Photo of "Avian Flu" doesn't mean a flu virus was actually found-no virus has EVER been purified isolated and characterized. You are not saying it is a proven flu virus are you?

Digging, the file is here


but there is no associated paper and methods to describe the provenance of this photo and characterization of said particles.

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Thank you for sharing this! I've suspected this, but this is the first time this much info/data has been exposed to me. I'm sharing it with others. Thank you!

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Thank you for sharing and waking up others! Things will change peacefully when we reach the majority...

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Death of Food Products supports the Death Cult of the wealthy parasites who seduced U.S. citizens into adopting their murderous 'Control-Oriented Attitudes and Practices' way back in 1902 marking the moment the United States with Inalienable Rights to die by the day. Had no idea how this disease has been used for such extraordinary evil; a cull unlike any other.

With every evil perpetrated; the parasites learn more about killing of freedom and liberty of 'The People' towards Absolute Power as time goes by.

In the end analysis; 'The People' are STUPID and COWARDLY as nobody is doing anything to protect the American way of life and the fraudulently installed are those perpetrating these crimes against all life on the planet. Most people are delusional and sit back actually believing just refusing to participate is enough to stop the parasites from evil; killing and destroying food and through it, them.

Evil is NOT something which must be understood in order to fight...And, until evil fears for it's existence on Earth as it knows it will be returned to hell with it's human host choosing it; evil will prevail.

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👍 Bravo!

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The bird flu is not real, folks. I have been around avians all my life, and I am fine. Do you all think it’s weird we went from h1n1 to h5n1? Makes no sense. I do not use google but I guarantee there are patents...

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1 alleged case in 8 billion people... =)

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Indeed. This is the anniversary of this post of mine.


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I saved your awesome article on my phone, so right, so right indeed. Should I tell everyone to watch “contagion”? From 2012. It’s about H1N1, lol, what would happen, it’s an awesome movie, and yes, people panicked and looted, just like we are doing. I have to look in my archives to see who made and directed it. But being around avians all my life, as said, never once did I hear about it until 2003. It’s a patented virus. “How could it go up 4 notches, from h1 to h5, in such a short amount of time?” And let’s open up the sore, called mers...

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Thank you, finally. I have been getting backlash for some of my research on here. And thank you to you all with your comments viruses are not real.

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My pleasure. I try to support those I can.

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Huh... Merricks disease anyone? Except a human variation a la covid jabs?

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Hehehe! Wiki writes “Because vaccination does not prevent infection with the virus, Marek's is still transmissible from vaccinated flocks to other birds, including the wild bird population.” OS, you are more brilliant than you knew!🤣

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Viruses are real.

Viruses are not real.

Theories aren't where criminal cases are going to begin.

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My only issue is with the article that claims "viruses." They do not exist and the idea is used for fear factor. As an excuse to reduce food supply. And many other ghastly things (like getting Us to willingly allow toxins to be jabbed into Our flesh). I have an article on that...

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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We need to Tar and feather the globalist!!

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It would be like a pay-back from so many feathered animals slaughtered by them for nothing =)

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Agreed, indeed.

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At the very least.

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So you mean they know when and where these cretins meet but no one's been able to take them all out???

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If you had a super yacht that holds 200 thousand gallons of fuel you would want a bunch of those SUV driving useless eaters to die as well.

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I am confused by the comment. Useless eaters, I can’t stand that term, and if you are an elite, which I doubt you are calling yourself that, 🤣🤣

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I am confused with the useless eater comment.

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Apparently coined by the Nazis to refer to their undesirable races. Those masons think they are uber-mensch and we deserve to die to improve the human race. Darwin squared: survival of the wealthiest!

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They can afford to go organic food and get untainted water while weed-killing everyone else.

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They don’t believe their own lies of herd/flock immunity. They kill the birds when avian influenza is totally survivable. Wouldn’t you think that it is reasonable to breed the survivors to increase resistance in commercial flocks?

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Isn’t there a patent for avian flu? From 2003? I think so...

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If You read My article in "viruses," You discover that They patented in silico creations where They took bits of genetic material They found, put the sequences into a computer, stitched them together by taking ends that matched and claiming they were iterations of the same point, put them together that way, and continued on down until They had "the genome."

If it was a natural construct They found, They could not patent it.

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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That’s right and my point. It’s not natural, it does not exist. Period. I have an avian for 27 years, no flu here. Grew up with multi birds and chickens, still no flu. Maybe due to, I am rh-...

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Ah, I see! [smile] I know there is no such thing as ANY "virus" That's what My article covered. Haha!

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A patent doesn't prove existence of an isolated-purified and characterized particle fitting the definition of a virus.

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Learned that from Dr. David Martin...

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Here is the argument as viewed by Kaiser Foundation for mRNA vaccines in the wake of an avian flu pandemic. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Here we go again! https://kffhealthnews.org/news/article/bird-flu-potential-pandemic-vaccine-chicken-egg-quandary/

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That picture is so sad.

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