Example: The officially in LA practicing MD Mary Gatter admits selling childrens' body parts to high bidders...
Now, one needs to think, why Planned Parenthood (=>Planned abortions!) and why the age of the aborted babies is being set higher and higher??? The organs must be better 'transplantable'??? Or the bodies carry more blood???
This is SO SICK and SO CRIMINAL, and yet, there are maybe somewhere some 'laws', like Biden 'pardons', protecting such murder..? They will tell you aborted babies are property of whom??? So the new 'owner' can do with these parts what they want, including 'vaccines' production..??
I am in favor of a law that bans ALL ABORTIONS, NO EXCEPTIONS. Not even for the life of the mother. Why? Because abortion is NOT NEEDED for her life, nor is it the safest for her. That said, the reality is, HOMICIDE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY of the STATES. SCOTUS rightly sent the question back to the states. It is not about states' rights. It is about states' RESPONSIBILITIES. Abortion belongs in the homicide statutes. If it had been put there in the first place, millions of lives would have been saved. For Trump to say it is now the states' responsibility is not wrong. Now THAT said, is there anything the federal government can do to make sure the states take their responsibility seriously? I hope so. The Justice Department should prosecute the leadership of any state that doesn't put abortion into the homicide statutes. We need to get SCOTUS to take cognizance of the fact that a human life begins at fertilization or cloning/twinning. But if the Justice Department prosecutes for failure to put abortion into the homicide statutes, whom will they prosecute? The governor? He effectively has no say. The legislature? They have certain legal immunity for their decisions. It's a difficult question, and I don't see an easy answer. But I don't fault Trump for saying it's a state responsibility. I DO fault him for not declaring openly that abortion is an atrocity committed against BOTH mother and child. He also has a bully pulpit he could use to promote the right to legal protection from abortionists. He should use it. And there are other things in his speech that are concerning. You made note of some of them. We'll have to see how that plays out. I think the country is definitely better off with him in charge than Harris. But I don't expect perfection. There is no such thing. Trump is still just a sinner like the rest of us. Pray for him, for wisdom from God for him. While you are praying for him, use every opportunity to urge Trump to read Forbidden Grief and Victims and Victors. It would seriously educate him about what abortion does to mothers. No longer would he be able to claim that it is anything BUT an atrocity committed against mothers!
1. Procured abortion is immoral under all circumstances. Yet, an unwanted abortion resulting of trying to save both lives (mother and baby) is ethical, for example, by trying to relocate an ectopic pregnancy, which would end both lives.
2. Trump is so much better than Kamala, yet he needs to seek advise from prolife organizations:
The majority of abortions are now done with abortion pills. Trump said he will not stop them.
Trump chose to openly promote IVF this term.
For every IVF-baby born, 25 are gone! ... through selection, discarding, freezing, selective abortion, miscarriage, etc.
Don't forget that all Trump's WarpSpeeded haccines were abortion laced, through cell lines from aborted/birthed and dissected-alive late-term born babies.
Trump still supports and allows vaxxing pregnant women, resulting in "miscarriage" but in fact, since it is an intended direct effected by depop globalists, it's a procured abortion.
Also, Trump fully supports all non-barrier contraceptives which are in fact abortifacients, because they all fail to prevent conception and act by preventing implantation (abortion).
As in his first presidency, Trump will keep federal funding of abortion organizations (up to 4-6 billions per year, even for abortion organizations who work abroad).
Probably, Trump might not be fully aware of all that, but vincible ignorance does not relieve of responsibility: he could have asked!
Proverbs 6:16-17 ESV
There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
Imagine you become President. Do you think it will work to shake responsibility, washing your hands in innocent blood like Pontius Pilate? Even by doing nothing, you become accomplice of the genocide because you had the obligation and power to stop it, but didn't:
1. Not spending a taxpaid cent in anything related to killing unborn babies
2. Executive orders to stop or hinder abortion:
- prenatal healthcare since conception
- banning abortion pills due to the life-risk to the mothers (Pfizer withdrew from France because of that)
- making it easier for class actions against abortion and abortifacients or even the Government itself or Trump leading the class actions (at least for violating informed consent)
- compulsory free sonogram during pregnancy where the mother has to hear the baby's beating heart
- compulsory leaflet in pregnancy tests, explaining that there's a new human being and that all the needed help is available through pregnancy centers or Government
- compulsory scientific education on prolife issues at school (science backs morality)
- prenatal adoption, allowing to help the mother
- supporting babies and mothers the first 1000 days since conception
- banning IVF
- informed consent to parents and grand-parents
We have a list of over 100 ideas!
Even if Congress doesn't follow with laws, even if the Supreme Court blocks part of it, at least you did your job defending your unborn citizens.
3. Pro-lifers need to pray and do a lot more than we are doing!
Deuteronomy 30:15-18 ESV
See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil. If you obey the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you today, by loving the Lord your God, by walking in his ways, and by keeping his commandments and his statutes and his rules, then you shall live and multiply, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land that you are entering to take possession of it. But if your heart turns away, and you will not hear, but are drawn away to worship other gods and serve them, I declare to you today, that you shall surely perish. You shall not live long in the land that you are going over the Jordan to enter and possess.
