I’m wondering if anyone has looked at the root cause? What makes a person want to control and hoard? What makes a person choose wealth or power or accumulating “stuff” over supporting each other thrive? Why would members of our own species want to destroy all life on this planet?

We aren’t dealing with your average Joe’s. They are multi-generations of inbred, disconnected, mentally unstable psychos whose entire existence has been destruction, murder and chaos.

I’m sorry but I just don’t see playing politics as a solution. We are in a war of good versus evil, life continuing or life ceasing to exist on this planet. Paper and words are not going to save our species or this planet. I don’t think people truly understand the severity of the situation we’re facing.

You will not defeat a predator by acting like prey.

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Great! I'm quoting you in my book about masons and then I wrote:

Think about it. If you were a billionaire: when is enough, enough? Is enough never enough? Instead of enjoying “the good life” with your loved ones, why would anybody be obsessed in joining a mafia to cull humans and become even richer and more powerful, risking a flying shoe, a revolution and being jailed or executed?

Why is it that so many billionaires are evil? Is it that anybody is doomed to be corrupted by enough money and power? Every single powerseat can’t resist the temptation to become evil?: there are many examples that prove it doesn’t, like the Hungarian dynasties which lasted 1000 years doing good for the poor.

If it wasn’t for the freemason cabal, why would IBM masons give Microsoft monopoly to IBM PC to pimple Bill Gates, who didn’t even have a software and scammed a programmer for peanuts?

Could it be that we are dealing with a rigged system that searches to corrupt them (Epstein) and only allows the most evil to become billionaires by destroying the competition with unchecked illegal practices. There is an interesting anecdote in history: the train baron of Brazil scammed Rothschild in England. Both were masons, yet he disobeyed for greed. In less than a year he was made lose everything.

Communists, Zionists, Islamic fundamentalists, Gaia worshipping environmentalists, UN, WEF, etc. All evil groups seem to be working for their cause only, yet they are all precisely coordinated. On top of the puppet groups there are the different mason sects, and on top of them, the satanist sects (all groups work for Satan, but those upper sects have direct worship).

There's no deep state, just freemasonry. There are no conspiracies, just freemason plots. There's no democracy with freemasonry, only conspiracy. Freemasonry is THE most lethal virus. Freemasonry is THE enemy of “the people”, that destroys a nation from within. There’s no 2030 globalism without freemasonry.

Cicero (in Taylor Caldwell’s fiction): “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” 1

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An excellent source for research for your book: https://www.cultofthemedics.com

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That's a great analysis of thoughts and questions. It seems that all of those evil groups you mentioned are actually vying for total control, while pretending to work together. They may all think that they will be the ultimate controller, much as mafia families try to do.

Control is their ultimate goal, and money is the means to attain it, plus the comfort it provides.

That may well be their final failure as they devour and destroy each other since it has been shown that separate psychopathic groups cannot coexist for long, and one will always try to take over the rest.

In the end, I still think that no matter what group is involved, it comes down to psychopaths vs. non-psychopaths as the ultimate battle we are facing.

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Not psychopaths but satanists. Many are very intelligent and especially with social manipulation intelligence.

ex illuminati Ronald Bernard explains that like a mafia, they divide the activities so that they don't fight each other. There's a dutch book proving all that in detail.

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There is definitely an interrelationship with psychopaths and satanists, and it does appear that the satanists may be the top controllers in their hierarchy.

It has been proposed that all satanists are psychopaths, but not all psychopaths are satanists, and the top of their hierarchy probably are the worst of the worst satanic controllers.

Dividing their activities just reinforces their hierarchy with the worst of the worst at the top controlling their minions and gatekeepers below them?

Still, it seems that in fighting and competition among them is inevitable. Their minions and gatekeepers will not be satisfied staying that way forever, and will always be looking for the opportunity to take control, since they are also psychopaths themselves. Et tu, Brute?

