So much useful information in one place on the dangers of "haxinations". My daughter is 20 years old and thankfully, by the Grace of God, although she had the full gamut of toxic injections, (many less I believe, in 2003 when she was born, than now) she is a fully functional, third year, straight A college student at Radford University VA. If she had been born just a little later, I would have forbidden EVERY vaccine on the childhood vaccine schedule.

As it was, I objected loudly but was completely outnumbered by my parents, my in-laws and even my wife at the time. I was just beginning to learn about the harm that these shots were doing to children back in 2003 when my daughter was born but with the info I now have, I would probably be in jail right now for kidnapping instead of allowing her to be poisoned with these shots!

I'm retired so I have all day to STUDY and have been doing so for the last 15 years, increasing my learning as the years roll by. (recently retired young; 6 years ago at age 55; also by the Grace of God who meets all my needs even allowing me to live in LUXURY without a single concern about money; only God could have done this). However, "luxury" to me is different than with most of the world who clamor after as much STUFF as they can possibly acquire. I live in a humble home. I don't need granite countertops and all of the modern living "style" to keep up with trends because I don't CARE what others think regarding these matters. I have forsaken the big three, "the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life" 1 John 5:13; and the pride of life is the downfall of most people, with a generous helping of the other two, of course.

The Simpsonwood Documents should be an interesting read and I shall go over them at my leisure. Thank you, Professor, for all of this information. It's amazing that they could do such harm to our children but even more incredible that people should be so uninformed about it, lacking the basic understanding that we are in a spiritual war and thus trusting those who rule over us by IGNORANCE.

There is one substantial reason for this. This world has rejected its Creator by an intentional and SYSTEMATIC, contrived effort of controlling the thoughts and worldview of the populous with the media in all its forms dating back to Darwinism. In this age, the end of the age of Grace, there is an ally to the media and that is the SOCIAL media which galvanizes the extant public opinion and uses ridicule and censorship to keep the people in check.

Religion has also been used to keep people from the truth of this battle we're in which is now escalating to levels never before seen, just as prophesied. The churches, i.e. the brick and mortar buildings which the "religious" attend every Sunday are all apostate in this age (save for a few solid Bible preaching, tiny churches scattered here and there) and many PUSHED the shot. Mostly all denominational churches are currently being controlled by the government via the 501C3 tax exempt status for non profits.

It's so thrilling to be living in these days but also very trying on our weary souls as we see the continual and growing success of the wicked. My indignation has increased 7 fold in the last 15 years, especially in the last 3 or four as we saw the greatest attack on the people of this world EVER perpetrated with the lockdowns, forced injections, lies and deception and the worst part, THE PEOPLE TAKING THE LIES hook, line and sinker!

This was the first time in the history of the world (since Nimrod) that the WHOLE GLOBE was mandated to follow ONE order. I immediately saw this as THE preparation of the global leadership and the start of taking down every restriction holding back a one world government for antichrist.

Moreover, we can see the age of Grace and the time of tribulation OVERLAPPING each other. We see the plans of world famine in the form of the destruction of global agriculture, restriction of fertilizer under the "carbon" lie, the intentional arson activity destroying food processing plants etc. There are too many prophecies coming to pass in this age to list here. Everything is set up!

The "spiritual wickedness in high places" has now influenced every world leader and has come under the plans and agenda of the ushering in of antichrist, just as Bible prophecy has indicated. I believe that this world is now ready for the one BIG event which will cause the chaos necessary for the AC to step onto the world stage from behind the curtain where he is presently directing his new world order. That event is the RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH and it could happen at any moment!

When it does, I believe they MUST say that we had been abducted by aliens (or something very similar) to comfort and make calm those who suddenly lost babies, (even right from the WOMB [!] forever ending the debate of when life begins...at CONCEPTION!) young children and loved ones who believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ and had been forgiven of their sins.

