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“Depopulation” through food
To understand the context, please read this first:
If “food is your medicine”1, their food is your poison:
Supplying slo-sickening ingredients at artificially subsidized prices. It is probable that nutritional additives and supplements get tampered, i.e. hide other undisclosed sickening components (trace amounts, nanotech): “enriched” flour, vitamins (n.b. dairy), sugar (noticed the ants don’t want it anymore?) and flavour&fragrances corporations (very few companies2 control the global market for both artificial and natural). Like in all markets, using fake money or credit with fake money, the globalist giants are buying the rest of the companies.
Bad dietetic recommendations through apparently independent health organizations controlled by processed food corporations like the US Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.3
Stealth contamination by the owners of BigFood corporations. It is no coincidence that the globalists are also investing big in bio-reactor synthetic meat and milk companies: they need to control all food supply, including the least processed, which will be banned with the weather change excuse.
Open contamination with artificial sweeteners, monosodium glutamate and so many other toxic substances which are legally allowed, that we’d need an encyclopaedia for that. For instance, “potassium bromate, a potent oxidizer that helps bread rise, has been linked to kidney and thyroid cancers in rodents. Azodicarbonamide (ACA), a chemical that forms bubbles in foams and plastics like vinyl, is used to bleach and leaven dough – but when baked, it, too, has been linked to cancer in lab animals. The World Health Organization has recommended against adding potassium iodate to flour since 1965.” 4 Long-term exposure of low doses of contaminants in water, food, and environment have significant chronic effects. 5
Processed-food poisoning
With the concept of Ultra Procesed Food (UPF), do they want to hide the real problem with the toxic additives not used in home cooking, such as artificial sweeteners, emulsifiers, preservatives, colours, flavours and flavor enhancers (MSG) or tainted/contaminated ingredients that poison flour and sugar (glyphosate and other pesticides)? Probably, the problem is not industrial processing of food but what’s added in the food and packaging!
Go organic! Even if processed organic? Yes, except there’s PFAS in the packaging or contact of warm food with plastics.
Examples of UPF:
Mass-produced bread
Sweetened breakfast cereals
Instant soups
Pre-packaged and microwave-ready meals
Fruit-flavoured yoghurts
Reconstituted meat – e.g. ham and sausages
Ice cream
Soft drinks and some alcoholic drinks – including whisky, gin, and rum
“In a multivariate model adjusted for sex, smoking, education, physical activity, height, and diabetes, a substitution of 10% of processed foods with an equal amount of minimally processed foods was associated with reduced risk of overall cancer (hazard ratio 0·96, 95% CI 0·95–0·97), head and neck cancers (0·80, 0·75–0·85), oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (0·57, 0·51–0·64), colon cancer (0·88, 0·85–0·92), rectal cancer (0·90, 0·85–0·94), hepatocellular carcinoma (0·77, 0·68–0·87), and postmenopausal breast cancer (0·93, 0·90–0·97). The substitution of 10% of ultra-processed foods with 10% of minimally processed foods was associated with a reduced risk of head and neck cancers (0·80, 0·74–0·88), colon cancer (0·93, 0·89–0·97), and hepatocellular carcinoma (0·73, 0·62–0·86). Most of these associations remained significant when models were additionally adjusted for BMI, alcohol and dietary intake, and quality.” 6
“Every 10% increment in UPF consumption was associated with an increased risk of overall (1.06; 1.03-1.09), ovarian (1.30; 1.13-1.50), and breast (1.16; 1.02-1.32) cancer-related mortality.” 7
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) study analysed diet and lifestyle data on 450,111 adults who were followed for approximately 14 years: eating 10% more UPF is associated with a 23% higher risk of developing head and neck cancer, and a 24% higher risk of cancer of the oesophagus.8 The study was funded by mason Wellcome Trust. 9
Artificial sweeteners = death
A study in the NutriNet-Santé 100 000 cohort found “artificial sweeteners (especially aspartame and acesulfame-K) were associated with increased cancer risk.” Aspartame: 1.15 times as likely to develop cancer overall, 1.22 times to breast cancer, and 1.15 times to obesity related cancers. 10
Artificial sweeteners:
Increase obesity due to tasted energy-deficit over-compensation. 11 Increase weight in children.12
Increase diabetes type 2: increase in inflammatory markers plasma haptoglobin and transferrin.13
Increase in preterm delivery and allergies (asthma, rhinitis).14
Developmental toxicity. Increase in Phe level in the blood of the unborn baby. Increase in embryo heart rate, decrease in head growth and body length, and cause anxiety-like behavior. 15
Aspartame (NutraSweet): bioweapon
Some products containing aspartame:
Diet sodas (Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, etc.)