That is unless the upper levels eliminate them first, which is probably their plan? Too many psychopaths in the same groups all vying for the same control isn't going to end well for most of them. Not everyone can be in control.

Regarding the freemasons, I didn't investigate them in depth until recently, when I began reading Albert Pike's 'Morals and Dogma'. It is a much more interesting read than I expected and is very revealing and paradoxical.

All of those evil groups may be the same kind of evil people, but understanding their different disguises and masks is still helpful. As is understanding how they work and interact with each other.

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I believe Clif High helps us understand their motivation. They are the "elohim" worship cult as he labels it including the "Jews" or name stealing Khazarians and all secret societies including all of those recruited by bribery and extortion. I believe Clif says that their elohim are returning soon (I'm guessing 2030??) and need the atmosphere with less carbon (hence their obsession with reducing the carbon) and if they do as instructed however many years ago, they will get eternal life. Of course the devil is a liar so it won't happen, but they believe he brought the light to humankind hence the name Lucifer. They have their "orders" from their gods and they fear them and love the idea of "do what tho wilt" with no consequences.

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I dispute what Proton Magic says. LOL! There is a gene, it manifests in about 1% of Us across the board, and will result in Ones who CANNOT feel caring, compassion, love, or empathy. And when such psychopaths are in control, secondary psychopathy emerges as People shut off all those feelings to cope and "succeed..."

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Psychopath is a label for cruel people. Listing behaviors only leads to a descriptions of what you saw, what they "have" is not knowable.

Pasting a past comment of mine:

Here are your problems: 1. the validity of a behavior cluster that is not something you can really measure, and 2. The connection of a gene to these behaviors in any ONE person. These are the same problems with the labels of every psychiatric condition besides substance abuse because you can measure it and physical responses.

Let me be clear, people CAN be nasty, people DO HAVE mental illness, it’s the labeling system they want you to believe is the problem.

1. The traits you mention are not easy to operationally define, can be found or not found in an individual or population depending on circumstance and they are not measurable physical entities. They are descriptions that a questionnaire and/or interviewers assess.

2. Now lets say a gene seems to be associated with the quasi subjective/objective traits you mention. A gene is not going to be present in all nasty people, and it may likely be present in people who are not nasty.

Do not fall for any veracity about what Dr. Hare has said, not to mention he did not find a gene. James Fallon talked about the MAOA gene (below) but that is also not proven to be the magic gene.


“The first tool Hare devised was a checklist...decided to work with two independent assessors to conduct more interviews with psychopathic prisoners and then analyzed the data.” How many of these don’t have some element of ambiguity?:

• glib and superficial charm

• grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self

• need for stimulation

• pathological lying

• cunning and manipulativeness

• lack of remorse or guilt

• shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)

• callousness and lack of empathy

• parasitic lifestyle

• poor behavioral controls

• sexual promiscuity

• early behavior problems

• lack of realistic long-term goals

• impulsivity

• irresponsibility

• failure to accept responsibility for own actions

• many short-term marital relationships

• juvenile delinquency

• revocation of conditional release

• criminal versatility

This is vague descriptive pseudoscience, it does not actually describe anything measurable.

Here you can see problems noted with the MAOA gene found by Fallon


and here


you can see the multiplicity of genes associated with the same ambiguous “endophenotypes” and the even more poorly validated psychiatric labels called “phenotypes.”

So Dr. Hare‘s “evidence” is not proof that there is an operationally defined illness that one can magically diagnose, there is no one gene present in everyone who is nasty and persons who do not show these traits have these genes, and thus it can not be used to “diagnose” any one person in a clinic.


The other points you make about followers of bad people, and that inbreeding is not great, I agree, only how much is their nasty culture, how much is genetics, etc, and what is the reliability of a label like psychopathy really connected to physically? We are in a murky realm of conjecture. That is my point. Because I personally believe in bad people just like you do.

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Yes, psychopaths. Genetic psychopaths. Some of Them have no religion - and the Ones that do tend to like satanism because it props psychopathic ideas and desires. Psychopaths can be extremely intelligent and lust after power over Others, honing Their social manipulation skills.

