'War on Pigs' - interesting... Am I missing something or is it likely that the inhumane growing, holding & slaughter environments for pigs, chickens etc are the cause of these so-called global viruses that have emerged?? Similarly, is it possible that the (often illegal and questionable) Gain of Function research (aka bio-weapons labs) are responsible for some/all of these viruses... Similarly, have all these virus "escaped" from these bio-labs???

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There is no virus. Therefore there is no gain of function. There's plenty of information about the fake contagion narrative. Please try to find it. If you can't I'll be happy to get you started.

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Not just 5G

1. COVID symptoms were real in 2020, not after. Thermometers, oximeters, X-rays and corpses don’t lie. It's not just bilateral pneumonia, it's the lockstep detailed evolution of the new disease. For example, 37.5°Celsius fever, not more, not less, the near exact number of days for the viral and inflammation phases, the huge lack of blood oxygen in a walking patient, etc.

2. There were no contagions in open air in a 10 million cases study (that disproves EMFs)

3. Nasal sprays were very effective preventing contagion (that shouldn’t happen if it was 4 or 5G).

4. People using early the 30+ cures experience immediate recovery after 2 hours. Those cures don’t improve those having EMF-sickness.

5. Treatments that do work for EMF sensible people didn’t work for COVID.

6. People from zero cell phone coverage got COVID symptoms (so it’s not 4G).

7. Nations without 5G back then got the symptoms (so it’s not 5G).

8. Those symptoms are not seen today anywhere in the world, even with more antennas! (4/5/6Gs)

9. The hospital COVID ICU admission rate and ICU capacity rate are proxies of the real COVID waves together with excess deaths in 2020. Those waves are not correlated to steady or increasing electrosmog.

Similar objection applies to the other arguments like endotoxins, poisoning, chemtrails, etc. For example, those blaming trojan Flu shots can’t explain the COVID symptoms in the un-injected.

That doesn’t mean they didn’t use all means possible, including those and more, to kill as many people as possible, always trying to hide their tracks by a delayed effect that wouldn’t be immediately tied with the assassination method, triggering a massive reaction.

Virus-denialists are incapable of providing at least one rational answer, which would explain the change in symptoms before and after 2020, by their alleged cause.

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Yes, please do?

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Yes, yes and yes GeeCee! All of the above!


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Once again, Americans are being attacked! “Rules for thee, Not for me”!

We must keep calling these people out, call them what they are which is, “Narcissistic Psychopaths”!

Time after time, livestock is being attacked because they’re symptoms of a much larger problem.

This larger problem, “Humanity”!

However we slice this, necessary sustenances are attacked with some sort of nonsensical rationality. Irrational people act in irrational ways.

Their ignorance is so on display! How can we allow such moronic behavior by moronic ideologues to destroy our country?

Food shortages have been deliberately created! Culling of livestock, are all example’s of how irrational and moronic ideological driven morons try to hide their agendas!

Instead of finding a solution for a a leak in the cellar, these moronic idiots would lift the house off its foundation and place a bucket to catch the dripping pipe!

Americans are under constant attack! Attack on parents attending ideological Marxist school board meetings who have been chartered with indoctrination of our children!

Or the hiring of 87K IRS agents for? Self explanatory. Or gas stoves, light bulbs, lockdowns, forced “bioweapon injections”!

The point is, America is being systematically destroyed by various “Slow Boil Frog” techniques. So as not to have the frog or in “We The People’s” perspective, have Americans “jump out”!

I am perplexed by how many “attack points” Americans are under! Every item necessary for our survival! Why? What for?

The simple answer to both questions are:

1. Control & Power.

2. Fundamentally Transform America.

3. One World Order.

By controlling our food supply, our transportation abilities, our monetary system, our water supplies, informed consent.

Everything is on the table and Americans are being “Slow Boiled Frogs” during the process!

This way we don’t “RISE UP” and cause added pressure to the “Narcissistic Psychopaths” such as Obama and his cronies!

This allows all the “Useful Idiots” to continue “Fundamentally Transforming America”while keeping society relatively peaceful.

