Adriana, I have had a chance to read the link you sent. Here is my analysis:
DARPA is a known bad actor. In spite of this, DARPA is the originator of the internet. The internet would not exist without the ARPANET, its precursor.
I accept the probability that the system which includes EEG and a 120 megapixel camera exists. But your writer carries the conclusion way too far. The EEG measures an on-off RESPONSE of the brain. The brain is known to send out tiny EM pulses. The EEG detects these. The brain reacts to a threat. It sends out a pulse. The EEG picks it up. The device DOES NOT CONTROL THE BRAIN IN ANY WAY. It is not evidence for circuitry and nanobots in human blood. It is irrelevant.
Darkfield Live Blood - cannot access
Singularity is Nearer - in the future. Does not currently exist.
Scientists propose putting nanobots - in the future. Does not currently exist. May not be possible. The only thing I have seen so far that is more or less current are the devices being developed under Elon Musk. These are not nanobots. They are small devices that must be IMPLANTED in the brain and visible to the human eye. Trials have been highly iffy at best. His device won't allow downloading information into the brain, but only using small electrical impulses to activate muscles in people with some kind of paralysis. Having spent time intimately caring for a stroke victim and having initiated treatment methods based on the plasticity of the brain, with success, I am aware that this is the limitation of these implants. The human mind does not store information by being spoon fed signals. It PROCESSES. This cannot currently be duplicated, and may never be.
Video won't play; file is corrupt. The few seconds I saw showed only red blood corpuscles with a possible couple of particles of contamination with no coherent structure.
There might be nanotubes in the blood; they would have to be injected. They won't form within human blood. They would be a simple hexagonal crystalline array, with no circuitry. All photos I have seen show a threadlike structure that might be a graphene nanotube already formed.
Human brain/Cloud interface - speculation
Note: "Fact is they did testing on linking 6 human brains and it almost drove people insane." In other words, they won't be able to do what they hope to do, and they haven't done it yet.
"Quantum Physics, that clearly establishes that Consciousness is primary to physical matter, in fact observation of potentials in the Quantum Field creates matter." Nonsense. Based on the FALSE theory of evolution. Consciousness in the human brain is part of the soul/spirit, and a gift from God. It is NOT DETECTABLE BY SCIENCE. In fact, this is a problem in trying to decide if someone has experienced "brain death". Even if they can detect no brain activity at all, people have been known to rouse and return to normal. There is limited ability to determine if a person who is "locked in" is aware. Many times, they have concluded the person is not, only to have that person rouse and describe in detail things that happened while he was "locked in".
"Our observation upon the Quantum field creates reality, hence the danger of mind control and cybernetic hive mind is the misuse of our creative power to manifest “their” desired reality. This is why mind control is so important in the first place and is spiritual warfare by definition"
No. What happens is, demons implant suggestions. DEMONS then cause the event to happen. The human brain is not capable of causing any event by thinking about it.
One of the most distressing thing I have observed in the field of physics (and this started decades ago) is the merging of physics, a science, with religious nonsense from false religions.
Nanoparticles, Nanotubes, and Nanodots - speculation. ANY foreign particle small enough can be called a nanoparticle. It means nothing. It could be a speck of dust, dirt, a small collection of atoms of a toxic mineral. Graphene nanotubes might be activated in the body by means of raw RF. It won't do anything sophisticated.
Injectable "Neural Lace" - a proposal. Doesn't exist.
Neural Dust - speculation
Brain-Machine Interface - a description of the device Elon Musk is trying to perfect. Not comparable to nanobots or nanocircuitry in the brain.
Second video, only played for a couple of seconds. It showed only that some particles reflected light more than the red blood cells.
"Scientific literature and military research clearly shows the use of magnetic nanorobots for the brain computer interface with the goal of creating a Global Cybernetic Hive mind controlled by AI."
A brain computer interface is NOT a nanobot or nanocircuitry in the blood. SHE HAS FAILED TO DEMONSTRATE ANY CONNECTION AND SIMPLY JUMPS TO A CONCLUSION. Bottom line: none of this supports the claim that there are nanobots and nanocircuits in the Covid shots. Zero, zip, nada, nichevo, nichts, bubkes. Relax.
Wow, I so much appreciate the effort you put to answer my question in the clearest manner possible. As a performing art professional I am trying to understand what people are talking about, without having their knowledge or field education. My intuition is telling me that there is so much exaggeration in finding nano bots who self assembles in both vaccinated and unvaccinated blood and how “they” whomever “they”are would “steal” our soul or control our brain.
