That article is well done. I wish I hadn't taken the jab; I now have Guillane Barre.

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Hi Barry, I had a coworker with GB who tried EVERYTHING. Finally she went to the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego for 2 weeks and had her body naturally detoxed of heavy metals using green juice and fasting and her body repaired itself and she no longer suffered from GB.

I work with PTSD sufferers and I've seen numerous people with a variety of different chronic health problems including cancer, who have detoxed the heavy metals from their body with the same healing results.

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Thanks so much. I've been taking nattokinase, serrapeptase, and liposomal vitamin c.

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You're welcome. If you are taking a blood thinner, it wouldn't be wise to take nattokinase and serrapeptase.

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Guillane Barre is the medical industrial complexes way of trying to fudge the issues of neurotoxic vaccines etc. It is just a fancy word they come up with. I have had a facial palsy LHS since 2018 and am seeking to detox via diet primarily, although I suspect intravenous vit C might have helped. The initial cause of my problem here.


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My concerns about vaccine shedding are learned, as the last time my partner and I had the flu was when he took a flu vaccine about a decade ago. It was a terrible flu that came upon us the DAY AFTER he got the shot! He missed work for over a week and I was laid flat too. Never again. SHEDDING IS REAL.

These shots spread disease through shedding. Therefore, I think those who choose to take these shots --the "vaxxers"-- do pose a health threat to those they shed on. When you say anti-vaxxers would not stand in the way of someone choosing to be vaxxed. That is true. But our public health officials should be informed and intelligent enough to STOP allowing these disease-spreading shots from being marketed, distributed, or forced on the public, and CAUSING more and more illness.

Profit-driven pharma/public health propaganda has got to be stopped. Harmful products need to be recalled. Because shedding is an UNACCEPTABLE EFFECT of these shots that causes more cases of disease than the shots ever can stop. Like in my situation described above: One shot = two people SICK in a two-person household! So how often does that happen -- with say six people in a household getting sick because just one person gets a shot and sheds on everybody (and don't forget to include the strangers at the store or on the bus, and so on)?

All this computer power but none of it applied to adequate epidemiology research and data collection on shedding! They use it for applying Censorship Algorithms, but not for public health concerns! This is what corruption and profiteering reaps with all this state-of-the-art high tech -- just more propaganda!

Shedding is an active attack method to cause disease. Why is pushing shedding products that cause disease NOT a crime???

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"In this 5gen war, it’s not cool to charge for life-saving information." I totally and emphatically agree, which is why I don't hide any of my content behind a paywall.

I'd like to help you with the science. Or for you to pass on to Aaron Siri. Whomever was responsible for what I now mention. If it is he, please pass on my comments. Thank you.

I agree emphatically with most of this article. However it mentions the following:

"Bluetooth nano-routers injected with COVID vaccines and inserted with swabs (which explains why they rejected the cheaper non-invasive saliva test).


One at a time: Bluetooth nano-routers. Does not exist in vaccines or any other such item. We don't have the technology. The items they claim are such have been identified by experts as other things: a small piece of the underside of a leaf, hydra. They have shown no photo of any viable candidate. The items they claim are circuitry are either salt crystals or cholesterol crystals. Keep in mind they're making the claim that somehow graphene is involved. However, these crystals are quadrilateral, while graphene crystals are hexagonal. It has to do with the chemical structure, and the atomic number and hence the number of electrons in the neutral atom.

Nanobots. Do not exist. We don't have the technology. Among other things, it is claimed that some items are self-assembling. The only self-assembling item I have found in the literature after an extensive search is nanotubes of graphene. These are like a straw with a hexagonal structure in the material making the tube. NOTHING will self-assemble unless it is in the right medium. It has to be a pure substance which happens to be poisonous to the human body. The human body is the polar opposite of a pure substance that would allow self-assembly of anything. Even if they can cause nanotubes to form in a special medium, they will not be able to cause it to happen in the human body.

My background: married 52 years to a genius in both computer hardware and software, who founded a company that is now a household name. He traveled to Malaysia and observed the clean rooms that are used to manufacture the silicon wafers that are cut up and make up the chips in the CPU of our modern computers. These rooms are SO clean that even dust particles are not allowed. People who enter must wear protective gear over the entire body. The wafers of pure silicon are doped with circuitry. The circuitry is quite complex, consisting of millions of individual components. One contamination, and they have to junk the entire wafer. The human body doesn't even begin to provide an environment like that. Being of technical bent myself, I soaked up as much knowledge from him as I could over the years.

