Another picky point, this one about the 7 Covid Genocides: #1 is a fiction. Megatons of our regressive tax dollars may have been spent on allegedly engineering a toxic virus, but in fact there are no pathogenic viruses, & CoVID isn't an isolatable, testable virus any more than measles, polio, or cholera are. All disease is in reality caused either by malnutrition, parasites, and/or toxins, & EMFs are TOXINS (so your #7 is right on). https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification-anywhere-ever/

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I find this corner of the awakened community endlessly fascinating and I am thoroughly enjoying my research. That rich and powerful and smart sociopaths would hoodwink the masses for centuries over a hoax so grand - among many others - as to be unbelievable is beyond dispute for me now. The whole edifice of reality is a rotten and crumbling artifice constructed to sustain those few at the expense of the many. Virology, immunology, pharmacology and most other -ologies are just examples of how they put the psy-op in science. While the chattering classes and many so-called truthers are conspicuously salivating over Fauci, GoF, Wuhan, HIV inserts, Chapel Hill, Ralph Baruch, biolabs etc etc, one can’t help feeling “ye doth protest too much”. Meanwhile consistent truthers like Mike Yeadon, who remains ever the beacon of scientific honesty for me with real time smarts, adapting his thesis with every valid new input and who has been illuminating on so much of the chicanery and fraud, is now questioning the veracity of the virus narrative: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/why-i-dont-believe-there-ever-was-a-covid-virus/

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That rich and powerful sociopaths would hoodwink the masses with "a hoax so grand" sums it up perfectly.

Of course its what rich and powerful sociopaths have always done, but I've gotta hand it to them - this was one out of the box. They obviously learnt from previous productions about what works and what doesn't (though I don't think the Bill Gates and Klaus Schwabs of the world are geniuses who came up with this on their own. Much of the plan, I suspect, was choreographed using all the tools of A.I modelling and predictive outcomes).

They'll no doubt attempt it again, but due to its over-the-top outrageousness and egregiousness, I suspect it'll be a 1-trick pony.

Wet dreams of vaccine-riches-forever has whiplashed spectacularly. According to one Children's Health Defence lawyer, global anti-vax sentiment is possibly running as high as 70% atm. Those fevered dreams may just result in them waking up in their own beds, in a sticky wet puddle of their own making.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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Well, I'm here to say that there is a definite group, I call them the Puppet Masters.

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Oncology.. Biggest scam!

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What? You mean poison isn’t the cure for poisoning?

I’m really starting to feel empathy for all the “professionals” out there whose entire careers and life’s work are based on lies and bs. No wonder people struggle to wake up and see the truth - it will literally require them to admit their entire life is a sham. All their “knowledge” and “expertise” was all made up by a bunch of greedy psychopaths and Satan worshippers. Super depressing.

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I needed that sarcasm! Lol

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ANOTHER reason we need unconditional UBI that's high enough to live comfortably on.

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Satan is a Hebrew god . . . The Jewish Vaccine: The Truth ‘Truthers’ Ignore . . .


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Hebrew gods are the inventions of Greeks. Got any Greek in you Clarence?

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http://bit.ly/research2000 look for chapter: "The virus exists"

Please comment if you see any error.

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I had a theory long before Covid that colds didn't exist and that toxins were the culprit. I noticed that some mornings I would have a runny nose but when I had done my morning "ablutions" (toilet/toxin evacuation), the sniffles stopped.

Following on from this, I changed my diet, removed most chemicals from my routine, spent £6000 having all my amalgam fillings replaced with ceramics and hence, haven't had so much as a "cold" since.

Maybe it is possible that humans go through and experience a seasonal "detox" and not "flu" depending on their demographic location.

I lived in Spain for 10 years with barely any sickness. Mediterranean diet, warm climate, outdoors lifestyle, less stress (cortisol)...


...and yes, I've watched all 6 hours...


I have a separate (and healthier) diet from, and have less of a "chemical burden" than my wife and two children. When they have all had a "cold" at the same time, I have never caught it from them. In fact I haven't caught a "cold" from anyone in years.

If nothing else, surely this is worth investigating further ✌️

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Flu is detoxing from EMFs. Read Firstenberg's THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW. Andy Kaufman also has lots to say about "viruses" being detoxing.

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Thanks Jill, I actually have that book in my Amazon wish list. I'll have to buy it now 😁✌️

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I now have doubts about Firstenberg. Please read his last newsletter re: chemtrails to see what I mean.

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Not only from EMFs, but from all the toxins people get from the crap they call food that they eat and drink.

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Great book!

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Would it be jfunny they are using Poisons to kill us. Decreasing long life. Maybe there were little or no toxins when Noa lived 500 years. Only Evil can spring from Evil.

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If you read the Bible carefully, you'll notice that age span lowers with sin, until the Flood, when God established the limit in about 120 years old. Still, sin shortens lifespan now: think promiscuity/STDs, drugs, abortion, homosex (20 years less than the rest), etc.

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Henry Kissinger is 100 years old as of 2023. Guess he didn't have much sex back in his hay days. But I bet he has all the cures that aren't publicized also.

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Totally agree! It wasn’t till I eliminated all the processed foods and seed oils I was consuming, that I realized I hadn’t had a common cold or seasonal flu in years since I cleaned up my diet

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Feb 8, 2023
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Which of all the things mentioned there did you try?

This is the original link:


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I like the straight up name for it.

Bio weapon, and bio weapon injections

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To any who think a virus exists. I studied the production and products, history, development, and IP. Using lasers and other processes. The protein of a virus Spike protein was 99% Clone. There may not be a Omicron virus but in developement

the instructions to force a bulk of gene matching cells to reproduce the spike protein for up to 1.5 years. Expressing genetic changes (more like a shotgun blast). So they came up with 86 vaccine so now people are getting Covid 86. I can't see this as benign when IT transfer from CI and assume WEF involvement to DOD in 2002. In 1969 Fauci, Fort Detrick, NIH, construction of the WEF from the Club of Rome. Unreserched back to 1950 to 2050. How many Millions is the scam?

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Wow! That surely complements the timeline:


Any suggested links?

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no it does NOT...try some real docs like Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman, the doctors BAILEY, Lee Merritt etc

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I suggest Prof you have a chat to Drs Sam and Dr. Mark J Bailey.

Then there is extensive examination by Mike Stone exposing the lies of virology which he calls virology. https://viroliegy.com/2024/05/23/the-germ-hypothesis-part-1-pasteurs-problems/

Virology is pure pseudoscience to enable the investors in Big Pharma VIC (Vaccine industrial complex) to extract profit and as far as Ivermectin goes its design was for parasites.

The premise was based on falsifiable thesis beginning with Fan Wu, et al aided by Christian Drosten's team. They found nothing. - https://drsambailey.com/a-farewell-to-virology-expert-edition/

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Can we work with you to take down the evil monsters who rule the world even if we disagree with you about this (like I do)? I don't have time to read your references and I bet you don't have time to read mine so can we just move past this?

