My concerns about vaccine shedding are learned, as the last time my partner and I had the flu was when he took a flu vaccine about a decade ago. It was a terrible flu that came upon us the DAY AFTER he got the shot! He missed work for over a week and I was laid flat too. Never again. SHEDDING IS REAL.
My concerns about vaccine shedding are learned, as the last time my partner and I had the flu was when he took a flu vaccine about a decade ago. It was a terrible flu that came upon us the DAY AFTER he got the shot! He missed work for over a week and I was laid flat too. Never again. SHEDDING IS REAL.
These shots spread disease through shedding. Therefore, I think those who choose to take these shots --the "vaxxers"-- do pose a health threat to those they shed on. When you say anti-vaxxers would not stand in the way of someone choosing to be vaxxed. That is true. But our public health officials should be informed and intelligent enough to STOP allowing these disease-spreading shots from being marketed, distributed, or forced on the public, and CAUSING more and more illness.
Profit-driven pharma/public health propaganda has got to be stopped. Harmful products need to be recalled. Because shedding is an UNACCEPTABLE EFFECT of these shots that causes more cases of disease than the shots ever can stop. Like in my situation described above: One shot = two people SICK in a two-person household! So how often does that happen -- with say six people in a household getting sick because just one person gets a shot and sheds on everybody (and don't forget to include the strangers at the store or on the bus, and so on)?
All this computer power but none of it applied to adequate epidemiology research and data collection on shedding! They use it for applying Censorship Algorithms, but not for public health concerns! This is what corruption and profiteering reaps with all this state-of-the-art high tech -- just more propaganda!
Shedding is an active attack method to cause disease. Why is pushing shedding products that cause disease NOT a crime???
My concerns about vaccine shedding are learned, as the last time my partner and I had the flu was when he took a flu vaccine about a decade ago. It was a terrible flu that came upon us the DAY AFTER he got the shot! He missed work for over a week and I was laid flat too. Never again. SHEDDING IS REAL.
These shots spread disease through shedding. Therefore, I think those who choose to take these shots --the "vaxxers"-- do pose a health threat to those they shed on. When you say anti-vaxxers would not stand in the way of someone choosing to be vaxxed. That is true. But our public health officials should be informed and intelligent enough to STOP allowing these disease-spreading shots from being marketed, distributed, or forced on the public, and CAUSING more and more illness.
Profit-driven pharma/public health propaganda has got to be stopped. Harmful products need to be recalled. Because shedding is an UNACCEPTABLE EFFECT of these shots that causes more cases of disease than the shots ever can stop. Like in my situation described above: One shot = two people SICK in a two-person household! So how often does that happen -- with say six people in a household getting sick because just one person gets a shot and sheds on everybody (and don't forget to include the strangers at the store or on the bus, and so on)?
All this computer power but none of it applied to adequate epidemiology research and data collection on shedding! They use it for applying Censorship Algorithms, but not for public health concerns! This is what corruption and profiteering reaps with all this state-of-the-art high tech -- just more propaganda!
Shedding is an active attack method to cause disease. Why is pushing shedding products that cause disease NOT a crime???