great work - incredible overview -lots of important info here, just one example - Malone's father being a potential role model for the baseless amorality of designing bioweapons was especially useful. thank you!
I also picked up on every discrepancy you’ve catalogued in this well-organized expose. I put in daily research since this began so I recall vividly when Malone first appeared. He was very cautious in his early interviews and annoyingly pronounced Covid as Cahvid for awhile smh…there were more important hints of a controlled player but, like you, I’ve been at arms length on his role for awhile. The lawsuits against the Breggin’s and others says it all, along with the fact that he’s never ventured into the very disturbing, and obvious use of nanotechnology and synthetic biology in the injections. Great work, thank you for your effort. God help us all.
What a brilliant and comprehensive analysis! The John Waters quote made me laugh. I love all the different threads you weave into this, from Malone's childhood to the secret societies to the illogic of the conquest mindset to the depop agenda and inversion of the real parasites ... and I'm only a quarter of the way in! I will read the rest with interest. Thank you for including me in this landmark in covering Malone and why he represents a whole level of the psyops we need to decipher. I know you're already aware, but if any readers want to see the article that links in all 17 that I've done on him, it's here: Thanks for doing this monumental work, Fred.
Malone - the guy who got $5 billion for "medical countermeasures" in the 2016/DOD contract. My simple question: is RW MALONE the Capture manager/lead author for the C-19 injections?
Malone changed his fucking mind. We've all been wrong about stuff; we changed our opinions. Get over it.
Malone will go down as one of the greats. Read his Substack. From his memes to exposing the lies our government told us. From being a Biden donor to quoting von Mises. He's done a total 180. And we will just have to agree to disagree about some stuff, like whether or not viruses exist. I don't really care, but I love all of you whatever you think about the existence of viruses. (Sort of like arguing how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.)
And stop the fucking infighting. We've got a country to save, a war to win. Wars make strange bedfellows, and I'm in bed with all of you, whether you are delusional about Malone or not. Because we must unite, so we can win this greatest of all wars.
I'm not certain what I think of Malone. I am certain Dr Meryl Nass has integrity and has been coming from the right place, she started as a volunteer for Physicians for Social Responsibility in the 80's and has been following trails ever since. I think her integrity is clear, I think her thoughts on Malone are worth considering ...
Meryl is legit. Malone's 2014 tweet has been in for that year so it couldn't be a recent fabrication. Also, when Malone allegedly opened his account for the pandemic, he would have seen the prior implanted tweets and could have erased them. Didn't happen. The real evidence shows that either he forgot or he lied.
Because she knows the virus has been found, or the whatever it is / infectious clone, whatever it is, it exists, it just doesn't fit gaslighting-type definitions of viral isolation according to past times. Dr Nass has been investigating biological warfare agents, this whatever-it-is and it's accompanying shot, are products of biological warfare.
As Tessa says, we can disagree about virus / no virus. Dr Nass is trying to stop the WHO power grab, and if she, and CHD, are dismissed because they and the many many doctors who respect and advise them (and are not narrative believing sheep), believe that viruses exist, or have connections to people in official places, maybe because within certain skillsets the worlds are small, we'll be spinning in circles instead of rallying critical mass to stop the psychopaths.
But if someone really is, or very likely is, an intentional saboteur, that's different. I don't, and don't want to (maybe my cognitive dissonance), believe Robert Malone is that. But maybe he is.
For sure, Meryl Nass, RFK, Jr, most of CHD, CHD the organization (can't speak for every person in CHD), are in this for the right reasons, and much is lost writing them off as not legit because of disagreement on what info is considered valuable in the virus / no virus division.
CHD is run by RJF Jr, vaccine lover and part of the Global Elite. His family basically owns and runs all of the US mafia’s activities (and RKO Pictures), the Kennedy’s also had to follow the direction of the larger groups of families in their global network of Black Nobility for which they are in the top group of families (none of them were assassinated, these were rouses and they went underground to run the country and the family's businesses). If you don't realize all of this, this could be a good start
If you think a virus has been found, pls send us a research paper finding an isolated purified replication competent particle as noted in the methods, not just the title. This does not exist, Virus pushers are not your friend.