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Not as long as the evil monsters who rule the world rely on lies about contagion to terrify and rule the hoi polloi, we can't. (I can't, anyway--you do as you like.)

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Agreed we can't. People will live in fear quite unnecessarily whilst big pharma continue to stick people up for large sums of money big time whilst harming and killing many.

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But what do you do when people actually get ill? Don't you think it's at least possible that, BY WHATEVER MEANS, whether 5G, directed energy beams, ultra-low-frequency waves, venom in the piped water, toxins sprayed from drones or high-altitude aircraft, pathogens, or WHATEVER, that disease was deliberately induced by the evil monsters via their cronies, proxies, and patsies, and that people should know how to treat the afflicted and to prevent themselves getting afflicted? Do you think those hundreds of studies showing the effectiveness of treatments and preventive measures are all bogus? Don't you think the evil monsters could have done ALL the things I listed as well as lied and coerced people into getting deadly inoculations (of varying “quality“ and with varying formulations)?

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Good question and observations. The issue is that each person must be considered as an individual not a herd.

I was a building surveyor (UK) and I observed that certain 'symptoms' that were visible might be down to more than one cause. The same is true with an individual.

But there are certain basics. Bizarre as it may sound the cure for Covid is in the name CoviD.

Vitamin C for Cure and vitamin D for Defense. Low D levels have been a world wide problem for some time due to increased living and working indoors. Other factors include the seclusion of women in the middle east for example, away from the benefits of the sun.

All the things you list seem to be a cause of disease as they poison our bodies. And to that food and water full of toxins. Eliminating them takes time and dedication, and a unified resolve between people of good heart.

I am suspicious of studies which promote big pharma drugs even if they are effective, if only because ultimately big pharma benefit. I have said this elsewhere.

"There are natural herbs and spices that will do the same thing without the nasty side effects. Big pharma take natural things, refine them/break them down into the one particular thing that is supposed to have the desired effect.

They then add bulking agent to sell to the gullible at a price to reflect them mucking about with something that was perfectly adequate in the first place!"

I am sure that something like Ivermectin is useful, but ultimately should not have been necessary in the first place as other things, such as grapefruit I believe will do the same thing and be better balanced.

So in answer to your last question, yes, and a whole lot more besides. Forgive me if you have seen this, I am working from the email reply and not on the main thread.


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Well said and I totally agree..I am going about it this exact way, and just got my vitamins and supplements up to more appropriate levels to make a difference in the first instance…and continue researching natural components and their medicinal properties well known for what ails people. Everything our amazing bodies needs to heal and repair is naturally existing around us. Use nature as your medicine cabinet. Look up Sayer Ji website: GMI =Greenmedinfo.com..sign up and you will receive regular articles he posts on exactly these everyday ails we have(and worse)via a massive library on just about everything there is known on natural health/remedy.

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I'm already convinced that all the vaccines currently administered do more harm than good. That doesn't rule out the possibility of a treatment that will trigger the same immune response as a pathogen without causing the disease.

I already know that vitamins D and C HELP fight Covid and many other ailments. But that doesn't mean other treatments can't be added that speed recovery or prevent the disease from even taking hold. I have a massive list of possible treatments that I've been adding to for a year and a half now.

If you think that “natural“ is necessarily better than “unnatural” then you've fallen for dogma, haven't you? Religiosity gets in the way of discovering the truth, however arbitrary, convoluted, and/or upsetting it (the truth) might be, doesn't it? EVERYTHING one is convinced of must be subject to constant review and open to correction, mustn't it?

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Gees Jill. That makes Covid virus the perfect weapon. Untraceable. Genius.

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I don't know about "untraceable." Anything's untraceable if you refuse to look for it.

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If viruses don’t exist, why do antivirals work?

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Viruses as seen through electron microscope are exosomes, part of body's defenses.


Viruses were however once defined as 'poison, slime or venom' and in this description are chemical not biological.


Anti-virals don't work except to poison people and make money for big pharma.



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I've taken an antiviral (ivermectin) and it has made me feel better several times.

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Yes, I understand this to be the case with others. However, Ivermectin is strictly an anti-parasite, not anti-viral otherwise it would not have been restricted in the USA, for example. I did a post.


Please note I have replied to another of your good comments elsewhere.

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Who says it's strictly an anti-parasitic? The drug companies who don't want it to be used to cure viral infections? It was shown to kill SARS-CoV-2 in vitro in a study published by Monash University in April 2020, wasn't it? Bryan Ardis says it's also effective against the venom peptide sequences from the spike protein and/or the spiked (pun!) water supply, but not nearly as good as nicotine. Watch https://rumble.com/v2bgz88-what-is-this-that-you-have-done-episode-2-an-interview-with-dr.-bryan-ardis.html from 1:45:20.

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Thank you for your reply. I think koppykat has answered your point very well, but I will add my pennies worth.

The problem here Alex, is virology as currently understood is fundamentally flawed. Germ theory is quite wrong and thus people are floundering around trying to understand what is going on. This is all understandable under the circumstances.

As regards the so-called virus, what is seen through the electron microscope is the exosome, part of the body's own defense system.


The drug companies don't want cheap drugs to cure people as curing people is not their aim; profit is.

But as I have said to you and to others all big pharma drugs are deliberate extortion. They take something natural and cheap, refine it to a white powder then they add bulking agent to sell to the gullible at a price to reflect them mucking about with something that was perfectly adequate in the first place!

I wrote this about pharmaceuticals which I group into two types; the neuro-toxic which merely suppress pain and the anti-oxidant which actually are of some use like Ivermectin.

But as I say above, ultimately such drugs are also pointless in the sense that there always was something available naturally to do the something.

That is good food and drink. In the UK you can find lots of useful things in the hedgerows for free. Big pharma do not like free of course!!



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I think you’ll find Alex, it’s a case of it (Ivermectin) did work to cure something very very significant in those who’ve seen a benefit. Most people on the planet don’t realise humans are riddled with parasites - in some places more than others. So the benefit perceived absolutely could be that it gave their parasites something to chew on, other than the heavy metals in their bodies ! Or maybe it took care of that as well. Then people did feel better..because parasites feed off of heavy metals in our gut and proliferate. Parasites really undermine our health, so go figure if ppl are taking Ivermectin..unwittingly are taking care of a really big toll on their overall health by doing so. Many are also detoxing heavy metals as well, so it must make a huge difference in how they fared health wise. But not in an anti-viral sense.

PS I don’t believe in viruses being thought to be little particles which pathogenically set out to get us all, either. Virus are just dead cell matter, with no heart beat, no gut, no nerves, no brain and no agendas to invade and kill us. There was no C19 “virus” at all, just lots of toxins and poisons applied.

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Dr. Ardis has some very interesting research into the venom question. I wish he had been able to save Dr. Buttar.

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Been reading this discussion which is interesting and quite enlightening.