I am more than delighted to expend the effort, and I will use my results in other ways as well.
My intuition told me the claim was nonsense the first time I heard it. Subsequent research on my part simply cemented my conclusion. While some scientists and bad actors WANT to have these devices, the literature overwhelmingly indicates this is in the future (if it ever occurs, for that matter). Ultimately, our ability to think, reason, believe, etc. are gifts from God, Who will protect us from having our minds taken over by evil we cannot oppose.
At the time, I was unable to take time to relocate the observations of Dr. Ryan Cole, but Del Bigtree did a video of this, which you can see here: Dr. Cole points out that the structure Dr. Carrie Madej identified as a hydra, is a tiny structure from the underside of a leaf. Dr. Madej's conclusion is given in one of the links provided by the Professor. Regardless of which it is, it clearly is not a nanobot. Dr. Cole did not find any graphene or graphene compounds in the samples he studied. This doesn't rule out the possibility graphene is present in other vials. But the possibility that the graphene is part of any kind of circuitry, that there IS any circuitry present in the body (or even under a microscope later), or that anything self-assembles in the body, is ruled out by the evidence I have given. It should also be pointed out that the hydra/leaf structure does not move toward anything nor engage in any acts of assembling anything. It is simply there.
I also researched the professor, to find his background, and determined that he teaches Catholic apologetics. He is also pro-life, a view I share. But unless he presents any claims or evidence outside of his academic field to account for his opposition to common sense and evidence, he is not qualified to refute the evidence I have presented.
I will try to give you some decent answers at this point. I will start with my background.
Computers have been part of my life for the past 70 years. It was more than 70 years ago that I know for sure my father started programming. He programmed with FORTRAN on an IBM 701. He taught me about the binary system when I was in junior high, and let me read his computer magazines. I actually started programming about 60 years ago. I wrote a program in BASIC to convert from one number system to another directly without first going through the decimal system. I wrote another to calculate the powers of 2. I had access to a computer through a modem which received a telephone handset, and I used a teletype for input. Several years later, we got our first computer, an Atari, followed by an Apple. When I started using the internet in 1998, I set up my own web site, and hand-coded it in WordPad. It has HTML and some Javascript. It has thousands of pages. I also developed a second web site, for professional purposes. About that same time, I began using Terragen and several fractal art generation programs. I played around some with Bryce and Vue d'Esprit. I started making art images with artificial intelligence, and I have hundreds of images in my portfolio.
I studied nuclear physics in school. Some years later, I spent several years working on a book on ethnobotany. For the past 15 years, I have been active as a field ornithologist. I report my findings, with photos and audio recordings, to Cornell University's world famous ornithology department. Cornell made use of my data, along with that of many other people, to plot the migration patterns of over 300 species.
When I started dating the man who became my husband, any evening we didn't go to a movie or a concert, we spent in his radio shack. He designed and built a ham radio TV station, complete with NTSC standard color sync generator. During the time he was building things, I was disassembling electronic equipment he had scrounged, putting the components in the right drawer or box for him to use. I started studying to become a radio amateur myself. Much later, I began assembling my own PC computers and learning a little bit of C.
In addition to all of that, I have studied evolution and creation science for decades. I have been part of a team led by a PhD in bioethics with degrees in genetics and biochemistry, that gathered data on the Covid fiasco and sent it to an email list, since March, 2020. We refuted all the bogus claims of powerful people about the disease, lockdowns, masks, and shots.
And I collect minerals as a hobby. I have traveled to many places in two states to collect, and I also buy specimens. Why do I mention this? Because I have a thorough understanding of what a crystal is, and how and why it takes the form it does.