And when They see the benefit in working together, They will.

And seriously, One has to be a psychopath to see satanism as any glorious thing.

Learn About the Human Psychopath: https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/learn-about-the-human-psychopath:8

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I agree. Psychopaths promoted to the top via money. And it is indeed Our battle, who We fight...

Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths

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Thanks for that link. It let's me know that I am on the right track.

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My pleasure!

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"There's no deep state, just Freemasonry. There are no conspiracies, just Freemason plots."

What do you think the deep state is? It's the Luciferian Brotherhood, of which the Masons are a "department." What do you think a conspiracy is? It's a plot.

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In your list of "evil groups", you forgot Catholics.

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Please provide the evidence to categorize a whole lot of different 1.4 billion people in so many countries.

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I could say the same to you. Just present your ideas without categorizing people you don't know as "evil". There are plenty of Catholics I would categorize as evil. Biden for one. I know some priests who definitely have buggered little boys. I even known priests who have buggered little boys who were themselves buggered and I have to have some sympathy for them. I know priests who are lovely people. I don't think all Catholics are evil, any more than I think all Zionists or communists or Islamic Fundamentalists, et al. are evil. I've known quite a few nice people from each of those groups, too. If you're a professor, don't generalize.

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I suspect many billionaires are neuro-divergent--i.e. emotionally disabled.

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if you join the masons, you will be asked why you want to join. you may say "i want more power", or you may say " i want to be a better man, and improve the lives of other men" and you may say "i want advantages" and without putting too fine a point on it, all of these psychopathologies are useful in one way or another. and you may get a reply of "you're just the kind of fellow we're looking for", and you'll be quietly herded in the 'right' direction. And until it's too late, you'll never know, and once you know, you'll be enlightened. And also trapped.

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Humbly, I offered a reply to Whyvonne that discusses what I know of primary and secondary psychopathy. You might want to have a look...

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Larry Bruhall echoes that sentiment. Its getting serious.

The empty-headed weak indoctrinated, corrupted faithless baseless blank slates calling themselves human are more like the Reptilians David Icke exposes. Indeed. About 20+% of humans are reptilian/narcissists: lacking that functioning brain part responsible for compassion. Snakes lay their eggs and buzz off. No therapy but one may help them. Starvation in the hell of their own making. You know them as the power and moneymongers hellbent on our destruction for their own gain.

They have another thought coming, as Mom would say: the Good Lord will put their false power to the test against the power of Truth, and demons shall fall. And we, here and now, and for however long it takes, are the vessels of that power. What a great time to be alive: the opportunity to fight for what is right and good as governments go rogue, illegitimate and fake occupiers who will hang on the rope of justice. Eventually... and a new Dawn of humanity will be made for the children of the survivors.

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Beautifully said ! I agree !

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We all have reptilian DNA, but the bloodline families on the Satanic Council (and their bastard sons, the Committee of 300) have up to 50%, which is why they're called bluebloods (reptilians have more copper in the blood - Stewart Swerdlow). But 20% of the POPULATION is an exaggeration--the Cabal is extremely small. Furthermore, even with a high percentage of reptilian DNA, turning away from God is a choice, not a destiny. Look at Jessie Czebotar. https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/09/06/jessie-czebotar/

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We are doing root cause analysis here in Solution Seeking. You may want to take a look and consider participating. Thank you.


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I follow and have participated. I have also shared with others.

Thank you for being part of the solution!

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You're welcome and thank you for all you are doing.

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I totally agree, and here is why playing politics with those psychopaths won't work.


Also from Caitlin Johnstone.


Also, remember that any fraud vitiates everything that is based on it.

So while playing politics may be useless, attacking their frauds legally may work.


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Subscribe to Real Raw News and never miss a hanging. https://realrawnews.substack.com/

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I am glad that you appreciated its importance as much as I did. It was the first article that awakened me to the real enemies we are dealing with. The links to the books in it are great must reading too.

