Sep 12, 2023Liked by Prof. Fred Nazar

Incredible that snake Larry Silverstein openly admitted that Building 7 was rigged with explosives, and intentionally demolished, when he said the decision was made to "pull it", which exactly duplicated the pre-planned demolition of the other 2 buildings - yet his insurance claims (so suspicious in their timing, particularly when coupled with his comments) - were paid out regardless.

We have criminals infesting every level of Government, Corporate, Banking, Military, Judiciary and Law Enforcement.

This was an all-you-can-eat, road-kill banquet of human vultures and parasites.

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What happened on 911? An Israeli-Neocon False Flag Operation is what happened...

1. The Project for a New American Century was written in Israel in 1996 under the name - A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm. Requires a new Pearl Harbor for their plan. This is an update of the Yinon Plan of 1982- the Greater Israel Project. From the Nile to the Euphrates River...

2. Zionist Jew Silverstein purchased WTC 6 weeks prior. First time the WTC was ever put into Private Hands. Friends with Israeli Prime Ministers & Intelligence Services, along with Fed Reserve President & World Bank Presidents.

3. Zionist Jew Frank Lowy paid $127 million in May 2001 for a 99-year lease on the retail area beneath the New York World Trade Center. Member of the Golani Brigade & fought in the Israeli war of independence.

4. Zionist Jew Ronald S. Lauder was key individual who lobbied for the privatization of the WTC. Lauder has funded a school for the Mossad in Herzliya, Israel.

5. Airline Security Company at BOTH the Boston & Newark airports on 9-11 was a wholly-owned subsidiary of an Israeli company (ICTS). Most employees were ex- Shin Bet Israeli agents.

6. Security at the WTC was run by Kroll Associates, owned by Jules Kroll & Jerome Hauer (BOTH Jews). Hauers mother involved in the creation & maintenance of the State of Israel.

7. Zionist Jew Philip Zelikow (Jewish Dual Citizen of Israel) wrote the fraudulent 9 11 Commission Report.

8. Zionist Jew, Richard Perle, Chairman of Pentagons Defense Policy Board, was expelled from Sen. Henry Jacksons office in the 1970s after NSA caught him passing highly classified documents to Israel.

9. Dual Israeli citizen Michael Chertoff was assistant attorney general for the criminal division of the Justice Department; later, Director of Homeland Security.

10. Israeli messaging service Odigo sent AT LEAST 2 Israelis prior warnings on 9 11, 2 hours prior to attack. Odigo has offices in New York & in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya happens to be the Head Quarters of Mossad.

11. Zionist Jew Pete Zalewski was the air traffic controller responsible for 2 of the planes on 911 & another plane full of top Pakistani military officials whose plane (Egyptian Fl990) crashed 2 years prior to 911.

12. Israeli Mossad Jews caught & arrested filming & celebrating WTC prior to & after 1st plane hits WTC. Jumping up & down, lighting lighters & holding them up in air.

13. Ted Olsen's wife supposedly placed an impossible cell phone call from on the plane during 9 11, Ted Olsen was Israeli Spy Jonathon Pollard's attorney.

14. Israeli Mossad Jews caught with explosives near George Washington Bridge on 9 11.

15. Zionist Jew Alan D. Ratners Metals Management merged with the SIMS group & the Hugo Neu Corporation & sold over 50,000 tons of crime scene evidence.

16. Over 60 Israeli spies arrested on 9/11 & days afterwards.

17. Zionist Jew Adam Pearlman is the AlQaeda spokesman. Lived with grandfather prior to joining AlQaeda, grandfather on board of ADL & huge Israeli supporter. His father helped run the Hippie Movement in SoCal then moved family to run a Kosher farm.

18. S.I.T.E. website releases AlQaeda tapes but is owned by an Iraqi Jew who was in Israeli IDF. Her father was an Iraqi Jew & was sentenced to hanging after being caught SPYING FOR ISRAEL in the 1967 war.

19. Zionist Jew Dov Zakheim was CEO of SPC International which developed Remote Control Flying Technology & leases Boeing 767 refuel tankers, the same planes used on 9 11. He also authored PNAC & was Comptroller of Pentagon when $2.3 Trillion went missing.