Meryl Nass has a history of Marxist /Communist support - but we're not supposed to discuss the backgrounds of the Progressives within the MFM who brought us Obama's 3rd term and the Covid mandates. The grifters have to continue their grifting.
There is NO "virus/no virus division" but a deliberately developed infectious pathogen designed to infect humans is the most documented and proven scenario; as for bacteria and viruses (or whatever they are called) we have been surrounded by them in enormous numbers since the beginning of time; if they are as pathogenic as we are told to believe the human race would have been wiped out long ago; that genius of medical science, Antoine Bechamp, showed that this was true in the mid 1800s.
THANK YOU. I really wanted to find a solid rebuttal to reconsider things through. Think of all the investigative reporting that paints President Trump as a traitor and a grifter, all convincingly assembled and fed to normies who lap it up, despite so much actual good being done. I have the same feeling about Dr Malone whose background and upbringing is largely out of his control, and it is not a stretch to imagine that he has seen the light and feels compelled to do everything he can NOW to right the many wrongs being perpetrated on innocents. I judge people by what they do in the present, less so by what they may have been involved with in the past, and I see Drs Malone traveling the world in support of the medical freedom movement, testifying against government overreach and global medical malpractice.
But here I am being told that the good doctor is faking all of that for.....what purpose, exactly? Controlled opposition? It would be so much easier if he just stayed home on the farm and collected his patent royalties.....
The article doesn't say that " the good doctor is faking all of that". It just says that the good Doc is short of expectations by not telling the truth about a global extermination plan and promoting practical solutions to get out of Prison Planet. For example, in the recent UK parliamentary session he omitted the urgent threats of the WHO Pandemic Treaty and CBDCs:
So he didn't come out and reel off your laundry list of urgent matters while he had a brief slot in front of the UK Parliament, itself stuffed to the rafters with WEF puppets....including a siren call on CBDCs, as if he has any level of exerptise on financial matters and would be taken seriously.
Just maybe, he has to pick his battles so as to make some progress in this war, and do so without ending up on the wrong end of a doorknob and a red scarf. You may still be right about all of this, but your hyperbole and viciousness with this character assassination reminds me a great deal of how the Left attacked President Trump tirelessly. Rules for Radicals 101.
OK, good point, CBDCs were out of scope, though he could have related about being connected to clinical records and vax status in the Government wallet.
Still, the WHO treaty is threat #1 and he didn't even mention the threat of overriding sovereignity, human rights and the Constitution!
DJT casinos were bailed out for zillions by the Rothies in the 90s. Who brokered the bail-out? Wilbur Ross, who Trump made Sec of Commerce, and was a longtime Rothie operative. DJT locked down businesses, kept vampires Birk and Fouchi in positions. If all of us knew the vaxes would harm in 2020 how can Trump not have this info? He is in deep with the NY underworld. He's a vampire that waves the US flag, that's about it.
Businesses getting what. President Trump did NOT lock down businesses nor force anyone to get the vax...that is on each State. And he put Fauci and Birx in the spotlight so they could perjure themselves. And he rushed the Vax plan when they weren't ready to make it as deadly as they wanted. Think...
He could have fired Fauci and Birx and stopped the military roll out of the vax and request a few independent review boards of the Pandemic and the Vax, did he? Nope, he only said the vax was the most wonderful thing. Do you really think Drumpf's didn't know about the eugenics movement, Club of Rome etc. but we do? and the Rockies Lockstep document, and their depopulation council etc etc.
Thank you for connecting the dots of this character. When I found out he is suing the Breggins for 25 million a while ago, I looked more into him and his actions. I don't think he is the guy he is pretending to be.