What I see are some open minds and some very firmly closed ones who refuse to look past their favourite theory of the day. In other circunstances it would be quite amusing. The reailty is that this closed mindedness is nothing but destructive, in so many ways.

I agree with you Alex. A drug made and sold as an anti parasitic does not preclude its benefit in other aspects. That Ivermectin is/was made from a natural origin makes no difference and there seems to be a big swell here, and plenty other places, of anything natural is good, anything synthesized by Pharma is bad, even if the original substance source is/was natural.

Had Ivermectin been discovered/marketed first to be anti microbial would these people currenty in the 'Ivermectin is only anti parasitic' camp deny its anti parasitic quality? I am sure some indeed would, and that dogma is so clear to me but not to them. Yeah but. ... sputter ... . To be so closed and narrow minded and stick absolutely resolutely to one opinion in the face of new information is dumb. We would still be in the middle ages if we all did that.

Even simple things like salt (NaCl) have varying effects on the body when ingested. Is salt a food? Is salt a preservative? We don't get 'nourishment' from salt yet it is essential for life. In sufficient concentration it is deadly toxic to ALL life, including the microbes we can't see with the naked eye yet we know is there, moulds, yeasts, bacteria etc.. That deadly quality is why salt is an excellent preservative and cleanser. Should we then not ingest it at all? Yet it is absolutely necessary, among other things, for the release of cellular energy, which is essential for life.

Oh shock horror - Ivermectin is an anti parasitic and cannot have any function for any other application. There must be another reason for the apparent resolution of the difficulty. Quick, look, there must be some other reason.

It is easy to 'prove' a theory by looking for what you want to find and ignoring the rest. 'Ivermectin is an anti parasitic not and anti viral' Lalallala - can't hear you can't see you seems to be the refrain of too many in this discussion.

Closed minds help no-one. Sure, debate is good. Arguing a bad point ad nauseum without properly looking and listening to all sides is indeed dogma.

Waiting for the backlash...

Thanks Alex.

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Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic.

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It's a multi-purpose drug (like so many others like aspirin):

Treats 25 viruses, cancer, multiple sclerosis, SPS....


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Because they are misnamed.

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DO they work?

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If they are antioxidant then strictly yes I suppose, but most (possible all marketed as such) anti-virals are neuro-toxic and poisonous so in general no.

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You wouldn't care to synopsize, would you?

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Do they?..placebo effect? maybe wishful thinking you just really really don’t want to feel so yuk…..so, you don’t.

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I have commented in detail in this thread, but agreed placebo effect probably as far as it goes, certainly where neuro-toxic anti-virals go - which is generally to take you into hospital or the morgue!

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Do they ?

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I kind of agree until I found the virus was created for the unvaccine. Not you and me.

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The haccine WAS ze virus! Even self-spreading! The ultimate goal of the COVID psy-ops was to hack our cells into producing the lab-designed genotoxic spike protein.

Whether you believe in vaccines or not, in virus or not, we should all work together in peace to ban haccines.

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Choleta is certainly isolatable.

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What is "choleta"?

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Typo. . . Cholera . . . It's caused by a v visible bacteria. Vibrio cholera.

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OK, but it's a bacterium, NOT a virus. According to Tom Cowan, the actual killer is Cholera Toxin, which vibrio cholerae (the bacterium) produces under low- oxygen conditions (p. 28, THE CONTAGION MYTH). To avoid cholera, don't drink polluted water.

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Jun 4, 2023
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CoVID exists, does it? You have proof? Malone doesn't.

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You have your evidence, Malone has his. A lot of people trust Malone's conclusions, and frankly he has much more experience than you do. A good many credible scientists and doctors also think it's premature to throw out all viral theory with the bathwater. I think the "No virus" crowd is a bit overzealous.

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Yeah, "credible" scientists & docs know they're gonna lose their JOBS if they admit that Germ Theory is fraud; & the job market isn't so hot right now. Malone's job is definitely to fend that off the truth. That's the trouble with science--it doesn't worry about socio-political B.S.; only the facts.

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I enjoyed this, I place my faith in no man or woman hence I worry very little about who is controlled or who is not.

Our goal should be just as I do, every day I talk to from 5-10 people and focus on having them stop taking these injections and show them the power of a high vitamin d level and Gods other nutrients to heal our bodies.

I also give those that need it links for detoxing and show them alternative natural healing items like chlorine dioxide, colloidal silver, ivermectin-paste and pill, hydrogen peroxide and nebulizer and last but certainly not least DMSO.

God always wins people, stay in and keep the faith, spread Gods words and just as importantly the truth, satan hates the truth.

Far too many trusted in man and science, both of whom lie and manipulate whereas I chose to trust in God and His amazing immune system.

Guess who has not been let down.

My own story is I refuse to be tested 3 times a week and my job of 28 years was gone but do not feel bad for me as our God went to work and gave me a whole new life thats better in every way then my old life was.

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You're Awesome doing what you are to help people! I found something that really helps people and changes their lives for real. You should listen to some of the testimonials people are telling about what is happening with their bodies and their lives. Here is the link I give out to people: https://MoreMito.com/HealthIsWealth

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How to use DSMO? Thank you.

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If you really want to know what you are doing I recommend this book and I think she has a telegram channel where you can get it for free plus on telegram messenger there are channels dedicated to dmso and other natural healing products, just search dmso in the search bar.


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This is what I love about the comment section. Much appreciated.

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You are very welcome and not sure if you have used the Telegram app before but if not try and use it through the computer or if you have an android phone make sure to download from the Telegram website. Google and Apple are throttling people on the app when they download it from google playstore or the apple store.

When you have it installed, input the different items in my original post to find channels dedicated to these products.

When you find a channel like this one https://t.me/CD_DMSO when you join it and click the bar at the top of the app/channel you then find all videos, files and other documents that have been shared on that channel.


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I do have an Android but not on Telegram yet. How do I get to the website without using playstore.? I value your help, again Thank you.😉

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Just head to their website and download for Android and approve whatever security prompts you get.


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Would love to hear that story. Bless you!!

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Links for detoxing please?

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I am not sure how to detox with HP. I do Nebulize with it.

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What's HP?

30 Spike Protein Treatments (COVID+Vx)


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I thought in your comment you said Hrydrogen Peroxide. Thanks 4 the link.

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A huge piece of ‘the plan’ is to reduce the world population by 95%. If you believe in life after death, as Christian’s do, it’s time to prepare by focusing on praying and penance. These times show that Satan and his devils have been unleashed.

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There is a battle raging in the spiritual realm..

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Not “if you BELIEVE in life after death”, but “if there IS life after death and what you do before death affects the quality of your life after death”. There's a hypothesis to test (and keep testing constantly).

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Not in the NE US they're not rare. Con-trails DO NOT span the sky from horizon to horizon.

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I’ve noticed some here in the Midwest are almost becoming a plaid. Crossing over still visible Chem-trails. Guess they want us injured and dead faster.