Deuteronomy 30:19-20 ESV
I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, ...
Jeremiah 1:5 ESV
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.
Psalm 139:13-16 ESV
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.
Woe to those who declare themselves Christian and even swear by the Bible and do nothing to protect the life of babies in risk of being aborted. We are commanded to love our neighbor. This includes the unborn citizens!
Thank you in turn for your response. Much to digest.
1. An operation to deal with a tubal pregnancy is not an abortion. I was unaware that the baby can be safely moved into the womb. Do you have any links on that? I have been waiting for this development.
2. From what I have seen, Trump has appointed staunch pro-life people to the positions that will control things like access to the pills. Hopefully, they will be free to act. The abortion pills should be banned entirely, but failing that, they should be banned from interstate commerce. WHO will pay for "free" prenatal care from conception? I have a problem with forcing taxpayers to pay for things not authorized by the Constitution. Nowhere in the Constitution do I see any wording that grants authority to take tax money from one person to provide benefits to another. We can and should permit class actions against abortionists and other evil players. We shouldn't worry about compulsory education, because public schools should be shut down completely. Prenatal adoption is only possible if IVF is practiced. I know of one family member who did everything she could think of to have a baby, including IVF. They implanted all 10 embryos. None survived. She is pro-life, worked in a pregnancy center for awhile. She finally did have a baby, the normal way. Before that, she adopted two newborns.
3. I cannot reveal my identity for a number of reasons, but I initiated an effort which has resulted in saving tens of thousands of babies and their mothers from abortion. I believe in doing more than just praying.
I am well aware all the Covid shots have connections to newborns vivisected without anesthesia. In the case of major ones, HEK293, 293 babies were murdered to get the cells they wanted. I am also aware of the fact that most of the mothers who received Covid shots during the first trimester miscarried. Something like 85% did. They knew this before the shots were even marketed (Pfizer). One of my sons applied for a religious exemption in the Army. They never acted on it, and he's still in, will retire in a few weeks. His superior officer said his was the strongest case for a religious exemption he had seen. It was based heavily on the fact that these babies' tissues were used in manufacture or testing. The best information on this is on the web site of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, named after the suffragist Charlotte Lozier, who acted promptly to defend babies from abortion, and herself forfeited her life early to save her own child. Most people don't know that all the Suffragists were opposed to abortion and were major factors in the outlawing of abortion in the states to begin with. Real feminists don't kill babies. I spoke to Alice Paul, the author of the ERA, over the phone. She said that she was distressed that the ERA was being said to be able to legalize abortion without restrictions. She was the one who told me about the stance against abortion of the Suffragists. Actually, we may be able to blame Phyllis Schlafly in part for that claim; she went around the country making that claim. I don't know if she started it or the pro-aborts did. But she spoke against feminism while living like a feminist, with a career as a lawyer. Her son is a real credit to her. He is defending, among others, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, which seeks to restore ethical medical practice as delineated in the Hippocratic Oath and the original Declaration of Geneva (which arose out of the aftermath of the Nazi Holocaust.)
I am familiar with all those Bible verses. It is always good to read them once more. Thank you.
No, my son did not take the shot, nor will he. I think what happened was that they realized he had such a strong case that if they pressed the issue they could well be looking at losing their entire ability to force anyone to take the shots, so they simply "lost" his application. He was too valuable for them to want to get rid of because he was an extremely productive worker. He was awarded for this. The only thing they did to him was prohibit him from attending his own award ceremony because he hasn't had the shot.
I can see reason to charge excise/sales tax as the Founders intended. If you don't want to pay this, don't buy from places that are required to charge it. I do not believe the income tax is legitimate, but I am much more concerned about property tax, because it is an unrealized capital gains tax INCLUDING the original investment, and happens repeatedly, and TOTALLY NEGATES the right to property. And it is based on a FICTION! Your home is not worth what they claim unless you actually SELL it for that amount. It has no relationship to ability to pay. And it is being used to fund our godless public childhood indoctrination system. It is unconstitutional and a violation of the federal land patent laws. Not only were there laws passed allowing for the issuance of a land patent, but each land patent itself was a law, passed by Congress and signed by the President. It granted land to the patentee and his heirs and assigns forever. The Supreme Court already ruled that any feudal duty not included in the original patent did not exist. See Summa Corp. v California, https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/466/198/ and Leo Sheep Co. v U.S. https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/440/668/ For reasons I do not understand, very few people are opposed to property tax, and even fewer who are willing to do anything about it, including most conservatives.
How can Trump NOT be "aware of all that" abortion is and represents but you are and I am? How?
Is he an idiot? The same is true of the injections (vaccines). How could he NOT know what they really are when I know and I have none of his resources. Only my own modest abilities.
How could Trump NOT swear in with his hand on the Bibles that were right there in plain sight?
Why are people so willfully blind when it comes to their heroes with feet of clay?
The Bible clearly states we are to rely on God's wisdom, to follow Jesus. Not a man.
Dear Pirate, those awakened are a special kind. We are all different but somehow are able to see where others are blind and we stand our ground. We don't know how or why, we seem to be more immune to their psy-ops and subliminal manipulation.
