Are we losing hope? Too many freedom fighters are focusing exclusively on bad news but not on solutions:
I’ve just finished writing a book showing the way to freedom. I’ll be sending the draft manuscript to all of you in a few days. This is the beginning:
This book is a whitepill. Too many truth and freedom seekers/fighters have simply given-up. Many fell into the psy-opped delusion that there’s no way out of this mess. Desperation means lack of hope. This book intends to show the way back into hope.
In 'The Matrix' movie, Morpheus offers Neo a red pill to wake up and see how far the rabbit hole goes and a blue pill to go back to sleep then wake up in his bed and believe whatever he wants to believe.
Redpilled = someone who is awakened to terrible truths that the-powers-that-be don't want to be known.
Bluepilled = someone who doesn't tolerate the truth and prefers a self-delusional but happy life.
Black-pilled = someone who has lost hope and will to live, after taking redpills sugarcoated in black lethal lies.
White-pilled = someone who was given the antidote to the blackpills and keeps fighting.
Placebo-pilled = someone who doesn’t care about pills, and is just prepping for self-sufficiency.
When there’s fight, there’s hope
General Douglas MacArthur: “Like Abraham Lincoln, I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” 1 … “and beer”, so goes the joke.
“But what can I do,
I’m just one person”
said 8 billion people
Wars are won in the mind of the defeated
“Your mind is the enemy's battlefield.” 1 Wars are first won in the mind of the defeated. The enemy wants you to think you lost, game over, no way out, no hope, just retreat in defeat:
Some, prefer to live in denial, deliberately ignoring they are targeted for extermination, just like cows munching in the field in front of the slaughter house:
The survivor: “I live day-to-day putting fires out, one emergency after another. I’m a walking fire extinguisher. I barely cope with all the problems I’ve got in my life. For my mental health, I prefer to just ignore any problem, until it comes in my face. Any future problem is a potential problem. It doesn’t exist in my mind or radar. As usual, I’ll be able to deal with it when it comes. I’m a life firefighter: I always find a fire exit.” Sometimes, they misquote the Bible, which means the opposite of: “Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.” (Mt 6:25-34)
The hedonist: “I know that you might be right with your conspiracy facts, but if I go down that rabbit hole, I wouldn’t enjoy life any more. I chose living “the good life”, even if I hint that it could just be a trap. 2030? Who’d take away my hedonistic experiences for 7 years! I’ll have time to deal with the problems when they arrive. For every problem, there’s a solution. There’s nothing money can’t fix. You Only Live Once (YOLO). Forget the future, enjoy the moment. Pluck or seize the day (Carpe Diem). Epicurus: “Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not…” 2 Sophocles, Antigone: “Tomorrow is tomorrow. Future cares have future cures, and we must mind today.” Sometimes, they even misquote the Bible, which means the opposite: “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.” (1 Cor 15:29-34)“
Some, gave up and are waiting in despair to be culled.
Some, are prepping for a self-sufficient existence in farm or woods, wishfully thinking that after getting the cities, they won’t search and destroy them.
Some, think it’s the end of the world, so no matter what we do, we’ll fail as prophesied: the only exit is prayer and survival until rapture (Mt 24:30-31; Mk 13:24-27; Lk 17:34-35; 1 Ts 4:16-18). Note: the end of this millennium is THE end (Rev 20:2-5).
Some, want to “fight the good fight”, knowing that anything we do to halt the enemy’s plan a) saves lives (earthly and eternal), b) reduces our own present and future suffering and, c) could mean an early victory, at least in some countries, before the 2040 global victory.
The book gives practical solutions to the global coup, at the local, state, national and international level.
Parts of it:
I am finishing writing 10 books going deep in each of the different aspects of the stealth coup:
I just need to copyright the title, which is going to be something like the “for dummies” series. I’d be really thankful if you could help me fund the fees for that, by a paid subscription or a gift in the tip jar. I’ll add some perks for you!
Also, the more free subscribers, the easier to convince a publisher to print it (it maximizes reach compared to self-publishing): please share this message!
Thank you! from the heart!
Prof. Fred Nazar
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Most important: let’s keep praying for each other and the conversion of our enemies!
I Agee with this 100% we do a lot of talking but where are the solutions? I really believe people need to find a way to start meeting in person, by city, then by state etc... there is strength in numbers.
Awareness, truth and courage required