What are its provisions relating to deep seabed mining? Only "treat the resources of the deep seabed as the common heritage of mankind."

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That's A Can Of Worms! I'll Think On It!

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No Doubt Donald Rumsfeld Is Skeet Shooting Like His Old Friend Big Dick Cheney Once Did ("HALIBURTON IRAQ") By Monopolizing Some Future Only He & A Few Others Know About? That's Why They Call It Insider Trading!


They Have Really Backed Themselves Into A Corner!






This Is An Eco Nightmare Driven By Greed And Zero Forethought About Supply Chain's & Environmental Destruction Of Land Air & Water Long Term!

Far From Sustainable, Toxic As Hell & A Long Term Nightmare!

The Green Dream Sold it's Self Out & Is Fizzling As We Speak!

So Much For Evergreen Hey Killary?

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More people need to be made aware that the poisoning of our food and indeed our air and water is a deliberate attempt to reduce the population. Please read my 4 parts series The Depopulation Agenda. Part 4 deals with how substances in our food and environment promote infertility.


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Indeed! Thank you so much!

Is the elite for depopulation or extermination of us, the “useless eaters”?


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Because they want us to " eat shit and die", and have done so for a long time-

"Marginalia in illuminated manuscripts were sometimes very irreverent, and I have seen some with eating of feces depicted, so it seems entirely possible that this was not an unknown phrase. Also, Sir John Harington in The metamorphosis of Ajax: a cloacinean satire (1596) makes a punitive fantasy of coprophagia, in feeding "poore hungrie fellowes” "all the fat offerings" made in London's privies. So... it is possible that it's very olde."


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With the war on poultry,.....they could be sued the price of the chickens and eggs,....false pcr tests have been proven. Also I’ve known about Aspartame for 40 years. There was also a battle between Aspartame and Stevia.

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Even organic is not what we are thought to believe. Why can’t they make organic and non- gmo produce on the market? It’s sad!!!😞

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You can find true organic food at Manor Organic Farm, Long Whatton, Leicestershire.

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Alcohol is the most dangerous poison that no one talks about.

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You are wrong about Michael (Martin Luther) King and Rosa Parks, not being Masons. They were each members of the Boule’ Brotherhood and The Eastern Star Sisterhood. As for Mother Teresa and Pope John XIII, they were part of the largest Masonic Order on earth, the Catholic Church!

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Could you please provide links to deepen that rabbit hole?

Martin Luther King Jr was not a mason: https://www.atlantahistorycenter.com/blog/mlks-connection-to-atlantas-freemasons/

Rosa Parks, Do you think the bus incident was staged? links?

With respect to the Catholic Church, how can you explain that according to canon law, any faithful, even if Pope, is instantly expelled without trial if joining a masonic secret society?

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Wrong. The Catholic Church has a long history of fighting freemasonry. Start with the encyclical Humanum Genus. There are a total of 17 encyclicals over 200 years condemning freemasonry, the secret societies, socialism and communism. The Freemasons ultimately infiltrated the Church though the original Church still exists in the form of the FSSP, SSPX and SSPV.

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Our gov who allows the poisonous food to the masses are pitiful.😔

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Need to blame something common for jab induced fatalities

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Very good analysis of the food issue. I knew a great deal of this but it's nice to see it all pulled together with details I did not know. Thank You for that!

I will say Your use of the term "fake money" gives Me a chuckle. For at the foundation, anything We use to account for the energy Each is adding into a system - be it eggs or gold or paper or electronic bits - is "real" money. Yes, some forms allow for convolutions, like "fiat," but the reason any of them exist is the same.

The Foundational Function of Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-foundational-function-of-money

And We might consider an approach that does NOT promote psychopaths to the top, as We see We have today, with People poisoning other People with the food production They own:

Heart-Driven Economy vs. Greed-Driven Economy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/heart-driven-economy-vs-greed-driven

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Ok I’m on overwhelm.....again.

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Eugenicist culture on a plate!

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The poultry/bioweapon piece is unconnected to reality gibberish. The reason those viruses mutate so quickly and become adapted to infect other hosts is the cultural practice of the corporate style farms producing poultry. 100,000 chickens in a building that would have 25,000 if certified organic. Conventional birds never getting outside until the day they are butchered….

A truly disgusting morally bankrupt untenable production model. Please.

Parallel parking what do you think Dean goal of such a bio weapon would be?

Tobacco is superior. Among others. Many others

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Concerning food, if it’s NOT #CertifiedOrganic, it’s TOXIC.

Especially wheat flour containing food. Alarming amounts of Glyphosate in the flour. Do to the off label use of it, applied DIRECTLY on the wheat berry, 8-12 weeks before harvest. Cutting ripening time.

Yeah. Allow the most likely already wealthy conventional “farmer to poison the commodity as to get his money a month earlier……..

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