Fred - you do great research - thank you sincerely!!! I appreciate that you share the amount of hours you invest to bring us these works of enlightenment. Everyone needs to see that to respect your effort even more.

A couple of additional thoughts:

Everything you reported is summarized in some yet to exist word meaning insanity to the x=99 power. It just can't be true... but it is. Anyone with some openness to consider what these programs mean would see them as ludicrous and resist. So the globalists have that covered too. Notice that the vaxx tends to kill off the most seasoned (by age) thinkers? True though, that it has the bonus of taking out many late teens and early 20's people too. But for that group (who will be the next society leaders soon), indoctrination is the better tool. It works. Just look at the collegiate wokeness nonsense that's off the charts and showing no sign of slowing. Those literal numbskulls buy into (are programmed into) believing EVERY false narrative and the more false, the more they believe. They are not receiving higher education, merely indoctrination and soon enough they'll be chanting "eat bugs for climate hugs" and "travel no, airplanes must go" and "animals are disease, get rid of them please" and will be fighting to be at the front of the line for every globalist/woke initiative headed their way.

It's not a joke. It's the back door to psychopath success that those of us with common sense and an understanding of freedom can be undermined by if we don't stop it.

Additionally, geoengineering opens so many more possibilities for food control, from making the ground such as where organic food is grown or our own backyards, tainted, vaxxed, or dead.

And for a bonus: insects contain chitin in their shells. Chitin causes GI upset or worse. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5680136/ I've already seen dog treats in petco supplemented with bug (cricket?) flour and there were 10 startups developing bug products for human consumption that reported receiving investments from VC firms in 2023, just like fake meat companies did a few years ago. It's very real and not "proposed" at all. Too many people think it's not real or that it will be something they can ignore. Ignore no. The only options are to squash the plan or accept it.

Vigilance people.

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The Chinese Cultural Revolution has been implemented in US colleges.

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I have read ALL of Winston Churchill's books . . . in The Gathering Storm he said WW1 was worse than WW2 because all of Europe's college aged young men died senselessly in the trenches . . . It was Lord Kitchener's ego that drove those young, promising British youths to their ignoble end with his outdated military tactics.

Churchill was right about the Dardanelles, the Turks blockading the strait only had 3 rounds of ammunition left . . . and if Britain and its allies would have helped the German Emperor of Russia (Tsar Nicholas was a German) and defeated the Communist Jews, WW2 would have never happened.

Britain has been a communist country since the Peterloo Massacre of 1819 . . . Karl Marx, who was descended from rabbinical families on both the maternal and paternal sides, spent most of his life under his Jewish father's assumed surname in London.

Commodore Matthew C. Perry sailed into Tokyo with nine ships in March 1854 and forced Japan to enter into trade with the United States . . . Russia, Britain, France, and Holland used their fleets on several occasions to defeat and disarm the Japanese feudal domains that defied them.

The Black Dragon Society (Kyūjitai; 黑龍會; Shinjitai: 黒竜会, kokuryūkai), or the Amur River Society, was a prominent paramilitary, ultranationalist group in Japan. The Kokuryūkai was founded in 1901 by martial artist Uchida Ryohei as a successor to his mentor Mitsuru Tōyama's Gen'yōsha.

The purpose of the organization was to keep the Russian Empire North of the Amur River and out of East Asia . . . the USA and Great Britain were on the wrong side of both wars.

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Solid research, well worth reading and sharing. It's easy to focus solely on the injections as the source of all our ills, without realising a coordinated, collective depopulation agenda has been at work for many generations now.

Re the "zombie deer" thing, living in the Scottish Highlands til I had to leave due to Brexit, my trade in life was animal hide tanner by hand, using traditional methods. Living rurally the local rangers supplied me with culled deerhides and fox pelts etc and I also tanned sheepskins.

The deer wasting disease was well known to us definitely in the nineties through the twentysomethings. That and viral haemorragic fever.

I find it suspicious that they're making an issue out of it now, and fearmongering that it may "spread to humans" because that is exactly how they cull the poultry flocks by the millions if so much as two to three birds get bird flu.

It's an attack on the food chain.

I suspect knowing there are many hunters who take their quota of deer for venison, this is exactly the same thing.

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Thank you for sharing your knowledge, especially about the deer.

The culling due to Foot and Mouth disease is also impressive:


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I also lived on a small Orkney island for twenty years, back in the nineties there was a foot and mouth outbreak then. They didn't, at least back then, cull the livestock but I do remember getting on and off the island ferry involved driving your car through discinfectant baths, and walking through similar to avoid spreading it to mainland.

A lot of agenda is behind animal "welfare" and control, most of it involving depriving us of either keeping livestock as our forebears did, or depriving us of essential livelihood and food supply imo.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol No. 6 – Take-Over Technique (agriculture) . . .

❝We shall raise the rate of wages which, however, will not bring any advantage to the workers, for, at the same time, we shall produce a rise in prices of the first necessaries of life, alleging that it arises from the decline of agriculture and cattle-breeding: we shall further undermine artfully and deeply sources of production, by accustoming the workers to anarchy . . .❞


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Fred, it is demonic in origin. It is vast in scale. This is the ultimate repudiation of the knowledge of God as a Good Creator and Sustainer of life. They intend to kill all of us.

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❝Bolshevism and Jewry are two words for the same thing. Peace is Bolshevism’s worst enemy, which it must destroy in order to realize its plans for world domination. Thus, Bolshevism’s ever-repeated life and death declarations of battle against the whole of the world become all too understandable.❞



“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther


“They have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism.” — François-Marie Voltaire



❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞



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The Political Economy of Genocide, plus the state of the Ukrainian Failed Proxy War . . .


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They didn’t lose, when losing means winning!:

1. War joins media and people behind the leader, no matter how bad or evil he is. Otherwise, they are considered “traitors”. Wars keep masons in power for a longer time and with more tyrannical uncontested power: Biden, Zelensky, Netanyahu, Churchill ...

Counting graves is “treason”:

2. The war was a perfect excuse for placing hundreds of billions of dollars:

2.1. in the mason controlled Military Industrial Complex of the USA and Europe

2.2. in Zelensky's hands

This means dozens of billions in black money diverted for the masonic agendas and masonic pockets.

2.3. in the "Marshall plan" to rebuild the Ukraine after peace, increasing masonic economic power even more with PPP (Private-Public Partnerships) and reinstating the NATO-US funded 30+ biolabs working in the creation of the next COVID that Putin dismantled during the invasion.

3. Ukraine is the #1 crop producer in the world not using transgenics: the war was ideal for Zelensky to authorize them and join BlackRock in buying the war-cheaped land (the 2nd most fertile in the world).

4. The war was also intended to weaken Putin: peace will mean his ousting. War corpses are the price to pay in democracy.

5. There was a chance to get the Ukraine into NATO. Even if Russia won, they would only ask what they asked in the beginning: autonomy for the Donbas russian people and NATO demilitarization of the Ukraine (what triggered the pre-emptive invasion).

6. This is the most important: the war was used as a smokescreen for Zelensky's religious persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church: he closed the monasteries and many churches... just as the lockdowns were a smokescreen for the persecution of all religions.

Did I miss anything else?

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🧠 VET ROGER living hell


Roger S. Meacock BVSc., M.R.C.V.S.

Quantum Veterinary Medicine


Additionally, we have determined that prion seeding activity is retained for at least fifteen years at a contaminated site following attempted remediation



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Nothing new they have been about for years there is just going to be more..



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