20. According to FBI, in the Year 2000 Israeli Mossad had penetrated secret communications throughout the Clinton administration, even Presidential phone lines.

21. After 9 11 Israeli Prime Minister Sharon said: We Jews own America & the Americans know it.

22. Popular Mechanics so-called (Debunking 9 11 Lies) article had as its senior researcher Benjamin Chertoff, the cousin of Dept of Homeland Security Head Michael Chertoff at the time, Israeli dual citizen.

23. Israeli Mossad pretends to be Al Qaeda in Palestine but is caught by the Palestinian Authority in 2002.

24. On Oct 10, 2001, just 30 days after 911, 2 MOSSAD agents, armed with Glock automatics, 9 grenades, explosives, wiring and detonators, were arrested in the Mexican Congressional building. El Diario reported they were carrying fake Pakistani passports. After intense diplomatic pre$$ure, including a special envoy from Tel Aviv, the 2 were quietly released, deported to Israel and the story, which had dominated Mexican media and press for days, completely vanished. There were 3 key Mexican govt officials, "Ladinos", involved in the negotiations: in the foreign affairs, defense and judicial depts.

25. November 2, 2001: FBI Fury As Israeli citizens With US Nuke Plans & Valid Israeli Passports Escape custody.

26. Israeli citizen Philip Zelikow led the 9 11 Commission Report.

27. US Army released on 10 Sept 2001 a study on Israel, which said: Of the MOSSAD, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS Army Officers say: Wildcard. Ruthless & cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces & make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.

28. "In fact, the entire AIPAC apparatus, the largest lobbying organization in Washington (happened to be jewish), is currently engaged in a “full court press,” to stop congress from pushing for the release of the real report. Is this because the real report accuses Israel, not Saudi Arabia, and AIPAC wants the Murdoch/Sperry story to stand?"

29. "The real report, called “shocking” by the legislators, who have called for President Obama to declassify the entire report, proves that there was no al-Qaeda involvement, no reason to invade Afghanistan or Iraq and no reason to hunt CIA operative, Colonel Tim Osman, also known as “Osama bin Laden.”"

30. "In 2007, the FBI flew a team to Bangkok to interview former Soviet nuclear intelligence specialist Dimitri Khalezov. Khalezov told the FBI that, in the morning of September 12, 2001, he attended a breakfast gathering with Mossad Operations Chief Mike Harari and his son along with other Israeli operatives.

Khalezov reported to the FBI that this gathering was to celebrate the 9/11 attacks, not as Netanyahu had said, as a “fortunate happenstance for Israel” but as a Mossad attack on the United States."

31. "Thus far, the initial report to congress on the Bush falsification does not qualify as a leak. Only Bush stands accused, the 9/11 perpetrators are still safe, their identities still protected by security protocols maintained by President Obama, despite congressional demands."?

32. Israeli Mossad Motto: "By way of Deception, thou shalt do war." (Motto Removed prior to 9 11).

33. “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002

34. Ehud Barak, the prime minister of Israel until March of 2001, came to the U.S. shortly after leaving office. He came, ostensibly, to work as a special advisor for Electronic Data Systems and as a consultant with SCP Partners, a Mossad-run private equity company focused on "security related" work. SCP Partners did business with Metallurg Holding, Inc., as well as Advanced Metallurgical Group, both sharing the same Wayne, PA address. AMG specializes in the production of the same super-thermite used to collapse the three skyscrapers on 9/11.

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One only has to imagine how much time a normal start to finish professional demolition would cost to dismantle all those three high rise buildings whilst ensuring a full Health & Safety operation protecting all the demolition workers and nearby populations? After dropping all three buildings in just one day the produced amount of toxic debris and dusts that was freely released into the New York atmosphere was huge, for which first responders, nearby workers and citizens will still suffer serious life and health issues for the rest of their potentially shorten lives. Some might say if all these buildings were beyond their useful sell by dates then this was a very convenient no liability "quickie" commercial full demolition jobs laid at the door of a third party aerial attack.