How Tartan of the Psychopaths.

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Same in my Midwestern state. The only day of the week I've noticed really clear skies (when the weather permits) is Sunday.

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Same here in eastern NC...they take a break on Sunday. Just saw some amazing photos sent to me by another poster of the insides of the planes used to poison us with their spray. Some of the personnel even had "cute" patches with the words: "Spray and Pray" on them. And yet so many deny their existence.

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Thank-you for that link.

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Share it please. I got it from a poster at another site and I have bookmarked it for future use. Very helpful for those who post all kind of "scientific mumbo-jumbo" to try to confuse or deflect. There are so many pictures that it's very difficult to dismiss the truth.

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Have they let up on spraying there this Summer? It's been mostly clear here since sometime in June.

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It hasn't been quite as much, but it's still happening. I think they might be spraying more at night.

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Very possible. 😒

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Killers Gotta rest.

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Pretty much. Even their pilots get a day off.

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California has the plaid skies too

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Beyond sad.

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Says who? It completely depends on atmospheric conditions.

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The photos are fascinating, but prove nothing that is especially useful to you or me. I've never said to anyone that the U.S. gov't is not poisoning the populace; on the other hand, there are dozens of legitimate uses (and needs) for aerial spraying equipment. Note that the Chinese are quite proud of their weather modification efforts (fools that they are), which generally require such apparatus. We can observe that at least half of the photos from the article you attached show extensive instrumentation -- something much more plausible for research than for genocide. In many cases, there is no attempt made to conceal the spraying apparatus and nozzles, which also points to a lack of secrecy and malice. The storage tanks are numerous and nearly all of limited size -- while a mass poisoning effort only requires a few large containers and simple controls.

I'm reasonably confident that there IS nefarious activity going on in the atmosphere above us -- but we can't point to all instances of contrails and scream "Chemtrails" without having more concrete evidence of their location and composition. (Yes, I have heard the stories of barium and aluminum contamination, but only in a few verifiable cases. We need more information and evidence.) If massive quantities of chemicals were being dumped on us, they would need to be sourced, shipped, and consumed -- so where are the records that point to that kind of activity? Just asking...

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I think its called dimming. I think MIT, Bill Gates, and his ilk say we need to spray the atmosphere to create cloud cover to decrease global warming. There are other scenarios that I've read about, but I'm not a scientist and don't really understand the details. But it seems that this cloud cover actually holds in heat and is in direct opposition to what they say. Have you checked out Dane Wigington's website: GeoengineeringWatch.org? I've been looking at the skies and have observed a direct correlation between trails and cloud cover; not once, but time after time.

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Did you fail to notice the photo of a clothing patch that says "Don't just spray em...Barium" and showed a picture of a headstone with the element barium on it?

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Lemme guess: "atomospheric conditions" which have only existed for the past decade.

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No, since the first flights at altitude.

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Well. Must be Boston. They repel Everything!!

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Jill. Not yet.

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Under #7) Lethal “medicine”: lab designed bioweapons, would you please add gadolinium based contrast agents (GBCA’s) to your list?

Gadolinium is injected into the body in approximately 40% of patients receiving an MRI. To make it sound completely harmless, radiologists refer to a GBCA as a “Contrast Dye” (Die). I was told that it is like KoolAid and would be expelled from my body within 24 hours. After decades and dozens of MRI’s with a GBCA, my already overtaxed body is saturated with gadolinium, proven by urinalysis.

The pharmaceutical companies are proud to admit they’ve delivered over 300+ million of these toxic heavy metal injections to unsuspecting patients and the FDA is finally admitting that gadolinium stays in our brains, bones, organs, and skin for YEARS! They will not admit or confirm that hundreds of thousands of people now live with the disastrous consequences of being injected with a toxic heavy metal. Gadolinium has

also been found in the mRNA C19 experimental gene therapy injections.

For more information on the signs and symptoms of gadolinium toxicity, please check out this website:


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Thank you! I'll add it to the long list of supposedly harmless products and medicines that are slo-murdering us.

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I believe when I had my last MRI I could NOT complete it. I was literally throwing up. Felt awful for days. God, I feel so stupid. This was back in 2020 when ' Covid' first hit. Also I spent alot of time in the hospital for tests. EMPTY TOO!

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Hi again! :) Trust me, had the radiologist provided you with full disclosure and informed consent that a toxic heavy metal with serious adverse effects was being injected into your system, you and I both would have hurriedly exited the room while pulling back on our street clothes!!!

For decades, and even now, rarely are patients afforded the opportunity to read and understand exactly what the product is and consists of, before being injected with a GBCA. Patients never see the detailed “warnings or precautions” page that come with the manufacturer’s vials. Heck, patients never even see the vials, only a syringe filled with a clear liquid that they refer to simply as a “contrast dye” (die). Sounds harmless, aye???

Please don’t be too hard on yourself! I’ve had dozens of gadolinium injections for almost two decades and though I have and continue to suffer with deep bone pain in my arms and legs (which is the major symptom of gadolinium toxicity... along with a host of other toxic heavy metal symptoms), I didn’t put two and two together until I started to research my strange debilitating symptoms and found this gadolinium toxicity group, known as “The Lighthouse Project”.

Here’s a link to their website:


The most difficultly in the gadolinium gambit is understanding that gadolinium could be the culprit to a whole plethora of different symptoms that may not show up for months or even years, so no one is the wiser to connect the dots between a GBCA and the debilitating onslaught of new and strange reactions, believing and trusting that what the radiologist injected was “safe”, with the caveat, “because they said it was so”.

Please checkout the website I referenced above as it’s pages contain so much information about gadolinium itself.

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I did check out the site. They are looking for volunteer's for the Phase 1 clinical trial study. Thank you kindly.

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Unfortunately, I don’t meet the eligibility requirements for the study due to ill health (caused by GBCA’s) but please do let me know if you decide to participate!

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I will do. Thank you.

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How do we detox that?

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You aren’t “justANobody”, unfortunately, at this time, though radiologists have willingly been injecting gadolinium into unsuspecting patients for over thirty years, not one of them or their pharmaceutical counterparts ever even once considered that injecting a toxic heavy metal into already overtaxed bodies would lead to serious life altering consequences to those undergoing an MRI, hence, none of these college graduates now with a Dr. after their name have looked into the one hundred zillion dollar question, “Once it is embedded into the brains, bones, skin, and organs of the patient, how do we remove it???”

Sorry for the bombastic tone! :)

Those who have been poisoned with gadolinium have only two hopes, and they are Julian Rees and Rebecca Abergel—both scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and leading experts in heavy metal poisoning. After becoming aware that millions of bodies are now contaminated with gadolinium, they began to research ways in which to chelate the toxic heavy metal.

The company expects the Phase 1 clinical trial to begin later this year, testing for the treatment’s safety in humans with their first product— HOPO-101—which is a novel oral treatment that works by selectively binding to toxic metals so they can be removed from the body. Here is their website link:


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Webpage is gone.