I believe based on evidence (the illustrations in the video from La Quinta Columna, which are misleading at best, as well as consulting with a person fluent enough in spoken Spanish who told me that the English dubbing is also misleading and the Spanish is making ludicrous claims. Note: I read Spanish fluently, but could not understand most of the Spanish through the English dubbing. Furthermore, although one of the principles in La Quinta Columna does have a degree in electrical engineering, he doesn't have the background in this FIELD of electrical engineering to make these claims, unlike my husband.) that the idea there are nanobots and bluetooth nano-routers was PLANTED into our movement to discredit us. Don't buy into it. We don't even need this claim to prove these kill shots are deadly dangerous.

The title "La Quinta Columna" means "the fifth column". Do people know what a fifth column is? It's a spy netwiork within a spy network. Even their name is suspect.

So let us concentrate on what we can prove, and leave the science fiction alone. We don't need to be discredited.

About the use of tissue from newborns vivisected without anesthesia (soul-hacking), I am with you 100%. In my opinion, it makes anyone who takes the shot a cannibal. But not all the vaccines contained or made use of this tissue. The Charlotte Lozier Institute has documented which ones did, and the Chinese ones did not, nor did some of the Russian. Does that tell you anything? I don't know that anyone has pronounced hexes. That may well be another planted idea. We don't need to assert that. It is enough to assert that we are accessories to murder if we get the shots. Even though the baby from whom the HEK285 cell line was taken has been long dead, buying the product encourages these evil people to keep on murdering newborns this way. I would never take advantage of a discovery by a Nazi doctor either, by the way.

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I had exactly the same answers, until I saw the evidence myself. Maybe you could find someone in the tech field to corroborate this part: an Android module is picking up the BLE signal and sending it to a DoD human ID website. Also, about the satattack.

Unfortunately, I've got so few paid subscribers (less than 1%,compared to the 4% average on substack, that I can't afford more time for research and editing, I've got so many jaw-dropping intel you'd never believe).

Start here and repeat the experiment yourself:




PS all COVID shots, even Russian and Chinese are abortion laced. That doesn't mean they include human cells, but they use the cell lines in the production and/or testing. Check COGforlife.org or use yandex.com to find truth. There were many other successful platforms in many countries but never got any funding from Government, WHO or Big "Givers" or were sabotaged BECAUSE they were not abortion linked.

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Prof, somewhere there are videos of the Bluetooth cemetery experiment, where people take their Samsung cellphones with the Bluetooth Locater app and "locate" the dead-vaxxed graves, but those videos are immediately deleted. But they are out there, if you can find them.

Or if you have a Samsung, you can make your own!

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First, I appreciate you taking the time to communicate with me. I am happy to discuss it with you.

Regarding your links:

Cornusav: 404 errors; no information of their own. Bibliography is extensive; it will take time to go through it. But I will. However, it looks offhand like someone is conflating nanotechnology that is considerably larger than what would go through a needle used for vaccines. I see the site is promoting chlorine dioxide. I'm not convinced that is even safe, let alone effective.

Bluetoothpolice got me to a page which is in a Slavic language which is neither Russian nor Ukrainian, and I'm not sure which other language it is yet, maybe Bulgarian. I will have to spend some time to read. It doesn't look offhand like a site that is particularly trustworthy, and it doesn't look offhand like it addresses our issue. I could be wrong. (I was unable to find a page in English; I didn't try any other language. I may do that when I have more time. I read 17 languages.)

Rumble: hearing loss prevents me from being able to make use of your video.

COGforlife: contains information about the use of murdered baby tissue in vaccines available in US and Canada. I said the vaccines which are not tainted are from Russia and China. Here is a link that tells about Covid "vaccines" from the world: https://lozierinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/CHART-Analysis-of-COVID-19-Vaccines-02June21.pdf

Yandex: a search engine. For me to make use of it in this context, I'd need to know your search terms.

If I have a way to get back to you when I've looked at the bibliography, I will.

My position is that even if you manage to demonstrate that the claims are true (which I still don't agree with) it is not what we should be emphasizing simply because it is too controversial, makes us look like fools, may well be planted information precisely for that purpose, and there is simply so much else wrong with the shots that we don't need those claims. And I will continue to assert that position, even if it seems there may be some truth to them. It simply isn't wise.

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Bluetoothpolice has language selection on top right..