Artificial sweeteners (Nutrasweet, Equal, Sugar Twin)
Sugar free chewing gums
Low calorie sweeteners
Reduced-sugar condiments
Ice cream
Powdered hot chocolate
Cough medicine
Aspartame’s death-toll
Cancers linked to aspartame include:
Obesity related cancers
Breast cancer
Brain cancer
Hematopoietic and brain malignancies
Bladder cancer, etc.
Other aspartame effects may include:
Increased appetite
Weight gain
Effects on metabolism, changes in serum and oxidative stress markers, and potentially type 2 diabetes
Metabolic disease, potentially disrupting the balance and diversity of bacteria in the gut
Effects on the sciatic nerve
Preterm delivery
Kidney toxicity
Liver toxicity
Changes to the salivary glands
It’s a “chemical carcinogen in rodents (malignancy in 92.3% of cases with low doses) ... prenatal exposure to aspartame increases cancer risk in rodent offspring.”
“Food with aspartame must be labelled with the information: “contains phenylalanine”. In addition, the labeling of foods containing aspartame must indicate that they are not recommended for cooking and baking.
Digestion releases methanol (10%), aspartic acid (40%) and phenylalanine (50%), which are absorbed in the intestinal mucosa and cross the placenta. These metabolites can be harmful… toxic to the brain.
Methanol is firstly oxidized in the liver to formaldehyde and again to formic acid; however, while methanol is known to damage the liver, formaldehyde and formate are also responsible for the destruction of liver cells. In addition, during the process the formation of superoxide anions and hydrogen peroxide occur, which lead to protein denaturation and subsequent enzymatic changes. … decrease of most metabolites of the trans-sulphuration pathway in the liver was observed during experiment. Levels of cysteine, homocysteine, S-adenosyl-homocysteine, and S-adenosyl-methionine were increased.
Furthermore, rhenylalanine is mainly metabolized to tyrosine and smaller amounts of phenylethylamine and phenylpyruvate, while aspartic acid is metabolized into alanine and oxaloacetate.
(Aspartame) may be a significant source of formate, which can contribute to serious physiological changes.” 16
“Aspartame causes headache, memory loss, seizures, vision loss, coma and cancer. It worsens or mimics the symptoms of such diseases and conditions as fibromyalgia, MS, lupus, ADD, diabetes, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue and depression. Further dangers highlighted is that aspartame liberates free methyl alcohol. The resulting chronic methanol poisoning affects the dopamine system of the brain causing addiction. Methanol, or wood alcohol, constitutes one third of the aspartame molecule and is classified as a severe metabolic poison and narcotic.
In the research article “Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health”, Dr. Woodrow Monte wrote: "When diet sodas and soft drinks, sweetened with aspartame, are used to replace fluid loss during exercise and physical exertion in hot climates, the intake of methanol can exceed 250 mg/day or 32 times the Environmental Protection Agency's recommended limit of consumption for this cumulative poison."
It is a "deadly neurotoxic drug masquerading as an additive. It interacts with all antidepressants, L-dopa, Coumadin, hormones, insulin, all cardiac medication, and many others. It also is a chemical hyper sensitization drug so that it interacts with vaccines, other toxins, other unsafe sweeteners like Splenda which has a chlorinated base like DDT and can cause auto immune disease. It has a synergistic and additive effect with MSG. Both being excitotoxins, the aspartic acid in aspartame, and MSG, the glutamate people were found using aspartame as the placebo for MSG studies, even before it was approved.” 17
The occult history
1965 James M. Schlatter discovered aspartame by accident as part of research into anti-ulcer drugs: 200 times sweeter than sugar with near zero calories.