I believe it is necessary that they would promote the lie that we will be returned very soon so this world could continue "peacefully" because at the beginning of antichrist rule, the motto will be "peace and security" (they're already continually touting this!). The chaos of this event would last for years if something were not said QUICKLY about where we had gone and when we would RETURN. It would stand to reason they might say that we would be returned when our training in "spiritual evolution" (or some other nonsense) was complete. One thing is for certain...they will NOT say we were taken by Jesus Christ in the long anticipated Rapture of the Church (true believers).

I am ready! I am saved by the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ and I stand before God SINLESS because He took all of my sins upon Himself! I am so anxious for His return and I believe it is so near that I have hand written notes taped on the wall of my office for whoever comes to rescue my pets. I tell everyone I can about the closeness of His coming for us AND what CNN will broadcast after this happens, that we were taken by aliens. If He doesn't come soon, the prophecies are going to begin to EXPIRE, that is, they will no longer be accurate!

The best example I can offer for this is the advance of artificial intelligence. It recently has been reported that AI has IMPROVED ITSELF! There is nothing about AI in Bible prophecy however we see its rise to such levels and with such speed that we can extrapolate into the future it's inevitable rise to REPRODUCE ITSELF and conquer mankind! There are many other things which can be examined in light of Bible prophecy that might exceed their "shelf life' if you will, but one thing is certain; all of these things are NOW happening and ALL at the SAME TIME!

If you have read this far, thanks for listening. And to whomever reads this and knows they are NOT saved, what in this world are you waiting for??? Trust in Him TODAY. Great and extremely terrible things are going to shake this world soon; indescribably destructive forces (the Wrath of God) are coming on this world. But there's still time to escape. Seek Him before it's too late!

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Religions are good but they are infiltrating them and destroying them from within.

With respect to AI, it's just a program. The puppet does what the puppeteer does. Nothing else. Intelligence is the property of the spiritual soul: machines will never be intelligent like us... an animal with huge memory at most.

How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT:


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Great dialog with AI. I must humbly disagree with the notion that religions are "good", not even the so-called Christian religions. Every world religion (save for Bible based Christian religions) can be summed up as man's efforts to achieve God by some kind of works, e.g. church membership/attendance, sacraments, et. al. I'm a Bible believing, perpetual student of Scripture, continually studying, saved and sanctified, born again, cleansed forever by the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ, redeemed sinner, waiting for the promise of His soon return for His Bride (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52)

To me, there is nothing higher than to know Him and to be saved by His Propitiation, continually learning and seeking to know Him more and better until the day He takes us either out (in death) or up (in the Rapture) and with the passing of each day, it looks more like the latter than the former for many of us who know Him and seek to please Him with our lives.

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An article I read and downloaded is a good example of the terrible contamination in ALL the vaccines this group tested. The group was from Italy and in 2016-2017 they tested many different vaccines to figure out why some people had adverse reactions to them. HPV, meningitis, infuenza, pneumococcal, tetanus, TDaP, MMR, etc.. from different batches and pharmaceutical companies were tested. They were surprised at what they found...


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Corvelva.it published the study. The interesting thing: they used an animal/veterinatian shot as control: it came out completely clean!!!

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Can this add up to anything but intentional contamination? And this was before SARS-CoV-2.

Is it any wonder they had to invent SIDS in the 1990s? I am completely aware of the ever increasing wickedness in this world but it never ceases to amaze me how nefarious and blatant it actually is. Good link. I'll check it out.

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According to Yuval Noah Harrari (Klaus Schwab’s pal and W.E.F.er) we simple humans are nothing but “Hackable animals”. “Haxxine” is a very powerful term to describe this mechanism.

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Stellar work putting all this together - thank you.

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Thank you! it took over a decade to get to that knowledge, especially the "contamination" timeline.

God willingly, and with your support (especially prayers), I'll post a detailed one with all the scientific references.