8 years ago, Trump swore with the hand on the Bible with the exact same words, so this oath was not even necessary (at least formally), if he didn't change his mind to defend the Constitution:
It is important to me that he didn't place his hand on the Bibles that were in full view. His rejection speaks volumes. I'm sorry for you if it means nothing to you.
The entire ceremony and all that happened including Trump's rejection of the Bibles and his speech are important information.
If events progress on the path they are on we are all going over the cliff. It's worth it to me to say so and maybe alert a few to stop themselves.
If I don't say what I can see, their blood is on my hands.
It is of no consequence to me that Trump didn't place his hand on the Bible. The sincerity and honesty of an oath does not depend on whether you place your hand on a Bible. I have affirmed when false testimony would be perjury, and I have done this many times. There wasn't even a Bible available to put my hand on, but I meant my affirmation. I told the truth. It should be noted that the BIBLE PROHIBITS swearing by anything, INCLUDING THE BIBLE, simply because it notes of NO EXCEPTIONS to this prohibition. So placing your hand on the Bible, to my mind, is a violation of what the Bible tells us to do.
So his not placing his hand on the Bible is not important information at all. It has no significance whatsoever.
If you want to make an issue of trivia, that's your privilege. I'm not going there.
If you don't say what you see, their blood is on your hands ONLY If you would have been RIGHT. You are NOT right. So there is no issue of blood on your hands for what you do not claim, but only for what you CLAIM, because it is basically defamatory and false.
I think you are missing an important point. Trump has to deal with ALL the issues of being President. No one human being is capable of doing that. He has to rely on other people to inform him. And some of them are not honest. You and I have the luxury of concentrating on a few important issues. He does not. Furthermore, you and I have the time to do our own research. He does not. The weight of being the most powerful man in the world (aside from some wannabe world dictators) and having the opposition of powerful rich people is almost too much for one person to bear. You do not owe him your condemnation. You owe him your prayers. The Bible tells us that God appoints our rulers. That includes Biden and Trump. Trump will fulfill God's purpose just as Biden did. I personally think Biden's reign was a wake up call, and that is what God intended. WE ALL HAVE FEET OF CLAY. I don't follow Trump, but I support his efforts to undo the damage Biden did.
Trump is savvy about some issues. Medicine is not one of them. He is hopelessly naive when it comes to medical issues. I read somewhere he takes a statin, for cryin' out loud! That is about as deadly as you can get short of taking large doses of outright poison! He eats junk food. Loves it. He was probably threatened and coerced into promoting the Covid shots. There is evidence of that. He is not powerful enough to overcome all the evil opposition. He needs our prayers and God's help. His problem was and remains his ego, so he boasted about the shots. I won't overlook that. But for you to expect perfection from him before you will support his efforts is a form of following a man. Trump is a sinner. You are a sinner. I am a sinner. Get over whatever it is. Pray for him. Support him when he's right. Hold him accountable when he's wrong. And do what God expects of you regarding our leaders.
I'm not missing any point and I have no advantage or "luxury" of information that is anything other than inferior to what Trump has available to him.
You are saying he's an easily duped idiot who is deceived by liars he has chosen to surrounded himself with and imagine him as a hapless fool who, if your estimations are correct, has no more business being president than a chimp.
I am not looking for perfection in the form of any man but many others seem to be and that's my point.
You say he knows little about medicine yet there he is making world shattering decisions about crucial medical issues. Again, you're saying he's an idiot.
You say he's an ignorant chemically influenced eater of junk food who has no spine and is incapable of standing up to the pressures he has voluntarily and actively sought to surround himself with.
You have described a dangerous fool.
I pray for us all. Trump included. But that doesn't mean I cover my eyes from what I can see. If you prefer blindness over sight you don't understand what Jesus teaches on the subject.
I have no pity for Trump but that doesn't mean I don't pray he makes beneficial choices. So far his record is abysmal.
I never said Trump is an idiot. Don't try to put words into my mouth. Moreover, don't you DARE characterize my descriptions of him as a "dangerous fool". He has a genius level IQ, and he is quite knowledgeable about some things that will have a major beneficial impact on America. I am aware that he has been betrayed by his appointees many times. He has obvious business acumen, but that doesn't convey street smarts in judging politicians. I think he has learned some hard lessons, and it was actually a good thing he sat out for 4 years, and spent that time learning and reflecting.
It should be noted that although he is ignorant of medical issues, he has appointed some very knowledgeable people who will seek to undo the damage of decades of pharmaceutical cartel activity. That is exactly what a President needs to do.
Don't invoke Jesus in support of your views. That is exceedingly dangerous ground.
I do not agree with you that his record is abysmal. He made major mistakes during his fourth year, but did well the other three. What I see so far this term is encouraging. I do not watch videos. No, I didn't watch the press conference. Trump has an ego, a wacky sense of humor (which I like), and tells you exactly what he thinks (which I also like). He deeply loves this country, and it shows in everything he does. He's now in charge. Don't judge him on what he hasn't done yet. Wait and see.
Though you didn't use the word idiot, you describe an idiot.
If you don't think unleashing a deadly bioweapon on the American people and the world can be described as one abysmal decision Trump made, I encourage you to go to the millions who are suffering from Trump's abysmal record of decision making and explain that to them. Especially the parents and children.