Overall I prefer your stack article to the stacks of some of the snarky grifter stacks you referenced.
I loathe the cabal and all the virtue signaling hypochondriac sycophants that helped enforce masks and poison jabs.
Finding sympathy for liberal potheads who failed in school and decided that the government should pay for their beer and illegitimate children while the sober, studious kids went on to prosperous scientific and technological careers seems impossible.
I can relate to Malone’s dad. Why not earn a solid salary working on nukes, knowing that they will never be used? The money you get supports your family and no one gets hurt. Unless you can point out one nuclear weapon death since the Japan bombings, I think working on nukes is a harmless cash cow.
The medical experimentation stuff is another. That’s pure evil. And it’s always amazing to me how any failed drug platform can be repurposed as a potential cancer treatment.
The game of saying hey you have cancer so you are going to die anyway, so let’s try all these new medicines and drugs and treatments out on your body because we already “diagnosed you” so all normal restrictions and cautions no longer apply.
Am I missing something? Working for making better detonators is not the same as working for an atomic power generator, right?
Working for the Military Industrial Complex guarantees you work as a cog in the death industry machine. Directly or indirectly. Otherwise it's like saying, I'm just Al Capone's accountant, I didn't kill anybody, right?
Looking for perfect heroes amongst humanity will always end in disappointment. Better to focus on the good and worthy ideas and doings and put no one on a pedestal. Malone has done good, so have the Breggins, Desmet and Ayn Rand. There is plenty to disagree with but also plenty to agree with.
I agree, that's why I wrote about the bad and the ugly, but also about the good, especially about losing the Nobel Prize.. This article is not intended to vilify Malone but to warn that his background shows that he had been manipulated or deliberately did bad things before and could repeat that in the future... maybe more than other "leaders" he could be extorted about his past..
Atlas Shrugged taken on its own does introduce people to free market principles and the evils of collectivism. The idea that leaps forward in technology and civilisation are often due to the efforts of rare individuals is an important one too. So I think Ayn Rand is an important introduction to libertarian thought. I find many elements of her objectivist philosophy problematic and her atheism in particular.
Who cares about Robert Malone at this late date in the destruction of America???
What does this have to do with the highest 2024
priority of ELECTION INTEGRITY…a solution, repeat solution to ALL America’s ills since 2008?
For ALL AMERICANS who want to win…focus now on the MOST important 2024 issue of ELECTION INTEGRITY!
Is there any other HIGHEST priority in 2024 to fix without fixing free, fair, lawful and transparent elections???
The Lex Greene piece should give all persons GREAT HOPE that the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY CROWD will be able to establish free, fair, lawful and transparent elections!
I would suggest EVERYONE go and visit John Leake’s substack yesterday titled, BLOW UP to see how John Leake absolutely blew up his reputation and just maybe those stupid enough at this dangerous time in America who hang with him!
Comments to John Leake are golden!
1. The ethnic bioweapon wasn't ready when it leaked in August 2019: it wasn’t as lethal as desired, and that’s why they had to use massive fear mongering to push the haccines.
2. The manufacturing capacity for the haccines needed about 10 extra months.
3. The accidental release forced them to apply a year-taine instead of a quaran-taine (40 days), yet it was still a blessing: it showed the lies even more blatantly and allowed the freedom movement to grow bigger and less people were vaxxed!
4. They were planning the release for a year later, about August 2020, to guarantee the absentee-ballots and allow election stealing in the USA and Europe.
The REAL COVID timeline:
It’s a Bio-BOMB, yet less lethal than the vx ... not what you were drilled
There was no accidental release (See Dr David Martin) ; what was years in the making and planned did not lead to anything accidental nor was there ever a "leak"!
Bob still pushes the Fear Porn of "Viral Pathology". That alone makes him scum. I don't need an encyclopedia of his life to know a turd when I see one.
Yeah, Ayn Rand started out a heroine (more likely a hero - looks MTF to Me...) of Mine, but it soon became obvious that She avoided the fact that money is the psychopaths' only tool to power...