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I believe I may be accurate in saying the following: It's so refreshing to see someone who has gone through the universities' intense indoctrination programs, which most persuant's receive (with no questions asked) along the way to becoming PhDs, yet come away seemingly unscathed by the scientism and religion (Darwinism or the "ALL from nothing indoctrination) of the modern era, still believing in God and the power of prayer.

For those who seek TRUTH outside the common consensus, desiring truth no matter where it may lead, they will inevitably make their way to the written word of God, the Bible. (specifically, the KJV; all new versions are counterfeit but this is a topic for another conversation)

My dad was a professor at the University of Pittsburgh for 35 years and rejected the truth of this world until last year when he turned 90! His blinders have since been removed, albeit not completely and he is beginning to see this world for what it is; a battleground in which evil forces are attempting to foil the Plan of God Almighty.

This isn't a battle of "good vs. evil" which most proclaiming theists, even most Christians assess; one in which each side has an equal opportunity at victory but to the contrary. This battle has been predetermined by our Sovereign God as seen in Bible prophecy and everything that happens in this world (or any other) happens only with God's permission and approval which He has given beforehand.

Yet, as intelligent as those wicked entities are, they don't see the big picture which is that God is USING their ultimately futile efforts against Him as part of HIS Plan to bring about His purposes for mankind and for this world. He is infinitely superior to His adversary, which He created at first as the highest created being but who rebelled against Him. God's ultimate Plan is for the procurement of willing souls to be with Him in Eternity; ones who will make the conscious choice to love Him and recognize Him as their Sovereign Lord and Creator.

Love is at the center of His Plan and He showed His love for us by coming in the flesh of a man, living a sinless life and offering up Himself as a living sacrifice and payment for the sins of the world and which [sins] every man has. These sins, (an old archery term for "missing the mark") must be removed before seeing or attending to a PERFECT God in His perfect Place. Sadly, most have or will have rejected this, the greatest gift ever given to mankind.

Such notions have always sparked divisive questions and controversy in this world and its finite, linear timeline of understanding and are incomprehensible by our limited minds however, when absolute Sovereignty is understood as being a necessary attribute of our Eternal God, (He is sovereign over everything or He is sovereign over nothing simply by reason of His Omniscience) we must take the leap of faith, trusting in the fact that HE has planned every event in this space/time continuum down to the holding together of every atom and molecule! (see Colossians 1:17 "by Him all things consist")

His Sovereignty is only understood by grasping the fact the He is outside of this reality and He knows the end from the beginning because He has CREATED every bit of all things. He is Omnipotent. A Sovereign God did not create a universe of randomness in which He wound everything up like a clock and is allowing it to tick down although He did create this reality with the appearance of randomness. He sees our restricted reality as a book if you will, as a whole. Not merely ANY book but one that He Himself had written and one in which He is intimately aware of every detail.

Most people, even professing Christians never give this more than a passing thought. God knows every cell in every tissue of every person that lives or has died. He knows the number of electrons in every atom of the universe in fact, He holds them all together. He is the mysterious "strong nuclear force" that holds the atoms together and every anthropic principle has been calculated and put into the laws of physics by HIM to make our existence possible. It is Jesus Christ who holds this reality together. One day He will let go and the universe, including the very fabric of space/time will "burn with fervent heat".

Those who have studied Bible prophecy understand that, according to the written word of God and the prophets, we are currently in the very last days of the "age of Grace" in which anyone living may have their sins freely removed simply by BELIEVING in the Gospel of Jesus Christ given by the apostle Paul in the epistles recorded in the New Testament of the Bible.

Very soon, at any minute actually, Jesus will step from His Place once again and come in the clouds of Heaven to remove His Bride, those who believe and have had their sins removed, i.e. born again or saved. He will take us out of this world and we will be with Him forever. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-54)

Shortly thereafter, during the incomprehensible chaos resulting from friends and loved ones disappearing before their very eyes, the people will witness a man who will step up to the podium of the world and seem to have logical answers. He will assure everyone that those who disappeared are safe and that we had been taken by an ET intelligence from another galaxy saying even that we would be returned after our training in "spiritual evolution" is complete. We were removed because we were a hindrance to the world's progression to the next level of human evolution, (he may say) but it will be necessary to confirm our return to our loved ones to provide hope and peace to a chaotic world.