I have a personal relationship with Jesus and understand at least some of His important teachings. I know of nothing wrong in referring to His teachings. I see and feel no danger in that
You need to watch the press conference. I'm not judging anyone. I'm talking about what Trump has done. Four years ago, yesterday and today.
Laws are but another mans word and when you violate that word you are harmed with losing your property, wealth and or life.
As long as you have laws and people who want more laws (yourself) then that which you seek to prevent will not prevented at all.
Abortion will not be stopped by law; and the penalties that ensue will already make a sad situation worse.
There are much better ways to live our one and only life.
Living in a system of enforcement where you are punished as oppose to a voluntary way of life where people are incentivized to think about what is moral, ethical, kind and act and behave accordingly is much preferable....it also requires less and less government as people acclimate themselves to voluntary behavior and not forceful behavior administered by government and its enFORCEment agents, officers....etc...etc...
Try your reasoning on the issue of parents who slice the body of their six year old into pieces.
You are DEAD WRONG. Laws are there to deter evil behavior and to take bad actors off the street to protect the innocent. Abortion is an ATROCITY committed not only on unborn children but on their mothers. Their mothers NEED AND DESERVE laws that protect them from abortionists and from coercion. There is nothing voluntary for the child about being hacked to death or poisoned. There is nothing voluntary for the mother who is coerced or forced into abortion against her will, or who is lied to about the development of her child and alternatives to abortion, or who feels she has no choice because if she doesn't have an abortion, she will suffer irreparable harm to her own life (almost always not true). Your position is HATRED OF WOMEN, pure and simple.
Laws stop abortions. When Roe was handed down, the number of abortions increased at least tenfold if not a hundredfold. Laws deter the people who do not have a strong will to fight against evil. They deter people who follow the law but do not have a clear internal moral sense. They protect lives. The lives of mothers included. Abortion also kills mothers. Not as often as it kills babies, but it kills nonetheless. We women deserve better than abortion.
Well, tell it to all the homeless NC flooded citizens, or to those burned out citizens of Lahaina, LA=haina2.0, or the soon to be released J6 prisoners who will land on the streets after 4 years of no job, maybe no more home, the homeless who lost jobs during covid crimes... Tell it to all the covid genetically modified injured, incapable to work, the dead ones can't speak any more!
It is astonishing that MAHA paved the way to this victory, and now quite a silence around it.....
'Amazon, keeps shadow-banning and banning books (pro-life, conversion therapy, etc.).'
It would be wonderful if it was just that!!!
It is a CIA based operation, as usual... Amazon ruined entire economies, WORLDWIDE!!!! Inner cities became empty, small shops GONE! All the small businesses closed because of amazon. To buy their products is like buying a black cat in a box, a quantum entanglement which might end up in another box..., and another one.. Example of their 'business': Celtic salt became very popular during covid, and suddenly it was nowhere to find, only amazon had it, all of it!
No it will not cost more to send them back. It will cost far more to continue supporting them and the offspring they never take a break from having regardless of immigration status! And they were in extreme danger traveling here to enter the country illegally! How many have ALREADY been trafficked! Sometimes when you make enough mistakes the consequences are great...expensive, but to NOT correct those mistakes is just stupid! MANY MORE THAN NOT voted for him due to SEND THEM BACK! So he needs to do just that! Bleeding hearts are KILLING America along with the crooked politicians! They are called illegal aliens because it's ILLEGAL to just come into this country and every judge and lawyer who ALLOWED that needs house fulls of them to stay with them then. Along with every other bleeding heart American! Get them off the rest of us tax payers payroll!!!
swearing an oath as a 'president' is just legal fiction. trump is a man (well presumably) who is acting as a fictional character within the legal society.
we are men and women. everything else is a fiction. that is, any Title that we may wish to operate under is not real. the reality is men and women. when we take on a title we bind ourselves to the rules within the legal society that apply to that title.
for example, this is why doctors need licences to prescribe to patients substances which are harmful and therefore not lawful. the fictional title allows for legal protection to use substances, methods and practices that cause men and women harm. submit yourself as a patient and therefore put yourself into harms way. there is a difference between legal and lawful.
perhaps the reality we really need to wake up to is that we are only man and woman.
the head of the beast system (legal society) is the god of this material world, we know who that is.
trump is upholding the legalities of the fictional legal society of titles with all its hierarchies and privileges.
the more you sell your soul, the higher up the hierarchy of privilege you can climb.
perhaps this puts the biblical message somewhat into more perspective.
The abortion issue must be very tightly connected with organ harvesting. This video explains it:
Example: The officially in LA practicing MD Mary Gatter admits selling childrens' body parts to high bidders...
Now, one needs to think, why Planned Parenthood (=>Planned abortions!) and why the age of the aborted babies is being set higher and higher??? The organs must be better 'transplantable'??? Or the bodies carry more blood???
This is SO SICK and SO CRIMINAL, and yet, there are maybe somewhere some 'laws', like Biden 'pardons', protecting such murder..? They will tell you aborted babies are property of whom??? So the new 'owner' can do with these parts what they want, including 'vaccines' production..??
Just thinking loud...
All that you pose in your questions has been ongoing for twenty years. Planned Parenthood has been selling aborted fetal tissue for over twenty years.
