What’s up with the WHO coup
The WHO coup is marching on. The negotiations were and are carried out in secret, behind closed doors, without media or NGOs.
At least 14 countries oppose the Pandemic Treaty:
Belarus, Bolivia, N. Korea, Cuba, Eritrea, Iran, Nicaragua, Russia, Syria, Venezuela and Zimbabwe, and most probably Argentina, New Zealand and The Netherlands.
There might be others which hide their position to avoid pressure from the global government in the shadows.
Since there are 194 Member States in the WHO, we’d need 65 countries to vote against the Treaty, or less, if some countries don’t send a representative and don’t delegate their vote.
So, unless there’s a massive reaction, or delegates are awakened at the Assembly (most just obey orders from their Executive Power), or enough prayers for a miracle, the Treaty will pass with 2/3 of the votes.
It’s not the end of the world: in each country Congress/Parliament must endorse it, usually with 2/3 of the votes.
Now, focusing only on the treaty is like barking at the wrong tree. The real threat comes with amendments of the International Health Regulations, which is a stealth legally binding instrument. Why? because it doesn’t require a positive vote, it passes by not formally opposing it before the end of November.
Most of the people have missed the impact of the Treaty to their daily lives, imagine how hard it is to eplain the threat of the IHR !
Argentine case: a warning to the world
Trudeau, Macron, Sanchez in Spain, former elected president Macri in Argentina, etc., Javier Milei is another WEF-puppet elected president, a succesful version of Vivek RamaSWAMPY.
Deputies’ PDF file: http://twitdoc.com/BXMF
Only after dozens of members of the Argentine House of Representatives signed a declaration agains
t the Treaty, his Minister of Health calmed them by saying in a closed meeting that they would not sign anything compromising health sovereignity.
The strange thing is that the Government didn’t tie itself to an official declaration, press release or conference, in spite it could have profited from the public uproar against the Treaty and the demonstrations in several cities.
Some suspect that the Government will not sign the Treaty but will not formally object the IHR amendments, only in speech, thus allowing the subjugation of Argentina under the WHO digi-tatorship.
Consequences of the WHO coup
Either by the “Accord” or the IHR this is a global coup d'état by the World Government in the shadows that funded the creation of COVID, the year-tine (annual quarantine) and haccines, which implies:
Under the fuzzy political definition of “One Health”, control over every single human activity, economic, cultural and social, from the banning of backyard poultry to carbon and child quotas:
* Declaration of false emergencies (which already happened on 7 occasions since 2005, such as monkeypox, where there were no patients in intensive care or deaths from said disease).
* Declaration of international health emergency due to the mere potential, with no deaths or autopsies. WHO has been modifying the definition of a pandemic so that it has become fully political without any vestige of medicine and measureable science.
* Censorship and absolute control over the media and social networks on everything that contradicts the WHO's anti-scientific narrative, as was already done with the more than 30 effective and safe COVID treatments (C19early.com, Bit.ly/research2000)
* Generalized yeartines, despite having been shown to be useless and counterproductive with the meta-analysis of 18000 studies by Johns Hopkins University, and the real successful cases from Sweden and Africa, despite no quarantines.
* Regional health carefues, carried out by security forces, or by UN troops. Since nations are mandated to send new patogens detected even in sewages, we can expect new PLANdemics prett often.
* Use of false-positive-PCR tests for traceability and quarantines, despite that the Nobel winner for inventing it, Kary Mullis, said that they should not be used for diagnostics.
* International and national Health Pass, mounted on a digital surveillance infrastructure. For example, the government app "Mi Argentina" is set to include ID, Passport, drivers’ license, insurance, car ownership, and medical history with vaccines. They only need to add by law the 15-min cities and the digital peso tied the monthly carbon quota to complete the plan for a chinese-communist digi-tatorship. Also, the European Union is advancing towards the same goal with the digital ID, digi-Euro, green pass and carbon footprint digital tracing.
* Discretionary determination of who and which activities are "essential", and who should remain under house arrest (misnamed quarantine).
* Irrational quarantines. Destruction of small businesses. Closure of Churches but not abortuaries, restaurants and casinos.
* Due to a twisted definition of "One Health", the definition of emergency not only affects human health issues, but also animal health and agricultural production, and any issue linked to the anti-scientific "climate change" and decarbonization.
* Culling of poultry, swine and cattle production under false pandemics such as avian and swine flu. They have already slaughtered hundreds of millions of chickens, hens, pigs and cattle, instead of cooking them. Likewise, we have seen the destruction of eggs and dairy products instead of processing them.