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100%. Your last sentence sums it up perfectly.

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The 9/11 Building 7 HOAX

Making fun of the proponents of conventional controlled demolition since 2011

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-building-7-hoax-video-of-2011

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023Liked by Prof. Fred Nazar

First, to preface my comment I am of the belief that of course the Deep State criminals did the crime, because that's just what they do. 9/11 wasn't the first time, either. I started seriously looking into 9/11 in 2004, naturally found videos like In Plane Sight, etc - and for over 17 years, everything in your article was also my focus. I believed wholeheartedly in the A&E Truth version of the evidence.

However, 3 years ago I came across Dr. Judy Wood's work, a meticulously researched and documented book of evidence that took her seven years to complete. It left my head spinning, it completely turned my head upside down and changed my understanding of the warfare that was deployed against humanity that day. It is clear to me that 9/11 was a massive crime scene, and bombs were probably used in tandem with the real weapons, but the full truth of what happened is much, much bigger than simply "bombs planted." (There were not three destroyed WTC buildings that day. ALL of the WTC buildings were destroyed. Also, did you know there was a hurricane offshore that day that did not appear on the TV weather "reports"?)

In order to know Who, Why (motive), or How, the first rule of any scientifically viable criminal investigation is to determine What happened first, then continue the investigation from there. This is the stance taken by Dr. Judy Wood. She does not speculate about anything that isn't in actual evidence, and leaves the question of Who did it, or Why, up to someone else. But her compilation and analysis of the evidence she has documented will utterly change your point of view when you see it. It changed my understanding of the world we live in, and it will change yours as well.

As I said previously, I WAS fully on board with A&E Truth, until I saw them try to "debunk" the pile of evidence Dr. Wood presented - no engineer or scientist should ever be in the business of trying to dissuade people from looking at evidence. I realized that A&E Truth was created to keep people from learning what she uncovered. We can speculate all day long about which individuals or governments were involved (the Cabal is international, it has no allegiances except to itself), but we are blinding ourselves if we refuse to look at further evidence along the way.

This is her website:


This is her book. It's worth every penny:




This is the photo that stopped me in my tracks and got me reading her book:


Good luck.

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I was just going to post about her too! Just saw (part of) one of her videos yesterday -- got to the dustification part. Very compelling thought process. Now that we're seeing more attacks that look to me to be DEW ... Lahaina, Paradise ... we know the cabal has these weapons. The next question to ask is how long have they had these weapons.

Here's her complete presentation (2+ hours). https://rumble.com/vxnetj-911-revisited.-direct-energy-weapons-dews-were-used-no-planes-at-all...html

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It's interesting how much has changed regarding the concept of Directed Energy Weapons in the past year. Until recently I would get a huge amount of skepticism (and even verbal abuse) if I mentioned Dr. Judy Wood - many people have been so very married to their beliefs that they become angry if you ask them to shift their point of view at all. But not so now. Now I see many, many people are beginning to question everything, and this is such a great thing! Very glad to see folks here who know who she is!

Also interestingly, many people ridicule the very idea of DEWs and don't realize that the military has already openly confirmed the use of directed energy weapons. Also online there are many accounts of various types of DEWs being used at least as far back as Vietnam, along with weaponized weather going back at least to WWII.

From the Government Accountability Office:


From the Air Force Research Laboratory


Two quotes from c. 1997:

"In the next two decades, new technologies will allow the fielding of space-based weapons of devastating effectiveness to be used to deliver energy and mass as force projection in tactical and strategic conflict. These advances will enable lasers with reasonable mass and cost to effect very many kills."

— from New World Vistas, by the US Air Force

"It's politically sensitive, but it's going to happen. Some people don't want to hear this, and it sure isn't in vogue, but -- absolutely -- we're going to fight in space. We're going to fight from space and we're going to fight into space. That's why the U.S. has development programs in directed energy and hit-to-kill mechanisms."