Isn't the best basic intro to psychopathy article there is?

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Our enemies are the Lawless. They use laws when convenient upon their enemies.

They own all the politicians and courts. Either bribery, blackmail or assassination.

Most have sold their souls to the NWO.

We cannot use the law against them.

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"We cannot use the law against them." That's right: the military was the only way. Subscribe and never miss a military tribunal. https://realrawnews.substack.com/

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Diane, my question about the Military...why are they allowing these planes, owned by the Pentagon, CIA and UN...to fill our skies with filth, that had been analyzed to be toxic materials and metamaterials/Smart Dust created by our Military? It's killing everything. I live in HI and I'm watching my island die by the day. Our skies are geoengineered almost 24/7. We have no more blue sky, just white filth, or grey unnatural clouds. It's hard to breath, eyes burn, no more fresh air, smells like chemicals. Fruit rotting on the trees, and fungi we've never had before. This tropical paradise is becoming a wasteland. Why are they allowing this, everywhere in the country, in the World, from what I've seen. Now this fog and drones spraying who knows what... it's treason. Shouldn't Space Force "own" the skies, to the point that this could be stopped immediately. If it isn't nothing will matter soon. Air not fit to breath, food not fit to eat, water not fit to drink, it's all toxic. I've been hearing for 4 years now, that The Military is the only way, well, don't they take an oath to protect and defend the Consitution, which is there to protect us. I just do not see that happening. I need someone to make this part make sense, please.

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"The Military will save us", "They are making covert arrests": it's all false flags based on zero evidence, by agents and repeating gullible useful fools.

The Military Industrial Complex is in charge of the military. The masons are in charge of the MIC.

This was told to me by a CIA agent who precisely left the CIA to work in a train company, after discovering all the dreadful things they were doing, not only outside the USA but inside. He told me that his father and brothers were deeply involved. He was a good man. Risked his life to save a life. Now vanished in Mexico before the pandemic. Rest In Peace, Dale Knuepfer

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If you could move a significant percentage of the public as one then yes you could forcibly deal with the demon infested hoards that run everything but you can't so you have to do it smartly, wisely and unfortunately that means getting into politics.

None of this happened quickly so short of an actual civil war like conflict it won't be undone quickly either. That said there are some things we all can do:

1) Stop playing their game of consumerism. Stop believing you must have the latest, newest most pricey things.

2) Public Indoctrination camp alternatives - Homeschool/Private School alternatives are a must. Indoctrination of our kids is critical to their plans so deny them that access.

3) End property taxes. Prop Taxes were sold as a means to pay for needed services and that the wealthy would carry the burden of it. The same lie they used on selling us on the income tax. The Income Tax nullifies your right to be secure in your persona, places and papers b/c the Feds MUST know how much you have and what you make. A national sales tax could easily fund the replacement of an income tax but it would mean less power/control by the Feds over us. Prop taxes are about nullifying property rights under the guise of funding needed services. There's no excuse for local government to not simply budget for and then bill each citizen their fair share; meaning paying for only those services they use. Some like fire and police will have to be paid by all but only those with kids ion public schools should pay for public education.

4) GET INVOLVED - Run for office at the local if not the state level or higher. Even the local School Board has proven to be a very valuable position of power with the influence it has over our kids.

All 4 of these are things we all can work towards without having large trust funds first. Stop voting for whoever the party tells you to vote for because chances are their owned already and that's why their being pushed. Vote for the individual and NOT the party!

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I have studied all this for 50ish years. There is a gene that manifests People who are INCAPABLE of feeling caring, compassion, love, or empathy for Others, who feel no remorse, and who tend to lust after power over Others. These are primary psychopaths. They inbreed to retain that gene, which about 1% of Us manifest across the board.

And indeed, politics is not the solution - They (the psychopaths in control) own all the controlminds ("governments") on Our planet - they're ALL for-profit corporations - and the owners use them to put on a play to move Us, the participatory audience, as the psychopaths in control (by virtue of money) want Us to move.

