This information is so much more comprehensive than others I've seen. Thank you for your perseverance and hard work!

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This is a good compilation but it mixes real info with propaganda (fake bread crumb evidence) like on the lab leaks/man-made virus.

For example no prior Corona virus has ever been found: https://pastebin.com/PsXCQmGZ

you can't make a Corona virus in a lab, and if you think you could, still none has been found in Nature to prove that nor base making it on, so this is to lead us off the true trail, and no HIV virus has ever been found


The propaganda dates predating Covid still support the idea of a planned operation, so those are good as long as that is noted as propaganda that doesn't fit with the data on the non-finding of a "virus".

Because of the mixed stuff here, somehow you'd be best at separating all the info into those that fit with provable data and/or makes sense with the no proof/discovery of a purified & characterized virus, those that are unclear where they fit, and those that are clear propaganda and make this into a few separate posts.

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The object evidence shows that the virus does't exist at all https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing



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There was no virus, there is much evidence that viruses don't exist, but there was much valuable information here nonetheless. Your research was extensive, but your educated knowledge (supposed)is a result of the indoctrination of the colleges in the Rockefeller-created university and medical systems. In other words, you have been programmed to believe the medical nonsense. Unfortunately you could not cut through all the bullshit, but you did make some good discoveries that I find helpful. thank you

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Prof. Fred Nazar

PS, i have an interesting visual i can share with you from a recent health care purchase. Is there a place I can post it to you?

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There is no lab leak because there is no virus particle


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I beg to differ with the timeline. Myself and my brother caught covid-19 from a visit to Hoover Dam and Las Vegas in March 2019. After we returned home we both got sick with massive headache, difficulty breathing and fatigue. I rode it out for 3 days while taking massive amounts of Vitamin C and using an Albuterol inhaler. My brother went to the ER and they ran multiple tests and could not determine what was wrong with him. There were also 4 other people visiting from out of state with us on the trip, and after they flew back home 2 of them were diagnosed with Bronchitis. It wasn't until closer to the end of 2019 when they finally reported covid-19 in the news that we learned what made us sick in March, as the reported symptoms matched ours. And of course as usual, there were a ton of Chinese tourist visiting both locations while we were there!

That's our story and we are sticking to it no matter what the so-called experts claim. We totally believe that this was a purposely released bioweapon from China. And when it didn't kill as many people as they thought that it would, they created the deadly vax. I have not & will not take the vax and I have survived through 3 bouts of covid.

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Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023

PRESEARCH is effective. https://presearch.com/search?q=wuhan+military+games+2019+pathogen+release

US urged to release health info of military athletes who came to Wuhan in October 2019 https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1183658.shtml

Did the Military World Games Spread COVID-19? https://prospect.org/coronavirus/did-the-military-world-games-spread-covid-19/

#21 - China Comes Clean, Discloses USAID PREDICT Bioweapons Contract by George Webb Coronavirus Reports https://archive.org/details/21-china-comes-clean-discloses-usaid-predict-bioweapons-contract


George’ Webb Task Force Orange Journal 2022-2023 https://georgewebb.substack.com/archive

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Is it possible to update with the images that were "not found"?

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I would like to mention something that doesn´t seem a coincidence to me, regarding the timing of emergency and pandemics declaration froms the WHO and USA:

1) 30 Jan 2020 WHO declared a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC)

2) 31 Jan 2020 HHS declared a national public health emergency.

3) 11 Mar 2020, WHO announced the pandemic.

4) 13 Mar 2020, HHS/Trump declared national emergency for Covid-19.

Somehow it seems to me that de USA needed the WHO declarations first in order to justify its own (activation of PREP, PATRIOT, SHIELD, CARES, WARP SPEED and other related Acts and/or operations).

In other subject, the Event 201 seems to be justifyed upon the annual report of the GMPB:

https://www.gpmb.org/annual-reports/overview/item/2019-a-world-at-risk presented on Sept 2019 by the GMPB and co-convened with the World Bank en the WHO on its production.

On this COVID Timeline I think it should definitivly be included a similar and perhaps more thorough work made by: https://politicalmoonshine.com/2021/09/29/covid-19-enterprise-fraud-construct-timeline-major-dates-events-entities-legislation/

And I propouse too, to add on this COVID Timeline, all the new material publish by Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt, where they expose how the farmaceutical companies were just and instrument of the DOD to manufacture prototype coutermesures for the pandemic, therefore they are not subject for any liability for safety or eficacy whatsoever under the Other Products Authorizations OTA.



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All the arguments aside, what was in the vials that killed 1.5 million Americans and climbing, and permanently disabled 26 million of us and climbing? MIT researchers have found SV40 in the vials, which is causing turbo cancers. There were graphene nanosheets found in the vials. There was synthetic venom, either of King cobra or conotoxin, found in the stools of Dr. Chetty's patients and in the Port Edward wastewater plant. The U.S. DOD manufactured the serum by military contractors without GMP or oversight by anyone and used pharma to label and distribute. Bioweapons, sure, but a wide variety of such so no researcher could ever identify all of them and arguments would go on forever. Meanwhile Americans and all around the globe people are dying and being maimed by the tens of millions. And this is only the first attack wave. I can imagine the arguments when Gates and his sadist chums release the next one, which he assures us "will get everyone's attention". All the yammering about whether there was a virus or if they exist at all is a waste of time.

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I think you would get more actual reads by having a short Turkey version and then a long Eagle Version below. Some of the info like this one (and the bat info and GOF info) is just pushing the viral existence.

David E. Martin proved that since 1999, 73 patents back that SARS-CoV-2 is not a wild novel virus but a weaponized chimeric lab-created virus.

Honestly, it's looking more like pushing the man-made virus psy-op than truth telling.

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Thank you SC. What an effort. Well done indeed. Rings so fantastically true, right now today, with yesterdays insistence that this was definitely a lab leak incident. Shouted from the rooftops by the CDC et al.

This post has to be the most important expose of the deliberate & very long time planned evil ever perpetrated on the human race.

Please ensure that all of this evidence, both printed & electronic, is safely & securely stored off site in at least 6 different locations. Preferably on at least 3 separate continents; to protect it.

Why the security? To preserve this evidence for use in the upcoming legal trials that MUST ensue following these revelations.

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What I meant by that was an acknowledgement that your sickness was real, not imaginary. All I know about your experience is what you say, and I have no reason to doubt it.

My question is what the cause was. I have serious doubts about what "COVID" is, and about the cause(s) of the experience, as do a lot of others who know more about such things than I do. People whose sickness and discomfort have been labelled "COVID" have had wildly diverse symptoms and severity, and my current take is that these can be caused by a number of things, not all microbes, and perhaps a combination of them in some individuals.

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Why have I only just discovered your substack? You’re a legend. This is fantastic journalism.

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