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Found it.

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What a thoughtful answer. Thank you kindly.

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I clicked on the link and it is working...

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I will try a different browser. Thank you. Thanks for the kindness!

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I hope and pray to God I die nowhere near or in the corp-medical System, but I trust in God that His Will be done and He is Truth and Love and if I must suffer them to death, it will be Best for me.

Don't misunderstand, I trust my doctor personally, but a know I cannot trust those he trusts - staff in office, or hospital or any professional in that Satanic System, and for the retarded and those that assume bad-will on me (or others) that of course there are decent good people mix into that system - and they mean well, but I understand they are the lamb skin warn be such vile and evil people this Hell has vomited up.

I have had too many clear evils done and intended to be done to them in their system, the MRI reminded me of one of the last or last time I went it and got a CatScan and when reviewing with the doctor the images he found what I was told was done - an abdominal hernia patch - was never placed, and I spotted the line that was attached to my naval that I was told after the surgery was a stich to close the entrance cut, the line went from the stich up and under my sternum and out of the frame of the CatScan, and I have never been told or consented too anything like that .. luckily I am used to life destroying and killing betrayal by then having gone through the realization that all my life my mother, society, media, gov, and all professional that were obligated by contract or professional duties to assist or guide me stayed silent or mind-raped me, and I suffered badly in so many ways.

And that is not the most horrific and terrifying that was done or attempted done to me, but by the Grace and Mercy of God, it didn't.

If you lie to someone directly or through silence or support those that do or did - especially someone trusted like the mother or teachers - your screaming long death will be considered by me Just and you likely place in Hell a sad but Just place for you.

.. May God Forgive me and have Mercy on them and me, us all.

I and most people run a chance that we would have been better dead away from such evil then going in for care.

.. in this we have in common with most every child entering into the Witch-directed pedo-women filled mind-raping public schools.

God Bless., Steve

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I hear you Steve. 🤗

As a believer in Jesus, you must realize, your personal suffering is not for not! By sharing your experiences with others, you are opening eyes that were closed and opening hearts for Christ!

I figure we all are brought to our knees at some point in our lives, usually by some kind of tragedy or other, because this is the one place our God can get our full attention and spill His wisdom into our spirits and open up our minds to allow Him to provide the understanding and mental strength and fortitude we will need to carry out His desires with His grace, and this is, that we each become fishers of men, for His benefit, not our own.

(It is very interesting though how this process improves our own lives so beautifully and dramatically!)

This is the key: to recognize that all we are and all we do and all we contribute and all we’ve experienced is to turn to Him, to hold Him up and honor Him, as an example of His grace and love, for His purposes.

It is in “walking through the valley of the shadow death” where we find His light. It is in the going through the “troubled waters” where we find His peace.

I’m not sure that there is any other way to connect fully into our Heavenly Father without experiencing the torment and personal suffering as Jesus did. It’s as if we have to experience the death of what we considered our life, to fully embrace the clarity and beauty of all that we have been freely given and that IS the gift of forgiveness and of love. Once we have an understanding of this, no matter whether our bodies are vertical or horizontal, we become alive and blessed beyond measure living within the Holy Spirit of our One True God!

It is all written there within your Bible, Steve, the way, the truth, and the life! Read it! Read it often! The words written will pop out at you like you’ve discovered something revolutionary, something that mere man could never devise or explain. And there you will see and find yourself, within the stories told by the men of old who lived out their lives to honor and love our Lord and Savior Jesus with their full being.

It’s time Steve, to put away all bitterness and sorrow to find within yourself His mercy and forgiveness for those whom have deceived and harmed you throughout your life. Yours is a tale as old as time and the only way to redeem yourself from the hurt and pain and sorrow is to “let go and let God!” He desperately loves you, and I, desire only the best for your life. 🥰

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Yes, once I broke free of what must have been Demonic-Oppression that kept me Blind to Satanic caused abuses to me and others, I found I was bigger in some dimension I have no words to describe.

Very much those Paradym which contains all those memories and the need to warn others, is folded away, I'm much bigger that those versions I must Taste to recall the depth of suffering and horror I was in, and Know what was rare is mostly the standard for so many males, with female having their own abusive procedure, and now mental-soul Mutilation was not enough, body-sexuality-sex mutilations is 'acceptable'

Since my nature is to put those horrors, I been through aside and 'forget' and then get trapped again, so regular reminders is not only to warn others, but reminding myself.

What level of insanity will this Fall stop at .. none of course, chaos and Hell next stop!

Thank you for your support.

God Bless., Steve

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Let's pray for all. I hope this might help you help others:

Is the concept of “god” a comfort-blanket for the weak, who can’t cope with the hopeless fact that we were all born to die? Is religion just a community-net for the feeble, needing psychological support for the complete certainty that, in the face all ending in death, our dreams and quests are in vain?

Some agree with this person’s comment: “Sheeple are not known for independent thinking. They are very good at following, however. They think that they are going to the sheep paradise in the sky, not the slaughter house. They think shepherds have affection for them. HAHA

The shepherds fleece them, and make lambchops. Sheep are their income. Pastors and priests are deceiving pimps who have absolutely no love for their sheep.”1

Or is it that the unbelievers are ignoring the vast unquestionable rational and scientific evidence proving the existence of the immortal soul, unique-ensoulment, Judgement by God, eternal heaven, hell, and true religion?

Atheists and agnostics would start to find answers in peer-reviewed Near Death Experiences. Consciousness, intelligence, will, are all spiritual properties of the spiritual immortal soul. How do we know that? some of the blind from birth see in colors for the first time when they are brain dead (no electricity, no activity, no bloodflow, no oxygen) and also no heartbeat and no breathing. The same happens with some of the deaf: they listen for the first time to conversations around or if they go up, even celestial music!

“there are characteristic features that are commonly observed in NDEs. These characteristics include a perception of seeing and hearing apart from the physical body, passing into or through a tunnel, encountering a mystical light, intense and generally positive emotions, a review of part or all of their prior life experiences, encountering deceased loved ones, and a choice to return to their earthly life.”


5 peer reviewed experiences (among dozens):


Neurosugeon testimony:


Struck by lighting and came back from near-death to tell us about how we will be Judged:


"God is love" says the Bible, the Word of God (1 John 4:7-12) Do you believe in love? then you believe in God. How do you prove love to yourself? If you prove love, you prove God! There’s no love without God, the source of all true love. He’s not only the love of my life, He’s the life of my love!

Jesus said “I’m... the life.” (John 14:16)

“God gives life to everything.” (1 Timothy 6, 13)

Do you believe in life? You prove life, you prove God, eternal life, source of all life:


That is where you should start your journey of discovery, but first pray: "God, life of my love, if you exist, please show me the way to find the bliss of knowing You"

or even better:

Think this with your heart: “Jesus, if you are the Son of God, I consecrate my heart to your Heart. Please send me the Holy Spirit so I can see Truth and have the courage to convert and follow Him wherever He leads”

Mathematical proof of God’s mind

Who could have imagined that mathematical images could be so beautiful?:


Movie Review: After Death


Scientific proof of God and the soul:


Scientific proof of religion


What do you believe comes after death (Science backs religion)?