After we are gone and the antichrist takes control of this world, it will slip into darkness. It will be the time known as the great tribulation when God will pour out His WRATH on this earth. See Revelation chapters 8-10 and Isaiah 24 for a glimpse of what will certainly happen at that time. Many people will be saved as they realize that the Bible is true from having heard people share the Gospel with them, even telling them about our Rapture or "catching away".

Having said all of this and although so much more could be said, it's clear that this world is in big trouble. The events of the tribulation are beginning to overlap with the current age. There has never been a time like this and knowing what Bible prophecy says about those events leading up to the Rapture and the beginning of the tribulation, it becomes so very obvious that the time of His coming to remove His Bride has come!

We who wait and watch for Him expect Him at any minute. Just 4 short years ago I couldn't have made this statement with any amount of certainty but with the events told about in Scripture coming to pass so rapidly in this age and all occurring at once, I can boldly say that He is so very near, even at the door! Seek Him TODAY if you don't KNOW that you're saved. If you don't know, you're probably not saved. Its importance is absolute; it's a choice, life or death. Truth or lies. Eternal life or eternal death (not unconsciousness - we will all have consciousness and being for eternity)

If anyone has read thus far, you may have the question, "what shall I do"? The very first is to admit that you're a sinner and in need of a Savior. If you can't admit that, as I've seen so many deny their sin debt, you can stop right there. If you're not a sinner, what need of a Savior is there? Next is to believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ given by Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) We who believe are WASHED from all sins by His Shed Blood.

Seek the truth in the written word, the King James Bible. We live in an age when the Gospel is more criticized and condemned as fairy tales by desert goat herders yet it is more ubiquitous than it has EVER been at any other time in history available at the touch of a keypad or click of a mouse. If you seek Him with a sincere heart, you will find Him and He will save your eternal soul! Get ready to go on a trip! A trip from which there is no return. Coming very soon to a city near you.

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Thank you Jim! Many are converting from atheism/agnosticism to religion after understanding how Satan is behind all this. They are finding God by fleeing evil!

I'm trying to open the eyes of those who didn't figure that out, little by little, with facts.

Please pray for this intention =)

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And thank you Professor. I am in prayer very often and I would be more than happy to pray for the success of your efforts as they seem to be my own efforts as well - to open the eyes of the ignorant and blind. The facts are truth and very rare in this age. I have received the love of the truth in abundance (2 Thessalonians 2:10) and my passion for truth increases daily as does the closeness of His coming!

The ignorant are willingly rejecting all truth and it often stirs my indignation to rage which I must learn better how to control. From the graying of the sky with their geoengineering destruction of the entire biosphere to the most recent push to inject the world under the pretense of "emergency" plandemic; one in which nobody died but we're told millions died from it. (there were no reported seasonal influenza mortalities in 20 and 21!) They died FROM the shot and from Remdesivir.

The covid tests were contaminated with 4 bacteria and viruses which cause respiratory problems leading to pneumonia. Those contaminated quickly began to lose sufficient oxygen uptake sending them directly to the hospital with blue lips and fingertips. Once there, they were put in isolation quarantine being restricted from visitors, even spouses and family! Unheard of! They were given the deadly, toxic Remdesivir which was removed from trial in Africa while treating Ebola patients because it killed so many people. Only a murderer could come up with a suggestion to give it to those hospitalized with pneumonia. They wouldn't even test to determine the origin of the pneumonia. Was it bacterial or viral? They didn't test because they already KNEW they weren't going to treat it!

