perfectly.”
Rick Bright suggested it could be sidestepped if, “there were an urgent call for an entity of excitement that is completely disruptive and is not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.”
The second issue featured the “need” for something new and more frightening to emerge as the flu no longer created enough fear in the population at large to warrant such a “universal vaccine.”
Anthony Fauci stated: “So we really do have a problem of how the world perceives influenza and it’s going to be very difficult to change that unless you do it from within and say, I don’t care what your perception is, we’re going to address the problem in a disruptive and in an iterative way because she does need both.”
Rick Bright replied: “But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of a novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere. We could get the RNA sequence from that to a number of regional centers if not local, if not even in your home at some point, and print those vaccines on a patch of self-administer.”
Trump had to go, even if that meant designing and releasing COVID, even if that meant media echoing FBI lies in the Steele dossier 92,
3 David E. Martin testifies at the German Corona Inquiry Committee July 9th, 2021 Reiner Fuelmich interview
Transcript of the above video interview:
Stew Peters interviews with Dr. David Martin:
Scientists, in anonymity, sustain that super-i-man and wonder-drug-woman beat batgirl and Vax VADER, but not the evil global-man.
7 There is no results for code 300210*/
8 Cui, J., Li, F., & Shi, Z. L. Origin and evolution of pathogenic coronaviruses. 10 Dec 2018 Nature reviews. Microbiology, 17(3), 181–192.
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13 4 Jun 2021 Tucker: Why did they lie to us for so long
5 Jun 2021 Tucker: Two-faced Fauci pushed draconian measures despite data
14 15 Feb 2020 Twitter blocked the paper:

“Two Chinese scientists published a now deleted paper on ResearchGate that we were able to retrieve. It claims #COVID2019 / #nCoV2019 may have originated from accidental Wuhan Center of Disease Control and Prevention leakage due to high risk behavior and bad operational security.”

20 Hu B, Zeng L-P, et al. Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus. 30 Nov 2017 PLoS Pathog 13(11): e1006698.
21 Shippey EA, Wagler VD, Collamer AN, Hydroxychloroquine: An old drug with new relevance, Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine June 2018, 85 (6) 459-467;
22 Fleming, Richard M., Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic investigation. Skyhorse (September 7, 2021), ISBN13: 9781510770195