When a woman gets an abortion through Planned Parenthood she signs over the aborted fetus to Planned Parenthood to use and sell as they wish.
It's a horrendous nightmare but one we've been sleeping through for a very long time.
Trump has no intention of changing it.
I am in favor of a law that bans ALL ABORTIONS, NO EXCEPTIONS. Not even for the life of the mother. Why? Because abortion is NOT NEEDED for her life, nor is it the safest for her. That said, the reality is, HOMICIDE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY of the STATES. SCOTUS rightly sent the question back to the states. It is not about states' rights. It is about states' RESPONSIBILITIES. Abortion belongs in the homicide statutes. If it had been put there in the first place, millions of lives would have been saved. For Trump to say it is now the states' responsibility is not wrong. Now THAT said, is there anything the federal government can do to make sure the states take their responsibility seriously? I hope so. The Justice Department should prosecute the leadership of any state that doesn't put abortion into the homicide statutes. We need to get SCOTUS to take cognizance of the fact that a human life begins at fertilization or cloning/twinning. But if the Justice Department prosecutes for failure to put abortion into the homicide statutes, whom will they prosecute? The governor? He effectively has no say. The legislature? They have certain legal immunity for their decisions. It's a difficult question, and I don't see an easy answer. But I don't fault Trump for saying it's a state responsibility. I DO fault him for not declaring openly that abortion is an atrocity committed against BOTH mother and child. He also has a bully pulpit he could use to promote the right to legal protection from abortionists. He should use it. And there are other things in his speech that are concerning. You made note of some of them. We'll have to see how that plays out. I think the country is definitely better off with him in charge than Harris. But I don't expect perfection. There is no such thing. Trump is still just a sinner like the rest of us. Pray for him, for wisdom from God for him. While you are praying for him, use every opportunity to urge Trump to read Forbidden Grief and Victims and Victors. It would seriously educate him about what abortion does to mothers. No longer would he be able to claim that it is anything BUT an atrocity committed against mothers!
Thank you for your open-heart comment.
1. Procured abortion is immoral under all circumstances. Yet, an unwanted abortion resulting of trying to save both lives (mother and baby) is ethical, for example, by trying to relocate an ectopic pregnancy, which would end both lives.
2. Trump is so much better than Kamala, yet he needs to seek advise from prolife organizations:
The majority of abortions are now done with abortion pills. Trump said he will not stop them.
Trump chose to openly promote IVF this term.
For every IVF-baby born, 25 are gone! ... through selection, discarding, freezing, selective abortion, miscarriage, etc.
Don't forget that all Trump's WarpSpeeded haccines were abortion laced, through cell lines from aborted/birthed and dissected-alive late-term born babies.
Trump still supports and allows vaxxing pregnant women, resulting in "miscarriage" but in fact, since it is an intended direct effected by depop globalists, it's a procured abortion.
Also, Trump fully supports all non-barrier contraceptives which are in fact abortifacients, because they all fail to prevent conception and act by preventing implantation (abortion).
As in his first presidency, Trump will keep federal funding of abortion organizations (up to 4-6 billions per year, even for abortion organizations who work abroad).
Planned Parenthood keeps selling butchered baby parts.
Probably, Trump might not be fully aware of all that, but vincible ignorance does not relieve of responsibility: he could have asked!
Proverbs 6:16-17 ESV
There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
Imagine you become President. Do you think it will work to shake responsibility, washing your hands in innocent blood like Pontius Pilate? Even by doing nothing, you become accomplice of the genocide because you had the obligation and power to stop it, but didn't:
1. Not spending a taxpaid cent in anything related to killing unborn babies
2. Executive orders to stop or hinder abortion:
- prenatal healthcare since conception
- banning abortion pills due to the life-risk to the mothers (Pfizer withdrew from France because of that)
- making it easier for class actions against abortion and abortifacients or even the Government itself or Trump leading the class actions (at least for violating informed consent)
- compulsory free sonogram during pregnancy where the mother has to hear the baby's beating heart
- compulsory leaflet in pregnancy tests, explaining that there's a new human being and that all the needed help is available through pregnancy centers or Government
- compulsory scientific education on prolife issues at school (science backs morality)
- prenatal adoption, allowing to help the mother
- supporting babies and mothers the first 1000 days since conception
- banning IVF
- informed consent to parents and grand-parents
We have a list of over 100 ideas!
Even if Congress doesn't follow with laws, even if the Supreme Court blocks part of it, at least you did your job defending your unborn citizens.
3. Pro-lifers need to pray and do a lot more than we are doing!
Deuteronomy 30:15-18 ESV
See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil. If you obey the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you today, by loving the Lord your God, by walking in his ways, and by keeping his commandments and his statutes and his rules, then you shall live and multiply, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land that you are entering to take possession of it. But if your heart turns away, and you will not hear, but are drawn away to worship other gods and serve them, I declare to you today, that you shall surely perish. You shall not live long in the land that you are going over the Jordan to enter and possess.
Deuteronomy 30:19-20 ESV
I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, ...
Jeremiah 1:5 ESV
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.
Psalm 139:13-16 ESV
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.