1970. FDA banned cyclamates for causing cancer. Still in use in other countries.
1970s. Design and conduct of carcinogenicity bioassays on rodents submitted by G.D. Searle to the FDA for market approval were later proven to be rigged. 18
1980 FDA Board of Inquiry, comprised of three independent scientists, confirmed that it "might induce brain tumors." The FDA had previously banned aspartame based on this finding.
Jan 1981. Mason Ronald Reagan became President. Mason Donald Rumsfeld, while still CEO at Searle, the chemical company that held the patent to Aspartame, was part of Reagan's transition team. This team hand-picked mason Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr., to be the new FDA commissioner: a pharmacologist, had no previous experience with food additives.
July 1981. Hayes approved the poison as an artificial sweetener in dry goods, by overlooking the scuttled grand jury investigation of Searle, overcoming the Bressler Report, ignoring the PBOI's recommendations and pretending aspartame did not chronically sicken and kill thousands of lab animals.
Nov 1983. Hays left the FDA because of accusations of corruption not before approving aspartame in beverages, later becoming a high-paid senior medical advisor with Burson-Marsteller, the chief public relations firm for both Monsanto and GD Searle. "When Evil needs public relations, Evil has Burson-Marsteller on speed dial."
1985. Mason-controlled Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle. Rumsfeld received a $12 million bonus.
1995. FDA was forced, under the Freedom of Information Act, to release a list of aspartame symptoms reported by thousands of victims. From 10,000 consumer complaints, the FDA compiled a list of 92 symptoms, including death. Dr. Betty Martini, the founder of Mission Possible International19, works with doctors around the world in an effort to remove aspartame from food, drinks and medicine. According to Dr. Martini, aspartame has brought more complaints to the FDA than any other additive and is responsible for 75% of such complaints to that agency.
2005. The mounting cancer evidence was so compelling, that the European Commission (EC) was forced to call the European Food and Safety Authority (EFSA) for urgent re-examination of the available scientific documentation.
2011. EPA found aspartame to be a potentially dangerous chemical along with BPA.20
2013. EFSA finished the “urgent” re-evaluation... 8 years later, concluding that aspartame and its breakdown products are safe for the general population, including infants, children and pregnant women21 but it is still studying the salt of aspartame-acesulfame (E 962), a mixture of the two sweeteners aspartame (E 951) and acesulfame K (E 950), and neotame (E 961), a chemically related substance manufactured from aspartame.22
2014. “The carcinogenic effects of aspartame: The urgent need for regulatory re-evaluation” provided dozens of scientific studies proving aspartame was unsafe. 23
2015. France banned the sale and use of aspartame in all food and drinks due to cancer.
2023. Based on 1300 studies, WHO classified aspartame as potentially carcinogenic … half a century too late (though it minimized the threat level to group 2B, the third highest level out of 4 levels).
Yet it is still widely used without any warning label and it is still legal in the USA and Europe. Children are over-exposed in soft-drinks, juices, powder juices, jelly, chewing-gum and diet dairy. 24 Yet, it still approved all over the world!
Ronald Rumsfeld: mason warlord
To understand the approval of Aspartame, we need to know US warlord, Donald Rumsfeld. He killed more people with Aspartame than with all his masonic wars in the Middle East!
1954–1957 Navy aviator
1957–1975 Navy reserves
1962–1969 U.S. Congress: Representative from Illinois
1969–1970 Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity under mason President Richard Nixon
1969–1973 Counselor to the President, Nixon
1973–1974 US Representative to NATO under Nixon
1974–1975 White House Chief of Staff of mason president Gerald Ford
1975-1977 Secretary of Defense under mason president Gerald Ford
1982–1983 Presidential Envoy on the Law of the Sea Treaty, under mason President Reagan
1982–1986 President Reagan's General Advisory Committee on Arms Control
1983–1984 Presidential Envoy to the Middle East, Reagan administration
1983–1984 member of the U.S. Joint Advisory Commission on U.S./Japan Relations
1987–1990 member of the National Commission on Public Service
1988–1989 member of the National Economic Commission
1989 retired as a navy captain
1998 chairman of the Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States, under mason President Clinton
1999-2000 member of the U.S. Trade Deficit Reviews Commission, under Clinton
2000 chairman U.S. Commission to Assess National Security Space Management and Organization, under Clinton
2001-2006 Secretary of Defense under mason president George W. Bush, “despite past rivalry with the previous President Bush”: responsible for the Iraq War and torture ("enhanced interrogation techniques"):
2001 Just after 9/11, since he couldn’t convince Bush to attack Iraq, so moved on to Afghanistan but deliberately committing less troops than needed.