Eventually America becomes unrecognizable and the reimagining process will be ratcheted up!

I would say to “We The People” that this transformation agenda is very close to “full speed ahead”! Why? Simply look at how much damage has been done in the past few years. That’s why!

Ultimately if “We The People” don’t take a stand, it will be too late! Everything that’s been happening is and has been designed to literally:

“Fundamentally Transform America”! Obama told us this! Obama tested this on Americans with “Obamacare”! How well did that work out?

It hasn’t worked out whatsoever! Unless your goal is to transform and ultimately control the masses! “Rules for thee Not for me” mentality!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


This is why and what for! This will not stop! We must “STOP” this or we won’t believe what’s has happened!

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100% Professor Nazar, depopulation! No one can tell me the agenda being pushed upon all isn’t anything but “Depopulation / Extermination”!

How else can the “Globalist” succeed? They can’t unless they’re able to eliminate “opposition via extermination!”

It matters not to the “elites”! Nothing else matters except their power and their control! They’ll “eat their own” if that’s what it takes! As they’ve proven!


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By the way, this war is between both political parties, DemonRats and RepubTurds. There is not a politician who will pledge his allegiance to the almighty God, Jesus Christ! It is man's sin nature on display in the worst way. These dark days were predicted by Jesus in Matthew 24, where Jesus predicts the future.

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Absolutely both parties. I personally don’t believe they’re two parties anymore. IMO, I believe we have “Patriots” and “Communists” or “Marxist”, whatever you want to call the!


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1000%, the Teo party system is a trap!

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Everything; every atomic structure within screams for all to rise up. We must STOP this tyranny of the Enemies Against All Life on the Planet. THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO THIS and God knows it's up to us to act and not just pray, fast and do nothing. Until humans act to end this evil...God can do nothing as it's a matter of 'free will' since the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits have openly allowed all to know their plans their behavior certainly proves correct.

When humans are informed of the plans of evil and there is silence and no action...It's considered agreement and permission for the Demons to go forward with their misery, suffering and murder in ways the developed world can't begin to imagine as the Demons cackle and celebrate feeding upon all the darkness and agony.

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"The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it."

H.L. Mencken

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"The meat could have been cooked instead of dumped ! 2.3 million pigs lost for nothing!"

Hi Fred, there is no virus to cook, why do you want to cook it in order to kill something never found?

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Not just 5G

1. COVID symptoms were real in 2020, not after. Thermometers, oximeters, X-rays and corpses don’t lie. It's not just bilateral pneumonia, it's the lockstep detailed evolution of the new disease. For example, 37.5°Celsius fever, not more, not less, the near exact number of days for the viral and inflammation phases, the huge lack of blood oxygen in a walking patient, etc.

2. There were no contagions in open air in a 10 million cases study (that disproves EMFs)

3. Nasal sprays were very effective preventing contagion (that shouldn’t happen if it was 4 or 5G).

4. People using early the 30+ cures experience immediate recovery after 2 hours. Those cures don’t improve those having EMF-sickness.

5. Treatments that do work for EMF sensible people didn’t work for COVID.

6. People from zero cell phone coverage got COVID symptoms (so it’s not 4G).

7. Nations without 5G back then got the symptoms (so it’s not 5G).

8. Those symptoms are not seen today anywhere in the world, even with more antennas! (4/5/6Gs)

9. The hospital COVID ICU admission rate and ICU capacity rate are proxies of the real COVID waves together with excess deaths in 2020. Those waves are not correlated to steady or increasing electrosmog.

Similar objection applies to the other arguments like endotoxins, poisoning, chemtrails, etc. For example, those blaming trojan Flu shots can’t explain the COVID symptoms in the un-injected.

That doesn’t mean they didn’t use all means possible, including those and more, to kill as many people as possible, always trying to hide their tracks by a delayed effect that wouldn’t be immediately tied with the assassination method, triggering a massive reaction.

Virus-denialists are incapable of providing at least one rational answer, which would explain the change in symptoms before and after 2020, by their alleged cause.