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I know. I tried to get both English and Spanish, but nothing happened. I'm OK with Bulgarian. I could read it with a dictionary if I had the time, but since I don't, Google Translate works well. And in order to read it with a dictionary, I'd have to have a Bulgarian dictionary, but I do not. I got what I needed to know from the Bulgarian. They are using a lot of studies that are irrelevant, speculative, or misrepresent or misinterpret the evidence. This seems to be a problem with this issue. Thank you for writing.

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I was just thinking to help as I see the page in En with a language selector. I find your explanation extremely interesting. Thank you for taking the time for clarifications.

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Adriana, you're welcome. I do my best to provide accurate information and combat the tactics of our enemies.

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OK, I took the time to deal with https://bluetoothpolice.com/index.php/research/ . The only language I could get from it was Bulgarian. I had to use Grimm's law to understand about half the words (my knowledge is of Russian). Given that I couldn't decipher the other half, I used Google Translate to read the page. They make claims about a project they have designed to discover that Bluetooth in smartphones is detecting circuitry in people's bodies after shots. I then went to this page: https://bluetoothpolice.com/index.php/research/ . I chose selected links to examine, and these are the links:




My background: I read the book by the developer/inventor of CRISPR/Cas9. https://www.amazon.com/Crack-Creation-Editing-Unthinkable-Evolution/dp/1328915360/

I have a good understanding of what CRISPR can do. CRISPR is used to snip chunks of DNA out of a gene, and replace. That's it. It is said to be accurate. There is no way you can insert a chunk of DNA that will cause a dual core CPU to be made inside a single cell. It is UTTER NONSENSE. If you don't have the background, you might be easily fooled. I have the background. It doesn't pass the smell test.

I examined this:


There is NO EVIDENCE of any assembly of nanocircuits in human sera. NONE. Zero, zip, nada, nichevo, nichts, bubkes. This article is strictly SPECULATION based on something observed outside the human body, which may or may not be what they think it is.

Keep in mind: graphene: HEXAGONAL. Crystals found in the human body: QUADRILATERAL. Q.E.D.


This one talks about what they expect TO happen, not what has happened.

You can believe what you like, but when you promote this nonsense, you are making us look like fools, and believe me, the tyrants of the world will be most happy to use your foolishness to discredit us. You can believe and write what you want. It's supposed to be a free country, and it has to do with our freedom of speech. Likewise, I am free to call a hoax and I am calling one, and I have absolutely no evidence whatsoever that I'm wrong, given the research I have done. And for me, that settles it. Thank you for the conversation.

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Quick note: it will take me awhile to go through that and answer you, but I will. Right now, I need to get some sleep and do some necessary things.

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Adriana, I have had a chance to read the link you sent. Here is my analysis:

DARPA is a known bad actor. In spite of this, DARPA is the originator of the internet. The internet would not exist without the ARPANET, its precursor.

I accept the probability that the system which includes EEG and a 120 megapixel camera exists. But your writer carries the conclusion way too far. The EEG measures an on-off RESPONSE of the brain. The brain is known to send out tiny EM pulses. The EEG detects these. The brain reacts to a threat. It sends out a pulse. The EEG picks it up. The device DOES NOT CONTROL THE BRAIN IN ANY WAY. It is not evidence for circuitry and nanobots in human blood. It is irrelevant.

Darkfield Live Blood - cannot access

Singularity is Nearer - in the future. Does not currently exist.

Scientists propose putting nanobots - in the future. Does not currently exist. May not be possible. The only thing I have seen so far that is more or less current are the devices being developed under Elon Musk. These are not nanobots. They are small devices that must be IMPLANTED in the brain and visible to the human eye. Trials have been highly iffy at best. His device won't allow downloading information into the brain, but only using small electrical impulses to activate muscles in people with some kind of paralysis. Having spent time intimately caring for a stroke victim and having initiated treatment methods based on the plasticity of the brain, with success, I am aware that this is the limitation of these implants. The human mind does not store information by being spoon fed signals. It PROCESSES. This cannot currently be duplicated, and may never be.

Video won't play; file is corrupt. The few seconds I saw showed only red blood corpuscles with a possible couple of particles of contamination with no coherent structure.

There might be nanotubes in the blood; they would have to be injected. They won't form within human blood. They would be a simple hexagonal crystalline array, with no circuitry. All photos I have seen show a threadlike structure that might be a graphene nanotube already formed.

Human brain/Cloud interface - speculation

Note: "Fact is they did testing on linking 6 human brains and it almost drove people insane." In other words, they won't be able to do what they hope to do, and they haven't done it yet.