That is disconcerting to say the least....if true. And yet, I am not convinced that this author isn't playing a subtle smear game. Lordie this world is hard to unravel, in particular when it comes to distinguishing between friend and foe, ally and alliance against all that is good and just.
I had a good feeling about Dr. Malone but will keep this in the back of my mind going forward. For that, I am grateful to the author....maybe.
Let's start with one simple question: have you ever met Dr. Malone? You penned this hit piece (whether deserved or not) as if YOU are in a position to tell all of us who "the real Doctor Malone is", so I have to wonder if you know anything about the man other than some dirt digging on display here.
I'll go one further since I was unable to find any "Professor Fred Nazar" so I could look up your background, since sources are critical in this information war. What are you a Professor of, and what are your qualifications?
Not personally: what's that got to do with it, for example, Malone suing the Breggins for 25 million dollars just because they oppose blaming the people for the perpetrator's lockdowns!
First of all, let me say that I appreciate what you write on the Prison Planet front, and I share similar deep concerns about our future should we not take action and soon (especially if they come up with another way to cheat out a victory against President Trump....or worse).
That said, I am of the impression that Dr. Malone sued the pants off his accusers to get them to stop once and for all. It's a typical Alinsky tactic to character assassinate without letting up until the target is isolated and neutered. I get a similar feeling from what you wrote here given you don't really know the man or what he truly stands for.
Actions do speak louder than words, and his past actions should be things we are mindful of. But I can't fault his tireless efforts these past few years and struggle to see a nefarious end game he might have in mind. Other respected clinicians and scientists have come around and are finally speaking up against the C-19 debacle, the scientific and policy disaster that it was, and the long-term harm evidenced in our populations. Should I still blame Dr McCullough and others because they went online to tell people they should get vaxxed? I do, somewhat, and lost a tremendous amount of respect for all of them who couldn't put it all together earlier on, but I will recognize their attempts at redemption and doing what's right for humanity.
Hi SP, let me give my 2 cents,
1. These lawsuits are drummed up theater to make you think the Freedom Med people do not work together and distract you from actual issues.
2. Kingston is not your friend
3. No one has purified RNA in the shots
4. Dr. Balone is not good or bad like a Masonic checkered floor, he's only one color. This has all the info, most you may have missed.
5. Do you read my posts on all these deception agents, RNA, etc? Most are a 2-5 min read.
6. You write some good stuff but it's toooooooo long so many people won't read it.
Take care
great work - incredible overview -lots of important info here, just one example - Malone's father being a potential role model for the baseless amorality of designing bioweapons was especially useful. thank you!
I also picked up on every discrepancy you’ve catalogued in this well-organized expose. I put in daily research since this began so I recall vividly when Malone first appeared. He was very cautious in his early interviews and annoyingly pronounced Covid as Cahvid for awhile smh…there were more important hints of a controlled player but, like you, I’ve been at arms length on his role for awhile. The lawsuits against the Breggin’s and others says it all, along with the fact that he’s never ventured into the very disturbing, and obvious use of nanotechnology and synthetic biology in the injections. Great work, thank you for your effort. God help us all.
What a brilliant and comprehensive analysis! The John Waters quote made me laugh. I love all the different threads you weave into this, from Malone's childhood to the secret societies to the illogic of the conquest mindset to the depop agenda and inversion of the real parasites ... and I'm only a quarter of the way in! I will read the rest with interest. Thank you for including me in this landmark in covering Malone and why he represents a whole level of the psyops we need to decipher. I know you're already aware, but if any readers want to see the article that links in all 17 that I've done on him, it's here: Thanks for doing this monumental work, Fred.
Coraggio means courage!
Courage and heart, from the Italian cuore, I hope to live up to it ;-)
Thank you Tereza for fighting for the truth!