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Thanks for your efforts in reply Fred! You make some good points but to say an illness was from a virus you need to show isolation of a virus. You start off with the term, "Covid Symptoms", but there are no specific symptoms for Covid because there is no known cause of Covid. There is no paper showing isolation and characterization of a Sars virus (or any virus), so I stand by my comment that there is no reason to kill and cook nor throw out pigs.

Your comments are heuristic and I won't go thru each one but you need to find a virus to say there is a virus-should be obvious. On one just for example, "Nations without 5G back then got the symptoms", Fred, people are always sick and pcr tests up the nose made many people feel a bit sick, if you give them a labeling machine bogus test they will get a label of Covid. That is just trickery.

On 5G here are 2 papers showing association of 5g with illness in 2020. This is not proof of causality but should be taken on board because it is epidemiology. 5G is not a zero sum game, it depends on the frequency used. It seems to have been turned up to high levels in certain hot spots at certain times, otherwise it is at 3ghz. And we do know that EMFs harm animals.



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Thank you for your reply. How do you explain that after 2020 those allegedly 5G symptoms vanished?

About COVID isolation start here:


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Virus Finding 101:

Coronavirus, or any virus, defined as a replication competent intracellular parasite with a genome and protein coat has never been found, so using the word “virus” related to a suspected or proposed object or process does not fit with the definition.

To find a virus you must first ultracentrifuge (spin) a sample taken from an ill patient looking for the 100nm size band in a gradient that separates particles based on density. The 100nm size is based on reports that most viruses are in that size range, but since virus particles have never actually been found there is no physical proof of a virus size. Non-virus objects that do exist like exosomes and phages are also around in this size-range. Next, you confirm the sample is nearly purified on Electron Microscopy so you know you only have one type of object. Then you go back the centrifuge and characterize the purified sample: genome, protein structure, infectivity and pathogenicity in another host, reisolate, purify, and characterize to confirm similarity to the original.

The above has never been done (probably because a particle fitting the definition of a virus has never been found), so that viruses are just guesswork and models (and sometimes fraud) based on some symptoms and lab tests that can be “positive” due to many things. Since a virus hasn’t been found in >100 years of looking we can say that it doesn’t seem likely that viruses exist. There is also evidence that foundations and think tanks have drummed-up this fraud in order to make a market (and other nefarious purposes) for vaccines and medications for germs that do not exist.

Looking for viruses based on antigens or antibodies is faulty because an original particle to base these on has never been found. Antibodies and immune cells are non-specific and can react to many things, and antigens are not specific to one particular biologic material.

Electron microscopy photos of mixed patient samples or cell cultures show images (shadows) of stained & dead objects of unknown provenance. This does not say what these objects really are or what they do (you can’t take shadows of objects out from the microscope and characterize them). Similar kinds of objects can be found whether you look at sick or healthy patient samples or even non-human cell cultures with or without putting in patient samples. It should be clear that just pointing arrows at an object in an EM image and calling it a virus doesn’t make it a virus. In that line, the cytopathic effect that you can see in a cell culture is due to starving the cultures and putting in antibiotics and is seen whether a patient sample is put in the culture or not. That’s why control samples without patient sample are never done.

The genomes that are said to be found are strings of letters assembled by software programs from unpurified mixed samples taken from ill persons. A few sample letters are “found” by matching them to short letter sequences on probes called “primers”, and these matches are then input to a computer. The computer puts together a larger sequence that becomes a guesswork model of assembled letters they “call” a genome but it is not a biologic object proven to exist (I can say these assemblies describe my grandpa Harry, my grandma Hazel, or Larry the cockroach on my kitchen floor if I want). This is all why PCR can’t test for a virus-because there is no original to base it on (the PCR primers are “hypothetical” as you can see here). Software can print-out any virus model that it is programmed to find (that’s not an actual biologic object is it?). Software can also be programmed to make these letter streams evolve in a software-made phylogeny as researchers claim to find new viruses, even though no biologic object meeting the virus definition have ever been found. So when you read that XYZ corona virus has a genome with 99% homology (sameness) with past corona viruses, that is like saying the fantasy show Star Wars II is in the same family as fantasy show Star Wars I