Which Christian denomination is more Biblical?


Why aren't atheists convinced by miracles which happened, and are scientifically proven?


If you want to find the true Church, among 40 thousand denominations, start reading the writings of the first Christians, before the Roman Empire, like Augustine of Hippo (start with Confessions):


Irenaeus of Lyon, etc.:


You'll discover which Church is the most faithful to the Bible and early Christianity before the Roman Empire. Hint: which religion you would belong to, if you were born 600 years ago, continuing uninterruptedly the teachings held by the early Christians?

If you read thoroughly John 6, the followers that left, didn't leave because "the Spirit that gives life and the flesh which profits nothing" but because they thought Jesus was telling them that they had to turn into cannibals by actually eating His flesh, just as the bread from heaven (manna).

He didn't mean that the consecrated bread would be just a symbol for His presence but actually His REAL physical presence. That's why he didn't stop them from leaving Him in the dozens or hundreds by saying?:

"Hey come back, it was just another parable, a symbolic metaphor !"

Because Jesus was indeed talking literally!

Biblical references about the Eucharist:




Scientifically Proven Eucharistic Miracles

Over 300 consecrated breads have turned into lab-confirmed fresh human heart-tissue, and the wine, into AB+ blood, even if blood-types were discovered 150 years ago while the first Eucharistic miracles happened 1000 years ago (which proves that the miracles are not a fabrication):






The beauty of the Church


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No one is coming to save us. We must do it ourselves. The political party system has hijacked democracy. Ruled by money, it serves the tyranny of wealth rather than the well-being of the public.

LocalResistance.org provides a safe, anonymous search tool to connect neighbours and initiate local action. By linking locally we can find strength & support, we can communicate, coordinate, educate & resist. Here we provide a searchable database to easily locate neighbours in your own city or town who share your concerns and who are willing to stand together and press for truth locally. To protect your safety and privacy you are not required to provide your real name to the database. If you are comfortable doing so later with the people you connect with that is your choice. Your level of involvement is totally up to you. You can talk privately here using our anonymous email system until you are comfortable with meeting in person, then you can work with others to establish working groups, organize events... anything is possible. No one will know your real name or see your e-mail address unless you give it to them. Your privacy is absolute.

LocalResistance.org is just a search tool, not a community group. User interests and beliefs don’t have to align with those of any other organization. There is no administrative hierarchy to restrain or approve you. Users form their own local groups independently based upon their shared concerns. LocalResistance.org exists solely to co-ordinate communications and establish partnerships… it has no other agenda of its own. We need a worldwide network of independent local resistance cells, too numerous to eliminate, autonomous and locally controlled, acting continuously to expose and expel all of the corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and corporations who would deny our personal freedom, sovereignty and natural rights.

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Interesting...🤔💡Is this your site? Where are you located? How do you spread the word about this effort and how many people are in the database? What locations are most represented? Any anecdotes on how people are connecting leveraging this site? So many questions...😊 Thx!

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I started it, Canada, blogs & comments, 100s, Canada & USA, members private info not shared

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Thanks, for that link

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Something like this 4 set from walmart.com is a decent start (maybe get battery version if you don't own portable solar recharge system) Uniden SX407-2CK (8-Pack) 2-Way SX Radios with Up to 40-Mile Range & 22 Channels (15 GMRS, 7 FRS) https://www.walmart.com/ip/468301853

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Please don’t recommend giving your hard earned money to Walmart. Really?

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The other option would be Ali Baba direct for wholesale price, but min order is 10.

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Some of the things you mention are theories and hard to justify on sober reflection. The fact that you and others promote them plays into the hands of the elite because while they are vanishingly unlikely to be actual threats they are very effective at spreading Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.

There is little reason to suppose that the elite will cause environmental poisoning that they cannot avoid. However they will be happy to let you THINK they do so that you can spread fear on their behalf and make the people easier to control.

I recommend that you partition elite control FACTS and THEORIES into two categories and only say what is proven to be true.

Flat earth is false, chem-trail is almost certainly false, poisoned water is mostly false, nutrient free processed food is real, vaccine harms are real, threat of digital currency is real, media corruption and so on. Also it makes sense to focus more on the ones that you can do something about and not have people worry about stuff they cannot control.

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The reason you question is because you lack data. Not your fault. It's hard to find with current censorship. For example, check Telegram channel "Alimentos magnetizados" (only videos): food in Europe is packed with graphene or a para-magnetic substance.

About poisoned water: https://scientificprogress.substack.com/p/water-poisoning-they-drink-perrier

About EMF attacks: the ones from Sats and 5G are avoidable with certain countermeasures, I'll write about later.

Chemtrail is fully proven. I'll write about that later. They create a EMF sheet above possibly for transmision purposes and climate change for the worse... They disperse with electronites. If you understand Spanish, check CEVICAS channel on Youtube.

Anything I missed?

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Very few if any trails you actually see are “chemtrails”; they are all all readily explicable as CONDENSATION trails from the water in the exhaust of jet engines. You see the same effect from vehicle exhaust on cold, humid mornings.

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There is a HUGE difference between CONDENSATION trails and CHEM trails. Condensation trails dissipate fairly quickly. Chem trails do not. Chem trails spread out, and eventually turn into something resembling clouds. I literally have hundreds of pics on my phone of chem trail spraying all over the northeast. In the past few months they have literally tripled if not quadrupled in some places.

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Well perhaps they're not doing it here in Australia. I'd be interested to see where from the planes the alleged “chemtrails“ are exiting, and whether they're immediately visible on exit from the plane (unlike condensation trails). Do they look distinctly different from con-trails? Have you used an aircraft-tracking site/app (EG Flightradar24) to try to identify the aircraft and their flight paths?

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There are Aussie site and overseas that provide exactly this kind of info. Flight tracking, plane type etc. Perth was always renowned for no condensate trails as no planes flew high enough on international routes over us to leave them. But now we get chem trails. Supplemented by ship based spraying. Plenty of patents revealed on sites show the tech exists in a wide variety of formats.

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Example Aussie site? I've seen high-altitude trails over Sydney.

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Chemical trails are distinctly different from condensation trails. Condensation trails disipate quickly. Chemical trails do not.

Yes, I have. These aircraft are not registered on apps like FlightRadar24.

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Come to Florida you’ll see them numerous times throughout the week

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Watch Frankenskies. Half a century of official geo-engineering.

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I listened to a jet engine expert on this and your view agrees with his - condensation evaporates quickly. Chemtrails are an everyday patchwork over the UK, esp in south where the wealthiest live. I was in Turkey recently and saw not one in a whole fortnight.