Woe to those who declare themselves Christian and even swear by the Bible and do nothing to protect the life of babies in risk of being aborted. We are commanded to love our neighbor. This includes the unborn citizens!
Thank you in turn for your response. Much to digest.
1. An operation to deal with a tubal pregnancy is not an abortion. I was unaware that the baby can be safely moved into the womb. Do you have any links on that? I have been waiting for this development.
2. From what I have seen, Trump has appointed staunch pro-life people to the positions that will control things like access to the pills. Hopefully, they will be free to act. The abortion pills should be banned entirely, but failing that, they should be banned from interstate commerce. WHO will pay for "free" prenatal care from conception? I have a problem with forcing taxpayers to pay for things not authorized by the Constitution. Nowhere in the Constitution do I see any wording that grants authority to take tax money from one person to provide benefits to another. We can and should permit class actions against abortionists and other evil players. We shouldn't worry about compulsory education, because public schools should be shut down completely. Prenatal adoption is only possible if IVF is practiced. I know of one family member who did everything she could think of to have a baby, including IVF. They implanted all 10 embryos. None survived. She is pro-life, worked in a pregnancy center for awhile. She finally did have a baby, the normal way. Before that, she adopted two newborns.
3. I cannot reveal my identity for a number of reasons, but I initiated an effort which has resulted in saving tens of thousands of babies and their mothers from abortion. I believe in doing more than just praying.
I am well aware all the Covid shots have connections to newborns vivisected without anesthesia. In the case of major ones, HEK293, 293 babies were murdered to get the cells they wanted. I am also aware of the fact that most of the mothers who received Covid shots during the first trimester miscarried. Something like 85% did. They knew this before the shots were even marketed (Pfizer). One of my sons applied for a religious exemption in the Army. They never acted on it, and he's still in, will retire in a few weeks. His superior officer said his was the strongest case for a religious exemption he had seen. It was based heavily on the fact that these babies' tissues were used in manufacture or testing. The best information on this is on the web site of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, named after the suffragist Charlotte Lozier, who acted promptly to defend babies from abortion, and herself forfeited her life early to save her own child. Most people don't know that all the Suffragists were opposed to abortion and were major factors in the outlawing of abortion in the states to begin with. Real feminists don't kill babies. I spoke to Alice Paul, the author of the ERA, over the phone. She said that she was distressed that the ERA was being said to be able to legalize abortion without restrictions. She was the one who told me about the stance against abortion of the Suffragists. Actually, we may be able to blame Phyllis Schlafly in part for that claim; she went around the country making that claim. I don't know if she started it or the pro-aborts did. But she spoke against feminism while living like a feminist, with a career as a lawyer. Her son is a real credit to her. He is defending, among others, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, which seeks to restore ethical medical practice as delineated in the Hippocratic Oath and the original Declaration of Geneva (which arose out of the aftermath of the Nazi Holocaust.)
I am familiar with all those Bible verses. It is always good to read them once more. Thank you.
Great comment! I corrected the text in the article. No one should be forced to pay taxes. Did your son in the Army finally take the shot?
Thank you, sir, for your kind words.
No, my son did not take the shot, nor will he. I think what happened was that they realized he had such a strong case that if they pressed the issue they could well be looking at losing their entire ability to force anyone to take the shots, so they simply "lost" his application. He was too valuable for them to want to get rid of because he was an extremely productive worker. He was awarded for this. The only thing they did to him was prohibit him from attending his own award ceremony because he hasn't had the shot.
I can see reason to charge excise/sales tax as the Founders intended. If you don't want to pay this, don't buy from places that are required to charge it. I do not believe the income tax is legitimate, but I am much more concerned about property tax, because it is an unrealized capital gains tax INCLUDING the original investment, and happens repeatedly, and TOTALLY NEGATES the right to property. And it is based on a FICTION! Your home is not worth what they claim unless you actually SELL it for that amount. It has no relationship to ability to pay. And it is being used to fund our godless public childhood indoctrination system. It is unconstitutional and a violation of the federal land patent laws. Not only were there laws passed allowing for the issuance of a land patent, but each land patent itself was a law, passed by Congress and signed by the President. It granted land to the patentee and his heirs and assigns forever. The Supreme Court already ruled that any feudal duty not included in the original patent did not exist. See Summa Corp. v California, https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/466/198/ and Leo Sheep Co. v U.S. https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/440/668/ For reasons I do not understand, very few people are opposed to property tax, and even fewer who are willing to do anything about it, including most conservatives.
How can Trump NOT be "aware of all that" abortion is and represents but you are and I am? How?
Is he an idiot? The same is true of the injections (vaccines). How could he NOT know what they really are when I know and I have none of his resources. Only my own modest abilities.
How could Trump NOT swear in with his hand on the Bibles that were right there in plain sight?
Why are people so willfully blind when it comes to their heroes with feet of clay?
The Bible clearly states we are to rely on God's wisdom, to follow Jesus. Not a man.
God Bless.
Dear Pirate, those awakened are a special kind. We are all different but somehow are able to see where others are blind and we stand our ground. We don't know how or why, we seem to be more immune to their psy-ops and subliminal manipulation.