— Gen Joseph Ashy, of the US Space Command

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sheesh. Sigh. Yes, it is such a great thing that people are starting to question every single thing. I found TLAV's DEW exploration re Maui enlightening. The smiling laughing gal at minute 30 saying these things are INVISIBLE and you just see the damage of something blowing up -- and so rapidly they don't know what hit them. So f-ed up!!! And now we know they're been pointing them AT US. https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/directed-energy-weapons-maui/

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She could be Victoria Nuland's daughter. She's certainly got the same bloodlust and disregard for human life. Because we're not "using them on vehicles", or "using them on planes" or "using them on ships".

We're using them ON PEOPLE in vehicles, on planes and on ships.

Gleeful maniacs like this absolve their conscience by ignoring that people are involved, and justify that killing them is for everyone's "safety".

(Just another form of mass murder by Government if you ask me).

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Oh yes I saw that clip with the woman gleefully talking about the power of DEWs before - (how sick is she) - but it was part of a different presentation - I didn't watch the Vagabond guy before. :)

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Thanks for the link - I watched a whole bunch of videos on Maui recently so I am not sure if that was one of them - I will check it out though. God there are some evil people in our world - it's hard sometimes to realize just how clueless I used to be about that fact!

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it's very difficult to look at and process. Yes.

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You'll be surprised to hear who the members are.

Read the article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/deps-the-directed-energy-professional

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Judy wood is counter intelligence. She is planted to lead you astray. There were no energy weapons on 9/11. Mossad was photo'd next to boxes of fuses for demolition which is hard evidence there is not any evidence of energy weapons on 9/11.

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perhaps. What makes you think so? I've come to consider there were likely many layers of this demo so that there are many threads to follow and more confusion and arguments, meanwhile it was an "all of the above" operation. The "dustification" evidence is certainly compelling to me. And similarity to other events that I suspect now were DEW.

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Why do I think there were not any DEW's on 9/11. Because we have the whole thing on video from start to finish and there is zero visual evidence of any dew's. All evidence points to controlled demolition. The buildings would have fallen toward where they were hit with a dew and would not have fallen straight down. That is the exact same reason the buildings didn't fall due to fire there is no way they would have fallen straight down. Planned control demolition is the only way the buildings could have fallen they way they did.

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the woman promoting DEW here brags that they are invisible. They cannot be seen. minute 30 here: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/directed-energy-weapons-maui/

DEW can apparently "dustify" things, as we see with the towers. Here's a thread about the similarities to what we saw on Maui. https://twitter.com/ov_matter/status/1692057855980105939

I do think controlled demo was also used per the nanothermite found in the 9/11 dust and the freefall, as you say. I'm just open that there was more going on.

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In Hawaii The DEWS melted the rims of tires which are aluminum & they didn't melt the steel on the cars. So your own evidence proves you wrong for 9/11. I will give you Hawaii, but you show zero evidence that they were used in the WTC. If the dews can't melt the steel on a car they certainly can't melt skyscraper beams.

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You need to go do more research....


You'll be surprised to hear who the members are.

Read the article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/deps-the-directed-energy-professional

Is the 9/11 "truth" movement a distraction movement?

What happens if you ask TRUTH questions?

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/questions-for-the-911-truther-talking

The controlled demolition of the thermite & nuke theory

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-controlled-demolition-of-thermite

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Same as Maui

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I used to follow the A&E Truth stuff, then the founder made an odd comment about people not knowing who was on what side and if they can't get a grand jury empaneled, at least they tried. Right then it sounded like they were a planned subterfuge to distract truth seekers. I'm sure most architects and engineers that joined are legit and well meaning, the leadership is of unknown intent.

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I agree with you that many of the architects and engineers are likely well meaning - simply signing their names because it's so blindingly obvious that the official story is b.s.... and being that no ordinary architects or engineers have been trained in the physics of the weapon (DEW) that was actually used, they had no other basis to go on. Whoever is running the operation however, is clearly steering people away from seeing any evidence besides their own. The fact that they treated Dr. Wood's massive pile of forensic evidence with ridicule instead of curiosity is damning.

