Italy supports vax pass and WHO Pandemic Treaty !!!
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2 Mar 2024. Georgia Meloni, Italy’s prime Minister since 2022, who rose to power opposing the 2030 Agenda, lockdowns, masking and Green Pass, signed a decree giving 4 million dollars for a WHO Vax Pass and 2 millions per year starting 2024.
The Gazzetta Ufficiale is like the Federal Register in the USA. Her name appears signing:
Here’s the full decree published by the official bulletin:
Why is the source Because the official site has been down since 13 May 2024 (as shown by and my own trials):
Is it because Meloni’s Government doesn’t want people to fact-check?
Here’s the machine translation of the decree, and below, the news about Italy endorsing the WHO Pandemic Treaty:
Article 43
Interoperability of digital health certifications
1. To deal with any health emergencies, as well as for facilitate the issuing and verification of health certifications digital that can be used in all states participating in the global network of the World Health Organization (WHO) digital green certificate, from the date of entry into force of this document decree, the national digital green certificate platform (National Platform - DGC) referred to in article 9, paragraph 1, letter e), of the legislative decree of 22 April 2021, n. 52, converted, with amendments, by law 17 June 2021, n. 87, issues, releases and verifies the certifications referred to in the same article 9 of decree-law n. 52 of 2021 and further health certifications digital identified and regulated with one or more decrees of Minister of Health, adopted in consultation with the Minister of the economy and finances and following the opinion of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.
2. The certifications referred to in paragraph 1 are issued in format digital, compatible with the technical specifications referred to in Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1073 of 28 June 2021.
3. In order to ensure the evolution of the National Platform -DGC for connecting it to the global network of WHO digital health certification, as well as ensuring the operation and ordinary maintenance of the same, is authorized expenditure of 3,850,000 euros for the year 2024, to be managed as part of the current agreement between the Ministry of Economy and Finance - Department of General Accounting of the State and Society SOGEI S.p.A. Starting from the year 2025, for the management and ordinary maintenance of the National Platform - DGC is the expenditure of 1,850,000 euros per year is authorized, to be managed within the scope of the agreement referred to in the first period. To this end, the resources of referred to in this paragraph are registered in the appropriate chapter of forecast of the Ministry of Economy and Finance e constitute an increase in the annual spending limit of the aforementioned current convention.
4. The burden deriving from paragraphs 2 and 3 is provided for by corresponding reduction in the expenditure authorization referred to to article 20, paragraph 1-bis, of the legislative decree of 27 January 2022, n. 4, converted, with amendments, by law 28 March 2022, n. 25.
Original in Italian
(cut exactly as the pdf file from the government):
DECRETO-LEGGE 2 marzo 2024, n. 19
Ulteriori disposizioni urgenti per l'attuazione del Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza (PNRR). (24G00035) (GU Serie Generale n.52 del 02-03-2024)
Art. 43.
Interoperabilità delle certificazioni sanitarie digitali
1. Per far fronte a eventuali emergenze sanitarie, nonché
per agevolare il rilascio e la verifica di certificazioni sani-
tarie digitali utilizzabili in tutti gli Stati aderenti alla rete
globale di certificazione sanitaria digitale dell’Organizza-
zione mondiale della sanità (OMS), dalla data di entrata
in vigore del presente decreto, la Piattaforma nazionale
digital green certificate (Piattaforma nazionale – DGC)
di cui all’articolo 9, comma 1, lettera e), del decreto-legge
22 aprile 2021, n. 52, convertito, con modificazioni, dalla
legge 17 giugno 2021, n. 87, emette, rilascia e verifica le
certificazioni di cui al medesimo articolo 9 del decreto-
legge n. 52 del 2021 e le ulteriori certificazioni sanitarie
digitali individuate e disciplinate con uno o più decreti
del Ministro della salute, adottati di concerto con il Mi-
nistro dell’economia e delle finanze e previo parere del
Garante per la protezione dei dati personali.
2. Le certificazioni di cui al comma 1 sono rilasciate in
formato digitale, compatibile con le specifiche tecniche
di cui alla decisione di esecuzione (UE) 2021/1073 della
Commissione, del 28 giugno 2021.
3. Al fine di assicurare l’evoluzione della Piattaforma
nazionale – DGC per il collegamento della stessa alla rete
globale di certificazione sanitaria digitale dell’OMS, non-
ché di assicurare la conduzione e manutenzione ordinaria
della stessa, è autorizzata la spesa di euro 3.850.000 per
l’anno 2024, da gestire nell’ambito della vigente con-
venzione tra il Ministero dell’economia e delle finanze
– Dipartimento della Ragioneria generale dello Stato e la
società SOGEI S.p.A. A decorrere dall’anno 2025, per la
conduzione e manutenzione ordinaria della Piattaforma
nazionale – DGC è autorizzata la spesa di euro 1.850.000
annui, da gestire nell’ambito della convenzione di cui
al primo periodo. A tal fine le risorse di cui al presente
comma sono iscritte sull’apposito capitolo dello stato di
previsione del Ministero dell’economia e delle finanze e
costituiscono incremento del limite di spesa annuo della
predetta vigente convenzione.
4. All’onere derivante dai commi 2 e 3, si provvede
mediante corrispondente riduzione dell’autorizzazione di
spesa di cui all’articolo 20, comma 1-bis, del decreto-leg-
ge 27 gennaio 2022, n. 4, convertito, con modificazioni,
dalla legge 28 marzo 2022, n. 25.
Italy officially supports the WHO Pandemic Treaty
Eighth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) for a WHO instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
CET, Geneva, Switzerland
Click on:
1 Mar 2024 14:10–15:15
Watch at 49:15 (1 minute only)
Original source:
Thank you co-chair for giving the (micro)phone.
Italy aligns fully with the statements of the E.U.
Thank you co-chairs, vice-chairs, co-facilitators, and really thank you to all the colleagues of Member-States, who are in this room, and those who have been following in a very constructive manner from the capitals, and really thank you for their collective efforts, and commitments and constructive discussions, in and out of this room.
Thank you again co-chairs, vice-chairs, co-facilitators, in moving us forward.
We're looking forward for a fruitful, constructive and successful I.N.B. (Intergovernmental Negotiating Body).
And I'm very inclusive and open to achieve a Pandemic Agreement adoption by May 2024.
What is INB?
“In December 2021, at its second-ever special session, the World Health Assembly established an intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument under the Constitution of the World Health Organization to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.”
The first part of the video is about the above, the second part starts in English at 2:46 (takes 1 minute to watch)
Solutions against the global tyranny
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Most important: let’s keep praying for each other and the conversion of our enemies!
Meloni has been a huge disappointment for the Italian citizens. She has gone against everything that she was elected to do. She bowed down to the EU just after she was elected. She has allowed more illegal immigrants into to Italy since she was elected. She approved 425k non-EU work permits. She has praised Macron and Sunak’s open borders policies. She was a con artist and actress during her campaign.
If this is true, Meloni has lost it and sold Italy out! She once fought for sovereignty and individual right to consent and the WHO will destroy all of that as they openly plan to do.