2003 secret Pentagon roadmap: “as long as the U.S. government does not intentionally target the American public, it does not matter that psychological operations reach the American public.”
2006 memo: “Make the American people realize they are surrounded in the world by violent extremists”. Convinced Bush that the invasion of Iraq was a "holy war" or "a religious crusade" against Muslims: again, committing less troops than requested. Was it a self-defeating attack like Afghanistan? We never know what these masons really want: maybe defeat is the real goal after other objectives are attained (e.g. selling more weapons, increasing government debt).
Corporate connections and business interests
Gilead Sciences: Joined Gilead as a director in 1988, chairman (1997–2001)
General Instrument: chairman and CEO (1990–93)
G. D. Searle & Company: CEO/chairman/president (1977–1985)
Gulfstream Aerospace: director
Tribune Company: director
Metricom: director
Sears: director
ABB: director
Kellogg's: director 1985–1999
RAND Corporation: chairman of the board from 1981 to 1986; 1995–1996
Amylin Pharmaceuticals: director
Freemason Henry Kissinger pronounced Rumsfeld “a special Washington phenomenon: the skilled full-time politician-bureaucrat in whom ambition, ability, and substance fuse seamlessly.” 25 Yet, it wasn’t those “qualities” which got him in most governments. Thousands had better résumé and high connections but were never able to get a single top government position. So what could explain his ability to be a “regular” in nearly all administrations?
Freemasonry explains how a person is able to land in high power seats no matter what government of that party, no matter which faction in the same party. Rumsfeld competed for President, yet he was named in top positions by the winning competitor, again and again! Just as Kissinger, he was Republican. He also worked in government positions under the opposing party administration (Clinton, Democratic Party).
There are other examples of masons with top positions in different Democrat governments (Biden, Kerry, Gore, etc.). In other countries, we even find that masons cross to competing parties and nobody cares!
He was a member of the Bohemian Club and Council on Foreign Relations, among other masonic organizations, some listed here: 26
Center for Security Policy: associate; winner of the CSP's 1998 "Keeper of the Flame" award
Hoover Institution: member, board of trustees
Project for the New American Century: signed PNAC's founding statement of principles as well as two policy letters on Iraq
Freedom House: board member
RAND Corporation: chairman
Committee for the Free World: chairman
National Park Foundation: member
Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships: chairman
Alfalfa Club: member27
National Academy of Public Administration: member
Rumsfeld received the Presidential Medal of Freedom
It’s awarded by the US President for contributing to:
(1) the security or national interests of the United States, or
(2) world peace, or
(3) cultural or other significant public or private endeavors
As with the Nobel Prizes, masons love to praise themselves and build career, prestige or even more pride.
Receiving the medal:
Former mason Presidents Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, George H. W. Bush (by Obama!!!), Bill Clinton, Joe Biden (as VP).
Other notable masons: Anthony Fauci (GW Bush), Francis Collins (GW Bush), Bill Gates (Obama), Oprah Winfrey (Obama), Walt Disney (Lyndon Johnson), Laurance Rockefeller (Johnson), Kissinger (Gerald Ford), Nelson Rockefeller (Gerald Ford), David Rockefeller (Clinton), Warren Buffett (Obama), J. William Fulbright (Clinton), Jacques Cousteau, Herbert H. Lehman, James E. Webb, Detlev Bronk, George F. Kennan, Tony Blair, Tom Hanks (Obama), Rosa Parks, etc.
Non-masons who really deserved the medal: Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, Pope John XXIII, etc. 28
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Most important: let’s keep praying for each other and the conversion of our enemies!
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1 “Hippocrates, “De Alimento”: “In food excellent medicine can be found, in food bad medicine can be found; good and bad are relative.”