So....this is another thing I realized (after so many years of being blinded) - that I need to use my head: why indeed IS the official story so ridiculous? Anyone can see it's a lie, it's super obvious with all the leaked video (Silverstein, BBC with B7 in the background, no plane at Pentagon, etc) that it's a coverup. When I stop and really THINK about this, I realized this subtle media "story coverup" was like the setup before serving us the A&E Truth tennis ball. We were meant to see Silverstein say, "pull it" right from the start. We were fed the crisis-actor interviews in the street the day-of. They anticipated - whoever "they" are - that citizens would immediately question what happened - and by making us think we "found out the truth" online by ourselves, ("it was bombs! thermite!") it worked beautifully to stop everyone (including me) from searching any further.

These people, whoever they are, play a very long, psychological game, and we all need to begin questioning every single thing we are told, and trusting our own discernment.

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Very interesting….Thanks for the links and all of your thoughts on this - I’m going to listen to what Dr. Wood says!

And I so agree - ridicule is a huge red flag - ridicule something and my attention now goes straight there.

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"trained in the physics of the weapon (DEW) that was actually used" but the existence of such weapons is only an academically disputed thesis, so why should ordinary architects or engineers be trained in it?

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The controlled demolition of the thermite & nuke theory

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-controlled-demolition-of-thermite

Expanded: The controlled demolition of the 9/11 thermite theory

People are so easily led by perceived "experts".

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/expanded-the-controlled-demolition

You can download the Refutation of Gage’s Game in 2008 AND 2023:


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Consider watching this video if you really want to understand the why the world is going to hell and who we really are in this world. This man is a prophet from God imho.


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Is the 9/11 "truth" movement a distraction movement?

What happens if you ask TRUTH questions?

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/questions-for-the-911-truther-talking

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023Liked by Prof. Fred Nazar

Bush Was All In! Both Of Them, They All Were, Even Jebby!

Barbara Bush Nee Pierce Crowley, And Never Forget Marvin Bush That Ran Security At Building Seven!



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Ever see that video with Judge Joe Brown talking about how GW would give candy to Obama? They're all in it. All of them. Watched a video other day where Rand Paul, all he has to do is bring up certain papers before congress with Fauci, and it's all done with. Exposed. Apparently, anyone has access to these papers but none of them use them. They also know they are there.

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Our political leaders at every level are puppets. Bought and paid for by the puppet masters they serve

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And they got away with it too! They always do.

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Jun 13Liked by Prof. Fred Nazar

Excellent article, thank you so much Prof. Nazar!!

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Jun 13Liked by Prof. Fred Nazar

I distrusted it already, but this was a really good article! Very detailed! My son became a Marine to possibly keep 9/11 from happening again. He was sent to Kandahar in the search for weapons of mass destruction. When it came out a few years ago they knew there weren't any weapons he said, "Mom we weren't there long when we are thought something didn't real right. However, it's another thing to find out you were all right." When he first got there he was extremely excited and proud. It wasn't long before he seemed completely depressed and pissed off. I never pried as to the real reason. I still haven't, but something happened. The fact our government is so evil is enough to make anyone depressed. To those that don't know it...kudos...ignorance is bliss I suppose?!

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

Why was the book Jr was reading from UPSIDE DOWN???

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Laws of physics prove beyond any doubt that NO airliners were used in the attack.

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Planes on 9/11: Facing Reality

No More Games, time to face the cold hard facts

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/my-last-911-plane-article-promise

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plane tail didn,t deaccelerate as long as plane crashes in building

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how do you account for the asymmetrical nature of forces acting on the plane?

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Your poll is slanted. I believe Building 7 collapse was precipitated by the destruction of the twin towers, and I still do. You did not offer a choice that reflects my view. Here's why I think the analysis here is incorrect. The first collapse happened at the TOP of Building 7. Planned demolitions involve collapses that begin at the bottom. Now the building DID collapse at the bottom AFTER the top collapsed. Why do I think this is not evidence of a planned demolition? Because there was a huge open space in the middle of the building, and the building was built around it. The structure was weak. This means that the damage from the top of the building could have set off what appears to be a planned demolition. Popular Mechanics discusses this in their book Debunking 9/11 Myths. They go into the actual engineering aspects, such as the strength of materials. Their arguments are thorough and plausible. I won't go into more details at this point, but I am asking you to think about what I have said here.