8 years ago, Trump swore with the hand on the Bible with the exact same words, so this oath was not even necessary (at least formally), if he didn't change his mind to defend the Constitution:
It is important to me that he didn't place his hand on the Bibles that were in full view. His rejection speaks volumes. I'm sorry for you if it means nothing to you.
The entire ceremony and all that happened including Trump's rejection of the Bibles and his speech are important information.
If events progress on the path they are on we are all going over the cliff. It's worth it to me to say so and maybe alert a few to stop themselves.
If I don't say what I can see, their blood is on my hands.
Why would Trump's oath with the hand on the Bible , that he made 8 years ago, not be still valid today? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohgTEk9h1kc
It is of no consequence to me that Trump didn't place his hand on the Bible. The sincerity and honesty of an oath does not depend on whether you place your hand on a Bible. I have affirmed when false testimony would be perjury, and I have done this many times. There wasn't even a Bible available to put my hand on, but I meant my affirmation. I told the truth. It should be noted that the BIBLE PROHIBITS swearing by anything, INCLUDING THE BIBLE, simply because it notes of NO EXCEPTIONS to this prohibition. So placing your hand on the Bible, to my mind, is a violation of what the Bible tells us to do.
So his not placing his hand on the Bible is not important information at all. It has no significance whatsoever.
If you want to make an issue of trivia, that's your privilege. I'm not going there.
If you don't say what you see, their blood is on your hands ONLY If you would have been RIGHT. You are NOT right. So there is no issue of blood on your hands for what you do not claim, but only for what you CLAIM, because it is basically defamatory and false.
This discussion is degrading by the moment.
I think you are missing an important point. Trump has to deal with ALL the issues of being President. No one human being is capable of doing that. He has to rely on other people to inform him. And some of them are not honest. You and I have the luxury of concentrating on a few important issues. He does not. Furthermore, you and I have the time to do our own research. He does not. The weight of being the most powerful man in the world (aside from some wannabe world dictators) and having the opposition of powerful rich people is almost too much for one person to bear. You do not owe him your condemnation. You owe him your prayers. The Bible tells us that God appoints our rulers. That includes Biden and Trump. Trump will fulfill God's purpose just as Biden did. I personally think Biden's reign was a wake up call, and that is what God intended. WE ALL HAVE FEET OF CLAY. I don't follow Trump, but I support his efforts to undo the damage Biden did.
Trump is savvy about some issues. Medicine is not one of them. He is hopelessly naive when it comes to medical issues. I read somewhere he takes a statin, for cryin' out loud! That is about as deadly as you can get short of taking large doses of outright poison! He eats junk food. Loves it. He was probably threatened and coerced into promoting the Covid shots. There is evidence of that. He is not powerful enough to overcome all the evil opposition. He needs our prayers and God's help. His problem was and remains his ego, so he boasted about the shots. I won't overlook that. But for you to expect perfection from him before you will support his efforts is a form of following a man. Trump is a sinner. You are a sinner. I am a sinner. Get over whatever it is. Pray for him. Support him when he's right. Hold him accountable when he's wrong. And do what God expects of you regarding our leaders.
I'm not missing any point and I have no advantage or "luxury" of information that is anything other than inferior to what Trump has available to him.
You are saying he's an easily duped idiot who is deceived by liars he has chosen to surrounded himself with and imagine him as a hapless fool who, if your estimations are correct, has no more business being president than a chimp.
I am not looking for perfection in the form of any man but many others seem to be and that's my point.
You say he knows little about medicine yet there he is making world shattering decisions about crucial medical issues. Again, you're saying he's an idiot.
You say he's an ignorant chemically influenced eater of junk food who has no spine and is incapable of standing up to the pressures he has voluntarily and actively sought to surround himself with.
You have described a dangerous fool.
I pray for us all. Trump included. But that doesn't mean I cover my eyes from what I can see. If you prefer blindness over sight you don't understand what Jesus teaches on the subject.
I have no pity for Trump but that doesn't mean I don't pray he makes beneficial choices. So far his record is abysmal.
Have you watched the press conference today?
I never said Trump is an idiot. Don't try to put words into my mouth. Moreover, don't you DARE characterize my descriptions of him as a "dangerous fool". He has a genius level IQ, and he is quite knowledgeable about some things that will have a major beneficial impact on America. I am aware that he has been betrayed by his appointees many times. He has obvious business acumen, but that doesn't convey street smarts in judging politicians. I think he has learned some hard lessons, and it was actually a good thing he sat out for 4 years, and spent that time learning and reflecting.
It should be noted that although he is ignorant of medical issues, he has appointed some very knowledgeable people who will seek to undo the damage of decades of pharmaceutical cartel activity. That is exactly what a President needs to do.
Don't invoke Jesus in support of your views. That is exceedingly dangerous ground.
I do not agree with you that his record is abysmal. He made major mistakes during his fourth year, but did well the other three. What I see so far this term is encouraging. I do not watch videos. No, I didn't watch the press conference. Trump has an ego, a wacky sense of humor (which I like), and tells you exactly what he thinks (which I also like). He deeply loves this country, and it shows in everything he does. He's now in charge. Don't judge him on what he hasn't done yet. Wait and see.
Though you didn't use the word idiot, you describe an idiot.
