Trump doesnt do things because he was forced to follow science, he and his family have been part of this org for a number of generations. He is a made man and one of them. Should be clear his role in all of this, if not:


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Agree, more and more it looks like he was a deep state operative. All his top appointments were deep state operatives. They "knifed" him in the back but he allowed them to stay to do their dirty work. Those that supported him Flynn and Jan 6 people were all set up by him and now thrown under the bus.

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Flynn I suspect is false hopium as he's so buddy buddy with Alex Jones.

Put "Trump" or your favorite villian in the search bar at the top of this site


Then click each tile that comes up and do an in-page search for "Trump"

You will learn more than just the surface of the people that interest you. I thought the info here might be exaggerated but after a few years of seeing info from widely disparate sources all the connections seem to be correct, supported by photos etc.

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All I have done for the last 3 years is cry. So much propaganda, losing friends over shot, so much corruption, so much theft by the government, so many evil, evil people in and out (Karens) of government, so many LIES!

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Bandit - you sure get around.


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I subscribe to too damn many of these substacks. 😂

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My advice if you want to be a top-tier Bandit, and I won't post anymore about this here at uhh....the "Scientific Progress" place.....cause not fair to detract from the post posted, but if you want my advice, I'd keep the total number of places you follow or read to 16 or less. More manageable that way, but I find it ironic in a way, that within Substack I keep running into the same sort of folks.....I'm sure there is data being recorded on that, and I don't have problem with data assuming it is applied transparently and whatnot for all to discern. Even if that is not the case as long as it is not being "monetized", I don't have a problem with that - whatever.....but, if mammon is getting involved, and only some are privy....well, now we have a problem that will only get bigger if it is not nipped in the bud.

Looking forward to any future comments you might have at my place assuming I "make the cut".



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Some stacks I follow on a trial basis. Others I'm A hard core follower.

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Well, why follow if you could make your own?

But, that is a rhetorical question, and I said I wouldn't, so lets talks elsewhere I reckon.


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Well, you know the most successful "Bandit" has to check a lot of places out!

If I ascribed to certain ideas associated with flawed methodology/ideology I might wonder if Bandits are looking for goods on the cheap, but I don't subscribe to such, I give no heed to debilitating thoughts, and I don't really mind Bandits as long as they know their marks.

"smiley face"....


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Don't'cha know it?!

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i have restacked this brilliant article; Thanks.

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Oh, does posting a comment qualify me for the e-book for free or did I miss my chance?

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Oh boy, Bandit is here!

So am I.

Now I'm no Bandit, I'm just a gardener, but I hope you don't mind my "terse" response to you on that other thread. I've clicked your place and I'll check it out - so far it seems worthwhile, for what the opinion of a "buffalo" merits.



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