"Quantum Physics, that clearly establishes that Consciousness is primary to physical matter, in fact observation of potentials in the Quantum Field creates matter." Nonsense. Based on the FALSE theory of evolution. Consciousness in the human brain is part of the soul/spirit, and a gift from God. It is NOT DETECTABLE BY SCIENCE. In fact, this is a problem in trying to decide if someone has experienced "brain death". Even if they can detect no brain activity at all, people have been known to rouse and return to normal. There is limited ability to determine if a person who is "locked in" is aware. Many times, they have concluded the person is not, only to have that person rouse and describe in detail things that happened while he was "locked in".

"Our observation upon the Quantum field creates reality, hence the danger of mind control and cybernetic hive mind is the misuse of our creative power to manifest “their” desired reality. This is why mind control is so important in the first place and is spiritual warfare by definition"

No. What happens is, demons implant suggestions. DEMONS then cause the event to happen. The human brain is not capable of causing any event by thinking about it.

One of the most distressing thing I have observed in the field of physics (and this started decades ago) is the merging of physics, a science, with religious nonsense from false religions.

Nanoparticles, Nanotubes, and Nanodots - speculation. ANY foreign particle small enough can be called a nanoparticle. It means nothing. It could be a speck of dust, dirt, a small collection of atoms of a toxic mineral. Graphene nanotubes might be activated in the body by means of raw RF. It won't do anything sophisticated.

Injectable "Neural Lace" - a proposal. Doesn't exist.

Neural Dust - speculation

Brain-Machine Interface - a description of the device Elon Musk is trying to perfect. Not comparable to nanobots or nanocircuitry in the brain.

Second video, only played for a couple of seconds. It showed only that some particles reflected light more than the red blood cells.

"Scientific literature and military research clearly shows the use of magnetic nanorobots for the brain computer interface with the goal of creating a Global Cybernetic Hive mind controlled by AI."

A brain computer interface is NOT a nanobot or nanocircuitry in the blood. SHE HAS FAILED TO DEMONSTRATE ANY CONNECTION AND SIMPLY JUMPS TO A CONCLUSION. Bottom line: none of this supports the claim that there are nanobots and nanocircuits in the Covid shots. Zero, zip, nada, nichevo, nichts, bubkes. Relax.

I hope this helps.

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Wow, I so much appreciate the effort you put to answer my question in the clearest manner possible. As a performing art professional I am trying to understand what people are talking about, without having their knowledge or field education. My intuition is telling me that there is so much exaggeration in finding nano bots who self assembles in both vaccinated and unvaccinated blood and how “they” whomever “they”are would “steal” our soul or control our brain.

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I am more than delighted to expend the effort, and I will use my results in other ways as well.

My intuition told me the claim was nonsense the first time I heard it. Subsequent research on my part simply cemented my conclusion. While some scientists and bad actors WANT to have these devices, the literature overwhelmingly indicates this is in the future (if it ever occurs, for that matter). Ultimately, our ability to think, reason, believe, etc. are gifts from God, Who will protect us from having our minds taken over by evil we cannot oppose.

At the time, I was unable to take time to relocate the observations of Dr. Ryan Cole, but Del Bigtree did a video of this, which you can see here: https://www.brighteon.com/da3d5a3d-55ee-4a1a-8109-6af81d2cb8c9 Dr. Cole points out that the structure Dr. Carrie Madej identified as a hydra, is a tiny structure from the underside of a leaf. Dr. Madej's conclusion is given in one of the links provided by the Professor. Regardless of which it is, it clearly is not a nanobot. Dr. Cole did not find any graphene or graphene compounds in the samples he studied. This doesn't rule out the possibility graphene is present in other vials. But the possibility that the graphene is part of any kind of circuitry, that there IS any circuitry present in the body (or even under a microscope later), or that anything self-assembles in the body, is ruled out by the evidence I have given. It should also be pointed out that the hydra/leaf structure does not move toward anything nor engage in any acts of assembling anything. It is simply there.

I also researched the professor, to find his background, and determined that he teaches Catholic apologetics. He is also pro-life, a view I share. But unless he presents any claims or evidence outside of his academic field to account for his opposition to common sense and evidence, he is not qualified to refute the evidence I have presented.

Thank you for joining me.

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I will try to give you some decent answers at this point. I will start with my background.