I know about this. My only brother was murdered in 2022 by Remdesivir despite my pleading with him NOT to go to the hospital and to take Ivermectin. He made the choice and ignored the truth I had been sharing with him for the last 15 years, clinging to the fake government and love of Trump. (who was instrumental in pushing the shot, still bragging about it!!!) He couldn't get over his delusional thinking that the gov't actually cares for the well being of the people. His ignorance cost him his life. He died 5 days short of his 62nd birthday.

To those who are awake, it's so obvious what they are doing. And the worst part of it all is that they simply have to open their eyes to see! It astounds me how many people are just flat out rejecting the truth of all things. It appears to be supernatural to me. It's the only way it could happen!

"And for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie". 2 Thessalonians 2:11 I previously believed that this verse was referring to the big lie which will be proclaimed after the antichrist rises to power...that he is the Messiah. I think the ignorance of the people regarding the truth in this age may be part of that. I could go on and on (which you have probably already noted) but I'll end this one here.

Thank you for allowing me your platform to share some truths which I have learned over the last 16 years, many of which most people take issue but one of which is vastly more important than any other topic in any age, that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father but by Him! John 14:6

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I'm sorry for your loss! Keep the good fight of faith!

PS COVID exists, but epidemiologically, not much worse than the flu impacting people over 65 years old. With early treatment, it's nothing!

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Thank you. Yes, what I meant is that Covid didn't exist as they proclaimed it did; that it was nothing worse than the flu as you said. I believe they modified something in their biolabs but I also believe that the Covid virus was created FOR the vaccine, not vice versa. PS I've already prayed (and will continue) that your substack and efforts will reap rewards in the Kingdom of God and also that my comments here may spark readers minds and hearts to the truth in ALL matters, the most important being John 14:6 Peace to you and your family and may the indwelling of His Holy Spirit produce the joy of His Truth as we await our eternal glory with Him!

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A Dr. Nehls was interviewed by Carlson the other day, saying spikeopathy and mental retardation was always the plan, hence the need to vax all age groups. And all around me I see people with declining mental faculties, feeling lonelier and lonelier, it's truly biblical! Thanks for your work

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EXCELLENT work here!!!

God bless you!

Joy Garner, founder of The Control Group

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Thank God Joy for all the good things you do!

Keep the fight and warn everyone about the weaponization of vaccines!

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Thank you. May God bless you in your endeavors to help to awaken humanity before it's too late.

Godspeed, Joy

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When One looks at the whole from the standpoint that the wrong One won in the battle between Rockefeller (John D.) and Béchamp, and that it was the money Rocky had that allowed Him to buy schools, publishing, and media to teach the twin towers of lies for profit and control - "viruses" and "contagion" - and that, terrain theory is much more likely to be true...

Then the whole of the "vaccination" efforts can be seen for what it has been: experimentation on Us. I discuss the evidence here:

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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Very good. No vaccines were ever good as poisoning has never been good for health.


Neuro-toxic Pharmaceuticals are all harmful and those that aren't have safer alternatives anyway. Harm is built into the pharma business model.



There is no herd immunity each person is an individual.


But it is Friday so on a lighter note


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Love all the charts and data. Truly astounding.

I would also add that EMFs combine with metals to create neuro-immune conditions like these, as copper metabolism is disrupted, affecting iron as a result, and leading to how our MHC gene (regulates nerve growth and immune function) works:


Thank you for compiling this article Professor.

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Thank you Roman for all your great work!

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Can we address the subject of "germ theory". Yes the Vaccines are poison, but let's get to the root... they have NEVER been able to isolate a "virus" of any kind.

If I had been educated on that, I would never have dreamed of vaccinating my children.

My eldest son has Autism and ADHD. I am now doing everything in my power to unlearn everything I have ever learnt, in an attempt to help him have a better future.

