I agree with all of your points on infection, detoxification and terrain theory, but to point at a particle seen under an electron microscope and declare it to be a 'virus' is misleading. The word 'virus' is understood in both popular and medical discourse to be something that causes a disease and can transmit that disease to others, but…
I agree with all of your points on infection, detoxification and terrain theory, but to point at a particle seen under an electron microscope and declare it to be a 'virus' is misleading. The word 'virus' is understood in both popular and medical discourse to be something that causes a disease and can transmit that disease to others, but since no such particle has ever been isolated and shown to be 'contagious' to others, then what's the point? In short, I believe the two issues are inseparable and have already been settled, ie since no particle called a virus has ever been isolated in the history of the world, the question of whether any disease can be caused by this imaginary particle or not is pointless.
If Mother Nature is so easy at being sick, contagious and propagate this sickness that fast even to other species (for what the so-called professional scientist are telling us) How can this Mother Nature still be around after billions of years of existence??? And Us???
The Law of Nature do not aloud this. Every time animals are born sick or too weak dies quickly and seeds won't grow.
We may have allergic reactions to our environment but not sick. But, if we live in develop country like here in Canada and have tons of Industries surrounding us That shoot pollution into the air we breath, water and the land... How can we not be sick? But never we hear that the cause of all these sicknesses are from these industries... It's always mother nature that is to blame.
I have zero believes or trust into anyone who call themselves doctor, expert, professional or scientist until they show me other wise like Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Sam Bailey... and a few more.
Oh yes! Dr. Rima Laibow For sure! Love her attitude and how bubbly she can be. Another one who's getting more and more of my attention is Dr. Mark Trozzy. He has opened is eyes and see more and more too.
I suspect you are aware they found something with an electron microscope, and they're calling it a virus. I don't have a problem with that. Again, wrong question. The question is not whether viruses exist, but whether they cause disease or instead are mechanisms for detoxification.
I agree with all of your points on infection, detoxification and terrain theory, but to point at a particle seen under an electron microscope and declare it to be a 'virus' is misleading. The word 'virus' is understood in both popular and medical discourse to be something that causes a disease and can transmit that disease to others, but since no such particle has ever been isolated and shown to be 'contagious' to others, then what's the point? In short, I believe the two issues are inseparable and have already been settled, ie since no particle called a virus has ever been isolated in the history of the world, the question of whether any disease can be caused by this imaginary particle or not is pointless.
If Mother Nature is so easy at being sick, contagious and propagate this sickness that fast even to other species (for what the so-called professional scientist are telling us) How can this Mother Nature still be around after billions of years of existence??? And Us???
The Law of Nature do not aloud this. Every time animals are born sick or too weak dies quickly and seeds won't grow.
We may have allergic reactions to our environment but not sick. But, if we live in develop country like here in Canada and have tons of Industries surrounding us That shoot pollution into the air we breath, water and the land... How can we not be sick? But never we hear that the cause of all these sicknesses are from these industries... It's always mother nature that is to blame.
I have zero believes or trust into anyone who call themselves doctor, expert, professional or scientist until they show me other wise like Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Sam Bailey... and a few more.
"...like Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Sam Bailey... and a few more."
And Dr. Rima Laibow!
Oh yes! Dr. Rima Laibow For sure! Love her attitude and how bubbly she can be. Another one who's getting more and more of my attention is Dr. Mark Trozzy. He has opened is eyes and see more and more too.
I suspect you are aware they found something with an electron microscope, and they're calling it a virus. I don't have a problem with that. Again, wrong question. The question is not whether viruses exist, but whether they cause disease or instead are mechanisms for detoxification.