This piece starts out discussing the primary psychopath, and towards the end brings in secondary psychopaths, who are Ones who, in a society run by primary psychopaths as Ours is, turn off Their caring, compassion, love, and empathy for Others so as to "succeed," survive, and/or cope.

Learn About the Human Psychopath: https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/learn-about-the-human-psychopath:8

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root cause is inequality and the power it gave them.

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Agreed. I have been documenting the democide planning for decades and yet I was shocked to realise that disacouragement of Ivermectin is part of the plan. Certain medicos have posed as saviours and advocates for humanity and promoted Ivermectin, knowing they will be more trusted. Ivermectin causes comas, blindness, and death. Discontinue immediateltly. For me, it is too late. I have already lost an eye.

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Just like "old money" that runs a small town through colluding with its local governance + law enforcement that few townspeople try to run out if they can keep a tolerable living, this global coalition is the result of generations + centuries of the same power begets power. Just supersized.

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And class-based contempt, since the time of feudal overlords vs. uneducated peasantry, informs the bubble these oligarchs and managerial class operated on by osmosis.

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I agree with everything, except that it needs to extend to our food supply as well within the rules relating to climate, etc. Regenerative organic farming and ranching over GMO foods. We need to remember that plants (and humans) need CO2 to survive, it’s not the enemy so the carbon footprint argument is bs. Limit farmland ownership to citizens, and restrict the amount of land that 1 person can own given that Bill Gates has surreptitiously bought hundreds of thousands of acres. We need labeling for all foods so that we know what we are buying and eating. No mRNA injections or vaccines allowed in meat or genetically altered vegetables, especially without our knowledge. We need foods coated with substances like ‘Apeel’ to be clearly marked, by law, and full disclosure as to their chemical makeup. Any bugs or insects used in food manufacturing also need to be labeled and disclosed. We need to ban the use of glyphosate in farming and other products that are toxic and finally have them labeled for the carcinogens they are known to be. We need to prioritize our healthy meat supply, over fake meats and profitable patents. Maybe even ban patentable foods and seeds as well. Protect farmers from big corporations that steal their land like Monsanto with the argument that they ‘stole’ seed that wandered onto their land. Wandering seed should be considered trespassing onto the farmers land instead. Stop culling chickens for a virus that does not affect humans. Probably disband the FDA and the USDA which both do more to protect corporations and not citizens.

There is probably so much more to this category, but protecting our food supply from globalists should be a priority since it is also key to our lives, health and wellness.

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Thank you! I had forgotten about that! just added

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Glad I could offer something to the conversation!

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These are great ideas in theory, but they are still trying to work within the system we have, we'd need to make entirely new systems. Considering how dysfunctional US society is, it's like asking the WTC to pick itself up after it has already fallen.

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Does anyone have a solution on blood donation for unvaxxed in Canada?

We must maintain our connection to Source / Sun as this may offer us protection from nano by using the nanocrystals of our skin called melanin:


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There's a reason the Bible states that people should not consume blood or pork. If you're afraid you might need a blood donation, you probably haven't tried prayer. I will die before ever submitting to "medical" treatment by fools, and if doctors didn't warn their patients about the shots, they're fools.

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Thanks for sharing Diana. I believe in the power of prayer as well. To clarify - do you mean you pray that you don't need a donation, or that God will provide you with sustenance in this life and the next (e.g. won't need a donation)?

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When I'm in pain, I tell God that I'm ready to die, and He can take me. (I'm a Buddhist, and we don't believe there is an "I" who can pray to "God", but God has an infinite number of personalities, so there's no harm done.)

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Got it! Ok thank you for clarifying. Sorry one more question, curious, how long do you normally pray for?

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Once you have an awakening, prayer is constant. It should be easier for you to have an awakening now, as there have been great shifts in the energy of Earth. https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2018/09/13/ten-practices/

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Thank you so much for sharing this Diana. Many blessings to you!

