"Whoops, I killed and maimed most people I treated for profit."

- most doctors for the last 100 years

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Iatrogenesis is consistently the 3rd biggest killer in a lot of places it shouldn’t be, after heart disease and cancer. This article does a very good job of explaining why. The masons are evidently very active foot soldiers - and generals - for a complex web of overlapping aligned interest groups all following specific agendas under a common aim that gets darker as more light is shone on it.

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Absolutely agree.

There will never be an a apology...

Even if there was, it would blame others, or include "mitigating circumstances".

And that doesn't qualify as an apology...

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I have interviewd honest and intelligent doctors and they confirmed your narrative. I also researched vaccines from 2003 and by 2010 concluded all are dangerous and none are effective. But I had been researching the globalist activities from 1964, which gave me the time to learn the life histories of the leaders. Out of this I observed the trajectory of the Rockerfellers, especially Nelson, creator of the UN, and David, driver behind the NED, CFR, and the Trilateral Commission. This is important, if you want to stop the machine in its tracks. The same day Brzezinski completed the TC, David appointed fellow Zionist Rupert Murdoch as his successor. Why did nobody else seem to notice? He sponsored Murdoch to become a US citizen and in 1975, delivered a coup d'etat of Australia (the sacking of the Whitlam Government). He took over manageing that country, along with Frank Lowy and TC economist Ross Garnaut. This was important because Australia is self-sustaining and could resist trade sanctions. Then in March 2017, when David died, Rupert assumed leadership of the NWO advance strategy. This is the reason every politician and bureaucrat seamlessly adopted the identical phraseology when the scamdemic was announced (As every marketer knows, 'stick to the script'). Murdoch controls all western media and the media coordinated the entire programme, and it continues to. Meanwhile, everybody is focused on Gates, Schwarb, Fauci, Tedros, Harari, and other expendables while Murdoch blithely goes his own way, impervious to the eventual blowback, which was anticipated from the outset. Plan B was designed at least before 2008, clearly exposed by the players who did 180 degree turns on personal values and philodophies as of that date. Check for yourselves: any authors, writers, researchers, politicians, bureaucrats, and activists, who were previously elitist, and are now suddenly highly resourced leaders and pundits of the Resistance Movement. When blowback commences, they will be the leaders who bring justice to humanity, and take we adoring disciples and followers on a 'non-violent peaceful' freedom march right to the gates of hell. Some of you will smell a rat, and realise that Gandhi and King were part of the programme way back when, and duck out of the way, and then Plan C will track you down. I am currently preparing for Plan D, where I will not be found. Survival comes in four words. Kill or be killed. Those who refuse to face reality, if they are lucky, may even have the words carved on your tombstone "He was a gentle soul. RIP".

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Unequivocally, Rupert Murdoch is past his prime.

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Every academic thinks that. And yet, I play the same game. My favourite is promoting my dementia and ancient age. It sucks them all in, except the practical, who elbow me with a chuckle and say, "You don't fool me for a second".

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Dr or not, I could smell the stench of lies surrounding the ‘vid scam. Mom was ( and still is, R.I.P.) a humble, self-aware matriarch who, in the event of suffering, would “ offer it up”.

Lord knows that sentiment has been scratched , chopped, murdered away from modern life, sadly. Blame the being in the mirror: when u point the finger, 3 point back at you.

Humans will never be God. The question is:” why is that such a secret ?”

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So. They still dont care. They support the pedo ice cream eating puppet.

Great point about doctors. Doesn't matter if it is Masons or Ashkenazi Jews. A group or groups are doing this.

Do we think all of these chemical spills aren't terror attacks? All of these school shootings aren't arranged by the psychopaths themselves?

Feed a teen mind altering drugs and you can get him or her to do anything you want.

There is a lot more going on than COVID.

There are people to deal with. How they are dealt with is not up to me, it is up to us.

I will confront my doctor.

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May I suggest you join dots faster. On oziz4oziz.com/ the page titled "How Australia was globalised" in fact applies to all countries. The various entities that more recent "awakened" citizens identify as the rogue(s), are in fact merely the convenient faces, as in Janus. But I have identified dozens of organisations that were either recruited, converted, or entirely re-created by the globalists. These include, masons, the Vatican, Pirbright, Wellcome, mainstream church hierarchies, CIA, DEA, FBI, TC, CFR, NED, WHO, UN, IMF, WB, WTO, BIS (part of the nucleus), WEF, and probably a hundred more.

Sub-sets are Law Societies, medical associations, media editors, publishing houses, advertising and PR corporatons, and so on.

The vast majority of doctors have no idea and actually see themselves as part of the global hierarchy and are thus cultivated as delusional. A total waste of time attempting to wake them up. They were brainwashed at med school. Lost souls.

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As a health care practitioner with 14 years of experience in 3 countries, I am still appalled about the blatant disregard for the principle of "informed consent", that is endemic to the practice of all health care practices.

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If there are ever consequences, we may hear a desperate apology, to fall on deaf ears.

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If I had to set a date for the launching of the medical mafia it would be 1934, which is when 'healer' doctors disappeared, were murdered, committed 'suicide'. or imprisoned; vaccinations were launched, autism discovered, and Big Pharma controlled medical school.

Thanks for the list of crims. I will commence a list of Australian equivilents.

There will never be a list of Resistance people because if they are anything like me, they have been the target of so many kill attempts they understand that lots of identities and places of obode are key to survival. The first contract on me was in 1964 so, as you can see, "the resistance" is actually a type of person, invariably with the reputation of "trouble maker". We are never going to surface because this war will never end.

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The strangest thing to me is that the majority of doctors are "true believer" types. They've been totally mind laundered. Even in that cult crazed, jab junkie, hubris laden bunch of losers there's got to be a lot who are starting to worry about their own health.

They will be forced to take 3+ mRNA injections a year or lose their license. Covid, influenza & RSV plus maybe one or two more. I'm LMAO on that one. They've painted themselves into a corner in the most epic way ever.

They were such nice obedient little whores for the pharma cartel and now they find out what pimps do to their ho's LOL.

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Shakespeare said it best. All of life's a stage, and we are but actors in a role.

Even grand denial by the Murderous ones. It's all theater in many unimaginable ways. Is it not?

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Well I'm not sure. "Never" is a long time from now. Don't know what the current guesstimated or actual death toll by vax is for Canadian doctors, but those - hundred plus ? - dead doctors would include the dangerously naive true believers, or those who concluded there was a risk but thought the risk was lower than actual. In either case they are too dead to apologize. They would have encouraged people to follow suit.

However, of the survivors, same profiles - seriously naive or low risk calculators - there may well be a

segment that are going through a deep remorse process, along with appropriate outrage over discovering more and more just how utterly vile the Covid 'operation' was and is.

And genuine public remorse and apology by some , along with condemnation of the perpetrators and enablers, may trigger and inspire more of same. Not saying this will happen, but also not saying it won't.

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The Bacon quote, “Truth is the daughter of time and not authority.” is quite telling.

If one accepts that the concept of time is synthetic and erroneously conflated with consciousness then the emergence of AI is even more telling as it would appear that the Demons now seek to control the very definition of truth and time with a hijacking of conscious reality.

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Quite a few doctors have died in Canada from the Rat Juice

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thanks so much PS for writing this. We are witnessing the veil being removed from the pharmekia-medical-industrial-complex. It is like a gigantic secret society coven sworn to secrecy and penetration. The admission price is several hundred thousand dollars, 5 to 10 years of training and then compliance. A perfect top-down system of compliance control that has hoodwinked mankind.

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Check out the truth about what they call cancer


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