Computers have been part of my life for the past 70 years. It was more than 70 years ago that I know for sure my father started programming. He programmed with FORTRAN on an IBM 701. He taught me about the binary system when I was in junior high, and let me read his computer magazines. I actually started programming about 60 years ago. I wrote a program in BASIC to convert from one number system to another directly without first going through the decimal system. I wrote another to calculate the powers of 2. I had access to a computer through a modem which received a telephone handset, and I used a teletype for input. Several years later, we got our first computer, an Atari, followed by an Apple. When I started using the internet in 1998, I set up my own web site, and hand-coded it in WordPad. It has HTML and some Javascript. It has thousands of pages. I also developed a second web site, for professional purposes. About that same time, I began using Terragen and several fractal art generation programs. I played around some with Bryce and Vue d'Esprit. I started making art images with artificial intelligence, and I have hundreds of images in my portfolio.

I studied nuclear physics in school. Some years later, I spent several years working on a book on ethnobotany. For the past 15 years, I have been active as a field ornithologist. I report my findings, with photos and audio recordings, to Cornell University's world famous ornithology department. Cornell made use of my data, along with that of many other people, to plot the migration patterns of over 300 species.

When I started dating the man who became my husband, any evening we didn't go to a movie or a concert, we spent in his radio shack. He designed and built a ham radio TV station, complete with NTSC standard color sync generator. During the time he was building things, I was disassembling electronic equipment he had scrounged, putting the components in the right drawer or box for him to use. I started studying to become a radio amateur myself. Much later, I began assembling my own PC computers and learning a little bit of C.

In addition to all of that, I have studied evolution and creation science for decades. I have been part of a team led by a PhD in bioethics with degrees in genetics and biochemistry, that gathered data on the Covid fiasco and sent it to an email list, since March, 2020. We refuted all the bogus claims of powerful people about the disease, lockdowns, masks, and shots.

And I collect minerals as a hobby. I have traveled to many places in two states to collect, and I also buy specimens. Why do I mention this? Because I have a thorough understanding of what a crystal is, and how and why it takes the form it does.

Now with that background in mind, I want to talk specifically about computers and why it is utter nonsense to assert that the Covid shots contain material which will self-assemble in the body and make circuits, along with nanobots. I start by describing what a computer consists of. It is not just the central processor. The allegations I am refuting are asserting ONLY the existence of a central processor. A CPU by itself is useless. It requires additional devices and peripherals. I will describe the assembly of a PC so you can see this. It starts with a case, into which I put a motherboard. The motherboard is many inches on a side, and is difficult to squeeze into the alloted space. Before I install it, I place a CPU in the proper slot. A CPU is approximately an inch on a side, a square. It has "legs" that plug into a socket. So I place this into the computer. Now I have to connect other devices. I may insert a sound card, that will control the audio that goes to speakers. Lately, the sound card has been part of the motherboard. Then I must insert RAM (random access memory). This is temporary memory that stores programs and data currently in use. A CPU will not operate without RAM. There is nothing for it to do. RAM comes in long, thin packages with many "legs". I will probably place four of these, each of which holds 8 gigabytes of data, into the proper socket. After I do that, I must install at least one hard disk. The hard disk is the permanent memory of the computer. It consists of several "platters" in an enclosed metal box. I slide one of these into a socket on the front of the computer. Then I must plug it into the motherboard. Into another slot, I insert a DVD drive and use a cable to plug that into the motherboard. We still don't have a way for you to interact with the computer. Next, I will use cables to connect the motherboard to sockets on the case. One for the monitor. One for the mouse or trackball. One for the keyboard. One for the speakers. Several for USB ports. If I have a webcam, that gets plugged into a USB port. I use another cable to connect a monitor to a socket on the outside of the case, a cable to connect the speakers, a cable to connect the keyboard, and another cable to connect the mouse or trackball (unless I am using wireless devices, which is a foolish thing to do.)

So for a computer to be usable, it requires a lot of different devices to be attached. Where are all these devices needed by the alleged dual core processor it is alleged that CRISPR causes the body to generate in each cell of the body? They don't exist, and nobody claims they do.

I've talked about my husband and his genius elsewhere, along with evaluating the links that the Professor gave me.

The Professor has alleged there are quantum dots on some of the crystals (note: CRYSTALS, not circuits). This is total nonsense. What is this quantum thing? They're working on developing quantum computers. The computers we have been using operate linearly, with a series of steps taken in sequential order. The BRAIN operates in parallel, many processes at once, and each neuron (single cell) is just a bit of the whole. Engineers are trying to emulate the human brain. Good luck! So they came up with a chip, about the size of a CPU, that operates in parallel. Note: this is clearly visible to the naked eye. But a quantum computer requires a gazillion peripherals, devices, wiring, all sorts of things. Here some pictures:


The computer itself is a tiny white square in the bottom center of the photo at the top.