“The motives? For China: legal and political immunity against sanctions for creating and delaying the global response to the virus? Getting arch-enemy Trump out of the way and bringing friendly-Biden (who stopped the investigation on COVID Chinese origin) to undo all Trump’s trade measures against China which means billions of dollars? Selling the vaccine? Reducing bordering countries’ populations and economies? For Freemasonic WHO and deep state: reducing the global population? Compulsory vaccination with hidden depopulation function? Ruining the economy as the excuse for a tyrannical global reset? Messing with candidates and elections? Getting rid of anti-globalist Trump?”
26 Bloom, Jesse D., Recovery of deleted deep sequencing data sheds more light on the early Wuhan SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, 22 Jun 2021, BioRxiv preprint,
27 Amendola A, Canuti M, et al. Molecular evidence for SARS-CoV-2 in samples collected from patients with morbilliform eruptions since late 2019 in Lombardy, northern Italy, Environmental Research, Volume 215, Part 1, 2022, 113979, ISSN 0013-9351,
28 Jennifer Zeng twit @jenniferatntd 18 Feb 2020
29 Professor Yu Chuanhua of Wuhan University to Health Times 2020 mentioned in
DeMeo, J. COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official-Truth" Lies - An independent scientific review fails to confirm the central claims of the CDC, WHO, NIH, FDA, alarmist media & political tyrants. Oregon, USA, 2021
35 South China Morning Post mentioned in
39 Fongaroa G, Hermes Stoco P, et al. The presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in human sewage in Santa Catarina, Brazil, November 2019. Elsevier, Science of The Total Environment Volume 778, 15 July 2021, 146198
40 La Rosa G, Mancini P, et al. SARS-CoV-2 has been circulating in northern Italy since December 2019: Evidence from environmental monitoring, Jan 2021 Science of The Total Environment, Vol 750, ISSN 0048-9697,
41 Panchal D., Prakash O., et al. SARS-CoV-2: sewage surveillance as an early warning system and challenges in developing countries. 17 Mar 2021 Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 22221–22240.
42 Borney F, Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in sewage in the Aosta Valley: results of one year of monitoring. Nov 2021. Academia Letters. Article 3272
43 Huang, C., Y. Wang, X. Li, L. Ren, J. Zhao, et al., 2020 Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. 30 Jan 2020 Lancet (London, England), 395(10223), 497–506.
45 Worobey, M., Levy, J. I., et al. The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan was the early epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. 26 Jul 2022 Science (New York, N.Y.), 377(6609), 951–959.
46 “After the total lockdown the average traffic density fell to below 10% in Wuhan and Shanghai during February and below 5% in Beijing. While implementing a total domestic lockdown in February, China kept assuring the world that the situation was not serious and fully under control.”
47 Andersen, K.G., Rambaut, A., Lipkin, W.I. et al. The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2. 17 Mar 2020 Nature Medicine 26, 450–452 (2020).
51 Guan, Y, Zheng, BJ, et al. Isolation and characterization of viruses related to the SARS coronavirus from animals in southern China. Science 2003;302:276-278.
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52 Marra MA, Jones SJM, et al., The Genome Sequence of the SARS-Associated Coronavirus, 30 May 2003, Science Vol. 300, Issue 5624, pp. 1399-1404
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Campbell GR, To RK et al. SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV-1, and HIV-1 derived ssRNA sequences activate the NLRP3 inflammasome in human macrophages through a non-classical pathway, 23 Apr 2021, iScience, Volume 24,
53 Illanes-Álvarez F, Márquez-Ruiz D, et al. Similarities and differences between HIV and SARS-CoV-2. 01 Jan 2021 Int J Med Sci; 18(3):846-851. Available from
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“four insertions found in the study are, GTNGTKR, HKNNKS, GDSSSG and QTNSPRRA”: Preprint withdrawn for revision but not on ResearchGate:
Due to pressure it was never presented again, in spite that the results were confirmed:
Pradhan P, Pandey AK, et al. Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag. 31 Jan 2020. BioRiv.
55 Xiao, C., Li, X., et al. HIV-1 did not contribute to the 2019-nCoV genome. 14 Feb 2020. Emerging microbes & infections, 9(1), 378–381.
58 Butler CD, Canard B, et al. Call for a Full and Unrestricted International Forensic Investigation into the Origins of COVID-19. 4 Mar 2021 Open letter
59 WHO-convened Global Study of Origins of SARS-CoV-2: China Part. Joint WHO-China Study 14 January-10 February 2021
65 Calisher CH, Daszak P, Drosten C, et al. Science, not speculation, is essential to determine how SARS-CoV-2 reached humans. 5 Jul 2021 The Lancet Correspondence| Volume 398, ISSUE 10296, P209-211, July 17, 2021
66 Bloom JD, Chan YA, Gupta Ravindra. et al. Investigate the origins of COVID-19. 14 May 2021 Science. Letter. Vol 372, Issue 6543 p. 694


Hvistendahl M, Lerner S, NIH Bat Coronavirus Grant Report Was Submitted More Than Two Years Late. The unusual timing of a bat coronavirus grant report suggests that an earlier version may have been revised. 1 Oct 2021
84 Zhang W, Li X et al. A furin cleavage site was discovered in the S protein of the 2019 novel coronavirus. Jan 2020
85 Z. Galen WO. Sequence Analysis Indicates that 2019-nCoV Virus Contains a Putative Furin Cleavage Site at the Boundary of S1 and S2 Domains of Spike Protein. 18 Feb 2020. OSFPreprints
88 Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events; Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation; Forum on Microbial Threats; Board on Health Sciences Policy; Board on Global Health; Institute of Medicine; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Rapid Medical Countermeasure Response to Infectious Diseases: Enabling Sustainable Capabilities Through Ongoing Public- and Private-Sector Partnerships: Workshop Summary. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2016 Feb 12. 6, Developing MCMs for Coronaviruses. Available from:
90 Healio News, Fauci: ‘No doubt’ Trump will face surprise infectious disease outbreak. 11
Jan 2017, Georgetown University Medical Center, Global Health Experts Advise Advance Planning for Inevitable Pandemic.
YouTube, Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration: Keynote Address by Anthony S. Fauci
This information is so much more comprehensive than others I've seen. Thank you for your perseverance and hard work!
This is a good compilation but it mixes real info with propaganda (fake bread crumb evidence) like on the lab leaks/man-made virus.
For example no prior Corona virus has ever been found:
you can't make a Corona virus in a lab, and if you think you could, still none has been found in Nature to prove that nor base making it on, so this is to lead us off the true trail, and no HIV virus has ever been found
The propaganda dates predating Covid still support the idea of a planned operation, so those are good as long as that is noted as propaganda that doesn't fit with the data on the non-finding of a "virus".
Because of the mixed stuff here, somehow you'd be best at separating all the info into those that fit with provable data and/or makes sense with the no proof/discovery of a purified & characterized virus, those that are unclear where they fit, and those that are clear propaganda and make this into a few separate posts.