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Hi there I am noticing this in South Australia the same. It is increasing exponentially and across more hours of the day and even at night times too.and almost everyday every week. It churns my gut. I heard it told the pilots they employ for this are totally lost souls who don’t care about anything or anyone. Almost New World Order Kamikaze.

We are very small population and no great resources to draw anyone here. I can’t say what it’s like in our state’s country areas. Also, the few times I catch real live TV..I have even seen chemtrails in the backdrop footage of daily news stories!

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Sorry Alex. That’s the Con.

Jet engines no longer release Contrails. Haven’t for at least a decade.

Go to Geoengieeringwatch.org

Watch the Dimming please.

Del BigTree from HighWire did a great interview w Dane.

My dad a Captain for a major Airline for 35 years.

Confirmed. Those are not Contrails.

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Okay you've got me. I listened to RFK Jr's interview of Dane Wigington. Terrifying. I hope (and think) Dane is wrong about climate change and I think he's missing that the reason they're doing it is not really to mitigate climate change—that's just a decoy—but to poison and starve the populace. And it's focused on the USA; I don't think it's being done to the same degree globally. It's certainly not obvious in Australia.

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Oh yes it is matey... I'm here - and I hate to upset you, but it's rapidly accelerating day by day. I feel awful because it feels me with dread something huge is being escalated, like "the enemy" is really revving up their cull programme.

For some reason, always on saturdays and Sundays..its at it's worst..I think, because people are out and about "in" it ! Equally as upsetting...I seem to be the only human here who "LOOKS" up !! And it's only when people see me hanging out of my car windows filming - that they do look up and just walk away. Because they're rushing off to a BBQ or something important like that.

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Sorry to hear that. It's not obvious to me in the particular location I live. If it is as you say, wouldn't it be visible in satellite cloud photos?

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Europe is dreadful w spraying.

Especially Germany and N Italy.

Last time I was there.

Worse I’ve ever seen.

Warm in December in Germany, w zero snow in S Germany.

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Nope! Contrails from jets are short, compared to chemtrails, and disappear within a short length of time, because of being water vapor. Chemtrails go from horizon to horizon, are much wider than contrails, and continue to widen throughout the day as they slowly disperse. Also, most times, (here) they will be in perpendicular stripes across the sky, making a plaid appearance.

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I have to take a huge bite out of this ignorance...

Just condensation? from jets en route? ...so why is it they feel the need to spend hour upon hour the same pilot, same jet craft (spray jets clearly visible to the eye)..across every day and pm.. forming massive criss-crossed lattice grids of chemical spray coverage stretching for miles across the sky?....if they were just passenger flights going from A to B????????

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The aircraft used over our city in south Oz look like old army huge bellied unmarked silver body. They come in way low overhead, and so slow I can see every detail in plain sight. And this is almost daily experience, same time,each day if I’m stuck in that traffic. Out airport is seconds from this position, they have almost landed when I see them.

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Can you please take video of this and post a link to it? Pan to/from ground level to show context.

I know there's only one sizeable city in South Australia, and I know there's both a commercial airport near the city centre and a military airport in the north (as well as a smaller airport used by light aircraft). Which airport are you referring to?

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Hi Alex, both airports. The big bellied craft seems to b heading to main airport But could be heading to go out across the gulf to who knows where. Some good news I hope, the first week of autumn was clear for the first time ever.. and I didn't notice this until I'd noticed how good I felt...and then looked up! there has been mostly the strange alien-like formations since then..clearly not normal. My hope is the scum-bags are running out of fuel ! (still have plenty of $) sorry too busy at mo, have to go

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Alex. Yes contrails are prominent globally when a jet flies overhead in the right conditions. Contrails disburse within a few short miles. Always do. Chemical injection trails persist. Oftentimes horizon to hierzon. They overlap, cross in a loose pattern. Those are NOT contrails.

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Also, the other very regular pattern here is the dashed line effect (it saddens me how many years ago I used to see this effect) now I know what it is. Seriously, it comes down fast once it is sprayed - it spreads out wildly in a huge wave-like sheet and keeps spreading like this within minutes, I have watched it happen for over an hour and see how from a line it spreads out into a widening band and keeps spreading wider and wider and drops down low just above buildings..as I’ve driven right across our city and suburbs…they target us with amazing precision.

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Again, please take video (time lapse if possible) and post links to it.

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Alex, your denial hurts! Contrails dissipate rapidly while chemtrail/aerosol particulates remain visible for hours. How come some days are worse than other days? Why can I see one plane leaving stripes while another doesn’t?

Chemtrailing is real and geoengineering is not new.

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Funny enough the planes have switches that are designated as Chemtrails. Check this out:


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I hate to be the one to inform you but, your poor brain is mush. I personally would be completely embarrassed to make such statements if I had zero knowledge of the subject. Go back to you CNN as you are a lost cause.

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Not the ones I've seen! I used to photograph them. As they dissipate, with certain filters, you could see the area filled with particles falling. Once, they started while on my walk. I don't get nose bleeds, but they filled the sky w 2 planes going back and forth. Yes, I got a terrible nose bleed.

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Sorry, I will have to take my leave. There is no justification for believing that the elite will piss in their own water by using 'chemtrails'. The same goes for 5G, sure that may turn out to have some negative effects but the elite move amongst us and want to do so freely.

Many of the things you propose are interesting and scary theories but few have actual proof that they do what they claim to. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof in general. Even if it is fringe it must pass the smell test and comply with self interest, logic and physics.

Perhaps we meet again somewhere but I do hope that you promote facts instead of fear, what you do now is helping the opposition.

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1. They drink source water, as I already explained in detail in the above link

2. The main purpose of chemtrails :

2.1. Create an EMF grid (it doesn't fall much because it is sustained by the cell towers EMFs). Footage shows they seem to be dispersed by electronites.

2.2. Disperse clouds? Create drought?

Anyway both objectives don't affect the wealthy, who'll never run out of source water and food.

Also, 5G EMF can be neutralized with Faraday boxed buildings and using conductive soles.

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If I spray poison into my own environment it goes everywhere. It goes into the organ transplants I want, into the crops I use to get leather and cotton and wool and food. It is UNCONTROLLED and therefore those with near unlimited resources WILL NOT USE THAT METHOD even if it worked which no one has shown.

Speculation is not proof. Chemtrail groupies claim it reduces sunlight and increases UVB with erroneous measurements. Claims that it may increase greenhouse effect and cause warming are mixed with claims that it will increase reflection and cooling.

You cannot prove a theory with speculation that shows opposing results.

If you want to be taken seriously you will have to find actual DATA and a credible analysis of that data that proves your theory, otherwise it is simply FUD and not suitable for intelligent people to share as fact.

The elite do not want to life in a toxic environment, some want less people but not at the risk to their own health.

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You haven't read anything I wrote.

1. They get organic food and source water

2. Graphene and aluminum nano particles don't contaminate much, they are nano or micro (as lab analysis has shown). Most live outside sprayed cities.