If you don't think unleashing a deadly bioweapon on the American people and the world can be described as one abysmal decision Trump made, I encourage you to go to the millions who are suffering from Trump's abysmal record of decision making and explain that to them. Especially the parents and children.
I have a personal relationship with Jesus and understand at least some of His important teachings. I know of nothing wrong in referring to His teachings. I see and feel no danger in that
You need to watch the press conference. I'm not judging anyone. I'm talking about what Trump has done. Four years ago, yesterday and today.
Have you been vaccinated?
Laws are but another mans word and when you violate that word you are harmed with losing your property, wealth and or life.
As long as you have laws and people who want more laws (yourself) then that which you seek to prevent will not prevented at all.
Abortion will not be stopped by law; and the penalties that ensue will already make a sad situation worse.
There are much better ways to live our one and only life.
Living in a system of enforcement where you are punished as oppose to a voluntary way of life where people are incentivized to think about what is moral, ethical, kind and act and behave accordingly is much preferable....it also requires less and less government as people acclimate themselves to voluntary behavior and not forceful behavior administered by government and its enFORCEment agents, officers....etc...etc...
Try your reasoning on the issue of parents who slice the body of their six year old into pieces.
You are DEAD WRONG. Laws are there to deter evil behavior and to take bad actors off the street to protect the innocent. Abortion is an ATROCITY committed not only on unborn children but on their mothers. Their mothers NEED AND DESERVE laws that protect them from abortionists and from coercion. There is nothing voluntary for the child about being hacked to death or poisoned. There is nothing voluntary for the mother who is coerced or forced into abortion against her will, or who is lied to about the development of her child and alternatives to abortion, or who feels she has no choice because if she doesn't have an abortion, she will suffer irreparable harm to her own life (almost always not true). Your position is HATRED OF WOMEN, pure and simple.
Laws stop abortions. When Roe was handed down, the number of abortions increased at least tenfold if not a hundredfold. Laws deter the people who do not have a strong will to fight against evil. They deter people who follow the law but do not have a clear internal moral sense. They protect lives. The lives of mothers included. Abortion also kills mothers. Not as often as it kills babies, but it kills nonetheless. We women deserve better than abortion.
Creating a f b version ...to help,get this out ...
Thank you! please quote this page, since I'm updating it. In fact, I just added a lot under the revoking Biden's pardons section.
"The golden age of America begins right now."
Well, tell it to all the homeless NC flooded citizens, or to those burned out citizens of Lahaina, LA=haina2.0, or the soon to be released J6 prisoners who will land on the streets after 4 years of no job, maybe no more home, the homeless who lost jobs during covid crimes... Tell it to all the covid genetically modified injured, incapable to work, the dead ones can't speak any more!
It is astonishing that MAHA paved the way to this victory, and now quite a silence around it.....
actually realized why... RFK Jr. is not there yet...
'Amazon, keeps shadow-banning and banning books (pro-life, conversion therapy, etc.).'
It would be wonderful if it was just that!!!
It is a CIA based operation, as usual... Amazon ruined entire economies, WORLDWIDE!!!! Inner cities became empty, small shops GONE! All the small businesses closed because of amazon. To buy their products is like buying a black cat in a box, a quantum entanglement which might end up in another box..., and another one.. Example of their 'business': Celtic salt became very popular during covid, and suddenly it was nowhere to find, only amazon had it, all of it!
No it will not cost more to send them back. It will cost far more to continue supporting them and the offspring they never take a break from having regardless of immigration status! And they were in extreme danger traveling here to enter the country illegally! How many have ALREADY been trafficked! Sometimes when you make enough mistakes the consequences are great...expensive, but to NOT correct those mistakes is just stupid! MANY MORE THAN NOT voted for him due to SEND THEM BACK! So he needs to do just that! Bleeding hearts are KILLING America along with the crooked politicians! They are called illegal aliens because it's ILLEGAL to just come into this country and every judge and lawyer who ALLOWED that needs house fulls of them to stay with them then. Along with every other bleeding heart American! Get them off the rest of us tax payers payroll!!!
did he not address crypto?
kitten did you see this?
your buS-Kcats is listed down there....
too many things to address, 30 min timeout.
If he had cut out even fifty percent of the rhetorical bullhockey he would have had plenty of time to address many things including crypto.
swearing an oath as a 'president' is just legal fiction. trump is a man (well presumably) who is acting as a fictional character within the legal society.
we are men and women. everything else is a fiction. that is, any Title that we may wish to operate under is not real. the reality is men and women. when we take on a title we bind ourselves to the rules within the legal society that apply to that title.
for example, this is why doctors need licences to prescribe to patients substances which are harmful and therefore not lawful. the fictional title allows for legal protection to use substances, methods and practices that cause men and women harm. submit yourself as a patient and therefore put yourself into harms way. there is a difference between legal and lawful.
perhaps the reality we really need to wake up to is that we are only man and woman.
the head of the beast system (legal society) is the god of this material world, we know who that is.
trump is upholding the legalities of the fictional legal society of titles with all its hierarchies and privileges.
the more you sell your soul, the higher up the hierarchy of privilege you can climb.
perhaps this puts the biblical message somewhat into more perspective.
Well, too big words, too big promises. Deja-vu.