America terminated its relationship with WHO in 2020. Not so well known is this. https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/vaccine-bait-switch-millions-pulled-from-who-trump-gives-billions-gates-founded-gavi/

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It's all very concerning because I just learned that the great constitutional lawyer, Aaron Siri, who auditionned so brilliantly the vaccine pope Stanley Plotkin for 9 hours as well as Catherine Edwards (you just get away from vaccines forever after seeing those 2 auditions) has been pushed to the side and is not advising Kennedy and Trump anymore for the presidential transition.

I don't mean to depress you but you ought to read Debbie Lermann's post on Calley and Casey Means as a very likely CIA casting. Just read for yourself:


I understand now why RFK Jr was very much unto itself and looking very thoughtful at the presidential ceremony...

Casey is the one who called RFK Jr right after the 1st Trump assassination attempt to get him to join Trump's team! Remember the phone call filmed live and leaked onto X... that really looked like a strange set up scenario to me.

The people working with him at Children's Health Defense will be extremely disappointed if Kennedy forgets about the vaccine issue to concentrate on fighting obesity and getting Americans to exercise more!!!

The mRNA vaccines scam wand massacre has to be halted right now!

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WoW!!! Precious information many people wish they'd never heard about ! If Trump continues to collaborate with Gates at this scale, even with Robert Kennedy Jr and Jay Battacharya on his team, many many people will lose their illusion.

And if Kennedy does not then resign, we will clearly know what he stands for.

The executive order reinstating with full compensation the military personal who refused the vaccines is a very good news.

Normally, the Covid vaccines for newborn babies should be pulled out of the children vaccine schedule. Maybe it is an announcement that he couldn't do right away but let's hope they do it soon because for now babies must take three shots before they are nine months old!!!! That is plain criminal considering the possible dramatic side effects children have suffered including death!

Catherine Austin Fitts says it so well when she says that we are systematically being poisoned.

The "elites" and the big corporations want us dead or at least very very sick! Scandals after scandals are being revealed to that effect. What are we doing, what are we waiting for?

I guess, for now, after voting for Trump, people are hoping he and Kennedy will prevent the continuation of this mass killing* but will they? We all have our eyes on them.

* did you know that expert estimate that the use of Nutrasweet (aspartham) has killed approximately 300 million people in 40 years???!!! They have known about its dangers and neurotoxicity for more than 35 years! They just hid the results of their studies!!!

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Why is food poisoning legal? (Rumsfeld forced the FDA approval of Aspartame/Nutrasweet)


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Correct it’s not over it’s just disguised better. I remember when nutrasweet was launched - pretty gumballs arrived in the mail. I was around 10 and thought wow candy without sugar!

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Rumsfeld forced the FDA approval of Aspartame


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Hello Jean. These shifting times are a ‘wake-up’ call to take responsibility for our lives, family, freedom and future. A lot of information is censored making it difficult to find the truth. Not everyone has the capacity to research and connect the dots. Many humans are kept busy trying to pay bills leaving little time for much else, and information overload can easily overwhelm. Hence the more we share authentic information to inform our fellow man, rebut injustices and withdraw consent to tyranny en masse, the greater the possibility to free ourselves from this dark construct. https://drmikeyeadon.substack.com/p/the-hill-to-die-on

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Banning WHO will save lives. But we can’t stop there. We need to continue to expose the evil cabal, and Bill Gates uses his money for this evil. He is a snake. Also defund the UN and kick them off of our soil. They are thieves, instigators of war, famine and disease. They want us all dead. Those that survive they want as slaves.

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Absolutely right Chelie!! Brava

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The EO said the US intends to withdraw. Besides Trumpstien could just moves funds to Bill Gates(again)

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Well if you defund the UN first the WHO goes with it, Getting rid of the WHO is a big Nothing.

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J9 ers DID NOTHING WRONG, and were illegally incarcerated.

A corporation can "affiliate", or "disaffiliate" with other corporations whenever they want; ie: US CORP (a for-profit business that serves the Public People) can disaffiliate from the for-profit corporation, the WHO CORP. and its about finances, not you. Its NOT about your rights, your health, your money

..The WHO CORP tried to claim your rights as null, your health as fake, and your money as theirs.

And.. Trump didnt do anything for you, he a corporate Pres and he wasnt elected, he serves Israeli Corporate giants and will try to enslave you to a transhuman agenda... Dont be fooled by the right wing cleans up the mess the left wing created!! Its theatre that revolves around 2 wings of the same VULTURE.

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Trump is a technocrat, onboard with blockchain and AI tech, father of the killer jabs. All the above makes no difference. The new digi currency will still be in dollar denomination. Trump is instrumental in the plan towards that. He supports israhell. He's no saviour.

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We aint fooled by the fake hero Drumpf, liar, schemer, Greedy, Zionist ass kisser. You are right!

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The reason the US pays so much to the who un & nato is because it likes control.

And size for size the UK pays more per capita than the US (2020-2023) - admittedly the majority of UK contribution is flexible but our government have happily surrendered sovereignty to the WHO, and knowing statmer hell make the country bankrupt to keep the money flowing. Bill Gates pays almost as much as USA. But all semantics... the WHO is a devious organisation that is part of the UN and its bid to control the world.

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In Australia, this must mark an end to climate alarmism and a return to coal-sourced energy, but this time with the mercury removed. Let us also expel and ban all UN personnel who have constantly rammed their twisted versions of human rights down Australian throats. As for the incredibly-active nuclear power lobby, I have one word to offer; Fukushima, which is still a ticking time bomb poised to make the Pacific radioactive following the next earthquake. The Fukushima turbine was made in the US, where the current lobby resides.

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actually Trump didn't, it is like Biden's pardons', ""presumptive". PLease read : https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/president-trump-intends-to-exitthewho

the order talks about INTENTION!

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Ban the WHO but still allow the United Nations at all?

This is doing something without really doing something.

Still asking for Strangers who make Promises to save the people.....eh??

Where is the common Sense and Logic in that?!

"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President; you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

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Paradigm shift. There will be new things to worry about.

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No. Not really. Facts matter fanboys. This is a trump slight of hand.

The language used is "intends to withdraw from the WHO." Then it states there will be a "pause... of any United States Government funds, support, or resources to the WHO.

Then most alarmingly, it says "(iii) identify credible and transparent United States and international partners to assume necessary activities previously undertaken by the WHO."

And a big focus of the language is money, not health or freedom.

In 2021, when trump pulled the US out of the WHO which was receiving $4B, he funneled the money elsewhere. Where did it go? Gavi - the vaxx scam organization.

Who runs Gavi - the vaxx scam organization ? billy gates Who did trump just spend 3 hours with? billy gates.

So the fix is likely in. trump pulls the WHO money again, badmouths biden, gets to look like a hero and boasts about how great he is and funnels taxpayer money to pay off billy via Gavi.

That's been my prediction and so far it looks unfortunately like I'm correct.




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