When I wrote this, I jumped the gun, confused by the first story I encountered about climate change. I scrolled down and saw that you ARE aware of the climate engineering going on so I'll change this to agree with you! There IS a climate emergency and it's called stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) and solar radiation management (SRM) more generally, geoengineering which is destroying this world in the "geologic blink of an eye".

They are and have been secretly spraying nanoparticle sized aluminum and other metals, along with fungi, viruses and who knows what else, from specially equipped jet aircraft, polluting the sky into a haze of these nearly invisible particles seen as crisscrossing patterns of sharp, white lines which are being used to control the weather by ground based (HAARP) and satellite frequency generating stations. They spread out into a dull, gray haze which blocks up to 75% of the sun's natural rays.

They fall to the earth (after being used to heat up these particles into plasma and create unnatural high and low pressure zones) and are killing the microbiome in the soil, making it impossible to grow anything except their genetically modified, aluminum resistant seeds, a patented hybrid seed engineered by Monsanto and purchased by farmers. In my area, I can't grow ANYTHING and the trees I planted 20 years ago are DYING.

The world isn't nearly as close to climate collapse as the narrative of climate change advocates proclaims, it's exponentially WORSE! This world is very close to collapse now with dozens of deadly feedback loops increasing by the day.

There's a divide created by climate change scientists who have been fomenting this deception upon the people through the weather media channels and universities for decades, all of which protects the REAL truth of what is going on in the skies all over the globe. Go to geoengineeringwatch.org and look around. You won't like what you see.

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Thank you for being fully awake and well informed! I prefer it to call it a geoengineering emergency by deliberately changing the geosphere (not only climate)

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Yes, SAI is the worst crime of all time and needs to be stopped, but the hour is late ... The biggest insult is when they say "maybe we'll use this technique in the future" when they've been doing it for more than 3 decades.

During the plandemic, with the illegal lockdowns the road emissions plummeted, which reduced sulfur dioxide emissions. Sulfur dioxide aerosols cool down the planet for a certain amount of time. I think the illegal SAI programs were still very much active during the plandemic years. So my opinion is that the lockdowns contributed to an important temperature rise because vehicle emissions were reduced, thus reducing SO2 emissions, and on top of that the constant chemtrailing which creates heat domes with the aluminum aerosols ...


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Thanks for the link. Yes, they are insulting us. They know that we who are wise to what they are doing feel insulted, that is our intelligence is insulted, when the say to the world through the media that they are merely "proposing" these things (SRM and SAI) as an "option" yet they have been doing this - as you said - for decades. I believe they have been doing it since the beginning of the widespread use of jet aircraft which could climb higher and deliver their payloads into the stratosphere at greater altitudes. I'm not sure about the sulfur dioxide emissions, I'll have to look into that.

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This is your best article Fred, to the point and short enough to be accessible!

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There was a video going around of the levels at the charging stations. They were off the meter.

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My son Isaiah Taylor just founded a new company in El Segundo, CA called Valar Atomics to make hydrocarbons out of nuclear energy. https://www.valaratomics.com/

Here's a recent interview he did called Nuclear Power Can Save the World


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Amazing! Thank you! Tell him to follow my substack. Will post more about the "green" depopulation agenda. They started rejecting nuclear energy, but now, since it's obvious that after pouring trillions, "renewable" energy will never be enough, they accepted nuclear but for the sake of enslaving us by gate-keeping access to EVs and auto-enforcement of 15 min city limits. I think they are going to make war to your son's idea, even if it is a great idea!

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I usually enjoy reading these substacks. Please don’t assume! I own and EV for personal reasons. I also own an EMF meter - the car battery is not a concern. The only concern, as many other cars - bluetooth and wifi connectivity!

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Thank you for your comment! I don't assume anything. You might be right, considering there are so many variables.

Could you please identify the car model and year, so I can check the specs (it could be shielded or have lower wattage transmission line).

Which model of EMF meter are you using? what do you measure over the transmission line while driving on the highway or accelerating?

Thank you!

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Do you have any preference regarding home devices for 5g, smart meter etc..protection? There are numerous products on the market but wonder if many are scams.

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Most are scams. Shielded bed canopies are your best bet, but should be installed with the help of a professional, and you want to make sure the electric fields in your bedroom are close to zero, along with body voltage measurements close to zero, otherwise you will irradiate yourself within the canopy.

Here's how I like to orient our bed FYI:


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Thank you!

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Anytime! Feel free to email if you have any questions info@thepowercouple.ca

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I am glad to see someone pointing to the EMF issues in electric cars. The time is coming where the proofs will make it into the public eye to be scrutinized and debated after the damage is done. The world moves toward using a vehicle that will inflame your body and inspire cancer yet the president demands we switch without regard for the warnings. No surprises there.