Now with that background in mind, I want to talk specifically about computers and why it is utter nonsense to assert that the Covid shots contain material which will self-assemble in the body and make circuits, along with nanobots. I start by describing what a computer consists of. It is not just the central processor. The allegations I am refuting are asserting ONLY the existence of a central processor. A CPU by itself is useless. It requires additional devices and peripherals. I will describe the assembly of a PC so you can see this. It starts with a case, into which I put a motherboard. The motherboard is many inches on a side, and is difficult to squeeze into the alloted space. Before I install it, I place a CPU in the proper slot. A CPU is approximately an inch on a side, a square. It has "legs" that plug into a socket. So I place this into the computer. Now I have to connect other devices. I may insert a sound card, that will control the audio that goes to speakers. Lately, the sound card has been part of the motherboard. Then I must insert RAM (random access memory). This is temporary memory that stores programs and data currently in use. A CPU will not operate without RAM. There is nothing for it to do. RAM comes in long, thin packages with many "legs". I will probably place four of these, each of which holds 8 gigabytes of data, into the proper socket. After I do that, I must install at least one hard disk. The hard disk is the permanent memory of the computer. It consists of several "platters" in an enclosed metal box. I slide one of these into a socket on the front of the computer. Then I must plug it into the motherboard. Into another slot, I insert a DVD drive and use a cable to plug that into the motherboard. We still don't have a way for you to interact with the computer. Next, I will use cables to connect the motherboard to sockets on the case. One for the monitor. One for the mouse or trackball. One for the keyboard. One for the speakers. Several for USB ports. If I have a webcam, that gets plugged into a USB port. I use another cable to connect a monitor to a socket on the outside of the case, a cable to connect the speakers, a cable to connect the keyboard, and another cable to connect the mouse or trackball (unless I am using wireless devices, which is a foolish thing to do.)
So for a computer to be usable, it requires a lot of different devices to be attached. Where are all these devices needed by the alleged dual core processor it is alleged that CRISPR causes the body to generate in each cell of the body? They don't exist, and nobody claims they do.
I've talked about my husband and his genius elsewhere, along with evaluating the links that the Professor gave me.
The Professor has alleged there are quantum dots on some of the crystals (note: CRYSTALS, not circuits). This is total nonsense. What is this quantum thing? They're working on developing quantum computers. The computers we have been using operate linearly, with a series of steps taken in sequential order. The BRAIN operates in parallel, many processes at once, and each neuron (single cell) is just a bit of the whole. Engineers are trying to emulate the human brain. Good luck! So they came up with a chip, about the size of a CPU, that operates in parallel. Note: this is clearly visible to the naked eye. But a quantum computer requires a gazillion peripherals, devices, wiring, all sorts of things. Here some pictures:
Very interesting. I wonder then, what is talking about Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea in her substack:
Quick note: it will take me awhile to go through that and answer you, but I will. Right now, I need to get some sleep and do some necessary things.
Adriana, I have had a chance to read the link you sent. Here is my analysis:
DARPA is a known bad actor. In spite of this, DARPA is the originator of the internet. The internet would not exist without the ARPANET, its precursor.
I accept the probability that the system which includes EEG and a 120 megapixel camera exists. But your writer carries the conclusion way too far. The EEG measures an on-off RESPONSE of the brain. The brain is known to send out tiny EM pulses. The EEG detects these. The brain reacts to a threat. It sends out a pulse. The EEG picks it up. The device DOES NOT CONTROL THE BRAIN IN ANY WAY. It is not evidence for circuitry and nanobots in human blood. It is irrelevant.
Darkfield Live Blood - cannot access
Singularity is Nearer - in the future. Does not currently exist.
Scientists propose putting nanobots - in the future. Does not currently exist. May not be possible. The only thing I have seen so far that is more or less current are the devices being developed under Elon Musk. These are not nanobots. They are small devices that must be IMPLANTED in the brain and visible to the human eye. Trials have been highly iffy at best. His device won't allow downloading information into the brain, but only using small electrical impulses to activate muscles in people with some kind of paralysis. Having spent time intimately caring for a stroke victim and having initiated treatment methods based on the plasticity of the brain, with success, I am aware that this is the limitation of these implants. The human mind does not store information by being spoon fed signals. It PROCESSES. This cannot currently be duplicated, and may never be.
Video won't play; file is corrupt. The few seconds I saw showed only red blood corpuscles with a possible couple of particles of contamination with no coherent structure.
There might be nanotubes in the blood; they would have to be injected. They won't form within human blood. They would be a simple hexagonal crystalline array, with no circuitry. All photos I have seen show a threadlike structure that might be a graphene nanotube already formed.
Human brain/Cloud interface - speculation
Note: "Fact is they did testing on linking 6 human brains and it almost drove people insane." In other words, they won't be able to do what they hope to do, and they haven't done it yet.
"Quantum Physics, that clearly establishes that Consciousness is primary to physical matter, in fact observation of potentials in the Quantum Field creates matter." Nonsense. Based on the FALSE theory of evolution. Consciousness in the human brain is part of the soul/spirit, and a gift from God. It is NOT DETECTABLE BY SCIENCE. In fact, this is a problem in trying to decide if someone has experienced "brain death". Even if they can detect no brain activity at all, people have been known to rouse and return to normal. There is limited ability to determine if a person who is "locked in" is aware. Many times, they have concluded the person is not, only to have that person rouse and describe in detail things that happened while he was "locked in".