Malone - the guy who got $5 billion for "medical countermeasures" in the 2016/DOD contract. My simple question: is RW MALONE the Capture manager/lead author for the C-19 injections?
IDIQ Award to TASC by U.S. Army for Medical Product Research
and Development. (W81XWH-15-D-0042)
Capture manager, lead
2016 $5 Billion
Malone changed his fucking mind. We've all been wrong about stuff; we changed our opinions. Get over it.
Malone will go down as one of the greats. Read his Substack. From his memes to exposing the lies our government told us. From being a Biden donor to quoting von Mises. He's done a total 180. And we will just have to agree to disagree about some stuff, like whether or not viruses exist. I don't really care, but I love all of you whatever you think about the existence of viruses. (Sort of like arguing how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.)
And stop the fucking infighting. We've got a country to save, a war to win. Wars make strange bedfellows, and I'm in bed with all of you, whether you are delusional about Malone or not. Because we must unite, so we can win this greatest of all wars.
Body language, especially but not only, facial appearance always told me things. I ALWAYS thought 'Malone' was hiding something.
I read his early bio, education. I thought something was wrong there. How he was allowed into the program, I can't remember the details now.
But, d8d it seem as if he was 'easy' to buy off, be put into something not quite right and to protect his position, he'd do it?
So, then the fear would build, wouldn't it? It could get nebulous.
Protecting his background could segue into just protecting himself.
He wanted you to BELIEVE he ...was honest? Etc?
But others have had a hold on him? His house of cards?
So, then, couldn't he be compromised? Try to justify it?
I read RFK was similar. I liked him. Sad.
There are puppet-masters controlling the strings of both Malone and RFK!
You might like:
COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:
Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!
Contact ASAP here to join us…
Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…
You will be standing with the best!!!
P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!
Robert Malone did not have a twitter account in 2014. There were fabricated tweets. If you believed that, what else may you have believed that's not true about him? This is Dr Meryl Nass's thoughts on Malone. -
I'm not certain what I think of Malone. I am certain Dr Meryl Nass has integrity and has been coming from the right place, she started as a volunteer for Physicians for Social Responsibility in the 80's and has been following trails ever since. I think her integrity is clear, I think her thoughts on Malone are worth considering ...
Meryl is legit. Malone's 2014 tweet has been in for that year so it couldn't be a recent fabrication. Also, when Malone allegedly opened his account for the pandemic, he would have seen the prior implanted tweets and could have erased them. Didn't happen. The real evidence shows that either he forgot or he lied.
Fred, Meryl works for CHD who are NOT LEGIT. She will not touch the fact no virus has been found with a 48 ft pole.
Because she knows the virus has been found, or the whatever it is / infectious clone, whatever it is, it exists, it just doesn't fit gaslighting-type definitions of viral isolation according to past times. Dr Nass has been investigating biological warfare agents, this whatever-it-is and it's accompanying shot, are products of biological warfare.
As Tessa says, we can disagree about virus / no virus. Dr Nass is trying to stop the WHO power grab, and if she, and CHD, are dismissed because they and the many many doctors who respect and advise them (and are not narrative believing sheep), believe that viruses exist, or have connections to people in official places, maybe because within certain skillsets the worlds are small, we'll be spinning in circles instead of rallying critical mass to stop the psychopaths.
But if someone really is, or very likely is, an intentional saboteur, that's different. I don't, and don't want to (maybe my cognitive dissonance), believe Robert Malone is that. But maybe he is.
For sure, Meryl Nass, RFK, Jr, most of CHD, CHD the organization (can't speak for every person in CHD), are in this for the right reasons, and much is lost writing them off as not legit because of disagreement on what info is considered valuable in the virus / no virus division.
CHD is run by RJF Jr, vaccine lover and part of the Global Elite. His family basically owns and runs all of the US mafia’s activities (and RKO Pictures), the Kennedy’s also had to follow the direction of the larger groups of families in their global network of Black Nobility for which they are in the top group of families (none of them were assassinated, these were rouses and they went underground to run the country and the family's businesses). If you don't realize all of this, this could be a good start
If you think a virus has been found, pls send us a research paper finding an isolated purified replication competent particle as noted in the methods, not just the title. This does not exist, Virus pushers are not your friend.