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I usually enjoy reading these substacks. Please don’t assume! I own and EV for personal reasons. I also own an EMF meter - the car battery is not a concern. The only concern, as many other cars - bluetooth and wifi connectivity!

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The car will also attract other EMFs and magnetic fields due to the fact that there is a ton of electrical current being drawn (any electrical field creates a magnetic field)

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Wow! Roman, you are a genius! I never thought about the accumulated effects on a traffic jam.

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Hi Roman - still can’t believe we met for the fist time this evening at the same event. What are the odds. Anyhow, as said, car is. Bolt EUV - on the way home my friend had the GQ EMF -390 on. EF was pretty much zero and EMF at around 1-2mG except when we crossed power lines. We kept our phones off but the car’s wifi / bluetooth were showing up (as in ICEs with same features. But not in alarm level of the GQ. 10 mw/m2

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I know - incredible - I still can't get over it. Good to hear that the RF readings were low. That said- even low levels can harm on a chronic basis. Anything over 1mG should be avoided, but still your readings are better than a Tesla.

Were you able to measure the electric fields (volt/meter) as well?

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Yes indeed!

Also EF was very low, didn’t move much - 0.5 to about 1.5 V/m

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True, emf to read a burning or exploding car or bike battery is useless I hear, as is tryin to put them out, or the associated house. The motors on the other hand, if you test your emf meter next to that, might give you a different return reading as will any electromagnetic motor, though shielding is possible. Yes, bluetooth, wifi, and 5G high freq versions are all an issue inside a car too... agreeing with you. There are many things to consider in a revolution of technology, like smart phones that create stupid people and cars that drive themselves most of the time. New surreal world and Wii signed up for long before arriving incarnate to participate in these final days of good versus evil as few imagined possible.

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Hi scientific progress

I have an article that might interest you.

Oxidative stress is a word that describes the damage due to dehydration.

Mammalian physiology is fuelled by hydration not oxygen.

Hydration equals salt plus water.

I logically dismiss the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in my article titled we breathe air not oxygen.

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EVs also generate a ton of dirty electricity (microsurges) as well as elevated magnetic fields that can cause leukemia, and exacerbate Parkinson's:


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The elite, climate change religious billionaires don't care anything about we the people, in fact they even told us they want us all dead. (except half a billion, you know, to serve them) This was monumentalized in the Georgia Guidestones which, after having stood for decades, were mysteriously blown up by an unknown bomber but their memory lives forever.

Bottom line, they are trying to kill us (and doing a good job) just as Bill Gates of Hell said at a TED conference "The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, [death jabs] health care, reproductive health services, [murdering babies] we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent." The insanely deadly Covid shot was only their first effort. They (or he, with trillions at his disposal) will eventually REQUIRE a MARK in everyone's right hand or forehead.

All MSM has CHANGED what Prince Charles said at the COP26 conference to the following: "We need a vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector," Charles, 72, said. "With trillions at its disposal." What he actually said was at HIS disposal. I heard it with my own ears! Now, who might that be???

EVs SERVE their agenda quite nicely. I'm so glad it isn't working as well as they thought it would, referring to their goal to do away with internal combustion engines by 2030.

Here is the TRUTH. Jesus Christ. (John 14:6) He is coming to REMOVE those who love Him and have believed in Him and have had their sins removed by His, our Very CREATOR'S Shed Blood, the ONLY way to be saved from eternal death and destruction where the worm that eats your flesh dieth not and the flame is never quenched!

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Great article, really. I'm no expert but i think that the EMF levels generated by the battery of a small EV car pose no serious health risks (and i'm against the stupid push for everyone to have an EV). However on larger electric vehicles such as buses, it could be an issue, the EMF levels must be much higher. I'm more worried about being in a car with 3 people who have their smartphones on, any car being a perfect faraday cage ...

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On top of all this, I learned from someone who has worked on HVAC for BEVs that the particulate emissions from BEV are mostly metallic nanoparticles, and 300x more toxic than the carbon particulates from ICE cars. Besides which, with better equipment and with better maintenance, the emissions from ICE can be reduced to negligible levels. One way or another the second law of thermodynamics means that increasing the deadweight, as BEV obviously do, cannot be part of the solution, it is much rather part of the problem set. One way of comprehending that also, is that increased vehicle weight acts as a multiplier in road and infrastructure maintenance.

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Electric Poverty Creation

How the Elites destroy the world through EV's


Energy from Water... H²O + O²... the only Solution

Nuclear Power is the most stupid way to boil an egg

Nuclear power plants are really nothing more than gigantic steam engines.

Only the heat is generated by nuclear fission.

And this is one Truth they don't want you to know about.


Instead they fool you into thinking nuclear power is green and can save the planet.

Nothing could be further from the Truth.

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