"Our observation upon the Quantum field creates reality, hence the danger of mind control and cybernetic hive mind is the misuse of our creative power to manifest “their” desired reality. This is why mind control is so important in the first place and is spiritual warfare by definition"
No. What happens is, demons implant suggestions. DEMONS then cause the event to happen. The human brain is not capable of causing any event by thinking about it.
One of the most distressing thing I have observed in the field of physics (and this started decades ago) is the merging of physics, a science, with religious nonsense from false religions.
Nanoparticles, Nanotubes, and Nanodots - speculation. ANY foreign particle small enough can be called a nanoparticle. It means nothing. It could be a speck of dust, dirt, a small collection of atoms of a toxic mineral. Graphene nanotubes might be activated in the body by means of raw RF. It won't do anything sophisticated.
Injectable "Neural Lace" - a proposal. Doesn't exist.
Neural Dust - speculation
Brain-Machine Interface - a description of the device Elon Musk is trying to perfect. Not comparable to nanobots or nanocircuitry in the brain.
Second video, only played for a couple of seconds. It showed only that some particles reflected light more than the red blood cells.
"Scientific literature and military research clearly shows the use of magnetic nanorobots for the brain computer interface with the goal of creating a Global Cybernetic Hive mind controlled by AI."
A brain computer interface is NOT a nanobot or nanocircuitry in the blood. SHE HAS FAILED TO DEMONSTRATE ANY CONNECTION AND SIMPLY JUMPS TO A CONCLUSION. Bottom line: none of this supports the claim that there are nanobots and nanocircuits in the Covid shots. Zero, zip, nada, nichevo, nichts, bubkes. Relax.
I hope this helps.
Wow, I so much appreciate the effort you put to answer my question in the clearest manner possible. As a performing art professional I am trying to understand what people are talking about, without having their knowledge or field education. My intuition is telling me that there is so much exaggeration in finding nano bots who self assembles in both vaccinated and unvaccinated blood and how “they” whomever “they”are would “steal” our soul or control our brain.
I am more than delighted to expend the effort, and I will use my results in other ways as well.
My intuition told me the claim was nonsense the first time I heard it. Subsequent research on my part simply cemented my conclusion. While some scientists and bad actors WANT to have these devices, the literature overwhelmingly indicates this is in the future (if it ever occurs, for that matter). Ultimately, our ability to think, reason, believe, etc. are gifts from God, Who will protect us from having our minds taken over by evil we cannot oppose.
At the time, I was unable to take time to relocate the observations of Dr. Ryan Cole, but Del Bigtree did a video of this, which you can see here: Dr. Cole points out that the structure Dr. Carrie Madej identified as a hydra, is a tiny structure from the underside of a leaf. Dr. Madej's conclusion is given in one of the links provided by the Professor. Regardless of which it is, it clearly is not a nanobot. Dr. Cole did not find any graphene or graphene compounds in the samples he studied. This doesn't rule out the possibility graphene is present in other vials. But the possibility that the graphene is part of any kind of circuitry, that there IS any circuitry present in the body (or even under a microscope later), or that anything self-assembles in the body, is ruled out by the evidence I have given. It should also be pointed out that the hydra/leaf structure does not move toward anything nor engage in any acts of assembling anything. It is simply there.
I also researched the professor, to find his background, and determined that he teaches Catholic apologetics. He is also pro-life, a view I share. But unless he presents any claims or evidence outside of his academic field to account for his opposition to common sense and evidence, he is not qualified to refute the evidence I have presented.
Thank you for joining me.
I will try to give you some decent answers at this point. I will start with my background.
Computers have been part of my life for the past 70 years. It was more than 70 years ago that I know for sure my father started programming. He programmed with FORTRAN on an IBM 701. He taught me about the binary system when I was in junior high, and let me read his computer magazines. I actually started programming about 60 years ago. I wrote a program in BASIC to convert from one number system to another directly without first going through the decimal system. I wrote another to calculate the powers of 2. I had access to a computer through a modem which received a telephone handset, and I used a teletype for input. Several years later, we got our first computer, an Atari, followed by an Apple. When I started using the internet in 1998, I set up my own web site, and hand-coded it in WordPad. It has HTML and some Javascript. It has thousands of pages. I also developed a second web site, for professional purposes. About that same time, I began using Terragen and several fractal art generation programs. I played around some with Bryce and Vue d'Esprit. I started making art images with artificial intelligence, and I have hundreds of images in my portfolio.