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Feb 23, 2024
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Matthew 5

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

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Ronald Bernard explains in detail: all masonic obediences must obey or else... each has his own territory or else... There's no power game at the top: you obey or you are murdered.

As far as I know, there are no whistleblowers after the 33°.

Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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Clearly written by somebody who commenced thinking about these issues when the mRNA mandates arrived. Built into these solutions , just as the globalists intended, is their path to take us down this road all over again.

A nice start would be to define democracy. using the version the Rockefellers would approve does not give one hope.

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Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?


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Politics got us in so only the abandonment of politics will get us out.

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The military was the only way. Subscribe and never miss a hanging. https://realrawnews.substack.com/

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You actually think the military is more honourable than the government? 🤦🏼‍♂️

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So, you don't want to read Real Raw News. That's fine--don't.

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You rock!! Great ideas. I will just point out Joe Biden is a Mason. I will say this also, the Masons recruit heavily with law enforcement. They aren't going to help they will however gaslight tf outta you. I love what you said about seed, more people need to be talking about that. Remember the guy who wouldn't drink a cup of weed killer after telling us it was fine for crop. OK buddy. Lol. Awesome job. It's nice to see solutions.

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"Power is TAKEN, not given."

Fat Chance the Intl Central Banker Family Mafia

will willingly do anything necessary as they are ADDICTED TO POWER/CONTROL,

are COWARDS and hide behind VALID GOVT. INSTITUTED BY 'The People' and use

bribery, seduction, threats and murder to get and maintain POWER.

Where sin isn't existing; as in western Republic/Commonwealth Nations...






POWER IS TAKEN, not given; thus necessary laws are of no use UNTIL THE PEOPLE


will murder them anyway in due time regardless of remaining docile to their

bribery, seduction, threats.

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I love all these bans and laws, but who is going to enforce them?

In reality, it usually happens the other way around: clandestine and illicit operations are legalized sometimes decades after they were first used...

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Better question is who will propose these laws and pass them before we enforce them? Our Congress? Laughable!

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I have chosen to put certain conditions on bloodletting for an evil society hellbent via government on my destruction. You can imagine some of those. But perhaps you aren’t aware of the one involving certain marxists licking their own arses b4 their public apologies and suicide.

My blood will be provided freely then. Lest it be spilled at the hands of marxist violence as we attempt to gently remind governments that they work for us.

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Wow a lot of info to unpack here!

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Love the laws. How does one or we get them enacted into the legal code?

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There is more than one existential threat to humanity; the greatest of which is Geoengineering! It's truly amazing, how long this evil has been going on right under people's noses (actually, above their noses) while they keep their heads firmly planted in the sand. I can guarantee you this; for what little time we have left, each summer will be hotter than the previous. In Canada, we're seeing temps of 12/13C - in January and February! How can anyone believe that this is normal?

"Climate Change" is a Red Herring; formerly "Global Warming" agenda that was conceived/created by Al Gore and Maurice Strong; who became instantly and exponentially richer! The label was changed to "Climate Change" because it sounded better. It began as a con and it's still a con.

The real threat of Biosphere Collapse is Geoengineering. The ozone layer is being destroyed (partly through the use of HAARP) and the UVC waves are penetrating through the "holes". The military has been messing with the weather for over 75 years! Anyone who remembers how the military flooded out the Ho Chi Minh valley in Viet Nam in '65, really needs to consider how far this technology has progressed. I can tell you that these criminals can (and do) create and even steer hurricanes. They do this and so much more. I know that most people will never (want to) believe this - especially if you've lost loved ones in one of these "storms". All the truth/evidence/facts, along with data, charts and even geoengineering/weather modification patents can be found here:


Dane Wigington is the #1 authority on geoengineering and on his site, is more than you ever wanted to know concerning the evils of this society. Even the mainstream media is now telling us that we're all breathing in nano plastics (polymer fibers). There is much evil going on that they can no longer hide (like people dying from the mRNA bioweapons!) If you refuse to believe in these truths; then you will be blindsided by what's coming - soon! Time is short!