By the way: modern buildings are designed to collapse on their footprint NO MATTER WHAT.

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The 9/11 Building 7 HOAX

Making fun of the proponents of conventional controlled demolition since 2011

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-building-7-hoax-video-of-2011

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Thank you for the link. I watched all the videos. Very interesting. The first few videos make sense. But the last one, he lost me. Is he proposing that SOUND WAVES caused the collapse of Building 7? The demonstration involved a small piece of metal. You're talking about a huge building. Do you have any idea the power of sound waves needed to cause a building to collapse from sound waves in the same way? And why would other nearby buildings show no damage at all? That doesn't make sense either. If I understand his claim, he's full of it.

And another thing. Massive sound waves like that would have caused serious damage to the bodies of anyone nearby. But there is no evidence of any such damage.

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No, you seem to be misunderstanding it...

Scalar waves are intersecting microwaves and sound waves, as demonstrated on the solid iron bar - Depending on the power output, you can dail it in to how quickly it transmutes the metal - Like in your microwave oven - "high heat" low heat", "fast cook" or "slow cook"... BUT with the scalar waves, there is NO HEAT.

The demonstration you saw was with regards to experiments done in the late 1970's and early 1980's - Demonstrated to the US Military industrial complex (Los Alamos Labs) - That was a lone "inventor" doing experiments at first in his own apartment. Then add the US Military black budget with billions of dollars to scale it up, well then what could you achieve in 20 years? Sci-fi of note to the normal plebs like you and I, no?

Now, when investigating a crime scene, what do you do?

You do a forensic investigation of the observable evidence in order to come to a conclusion of WHAT happened.

Here is a 500 page handbook, discussing all the evidence, which at the end comes to a conclusion of wat the method of destruction of the towers was:

Read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go? https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com

Then also, you file a RFC - request for correction to NIST in 2007.

That allows you to become a whistleblower.

You then SUE 23 NIST subcontractors for SCIENCE Fraud (Qui-Tam case), because they took taxpayer money to draw up fraudulent reports, to cover up the tech used and to then roll out a disinformation campaign, because the two main defendants in that suit - ARA and SAIC - specialise in psychological operations, directed energy weapons, weather modification and much more.

You'll like this well put together docci - https://rumble.com/v4a8ixu-911-the-best-explainer-documentary-youll-ever-see.html

To be thorough, you also file your case in the US supreme court in 2009, but ALAS the US court system is captured by corporate and military interests and they sure as hell will not let the US citizens know that their own government was complicit in killing 3 000 innocent people, in order to start a fake war on terror and kill over 4 million people in the middle east.

Court filings: https://www.drjudywood.com/wp/court-case-qui-tam/

I suggest you listen to her 2012 presentation discussing all the evidence presented in her court cases and her 500 page handbook: https://youtu.be/aWNzq9OWGmY

So, as she filed her 2007 Qui-Tam whistleblower case, the "9/11 truth movement" was only a fledgling movement - architects for an engineered truth's website wasn't even online then - Then something happened....

The 9/11 truth movement was infiltrated by COINTELPRO agents - all with one focus and that was to distract from Dr Wood's EVIDENCE and work, by bringing in all the other talking points most people have fallen for, as these poo-ba organisations were well funded and droned out any mention of Dr Wood or her work and if they did mention her, they attacked her character.

NONE of them can debunk the EVIDENCE she presents.

When architects for an engineered truth initially filed their RFC to NIST - It did not mention "molten metal or thermite" - The two main talking points Richard Gage and all these so called "truther celebrities" have been making a living off.

