Isn’t this wonderful? From Covid to Illegal invasion to presidential scams to jobless Americans!

Man oh Man this “illegitimate administration” is doing all they can to destroy America from within, are they not?

What’s it going to take for half of America to wake the heck up? Prius I’m gonna save the planet. Elon Musk is not gonna save the planet climate change doesn’t exist and grifter abroad domestically and everywhere in between.!

Sorry, climate change does exist. It’s existed since the Dawn time the earth is always been changing words don’t matter to the people in office. This is the problem we have today. !

M President Trump was 100% correct the state controlled MSM are the enemy of the people!

May God bless America and the entire world !


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Tuesday, America joins the rest of socialist countries or we elect an America first President Trump, it’s that simple!

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I think the voting thing is a red herring. The powers that be pick their person. Think bigger.

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Think even bigger. It's true that the system is rigged and that there's no real freedom to become a votable candidate and that even if you become President, the system leaves you very little alternatives/freedom to change it.

Yet by not voting, you are allowing the worst, because your non-vote will still be used to vote for the worst.

It's about minimizing damages, injuries and deaths.

It's not the same to have half a million than 1 million yearly abortions. Those 2 million babies (in four years), saved by your vote, will thank you in person in Heaven!

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I think voting legitimizes corrupt centralized government. What other people do isn't up to me and especially not puppets in Washington. People would make different choices if the elite didn't control everything.

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This is exactly what you are doing:


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That makes no sense.

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Not voting allows evil to prosper even more ... by not recognizing that we all share lesser or higher responsibility for the society we live in.

Anonymous (misattributed): “One thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

Edmund Burke (1770): “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”

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So choosing a criminal every four years is doing something. JFC

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