P.S. If you are one who chooses not to believe in these things; watch "The Dimming" before going any further.

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Thanks. I don't have time to go through all those links; although, I did have a browse. I've stated for years now that we are being poisoned from every angle; SAI's, nano plastics, EMF, the "food", the water...

Those lithium batteries are not only dangerous; the factories that manufacture them, are anything but "green".

I've tried to tell so many people that their cellphone can give them cancer and not to hold it against their temple. The instructions that come with the "smart" device even cautions the buyer to keep it a certain distance from their body. Whenever I hear of someone sleeping with their cellphone under their pillow, I shake my head so hard - I'm afraid it will fall off!

As far as the heat goes; for the past couple of years, my room has clocked the temperature at 38-40C during the summer. ATM, my room is sitting at 28C. I live in southern BC, Canada.

I've noticed that A.I. is creeping further and further into our lives. You may not believe this; but the day is coming - sooner than later - when A..I. will totally take over this society. Just ask Klaus Schwab or Yuval Noah Harari. Just like the WHO, they have big plans for humanity.

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If you were really supporting "pure science" instead of whore science you would know there can be no pandemics and that there are no pathogenic contagions, and that the Spanish Flu, Swine Flue, Ebola, AIDS, Measles, Smallpox, Polio, and so forth and so on were and are not still what they were purported to be and do not exist as a given disease. Once you realize that, and then move on to learning the rest of the true history you will see how fruitless trying to change TPTB control as you are really is. Just another distraction of your time and energy that they are counting on you and others engaging in.

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Thank you for all your comments! I've got no fear, yet I'm practical. Scrap: that's a good idea I didn't think of!

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I suspect we are from very different backgrounds and experiences. I was born and raised on a farm and farmed for many years as an adult. Now, at 70, I employ the same thought process as I had as a farmer(ette). Never throw away anything ! I save all cords from non-working appliances, pieces of tools, metal, wood, glass, buckets, you name it. It all comes in handy sooner or later.

Practical is good as long as it's based on truth. We've all been on a journey of discovery, some for longer than others and we didn't all start at the same place. As long as we remain open to different ideas and keep moving forward we shall prevail.

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Thank you Milton, if you notice, for every realistic evaluation on how bad the situation is, I propose a solution we should strive for. Hiding the reality behind nice words, doesn't make the problem disappear.

Let's say there's a blind in the lions' cage. Who is more charitable, the one who tells him how to open the cage and get out of harm's way, or the one who tells him that everything is all right, that the problem will be eventually magically solved without the required fast and determined reaction?

1776 was a groomed revolution. By whom? Masons. Objective? You wouldn't believe it if I told you. Use Yandex.com to search for truth. I'm posting the evidence little by little so people start understanding the dark power behind reality. Start here, how Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame:


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Hopefully you don't believe the history books?

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You couldn't be more wrong.

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How do you know how many years I've lived?

You may have not seen my ideas work, but have you wondered just why that might be?

Your "beliefs" need to be examined. You create, and live, what you believe, so start there.

As the saying goes, "You'll see it when you believe it", and nothing could be more true.

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just now

Very very briefly......

Politics has nothing to do with any of it.

There are no pandemics, there are no contagions. That, too, has nothing to do with it, other than you can expose the fraudulent science, which has been done many times.

Natural law has always existed and when mankind decides to abide by that, and BE that, things will change.

You can't fight a paradigm. What you resist persists. You create a new one making the old one obsolete. Many are already doing that. Live outside the system. It will crumble on it's own when there is no one participating.

Grow your own food, individually and in communities. Again, leave the system. Don't waste time trying to fix what's been here for millennia.

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At least in the developed world where they've got more resources, they'll hunt us down one by one.