* Ban on small-scale farming.
* Prohibition or non-viability of livestock activity, due to the anti-scientific ideology that it adds greenhouse gases (they never take into account the whole cycle).
* Prohibition of non-transgenic seeds that do not reduce greenhouse gases.
* WHO as supra-constitutional legally binding mandates, despite the fact that its Director is neither a doctor nor elected by direct vote of the Member States, and that almost the entire WHO budget comes from from China, USA, EU, Great Britain and from "foundations" and obscure private entities that contribute more than all other countries such as the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust.
* "Legal" and de facto supremacy of the WHO over the national legal framework, for example, with abortion, euthanasia, compulsory injection, “legal” drugs and pedophilia, etc. There is no legal or administrative way to appeal against a wrong WHO mandate.
* International sanctions for countries that do not comply with WHO directives, even if they are not supported by evidence and science: they do not rule out cutting off travel and trade in farming-linked products, including the industrialized ones.
* Obligation to PCR the population and inject with mRNA (already proven lethal by HowBad.info and thousands of studies published under scientific review).
* Countries are forced to test up to the sewers, isolate and send any new pathogen to the WHO. Was nothing learned from the gain of function that was done in Wuhan to create COVID-19?
* The WHO hand-picks without public bidding, PRIVATE manufacturers in each country to manufacture its injectable poison.
* WHO mandate for vaccines (i.e. genotoxic injections):
a) Without a package leaflet, as were the COVID until the end of 2023, which contained lethal elements not even reported to the Governments, as declared by the Canadian Ministry of Health (DNA plasmids with part of the carcinogenic monkey virus SV40) and the Japanese Ministry of Health (para-magnetic material), proving that there’s zero Government quality control.
b) Ineffective vaccines (all the COVID ones had very low or even negative absolute effectiveness, to the point that Pfizer was sued by Texas for the deception) or sickening ones (according to Argentine Government statistics, 9 out of 10 COVID deaths were vaccinated, and if over 60 years of age, 10 out of 10 !!!)
c) Lethal injections, which had to be withdrawn worldwide, such as AstraZeneca, Sputnik, Sinopharm, Cansino, or which were de-authorized by the Ministries of Health in northern Europe (Moderna).
Summary video from an expert:
Natural law is over the National Constitution, and the latter is over foreign treaties, because the representatives of the people were not elected under the premise of signing such a treatorous document, unlike Constitutional Assemblies, which have mandates to vote narrowly delimited issues.
Still, the secret societies running the world, count on presidential decrees or laws which trigger a pandemic response (including massive PCRs and haccines, superpowers and violation of human rights) depending on the fake PHEIC (Public Health Emergency of International Concern) declaration by the WHO’s Director General or Regional Director.
So whether it will be presented as a legal violation of your rights, and even if the corrupted courts allow it, it will still be all illegal.
A WHO Coup means a Satanic World Government!
Different logos, same snake
What can we do?
Pray. This is a spiritual war against demons and their followers
Write and call your local representatives and demand national and state/provincial laws to block the consequences of this.
Present a case to the DA (“prosecutor” or “Public Ministry” in other countries)
In some countries you can contact the Ombudsman/Defender of the People (at all levels: county/municipal, state/provincial, national).
Lead or join legal actions against the signing (IHR until November) or the signed Treaties. Some countries allow lawsuits to prevent potential damage!
Educate your relatives and friends, post in social networks until they censor you
Join others, physically (a local face-to-face awakened community) or virtually (e.g. Gab.com, TruthSocial.com, Gettr.com, or Telegram groups, searching for “patriot” “truth” “freedom” “vaccine injured”). Never use woke AI, better Gab.ai
Keep updated using this alternative media (never mainstream dominated media) and their social or posting platforms.
More ideas? Please write them in comments below.
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Solutions against the global tyranny
The PLAN revealed
October 1, 2022
Laws to exit planet prison
May 2, 2023
Solutions for "this" Democracy?
November 14, 2022
Rethinking science
December 19, 2023
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Most important: let’s keep praying for each other and the conversion of our enemies!
Pray to place these Evil Entities into the hands of God, Why...? Scripture explains Why...
Hebrews 10:30
For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. And again, “The Lord will judge His people.”
Romans 12:19
Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.
Deuteronomy 32:35
Vengeance is Mine, and recompense; Their foot shall slip in due time; For the day of their calamity is at hand, And the things to come hasten upon them.’
The Lord is a Loving God but he is also a just God...
Aloha & God bless all, kyle
I like that you listed "Pray" first. It's not a last resort.