Some folks can't handle facts.
Meryl Nass has a history of Marxist /Communist support - but we're not supposed to discuss the backgrounds of the Progressives within the MFM who brought us Obama's 3rd term and the Covid mandates. The grifters have to continue their grifting.
There is NO "virus/no virus division" but a deliberately developed infectious pathogen designed to infect humans is the most documented and proven scenario; as for bacteria and viruses (or whatever they are called) we have been surrounded by them in enormous numbers since the beginning of time; if they are as pathogenic as we are told to believe the human race would have been wiped out long ago; that genius of medical science, Antoine Bechamp, showed that this was true in the mid 1800s.
THANK YOU. I really wanted to find a solid rebuttal to reconsider things through. Think of all the investigative reporting that paints President Trump as a traitor and a grifter, all convincingly assembled and fed to normies who lap it up, despite so much actual good being done. I have the same feeling about Dr Malone whose background and upbringing is largely out of his control, and it is not a stretch to imagine that he has seen the light and feels compelled to do everything he can NOW to right the many wrongs being perpetrated on innocents. I judge people by what they do in the present, less so by what they may have been involved with in the past, and I see Drs Malone traveling the world in support of the medical freedom movement, testifying against government overreach and global medical malpractice.
But here I am being told that the good doctor is faking all of that for.....what purpose, exactly? Controlled opposition? It would be so much easier if he just stayed home on the farm and collected his patent royalties.....
The article doesn't say that " the good doctor is faking all of that". It just says that the good Doc is short of expectations by not telling the truth about a global extermination plan and promoting practical solutions to get out of Prison Planet. For example, in the recent UK parliamentary session he omitted the urgent threats of the WHO Pandemic Treaty and CBDCs:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
If we fail with that, then prep for this until 2040:
The full PLAN exposed:
So he didn't come out and reel off your laundry list of urgent matters while he had a brief slot in front of the UK Parliament, itself stuffed to the rafters with WEF puppets....including a siren call on CBDCs, as if he has any level of exerptise on financial matters and would be taken seriously.
Just maybe, he has to pick his battles so as to make some progress in this war, and do so without ending up on the wrong end of a doorknob and a red scarf. You may still be right about all of this, but your hyperbole and viciousness with this character assassination reminds me a great deal of how the Left attacked President Trump tirelessly. Rules for Radicals 101.
OK, good point, CBDCs were out of scope, though he could have related about being connected to clinical records and vax status in the Government wallet.
Still, the WHO treaty is threat #1 and he didn't even mention the threat of overriding sovereignity, human rights and the Constitution!
Anyone who says "Drumpf" is a fool I have no time for. Make an intelligent point or sit this one out...
DJT casinos were bailed out for zillions by the Rothies in the 90s. Who brokered the bail-out? Wilbur Ross, who Trump made Sec of Commerce, and was a longtime Rothie operative. DJT locked down businesses, kept vampires Birk and Fouchi in positions. If all of us knew the vaxes would harm in 2020 how can Trump not have this info? He is in deep with the NY underworld. He's a vampire that waves the US flag, that's about it.
Businesses getting what. President Trump did NOT lock down businesses nor force anyone to get the vax...that is on each State. And he put Fauci and Birx in the spotlight so they could perjure themselves. And he rushed the Vax plan when they weren't ready to make it as deadly as they wanted. Think...
He could have fired Fauci and Birx and stopped the military roll out of the vax and request a few independent review boards of the Pandemic and the Vax, did he? Nope, he only said the vax was the most wonderful thing. Do you really think Drumpf's didn't know about the eugenics movement, Club of Rome etc. but we do? and the Rockies Lockstep document, and their depopulation council etc etc.