They've written it:

• Preppers will be labelled a threat to climate change by using net-plus heat (not net-zero, check the war on natural gas). Even have satellite surveillance of small heat sources. Kids having a fire-camp are climate-terrorists.

• Preppers are are considered a vector for zoonotic diseases just by living in contact with nature. Imagine the horror: backyard non-GMO hens and crops! Masons have even made a global satellite map of homes with more wild surfaces near them.

• Those living free, unaxxed, healthier, happier, fertile, having all the un-authorized carbon-children they want, living beyond euthanazing conditions, having less EMF attacks, would be a constant reminder for those in the digital prison to revolt or leave the min-icities (15-min geofencing).

• Also, they've written that they'll hunt down books. It won't take long for Bible search&destroy teams. According to them, it's hate speech: homosex, man being the head of woman, anti-abortion, anti-euthanasia, anti-drugs, anti-drunk, anti everything they want to include in the global (planetary) rights, which will be compulsory if you want to use the CBDC wallet. Even worse: the Bible is pro-carbon, considering it is prolife (carbon helps life) and makes people trust in Divine Providence and in nature responding to sainthood and rebelling against sinning.

It’s fight to die or die. There's no way out … except:

• Achieving those laws

• Townhall political parties

• Massive civil disobedience

• Violent revolution

• Migration to central Africa or the Andes

• Lots of miracles due to constant relentless prayer.

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And realize something. First, FEAR is the impetus, the driving force that allows people to become weaklings and play the game according to their rules. Second, they don't have the resources to hunt us down one by one and they know it. But, you see, as long as the masses BELIEVE they do, it's game over. As long as they have people focused on trying to win their game on their field within their system, those people will not be taking the actions that WILL free them.

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unmasked unvaxxed unafraid

pureblood 100%

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And understand that as you, and others, continue to believe and write these very things you are doing their work for them.

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Nonsense. Of course that's what they want you to fear and that's in their "plan" but that's not a given. When you try to fight on their playing field within their rules you lose, every. single.time. Live outside of that system. It WILL be the answer, it IS the answer, and when the number living that way reaches a certain point, and it doesn't take much, they have no power. Actually, they have no power over you anyway, you just think they do and you live that way so that makes it true....for you. As long as you think as you are now you will be doomed to more of the same.

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1. If you need appendix surgery? how do you plan it, if hospitals don't let you in without all the lethal injections?

2. If your machines or tools break, how do you plan to replace them, since you'd need CBDCs and you can't use them since the wallet requires the lethal injections to be operative? Same for cookware, water tank, electrical wiring, whatever!

3. The more people move out of the city:

a) the more expensive the farmland, the lesser amount of acreage per person

b) the more the incentive to hunt them down:

How's that going to work?

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There you go being fearful again. You don't seem to understand that mankind has lived for countless years without all of those things. I won't need a surgery, I know how to take care of myself. And trauma injuries can be taken care of without hospitals in most cases. And if you want to play their game a hospital HAS to let you in without an injection, you have to know how to play. If my tools break I will fix them. I have knowledge, skills, and basic resources and know how to use scrap. I don't need cookware, etc. You are once again PLAYING THEIR GAME OF FEAR! There is land everywhere. Either you are very young, or maybe always lived in the city, or just haven't learned the truth about history and Natural Law and the like, or you are someone who is, knowingly or unknowingly, furthering their agenda. Look at your posts. It's ALL fear based. All of it. FEAR= False Evidence Appearing Real. But it works on the vast majority of people, worldwide. But not all. Certainly not all. And that number is growing.

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One other thing you are forgetting, and that's community. In any small group there are various skill sets, knowledge sets, and the like. And THAT'S something "they" fear. As that spreads, so is their power over people diminished. They do fear us, but not us coming at them with our guns, or our semi's, although that will put fear into some of the individuals. Once people realize that behind the curtain in OZ it's just a little old man with a loud speaker, it's all over.

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To beat this system it must be done at the local level. This is where it is the weakest. As Rosa Koire explains.

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