Hey, do you think that will fit into a single cell of the body? I sure don't. And I don't think it will be floating around in the blood either.

So this is just a start to show you how ludicrous these claims of self-assembling circuits and nanobots really are.

More next time. Questions welcome.

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Your Powerpoint:

slide 25: I've already seen this. It's from La Quinta Columna and is part of the FALSE claim of nanocircuitry. These are not circuits. They completely lack complexity. Dr. Cole says they are crystals of cholesterol. Also note that they are quadrilaterals. They don't involve graphene, which has a hexagonal structure. You should remove this slide from your presentation. It makes us look like fools.

Same with slide 26 No complexity. No circuitry. I know what circuits look like. These are just holes, and they're not connected to each other. Even if each little indentation were a component (holes aren't anything), they're not connected to each other.

You really need to remove ALL the images from La Quinta Columna. I've already determined the interpretation of these images are completely false.

Slide 29 shows ONE component on the left. It equates that to some squares with diagonals. First, they're not the same, and second, a nanocircuit would contain thousands, millions or billions of components, not just one. Schematic drawings (left) do not equate to structures in objects. They are symbols. The item on the bottom right I have seen in photos showing it is close in size to a dime.

Nano-routers from Germany, New Zeeland: just crystals of something like salt or cholesterol. Nothing more.

Slide 32: irrelevant.

Slide 33: not proof of circuitry, simply of graphene reaction to energy. Contains speculation about causation. Not evidence. No such thing as nano-routers that can pass through a hypodermic needle.

Slide 34: speculation, not something already accomplished.

Slide 36: We know that smartphones and bluetooth exist. They are not being used to activate nanocircuitry that can pass through a hypodermic needle.

Slide 37: irrelevant. One can measure raw RF with these meters. I own one. Raw RF does not translate into modulated signals that act on nanocircuitry that can pass through a hypodermic needle.

Starlink: irrelevant. Would not be used to control nanocircuitry in the human body. Require devices on earth that are at least as large as a smartphone.

After that, you leave the topic of nanocircuitry.

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In the slides, the images in the left are from the scientific literature about nano-chips, and to the left, what was actually found that matches it exactly.

Slide 30. Zoom image to you right. Do you see the circuits?

Though quantum dots are a bit different.

Magnetism: you can't deny your very eyes! Only graphene could cause polar reversion in seconds.

Graphene is necessary to harvest the environmental EMF and turn it into electricity to power the nano-chips.

The following is part of an article I'm about to post here. Scoop:

The sniffer challenge

Install any free BLE sniffer (Bluetooth Low Energy) in your cell phone.

Get double vaxxed in a room with regular EMF exposure (not an isolated faraday cage, not in the middle of the countryside). E.g. a supermarket line. The injected routers don’t have batteries but convert EMFs into energy. People must not be grounded (conducting soles like leather or hemp) but insulated with rubber soles.

Correlate the vanishing fake MACaddresses with the person leaving the place.

Correlate the appearing or re-appearing MACaddress with persons entering in the range again.

Check how all MACaddresses change when someone new enters the place: the routers interact with each other and reset the signal.

The zombie challenge

Track the signals in an deserted cemetery with normal EMF exposure (e.g. early in the morning, when there’s no one around): while you move around, you’ll find the MACaddresses of the dead. Check the death date: all 2021 and after, because they were hacked with the COVID injections. When you leave the grave, the signal vanishes. When you return, it comes back. There are no high-tech caskets in the market =)))









The airplane challenge

Sniff the BLE signals inside an airplane when all passenger have been requested to go on airplane-mode.

The injected routers don’t comply!

The carpool challenge

You’d need 2 phones, one for filming in airplane-mode and another for sniffing.

Start filming:

Sniff your empty car: no signals.

Get a vaxxed inside: new signal.

Drive a bit picking other signals: the original signal stays until the passenger gets off the car.

Karaoke is optional =)))

What are the micro/nano routers for?

The challenges have been confirmed in every single country of the world with all COVID injected, not only mRNA, but ALL brands, even the Russian and Chinese made by their governments!

The Bluetooth signal has been traced to an Android module of your phone, which resends it to a Human-ID multinational corporation, a DoD front.

Purpose? Biometrics, geolocation of your whereabouts and who do you interact with (MACaddresses change in the proximity of other haccinated).