3. The purpose seems to build an EMF grid: footage shows it disperses when cell towers are sabotaged or with electronites

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I concur. Elana Freeland has been excellent on this.

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Besides, I get the impression that the megalomaniacal elite would rather take the whole world down with them than lose their supremacy. They'll go full scorched earth if that's what it takes.

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They don’t care.

That is your first mistake.

Believing they think like you do.

They don’t.

It’s all about what power can I excel at.

Controlling the weather. Destroying crops, countries huge Power play.

Destroying countries w Financial power is no longer a thrill.

They are Power Junkies.

The only feelings they have is that jolt of did it.


Nothing, empty , psychopaths.

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Methinks “the elite” as you call them are not as smart as they think V they are They have lived protected lives and believe that they are charmed and indestructible as a child It is either that or they are alien and their life form requires different nutrients and yes these thoughts have not been “proven”

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Me thinks you are elite.

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You are so wrong.

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Gee, I see chemtrails nearly every day that's not overcast. Sometimes I see them at night, by moonlight.

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Where do you live? Country? State? City?

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Right. I think you previously posted the website to see the map where the geoengineering is happening?

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These occur when they cloud seed, predominantly to prevent hail over cultivated lands, pretty rare.

What you are really seeing is contrails which are condensation trails and they are benign and have been going on since the advent of higher altitude air travel. If you consider they were supposed to start in 1970's but have been around since the end of WWi.

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Start reading here: geoengineeringwatch.org

Search for chemtrail footage in rumble, bitchute, odysee.com... etc.

Those "silver" airplanes have zero identification required for any aircraft. Why didn't the air force shoot them down?

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I see the damn things waft slowly right overhead while I am sitting in peak hour traffic queues in hilly areas (they fly real close overhead about to land ) of my city in South Aussie...and you can clearly see the actual jet spray arms on the tail tip section of the unmarked craft which I have observed across my lifetime in this particularly high hilly main roadway out of the city. This after watching what they've sprayed criss-crossing over all of our suburbs...not CROPS...I even study late into the night time parked outside places using wifi sources..and have those puce-coloured clouds disperse widely and then drop like fogs all over the ground level and regularly film footage of this happening...and wipe this muck off of my white vehicle! This stuff is pilling up everywhere. Wake up daft humans !

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Seriously? I grew up there and have relatives there! I can imagine where you may be talking about. I think I'll see if I can get someone there to confirm what you're saying.

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I'm in South Oz... another entity I notice apart from the chem"trails" and have been documenting for yrs now - is - most days, we don't have "normal" cloud formations at all. I have been studying atmospheric conditions since a young child (informally) to present. I am suspecting the frightening gaseous (not normal cloud types) other-worldly "smears" I see daily...and am documenting (for posterity)...are caused by the HAARP facilities possibly?...and I am confirming the direction of these other cloud phenomena..coming indeed from Tasmania...where there is a HAARP base located. I'm trying to find out if anyone else is studying these phenomena too, which I have never seen before but in last few years. Everyday I leave the place I do my research from..am shocked to the point of crying in my car. It is an alien world sky I see every day now. Take Care wherever you are. Ive always been an avid naturist and observing the world around me and have incredible, unheard of visual acuity. There must be a reason I am where I am, and telling it to whomever I can. That's why I am recording it too.

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Even if some high-altitude spraying occurs, it MUST NOT BE CONFUSED WITH ORDINARY CONDENSATION TRAILS, which come from condensation of the water in the exhaust from everyday aircraft engines. Take a close look at a plane flying high overhead leaving a trail. The trails start a short distance BEHIND the jet outlets; they only appear once the exhaust has cooled enough.

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Gee, I see extremely long lasting and ever widening trails all the time in the sky over my community.

They’re NOT merely “exhaust from everyday aircraft engines.”

Open your eyes and your mind.

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Are you serious.....I have been filming and photographing the chemtrails for years upon years. Daily, nightly....here in Oz. YEARS !

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This is from Christchurch New Zealand January 2023.

Yes, I track which planes do this, its always commercial planes travelling overhead, they make a small detour to go over our city.

Please do more research.



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Atmospheric conditions and altitude of flight determine the probability of a contrail.

There is no evidence, as in an absence of evidence that any chemtrails are generated secretly or with malicious intent. Cloud seeding is all open and sometimes works to protect crops from hail damage or drought.

Fins me some research that is published in a journal not some self published propaganda used to scare little old ladies and waste the time of anti-establishmentarians. who would otherwise look for real problems to fix.

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"My Heart [W]ants ■ You"


■ To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: Colossians 1:27, KJV, blueletterbible

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Session Messenger unfortunately needs internet to work. It's a decentralized network that work on top of internet. We must find a way to communicate without the internet they control. I have no solution, yet, but it may be interesting to dig into the "Lora" technology or the old citizen band.

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Please, could someone list out some of the browser that are not censoring search prompts?

Would deeply appreciate it. Thank you 🙏🏻❤️

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Will soon post about that, use yandex.com and mokeek.com

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Thank you a thousand times

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@Scientific Progress, just some constructive criticism. The first part of your piece where you enumerate the parts of the plan is difficult to follow and I think it's because of a lack of indentation (when something is a subset of another) and always using numbers instead of switching to letter when something is a subset of another. At the start you write "2030 Sustainable Development Goals hide a 6 armed scheme.." and I'm expecting the next part to outline those 6 armed schemes but that's not what's next.

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Thank you, also for your next comment. Substack lost all the indenting formatting when pasting. I'll try to fix it ASAP

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Ahhhhh. That explains it.

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look up old MERCK MANUALS. in them "virus" is defined as a "tiny parasite "... so "antivirals" are really parasite medicine

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So much of what is going on IS circular. That’s why we all need to study up on what exactly we are doing with drugs use and with the natural medicinal components alike. Too many people want a result NOW..and so opt for the convenience(?) of OTC’s…instead of applying knowledge of what is best for their short and long term health. Convenience wins most of the time.

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Excellent comment. The biggest struggle for us humans is playing the long game. We can’t help but grasp after the short-term solutions!

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Cultivate optimum health: eat all organic food, get plenty of daily exercise and fresh air and you will never get sick or need big pharma poison pills! I am a testimony to the effectiveness of this lifestyle.

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of those grotesque billionaire bastards and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links.


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.


There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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Hmm, someone as angry as I am. 👍 I couldn't have said it better. Great post, Amy! Do not comply!

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So many of us have known for some time of the vaccine scam and even as we tried to tell people we know of the danger it was always received with doubt or out right denial that any human could do that let alone with the help of the medical system, government, doctors etcetera etcetera. I see more are waking up now but it seems so slow. The virus scam should be put on the news. Anyone know how to highjack TV signals to wake the brain washed?

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I just started Brave New World

It’s so horrifyingly true , not some wild Sci Fi nightmare.

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