Put Donald Trump in the search term at the top here then do an in-page search of each result:
Thank you for connecting the dots of this character. When I found out he is suing the Breggins for 25 million a while ago, I looked more into him and his actions. I don't think he is the guy he is pretending to be.
Overall I prefer your stack article to the stacks of some of the snarky grifter stacks you referenced.
I loathe the cabal and all the virtue signaling hypochondriac sycophants that helped enforce masks and poison jabs.
Finding sympathy for liberal potheads who failed in school and decided that the government should pay for their beer and illegitimate children while the sober, studious kids went on to prosperous scientific and technological careers seems impossible.
I can relate to Malone’s dad. Why not earn a solid salary working on nukes, knowing that they will never be used? The money you get supports your family and no one gets hurt. Unless you can point out one nuclear weapon death since the Japan bombings, I think working on nukes is a harmless cash cow.
The medical experimentation stuff is another. That’s pure evil. And it’s always amazing to me how any failed drug platform can be repurposed as a potential cancer treatment.
The game of saying hey you have cancer so you are going to die anyway, so let’s try all these new medicines and drugs and treatments out on your body because we already “diagnosed you” so all normal restrictions and cautions no longer apply.
There’s your real horror of all horrors.
Am I missing something? Working for making better detonators is not the same as working for an atomic power generator, right?
Working for the Military Industrial Complex guarantees you work as a cog in the death industry machine. Directly or indirectly. Otherwise it's like saying, I'm just Al Capone's accountant, I didn't kill anybody, right?
Making better detonators for something that is NEVER used or going to be used is infinitely less useful as providing a better energy source.
But it’s not equivalent to being Al Capone’s accountant. It’s more like working at a restaurant that Al uses to launder money.
Hahahaha those liberal potheads!!!!
Thank god I’m just a pothead
Looking for perfect heroes amongst humanity will always end in disappointment. Better to focus on the good and worthy ideas and doings and put no one on a pedestal. Malone has done good, so have the Breggins, Desmet and Ayn Rand. There is plenty to disagree with but also plenty to agree with.
I agree, that's why I wrote about the bad and the ugly, but also about the good, especially about losing the Nobel Prize.. This article is not intended to vilify Malone but to warn that his background shows that he had been manipulated or deliberately did bad things before and could repeat that in the future... maybe more than other "leaders" he could be extorted about his past..
What good did you find in Rand?
Atlas Shrugged taken on its own does introduce people to free market principles and the evils of collectivism. The idea that leaps forward in technology and civilisation are often due to the efforts of rare individuals is an important one too. So I think Ayn Rand is an important introduction to libertarian thought. I find many elements of her objectivist philosophy problematic and her atheism in particular.
Who cares about Robert Malone at this late date in the destruction of America???
What does this have to do with the highest 2024
priority of ELECTION INTEGRITY…a solution, repeat solution to ALL America’s ills since 2008?
For ALL AMERICANS who want to win…focus now on the MOST important 2024 issue of ELECTION INTEGRITY!
Is there any other HIGHEST priority in 2024 to fix without fixing free, fair, lawful and transparent elections???
The Lex Greene piece should give all persons GREAT HOPE that the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY CROWD will be able to establish free, fair, lawful and transparent elections!
Lex Greene lays out our GREAT odds of winning…
Spread this piece all over our mostly RED, repeat RED country! You
Great insight! I've been alerting about the same:
The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the mail and machines!):
J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know
The fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!
Dominion over US
You can’t make this stuff up. Do they laugh in our faces? Was the name Dominion chosen to prove their dominion?
Thank you!
Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!
Contact ASAP here to join us…
Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…
You will be standing with the best!!!
P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!
I would suggest EVERYONE go and visit John Leake’s substack yesterday titled, BLOW UP to see how John Leake absolutely blew up his reputation and just maybe those stupid enough at this dangerous time in America who hang with him!