Read people's minds?

Thousands are reporting thinking about something very unusual without verbalizing it, just to find that their cell phones shows a reading recommendation or video (YouTube, Tiktok) exactly matching it, for example, a desire for an unusual food or a song from decades ago.

This is related to people showing a strong magnetic attraction in their foreheads (e.g. paper clips sticking to the side): it has been proven that the nano-routers need a minimum electro-magnetic field to charge them and allow them to emit and that it is related to graphene/carbon-micro/nano tubes.

Objections and answers

“All phone companies use Mac address randomization. It was added many years ago to avoid tracking people via a device’s mac addresses. That’s why you get unknown, untraceable mac addresses.”

The reading improves if they hold their phones in airplane-mode in the hand but just to answer this objection, it could still be done with an EMF background, without phones, watches or metals. The zombie challenge addresses this. Notice that the uninjected/unswabbed do not emit frequencies, nor show magnetism.

“A typical body area network kit will consist of sensors, a Processor, a transceiver and a battery. It’s impossible through a vaccine. If swallowed it's very short lived as it will come out the other end. If implanted by a procedure (you’d know about it) the battery will last a very short time and then it won’t work until a replacement.”

This DoD tech is years ahead current tech, but the tech appears in papers and the sketches exactly match the photographed micro/nano chips. They don’t use batteries but EMF charging. They are not swallowed but injected and move through the bloodstream to self-assemble.

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I have already told you I cannot do videos because of hearing loss. You paid no attention. Slide 30, no circuit. Magnetic graphene, yes. No self assembly can occur in the human body. If it ever does occur, it requires a special pure medium that is toxic to humans. I did the research. The pictures you have shown have been identified by Dr. Cole as cholesterol crystals. They're quadrilateral. Graphene is hexagonal. Graphene cannot be involved in quadrilateral crystals. I pointed all of that out to you and you ignored me. The rest of what you are saying is nonsense, and you are not paying attention to anything I have said. Furthermore, you have never stated your credentials, although I have. My history with computers goes back 70 years. I will detail some of that later for the benefit of others. I don't have time for you. You don't care what I say. There is no point in my continuing to talk to you. Just know that people like you are making a laughingstock out of those of us who know the shots are deadly, and that is going to hurt us, and cause more people to trust our enemies and get hurt or killed.

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Video links: no sound is required, just watch the magnetized people!

I just pasted the article for everyone to benefit. All you need to do is to measure the BLE signal yourself from the EMF undgrounded vaxxed and explain to us where does it come from in the middle of a forest or cemetery.

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I have already told you that graphene has magnetic properties. This does NOT EQUATE to self-assembling nanocircuitry in the human body. Furthermore, I dare you to find a cemetery where there isn't tons of EMF from other sources. Cell towers are everywhere. People don't normally get buried in forests. I will write extensively later, to another person. You may look out for it if you so choose. You have not told me your credentials. What are you a professor of, and where do you teach?

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I talked about a symbol in one of your slides. It is the symbol of a diode. Diodes don't LOOK like that. Here is a good explanation: https://www.electricaltechnology.org/2019/09/diode-symbols.html

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I will try to look, but you are asking me to do more than I really have time to do. Please take a look at all your sources with the following in mind:

I am not denying that nanochips exist. I am denying that they are small enough to pass through a hypodermic needle. The chips I have seen would be visible to the naked eye and would be implanted in the skin. If you find that any of your sources describe something that must be implanted in the skin, strike them off, because they are not evidence for your claim. Thank you.

One more thing: the fact that graphene is magnetic has nothing to do with nanochips.

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Very interesting information. Did you mean “principles” in your statement “one of the principles in La Quinta…” Perhaps it should be ‘principals’?

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You're right. I'm having internet access problems right now. It was a momentary lapse. I'll fix it when my access improves.

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Good to see that people are waking up, but what's your view on the existence or not of viruses? It seems to me that we need to attack the root of the problem, which is the fraudulent virus and germ theories.

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Viruses exist. They have been seen in electron microscopes. You're asking the wrong question. The right question is whether or not the claim a disease is caused by a virus is true or false. If you believe in the terrain theory (which I largely do, at least with respect to viruses), then you may well conclude that the symptoms of so-called viral infections are actually detoxification of the body. That is the issue that needs to be settled.