If you're at all interested in reading about this organised industry that was created with the goal of marginalising Dr Wood's work, I suggest you read Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11;

1. 9/11 – Finding the Truth - http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/pdf/9-11%20-%20Finding%20the%20Truth.pdf

2. 9/11 – Holding the Truth - http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/911%20Holding%20The%20Truth%20-Andrew%20Johnson%20-%202017.pdf

Andrew has been documenting this since 2005, as he was also part of the initial formation at the end of 2005, called: The Scholars for 9/11 truth" - Formed By Jim Fetzer and Steven E. Jones (CIA plant, ex-dept of energy and in 1989, he discredited cold-fusion that was vindicated 20 years later) - That is where Andrew met Dr Judy Wood and Dr Morgan Reynolds (he also filed his own Qui-Tam case against NIST for the fraudulent "plane impact studies in 2007)

Morgan's court filings: https://nomoregames.net/2011/06/12/request-for-correction-by-nist-for-its-invalid-wtc-jetliner-animations-and-analyses/

- Once Dr Wood, Dr Morgan Reynolds and Andrew Johnson left "Scholars for 9/11 truth" at about the end of 2007, did organised, government approved counter narrative of thermite hit the mainstream 9/11 truther movement.

You really must read: 9/11 – Finding the Truth - http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/pdf/9-11%20-%20Finding%20the%20Truth.pdf

Here are two more articles you need to work through, as well as looking into the work of Lt Col Tome E. Bearden, Col John Alexander, obviously John Hutchison and more if you want to see what scalar waves are capable of...

Secret Super Weapons and Sept 11, 2001

Scalar, Electromagnetics, RF Weapons and Weather modification

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/us-army-col-tom-bearden-ret

Secret Super Weapons, UFO's & 9/11

Scalar, Electromagnetics, RF Weapons and Magnetic Electro Gravitic Nuclear Reactions

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/us-army-col-tom-bearden-ret

I sincerely hope you take the time to work through all I've shared, if you are a true truth seeker with regards to the events of 9/11.

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I don't care if it is scalar and microwave energy instead of whatever. I am not interested in going down your rabbit hole. I don't have time. I have already done my homework. Nor am I interested in continuing to discuss this with you. Furthermore, I save my energies in courtrooms for issues far more important to me personally. So I won't be filing any action for Qui Tam. You may not give up, and you may try to defame me, but I'll just ignore you. You have no authority to command me to do anything whatsoever. If you don't already know this, you need to figure it out. Go bark up someone else's tree. Bye.

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Two words: Premeditated Ignorance

I bid you, adjure

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Project Blue Beam was used in 911. With it people can be folled into believing anything...aka aliens.

911 was terrible. Society was changed into fear mode. God says do not fear 365 times in His Word.

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Planes on 9/11: Facing Reality

No More Games, time to face the cold hard facts

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/my-last-911-plane-article-promise

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Many eyewitnesses said they saw a small plane or even a missile.


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And the BBC reported—reporter is standing with the building intact behind her—the collapse of building 7 before it collapsed. Video is still on YouTube

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Check out Loose Change videos 1 and 2

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Rockefeller was going broke, his deep state control in NY was collapsing. The Trade center was his controlling stock. The largest Silver supply in the world was Kodak, silver was using in film and the came digital and no more need for Kodak , also his baby. The largest gold supply was under the Chase Manhattan Bank, not sure it is now. Also the funny parent on that dreadful day, after the fall the skies were quite, not one plane in the sky and worse of all. Not one Jet fighter either. Not one. Tell me how two men that learned to fly a small airplane in Florida could go through security at the Newark International Airport get into a commercial airplane, communicate with the tower before takeoff. Has anyone ever seen the inside of a cockpit of a 747. I believe they were taken over remotely and they made up the storyline just to get us into a battle because Bush Sr failed and they needed us to get into war over oil. Nothing more. Their was a DVD out called loose change and that there is the truth. I climbed hi rise buildings from bottom to the top and this was C4 demolition. I seen a video in the engineering of this tower and every hi-rise I worked on is built this way and in Philly they had one burn for 3 days and it is still standing and occupied. The engineer is lying to protect his butt.

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Yes Bush Entertained Barry Soetero As A Little Boy They Are All Cabal Satanist's Including Rand Paul Our Governments Are Infested With Vermin!

Much Like Barry & George Clooney Entertained That Little Oriental Girl On The Boat!

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

That vile video is out there and we've all seen it!!! Now they wonder if the piece of shit is gay??? HE'S A FRIGGIN PEDO FFS. Give me a break. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT FFS! And no, NOT including Rand Paul. He didn't fake being attacked TWICE!

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