Comments to John Leake are golden!
Just found the link (search engines are useless!):
Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!
Contact ASAP here to join us…
Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…
You will be standing with the best!!!
P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!
Is there a website I could promote?
NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER is the ONLY America First Constitutional Conservative organization of strategic planning Leaders..
You must use strategic planning Leaders if you are to have any wins!
Thank you!
Good article. I think there is one major thing he needs to do. Tell us what really happened in Wuhan.
Not necessary, we figured it out anyway:
Lab leak: a blessing
1. The ethnic bioweapon wasn't ready when it leaked in August 2019: it wasn’t as lethal as desired, and that’s why they had to use massive fear mongering to push the haccines.
2. The manufacturing capacity for the haccines needed about 10 extra months.
3. The accidental release forced them to apply a year-taine instead of a quaran-taine (40 days), yet it was still a blessing: it showed the lies even more blatantly and allowed the freedom movement to grow bigger and less people were vaxxed!
4. They were planning the release for a year later, about August 2020, to guarantee the absentee-ballots and allow election stealing in the USA and Europe.
The REAL COVID timeline:
It’s a Bio-BOMB, yet less lethal than the vx ... not what you were drilled
It's stupid at this point to keep pushing the "lab leak." I don't even feel a need to argue the point after what I've written.
There was no accidental release (See Dr David Martin) ; what was years in the making and planned did not lead to anything accidental nor was there ever a "leak"!
That, he will never do because of his complicity!
Bob still pushes the Fear Porn of "Viral Pathology". That alone makes him scum. I don't need an encyclopedia of his life to know a turd when I see one.
Yeah, Ayn Rand started out a heroine (more likely a hero - looks MTF to Me...) of Mine, but it soon became obvious that She avoided the fact that money is the psychopaths' only tool to power...
Responding to a Money Lover About Ayn Rand (article):
That is disconcerting to say the least....if true. And yet, I am not convinced that this author isn't playing a subtle smear game. Lordie this world is hard to unravel, in particular when it comes to distinguishing between friend and foe, ally and alliance against all that is good and just.
I had a good feeling about Dr. Malone but will keep this in the back of my mind going forward. For that, I am grateful to the author....maybe.
If you find any, please quote any subtle smear and I'll correct it ASAP
Let's start with one simple question: have you ever met Dr. Malone? You penned this hit piece (whether deserved or not) as if YOU are in a position to tell all of us who "the real Doctor Malone is", so I have to wonder if you know anything about the man other than some dirt digging on display here.
I'll go one further since I was unable to find any "Professor Fred Nazar" so I could look up your background, since sources are critical in this information war. What are you a Professor of, and what are your qualifications?
I look forward to your reply...
Not personally: what's that got to do with it, for example, Malone suing the Breggins for 25 million dollars just because they oppose blaming the people for the perpetrator's lockdowns!
First of all, let me say that I appreciate what you write on the Prison Planet front, and I share similar deep concerns about our future should we not take action and soon (especially if they come up with another way to cheat out a victory against President Trump....or worse).
That said, I am of the impression that Dr. Malone sued the pants off his accusers to get them to stop once and for all. It's a typical Alinsky tactic to character assassinate without letting up until the target is isolated and neutered. I get a similar feeling from what you wrote here given you don't really know the man or what he truly stands for.
Actions do speak louder than words, and his past actions should be things we are mindful of. But I can't fault his tireless efforts these past few years and struggle to see a nefarious end game he might have in mind. Other respected clinicians and scientists have come around and are finally speaking up against the C-19 debacle, the scientific and policy disaster that it was, and the long-term harm evidenced in our populations. Should I still blame Dr McCullough and others because they went online to tell people they should get vaxxed? I do, somewhat, and lost a tremendous amount of respect for all of them who couldn't put it all together earlier on, but I will recognize their attempts at redemption and doing what's right for humanity.
Yes, all this here. A lot to unpack, will have to return and read after a good rest.