I studied nuclear physics in school. Some years later, I spent several years working on a book on ethnobotany. For the past 15 years, I have been active as a field ornithologist. I report my findings, with photos and audio recordings, to Cornell University's world famous ornithology department. Cornell made use of my data, along with that of many other people, to plot the migration patterns of over 300 species.
When I started dating the man who became my husband, any evening we didn't go to a movie or a concert, we spent in his radio shack. He designed and built a ham radio TV station, complete with NTSC standard color sync generator. During the time he was building things, I was disassembling electronic equipment he had scrounged, putting the components in the right drawer or box for him to use. I started studying to become a radio amateur myself. Much later, I began assembling my own PC computers and learning a little bit of C.
In addition to all of that, I have studied evolution and creation science for decades. I have been part of a team led by a PhD in bioethics with degrees in genetics and biochemistry, that gathered data on the Covid fiasco and sent it to an email list, since March, 2020. We refuted all the bogus claims of powerful people about the disease, lockdowns, masks, and shots.
And I collect minerals as a hobby. I have traveled to many places in two states to collect, and I also buy specimens. Why do I mention this? Because I have a thorough understanding of what a crystal is, and how and why it takes the form it does.
Now with that background in mind, I want to talk specifically about computers and why it is utter nonsense to assert that the Covid shots contain material which will self-assemble in the body and make circuits, along with nanobots. I start by describing what a computer consists of. It is not just the central processor. The allegations I am refuting are asserting ONLY the existence of a central processor. A CPU by itself is useless. It requires additional devices and peripherals. I will describe the assembly of a PC so you can see this. It starts with a case, into which I put a motherboard. The motherboard is many inches on a side, and is difficult to squeeze into the alloted space. Before I install it, I place a CPU in the proper slot. A CPU is approximately an inch on a side, a square. It has "legs" that plug into a socket. So I place this into the computer. Now I have to connect other devices. I may insert a sound card, that will control the audio that goes to speakers. Lately, the sound card has been part of the motherboard. Then I must insert RAM (random access memory). This is temporary memory that stores programs and data currently in use. A CPU will not operate without RAM. There is nothing for it to do. RAM comes in long, thin packages with many "legs". I will probably place four of these, each of which holds 8 gigabytes of data, into the proper socket. After I do that, I must install at least one hard disk. The hard disk is the permanent memory of the computer. It consists of several "platters" in an enclosed metal box. I slide one of these into a socket on the front of the computer. Then I must plug it into the motherboard. Into another slot, I insert a DVD drive and use a cable to plug that into the motherboard. We still don't have a way for you to interact with the computer. Next, I will use cables to connect the motherboard to sockets on the case. One for the monitor. One for the mouse or trackball. One for the keyboard. One for the speakers. Several for USB ports. If I have a webcam, that gets plugged into a USB port. I use another cable to connect a monitor to a socket on the outside of the case, a cable to connect the speakers, a cable to connect the keyboard, and another cable to connect the mouse or trackball (unless I am using wireless devices, which is a foolish thing to do.)
So for a computer to be usable, it requires a lot of different devices to be attached. Where are all these devices needed by the alleged dual core processor it is alleged that CRISPR causes the body to generate in each cell of the body? They don't exist, and nobody claims they do.
I've talked about my husband and his genius elsewhere, along with evaluating the links that the Professor gave me.
The Professor has alleged there are quantum dots on some of the crystals (note: CRYSTALS, not circuits). This is total nonsense. What is this quantum thing? They're working on developing quantum computers. The computers we have been using operate linearly, with a series of steps taken in sequential order. The BRAIN operates in parallel, many processes at once, and each neuron (single cell) is just a bit of the whole. Engineers are trying to emulate the human brain. Good luck! So they came up with a chip, about the size of a CPU, that operates in parallel. Note: this is clearly visible to the naked eye. But a quantum computer requires a gazillion peripherals, devices, wiring, all sorts of things. Here some pictures:
The computer itself is a tiny white square in the bottom center of the photo at the top.
Hey, do you think that will fit into a single cell of the body? I sure don't. And I don't think it will be floating around in the blood either.
So this is just a start to show you how ludicrous these claims of self-assembling circuits and nanobots really are.
More next time. Questions welcome.