Flee my behind! Everyone needs to get ready to defend themselves and their neighbors! Government can't take down entire cities UNLESS WE ALLOW IT! Like we have been for over 4 years! Things are going to have to get real in order to stop any of this! If we trudge through best we can...it'll be NON STOP! Why can't people understand when you give an inch they'll take a mile?! Even the nicest people will! And these psychopaths ALWAYS do! Reading this just honestly ticked me off. It doesn't make me scared. What scares me is people still getting flu and rona vax's in their masks! I'm not going to constantly live waiting for the next shoe to drop. That's ridiculous! We've been warned how many times about dark winter, cell phones, internet, fuel, water, gas, and electricity cyber attacks? WAY too many! If it happens we need a plan other than hunker in your house and just deal with it best you can. When are good men going to start doing bad things instead of taking it up the behind? Sorry I don't know exactly what we should all do...but buying out all the toilet paper ain't it!

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When do you think this is most likely to happen? jan 20 inauguration chaos?

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That's what the intel said in the Wolf interview.

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Would make sense to do it this way. Maximize chaos.

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I would normally agree but looking back I realize they want us living in fear and I can’t believe a darn thing anymore.

One thing I do remember…. Obama is a jealous narcissist that loves embarrassing and shaming Trump. I will never forget that at Trump inauguration in 2017 the Obama government put paper all over the lawn to supposedly protect the grass. Lmao. In reality it was to show in aerial footage that Trump had less people attending vs Obama. lol. It’s nuts.

Obama is trying to protect his legacy as a people’s president vs trump. They dont want Trump bragging about anything.

Until I have more evidence I’m leaning towards the fear campaign of drones, nukes, war, terrorism, etc., is to deter people from attending Trumps inauguration.

I could be wrong but so far I’m leaning towards Obama jealousy manipulating the people with fear and other “fake exercises”.

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And, he's a runt. Small man syndrome. Which I have observed to be a real thing. Couldn't we have a photo-op of Mr. Trump shaking the hand of OB--as he shook the "hand" of Macron?

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Not sure which video you're referencing. Can you be specific?

I don't think they will pull anything immediately after the inauguration (if that happens). They will probably find a space based upon what trump actually does at an opportune moment to derail anything truly threatening to the globalist agenda before they lose too much control. March-April?

BTW - useful info to be prepared for trouble in this blog: https://soreadi.com/readiness-blog/

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Sounds interesting! Could you share their conclusions? Linux phones are also hacked as I mentioned. How do they get an OpSys with clean code?

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I unfortunately don't have access as I am not a subscriber. Maybe another of your readers does?

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