Thank you for all you are doing 🙏

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gut brain axis is well.documented physical and spiritual reality! its in your gut i have it in my blog both topics :)

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EXCELLENT article!! Great compilation of this subject!! ❤

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I might point out that the "SV40" is not in anything, as the whole "deadly virus" idea is a sham. One of the twin towers of lies Rockefeller taught in His schools, publishing, and media as "truth," the other being "contagion" (which, despite thousands of the well subjected to the sick and Their bodily fluids in experiments, ZERO fell ill).

Not sure what was in those jabs that They blamed some unicorn on, but it wasn't a unicorn.

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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The alert now is WHO, UN et.al. Democidal maniacs going after every living, breathing soul with lethality unprecedented in world history under color of law. There is another law to study. It is the Law of War. It is quite specific about how to engage the enemy. There is another law. It is God's Law. Thou shalt not kill. The war is universal and will be at our doorstep soon. The weapon in the final battle is PSALMS 37:1-40 Amen ⚖⚓⌛ Prayer outloud and Almighty God will come to our aid. The enemy will not prevail. It is written, that the righteous will walk upon the ashes of the wicked. Believe and have fairh.🙏💓🙏

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Truly fascinating!

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Excellent information and reporting. Thank you.

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There is no such thing as "contagious disease" or "viruses".

Professor Nazar came over to our "What Spike Protein 2" comment section yesterday to promote his Substack content.

Nothing wrong with that! It's understandable that other truthers would want to try and connect with others to grow their audience. I consider Dr Nazar a good friend and I hope that my readers will look into his content.

The authors of Boostershots share many of the same ideas and beliefs as Prof Nazar, yet we have come to a disagreement about the most powerful hidden truth.

To quote Dr Nazar: "Are we just waiting for the next gain-of-function leak or release? Doomed to repeat history? International treaties on bioweapons have zero control, not even voluntary reporting….A weaponized spreading marburg or ebola could wipe out 1/3 of mankind…"

This is some serious black-pill germ worship scare mongering! "Ebola" does NOT exist!

It's understandable that you'd be shocked or weirded out by such a strong statement upon first hearing it.

Which is why I encourage you to do your own research and make your own informed judgment. I've put together a sound argument, (7 minute read), and this article also provides excellent links to the best no-virus content currently available. It'll really blow you out of your noodle once you start understanding this hidden truth!


Also. We are in current discussions about a new idea called "Pin Pin". This is a Substack promotion strategy which organically arose during our scientific discussion.

In order to promote independent research and truth, I have decided to "pin" Dr Nazar's epic comment, and I've asked for him to pin this comment in return.

It's a win win pin pin! Hope you enjoy our most important Boostershots article: "Virus Denialism for Beginners". Open debate is always encouraged.

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you become a problem denier when you can not comprehend that evil has its phisical representatives in pathogens: virus, parasites ,mold, fungi

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Have Bergoglio read it in the Vatican

Homophobic: someone who has a horror of his human nature.

Exodus 20:12 Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the LORD your God is giving you.

Proverbs 23:12-17

12 Apply your heart to education,

and ears to the words of science.

13 Do not spare the child correction;

if you beat him with the rod, he will not die;

14 you will beat him with the rod,

but you will save him from the dead.

15 My son, if your heart is wise,

my heart will also rejoice;

16 my heart will rejoice

when your lips speak righteous things.

17 Let not your heart envy sinners,

but persevere always in the fear of the LORD;

Matthew 18:7-9

7 Woe to the world because of scandals! because it is necessary for scandals to occur; but woe to the man for whom the scandal happens! 8 If your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut them off and throw them away from you; It is better for you to enter life maimed or lame than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. 9 If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away; It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell fire.


Robots vs humans?





PUBLIC COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENTS 12/01/2022 - Action, legal action


Stop incinerators,

For GOD and not for misery! An appeal to the mayors!



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BOOK: "Vax-Unvax" Peer Reviewed Data Proves Unvaccinated Children Remain Far Healthier Than Those Vaccinated - http://tinyurl.com/5c5t5s49

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