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I agree with all of your points on infection, detoxification and terrain theory, but to point at a particle seen under an electron microscope and declare it to be a 'virus' is misleading. The word 'virus' is understood in both popular and medical discourse to be something that causes a disease and can transmit that disease to others, but since no such particle has ever been isolated and shown to be 'contagious' to others, then what's the point? In short, I believe the two issues are inseparable and have already been settled, ie since no particle called a virus has ever been isolated in the history of the world, the question of whether any disease can be caused by this imaginary particle or not is pointless.

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If Mother Nature is so easy at being sick, contagious and propagate this sickness that fast even to other species (for what the so-called professional scientist are telling us) How can this Mother Nature still be around after billions of years of existence??? And Us???

The Law of Nature do not aloud this. Every time animals are born sick or too weak dies quickly and seeds won't grow.

We may have allergic reactions to our environment but not sick. But, if we live in develop country like here in Canada and have tons of Industries surrounding us That shoot pollution into the air we breath, water and the land... How can we not be sick? But never we hear that the cause of all these sicknesses are from these industries... It's always mother nature that is to blame.

I have zero believes or trust into anyone who call themselves doctor, expert, professional or scientist until they show me other wise like Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Sam Bailey... and a few more.

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"...like Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Sam Bailey... and a few more."

And Dr. Rima Laibow!

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Oh yes! Dr. Rima Laibow For sure! Love her attitude and how bubbly she can be. Another one who's getting more and more of my attention is Dr. Mark Trozzy. He has opened is eyes and see more and more too.

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I suspect you are aware they found something with an electron microscope, and they're calling it a virus. I don't have a problem with that. Again, wrong question. The question is not whether viruses exist, but whether they cause disease or instead are mechanisms for detoxification.

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I say viruses are 'via us' like the sound of the word. That is they arise from us, removing waste from the body like garbage disposal people. Our body works like a city which must be kept clean and tidy to function well.


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I'm not into cutesy games with language. You're free to say whatever you like. You have freedom of speech.

The evidence is in. Covid wasn't the bioweapon. The shots are.l

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I guess you haven't seen the likes I gave other of your comments. I have known since June 2020 that COVID 19 is in essence the 'flu rebranded to push the shots among other things.


I am well aware that the shots, indeed all vaccines ever, are toxic and that as I tried to explain in my article viruses are not the cause of disease.

So do check before you jump in, less haste more speed. As to 'cutesy games with language', are you not aware that language is essentially phonetic and the sounds give the understanding as I have tried to point out.

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I don't always get notified of Likes, and when I do, I just look, and move on. I don't have time right now to read your article, nor to respond to more conversation. I had an emergency outage, and I am way behind. As for your claim language is essentially phonetic, that is a really, really poor excuse for your cutesy remark. It's totally irrelevant. Have a nice day.

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I am sorry about the hassle you have had with the emergency outage.

You say your substack includes your thoughts about the beauty God gave us. I explain many things on mine including the beauty of language which is why I said what I said re virus.

Jesus is said to be the Word of God and in the New Testament it says 'Let him who has an ear let him hear'. Hearing the sounds of the words brings keys to their meaning.

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Appreciate your hours & information, superb write-up.

mRNA, inclusive in all injectables; (medical communism) moreover, witnessing the worst genocide in World History; as to the 'Fall Of Western Society'

Stand high, Unite, Fight & Do Not Comply.

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A question I’m obsessing over from all the rubber clots that several morticians are owning up to becoming prevalent, why is that seemingly self-replicating polymer presence in at least mRNA vaccines not a major concern - which could even be a major cause of the coronary and brain stroke incidences? Much thanks, Tom

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Just received this audio discussion that in just the first three mins brings up the polymer nanobots self-assembling technology found from mRNA injections - which if true then I would think to be a front-burner issue to address, as it’s likely a leading cause of injuries/death:


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Good news, now all we have to do is persuade the majority to avoid all vaccines.

Anyway, the Great Vaccine Experiment seems to be working. Pity the 20% who have still to connect the dots. Never mind, there is still some time before papers have to be finally submitted. :)


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I've had no swab, no jab, don't know if I've been shed on --most likely some. The issue with graphene concerns me having to do with any type of injected anesthesia or IVs in a hospital. If I must have a joint replacement how do I protect myself? What questions should I ask prior to acceptance of any injection.

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We must build our own un-tampered medical and pharmaceutical networks

Form a local community. Talk to a local pharmacist. Once aware, they can source trustworthy elements to produce the requested anesthesia.

Some dentists use a strong magnet to pull the the potential graphene to the bottom of the vial and only take the anesthesia from the top 2/3rs of the bottle.

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