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Start with the basics:

Creager ANH, Scholthof KBG, et al. Tobacco Mosaic Virus: Pioneering Research for a Century, 1 Mar 1999 The Plant Cell, Volume 11, Issue 3, March 1999, Pages 301–308, https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.11.3.301

Lecoq H. Découverte du premier virus, le virus de la mosaïque du tabac: 1892 ou 1898? [Discovery of the first virus, the tobacco mosaic virus: 1892 or 1898?]. Oct 2001 Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie III, Sciences de la vie, 324(10), 929–933. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0764-4469(01)01368-3

Oldstone M. (2014). History of Virology. Encyclopedia of Microbiology, 608–612. 28 Aug 2019 https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.00078-7

Lumata JL, Ball D, Shahrivarkevishahi A, et al. Identification and physical characterization of a spontaneous mutation of the tobacco mosaic virus in the laboratory environment. 23 Jul 2021 Sci Rep 11, 15109 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-94561-2

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Fred, paper titles don't mean Jack s**t, we need to see the content. Can you please show in even ONE paper the methods section showing isolation in the true sense of separating a particle from everything else (the only way is untracentrifugation), confirming purity on EM, then going back to the centrifuge pellet to characterize the genome from the isolated object itself NOT in mixed solution and its ability to infect and cause disease. Those papers do not show isolation of a particle, certainly not in the 1800s. Are you feeling ok Fred, under stress? Hope you are ok because I Iike your writing.

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-On 5g it is not a zero sum game, the Ghz can be turned up or down to make people sick or not when and where you want. That is a clear answer Fred!

-On isolation, the Mercola link is NOT isolation, it is twisting the pseudoscience of EM, cell culture, and computer genomes into a statements and opinions that are pseudoscience (and telling you what Mercola is really about).

Fred, my good friend, look at the virus finding 101 section near the top of this post. I will try to paste it in another reply. You will see the fraud of EM, cell culture, and genomes.


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It's easy to trick people into believing anything when they are completely ignorant of a knowledge.

The law of nature are not like human laws. Nature doesn't constantly change these laws like men do to accommodate the latest narrative.

In nature, by it's own law, nothing can be born sick or too weak and stay alive. They are always the first one to die. It is the law of the strongest and it's the immune system that makes one strong, not the muscles, that comes after if you do have a strong immunity.

Now, just imagine a bunch of psychos who wants to poison us without anyone to know. Poisons that are into our food & water, In our products we use and so on. what's best than nature as a scapegoat to hide the crimes. Nature as been their scapegoat for the longest time, since forever really. They know of a knowledge that you the people don't have and therefore as it's said... Knowledge is power and if you don't have it... you get screwed. Ignorance of any knowledge makes every one who has it more able to make you believe anything and you most likely to believe it cause they call themselves... expert, professional and master. So when will the people start listening to their voices inside?

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The war is on PEOPLE. These sick bastards kill the animals in order to starve US. Farmers should just tell them to f*CK off. It's all a lie. There's no such thing as a virus. Germ Theory is absolute garbage.

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True, they want to starve the non-compliant by denying them self-production, while poison the rest with tainted industrial food and the excuse is false pandemics.

But the bacteria and viruses are true, though the response is wrong: they should just reproduce the pigs that survived and are immune, not vax them eternally for every new virus designed by Wuhan et al..


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This is a war on humanity! As humanity turns away from God as creator, we have become utter fools. Billions of people are going to die as the globalists fulfill their diabolical desire to become as little gods—small g.

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People should not eat pork anyway. They are the nastiest creatures. No sweat glands so the nasty builds up inside of them.

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When I read things like this, my conclusion is that the only thing that's wrong with this world are we, the humans.

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Not all humans, just those belonging to the SSS (Satanic Secret Societies like Freemasonry) and their mercenaries.

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Its a war on humanity

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Africa Swine Flu they call it but its not in Africa. Shit like this is a non-starter in Tanzania. They even have a tribe called Chagga which means BBQ.

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