3 Carriedo, A., Pinsky, I., Crosbie, E., Ruskin, G., & Mialon, M. The corporate capture of the nutrition profession in the USA: The case of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 24 Oct 2022 Public Health Nutrition, 25(12), 3568-3582. doi:10.1017/S1368980022001835
5 Trautmann, N. The Dose Makes the Poison--Or Does It?, 1 Jan 2005. American Institute of Biological Sciences.
BioScience, Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 84–89,[0084:A]2.0.CO;2
6 Kliemann N, Rauber F, et al. Food processing and cancer risk in Europe: results from the prospective EPIC cohort study. Mar 2023. Lancet Planet Health, v7, i3, pp. e219-e232
7 Chang, K., Gunter, M. J., et al. Ultra-processed food consumption, cancer risk and cancer mortality: a large-scale prospective analysis within the UK Biobank. 31 Jan 2023 EClinicalMedicine, 56, 101840.
8 Morales-Berstein, F., Biessy, C., Viallon, V. et al. Ultra-processed foods, adiposity and risk of head and neck cancer and oesophageal adenocarcinoma in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study: a mediation analysis. Eur J Nutr (2023).
10 Debras C, Chazelas E, Srour B et al (2022) Artificial sweeteners and cancer risk: results from the NutriNet-Sante population-based cohort study. PLoS Med 19(3):e1003950.
11 Almiron-Roig E., Drewnowski A. Hunger, thirst, and energy intakes following consumption of caloric beverages. Physiol. Behav. 2003;79
Black R.M., Leiter L.A., Anderson G.H. Consuming aspartame with and without taste: Differential effects on appetite and food intake of young adult males. Physiol. Behav. 1993;53
12 Berkey C.S., Rockett H.R.H., Field A.E., Gillman M.W., Colditz G.A. Sugar-added beverages and adolescent weight change. Obes. Res. 2004;12
Blum J.W., Jacobsen D.J., Donnelly J.E. Beverage Consumption Patterns in Elementary School Aged Children across a Two-Year Period. J. Am. Coll. Nutr. 2005;24
Striegel-Moore R.H., Thompson D., Affenito S.G., Franko D.L., Obarzanek E., Barton B.A., Schreiber G.B., Daniels S.R., Schmidt M., Crawford P.B. Correlates of beverage intake in adolescent girls: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Growth and Health Study. J. Pediatr. 2006;148
13 Sørensen L.B., Raben A., Stender S., Astrup A. Effect of sucrose on inflammatory markers in overweight humans. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2005;82
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14 Englund-Ögge L., Brantsæter A.L., Haugen M., Sengpiel V., Khatibi A., Myhre R., Myking S., Meltzer H.M., Kacerovsky M., Nilsen R.M., et al. Association between intake of artificially sweetened and sugar-sweetened beverages and preterm delivery: A large prospective cohort study. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2012;96
Halldorsson T.I., Strøm M., Petersen S.B., Olsen S.F. Intake of artificially sweetened soft drinks and risk of preterm delivery: A prospective cohort study in 59,334 Danish pregnant women. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2010;92
Maslova E., Strøm M., Olsen S.F., Halldorsson T.I. Consumption of Artificially-Sweetened Soft Drinks in Pregnancy and Risk of Child Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis. PLoS ONE. 2013;8
15 Lee W., Wang Y.C. Assessing developmental toxicity of caffeine and sweeteners in medaka (Oryzias latipes) SpringerPlus. 2015;4
16 Czarnecka, K., Pilarz, A., Rogut, A., Maj, P., Szymańska, J., Olejnik, Ł., & Szymański, P. (2021). Aspartame-True or False? Narrative Review of Safety Analysis of General Use in Products. Nutrients, 13(6), 1957.
18 Soffritti M, Padovani M, et al. The carcinogenic effects of aspartame: The urgent need for regulatory re-evaluation. 16 Jan 2014 American Journal of Industrial Medicine. Vol57, Is4 Apr 2014 Pgs 383-397
23 Soffritti M, Padovani M, et al. The carcinogenic effects of aspartame: The urgent need for regulatory re-evaluation. 16 Jan 2014 American Journal of Industrial Medicine. Vol57, Is4 Apr 2014 Pgs 383-397
25 Mann, James (October 8, 2003). "Rumsfeld's Roots". The Atlantic.
More people need to be made aware that the poisoning of our food and indeed our air and water is a deliberate attempt to reduce the population. Please read my 4 parts series The Depopulation Agenda. Part 4 deals with how substances in our food and environment promote infertility.